Chapter 178 The hero, you are gone 6
On Tan's face, Tan's face, which was originally as calm as a mirror, suddenly shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, a plain white figure burst out of the water with splashes of water in it, and the splashes scattered in all directions, making a splashing sound.

"Ang~" With a dragon chant, a huge dragon's head appeared on the surface of the water, with its huge mouth open, it rushed towards the girl.

If the girl was slower, she would be swallowed into the dragon's mouth.

As the dragon broke through the water, the entire Tan surface also turned up a huge wave, surrounding the dragon, rushing straight towards the girl.

Rong Jiu flew out of the water, flipped back slightly, opened his arms, performed a backflip, and then retreated quickly, Jiaolong missed nothing.

Jiaolong shook his head, turned around in the air, flew above Rongjiu, lowered his head slightly, and stared straight at Rongjiu with his eyes, as if he was about to open his mouth and fly towards Rongjiu in the next second.

Rong Jiu looked at the huge dragon in front of him, stuck out his tongue, and slightly licked the small fangs.

I don't know how the meat of the beast tastes like.

"Ang~" Jiaolong groaned, opened his mouth, and rushed straight towards Rongjiu.

Rongjiu flipped his palm lightly, and a cluster of small flames jumped out of his palm.

Rong Jiu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and the corners of his mouth could not help but raise an arc. Today, the little fairy eats roasted dragon meat.

Jiaolong opened his mouth wide, about to bite Rongjiu.

Suddenly, the small flames in the palm of Rongjiu's palm became one piece, burning "呲呲", the bright red flames kept rising, rising and falling for a while, constantly churning, burning unscrupulously, as if opening a bloody mouth The ferocious beast rushed towards the dragon.

Jiaolong circled in the air, let out a long moan, spit out huge waves, and sprayed towards the fire.

With the sound of barking, the fire and the huge waves collided.

Rong Jiu frowned, looking at the scene in front of him.

The contest between fire and water, the more water puts out the fire, the more the fire evaporates the water.

The two-phase fight, originally, should be on par.

However, the water disappeared without a trace for a long time.

The flames of the fire did not decrease at all, sweeping the momentum of devouring the sky and devouring the earth, attacking the dragon.

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiaolong soared in the air, spun in a circle, and went straight into the pool.

When Dahuo saw Jiaolong fleeing, he wanted to catch up.

Rong Jiu moved his fingers lightly, "Come back."

Huo Miao seemed to understand Rong Jiu's words, paused, danced the flame in the air, then slowly shrunk into a ball of small flames, and returned to Rong Jiu's hands.

Although boiled dragon meat is not bad, however, strange flowers may be used as a side dish.

Roast dragon meat, eat slowly in the future.

Putting away the flame in the palm of his hand, Rong Jiu jumped into the pool again.

This time, as soon as Rong Jiu entered the water, he passed through Tan Mian, and in the blink of an eye, he came directly to the side of Qi Hua.

"Little girl, although I am not as good as you on the shore, you are no match for me in the water. I advise you not to touch that strange flower." As soon as Rong Jiu appeared in front of Qi Hua, a deep voice rang in his ear .

"Is it your opponent? Try it and you'll know?" Rong Jiu asked with a smile on his lips.

While speaking, he stretched out his hand and tapped lightly on the strange flower.

The fingertips touched the petals of a strange flower, and the water around her began to shake violently again.

Rongjiu turned over his palm lightly, a ball of white light appeared in the palm of his hand, and the white light slowly elongated.

Jiaolong opened his mouth and flew straight towards Rongjiu.

The white light in Rongjiu's palm condensed into the shape of a sword, Rongjiu held the sword, lightly tapped the stones at the bottom of the pool with his toes, and flew straight towards the dragon.

Seeing the sword condensed with white light in the palm of Rongjiu's hand, the strongest cheat stared wide-eyed, "Time...time-space method?"

 Good night
(End of this chapter)

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