Chapter 183 The hero, you are gone 11
It must be inconvenient, the little fairy has not eaten for half an hour, she is hungry and has to go for food.

"Convenient, of course it is convenient." Before Rongjiu could answer, Hua Mengluo spoke first.

Rongjiu looked at Hua Mengluo faintly, a girl like her who likes to help little fairies make decisions, if she is not good-looking, she will be beaten to death.

Hua Mengluo met Shang Rongjiu's gloomy gaze, coughed lightly, moved to Rongjiu's side, and said in a low voice, "I think Sect Master Tang invited many young talents... Ah bah, the capable master, the Sect Master and It's also good for Xinyan to meet up together."

As he spoke, he winked at Luo Xinyan.

When Luo Xinyan heard Hua Mengluo's words, she immediately understood what she meant. She wanted the suzerain to look at men more and not hang him on a tree.

Nodding to Rongjiu, she subconsciously said, "Yes, there are delicious ones."

When Rong Jiu heard Luo Xinyan's words, his eyes brightened slightly, "Then, let's go."

After hearing this, Hua Mengluo silently gave Luo Xinyan a thumbs up.

Luo Xinyan "..." I just... subconsciously reacted.

Cultivators don't pay much attention to food and drink, and the people invited by Sect Master Tang today are presumably people who have already had a

And in previous years, there was no delicious food.

Hua Mengluo didn't know about Luo Xinyan's mental activities, so she said to Rong Jiu, "Let Xinyan go with you, and you should get to know those great experts. I'll arrange things here."

Rong Jiu nodded obediently.

There is food to talk about.

Luo Xinyan looked at Hua Mengluo with a bitter face, "Aren't you going with me?"

After a while, Zong was mainly angry because there was no food to eat, and someone had to share the firepower.

"I want to arrange accommodation for my disciples. The suzerain is here for the first time and he has no experience. Remember to follow him every step of the way so that the suzerain will not be in danger again." After speaking, Hua Mengluo approached Luo Xinyan and surrounded her. Luo Xinyan said softly, "Also, take her to see those young talents more often, maybe it will make her empathize."

Luo Xinyan "..." Isn't the current situation more concerned about where to get her delicious food?
"Xinyan?" Hua Mengluo patted Luo Xinyan on the shoulder.

"Ah, okay...well." Luo Xinyan said with a bitter face.

I began to think in my mind, if the suzerain gets angry because he can't see the delicious food later, how should I coax her.

It is said that people who cultivate immortals do not pay attention to appetite, and their suzerain is a different kind.

On weekdays, she likes to eat things made in the secular world, but the situation has become more serious recently. She wants everything that is delicious, and she has to eat several meals a day.

If this continues, it may affect cultivation.

"Then let's go." After Hua Mengluo finished speaking, she took the disciples of Luo Huazong to arrange a place to live.

Luo Xinyan looked at the guide, "I have to trouble my fellow daoist to lead the way."

"Fairy is being polite." The guide smiled lightly, then blew his bone whistle and summoned a Jinpeng, "I invite you two to come with me."

Luo Xinyan looked at the big Jinpeng bird in front of her, and was taken aback for a moment. Is Wuwangzong so arrogant?

Even the mount of the leader is a Jinpeng bird.

Rong Jiu put his eyes on Jinpeng Big Bird, blinked, stuck out his tongue, and licked lightly on the small fangs.

This golden roc bird doesn't look very old, the meat should taste very good when it's roasted.

Luo Xinyan looked at Rongjiu's staring eyes at Big Bird, and the corner of her mouth twitched wildly, "Sect Master, let's go up."

"Okay." Rong Jiu nodded, and flew to stand on the back of Jinpeng Big Bird.

Luo Xinyan followed closely.

(End of this chapter)

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