Chapter 184 The hero, you are gone 12
As the person leading the way stepped on Jinpeng Big Bird, the big bird flapped its wings and flew up.

Big Bird went all the way.

Flying over several hills, Rong Jiu finally understood why he had to sit on the Jinpeng bird to meet the suzerain of Wuwang Sect.

Because Wuwangzong is too big, Luohuazong and Wuwangzong are like a football in the stadium.

When flying over the fifth mountain, the roc finally landed on a peak.

"The Sovereign Peak is here, you two please follow me." The guide flew down the roc first.

Rong Jiu and Luo Xinyan also flew down.

The leader blew the bone whistle around his neck, and the roc flew away.

Rong Jiu's eyes fell on Dapeng, and he didn't look back until Dapeng disappeared.

Luo Xinyan tugged Rongjiu's sleeve lightly, "The suzerain remembers to follow me later, etiquette must not be forgotten."

The suzerain of their family is used to doing whatever they want. Luo Xinyan is really afraid that something incredible will happen to Rongjiu later.

Rong Jiu nodded casually.

The guide took a look at Luo Xinyan and Rongjiu, feeling strange.

Although it has long been heard that the Luohua Sect's Sect Master has a good relationship with her deputy Sect Master and the head of the Deacon Hall, but today's scene, no matter how you look at it, looks like parents bringing their unconscious daughter to a banquet.

Feeling strange in his heart, without looking on his face, he led Rong Jiu and Luo Xinyan into the hall.

After entering the main hall, I found that there were not only Wuwang Sect Master, but also hundreds of people in the main hall.

The guide led Rong Jiu and Luo Xinyan into the hall, and bowed their hands to the person in the main seat, "Sovereign, Sect Master Rong has arrived."

As the guide opened his mouth, everyone's eyes fell on Rong Jiu and the two of them.

Rong Jiu and Luo Xinyan bowed their hands to the crowd, greeting them politely.

"Fellow Daoist Rong, please sit up." Sect Master Tang said.

With a clean smile on the corner of Rongjiu's mouth, he slightly nodded at Tang Zongzhu, and then followed the guide to a place.

"Please, Sovereign Rong." The leader made a gesture of invitation to Rong Jiu.

"Thank you." Rong Jiu said to the leader, glanced at the table with only one teacup on it, paused for a moment, turned around slowly, glanced at Luo Xinyan, and then sat down .

Luo Xinyan made a dry smile, winked at Rongjiu, and sat down too.

Whether it was the original owner or Rong Jiu, it was the first time to participate in this kind of large-scale friends meeting, so at the beginning, many curious eyes fell on Rong Jiu.

Gradually, busy reminiscing about the old days, not many people pay attention to wine storage.

However, the original owner's skin is too eye-catching, there are always a few eyes on her.

There was no food, Rongjiu felt bored, took advantage of the time when Luo Xinyan was discussing with the people beside her, she directly put her elbows on the tea table, with her head slightly sideways, resting on the back of her hands, in a daze.

"Big baby, big baby, the male partner is looking at you!" The strongest cheater said excitedly.

Hearing this, Rong Jiu raised his eyelids, "Where?"

"Beside Wuwang Sect Master, the one in the crescent-colored robe is Xuanyan." The strongest cheater said.

Hearing this, Rong Jiu raised his head slightly, and looked in the direction of Sect Master Tang.

Sect Master Tang was talking in a low voice with the old man in black beside him, but on the other side of him, there was indeed a man in a crescent-colored robe sitting.

Seeing his face clearly, Rong Jiu was slightly taken aback.

He straightened up unconsciously and looked at the man from a distance.

Mu... Doctor Mu?

I saw that the person in the crescent-colored robe had exactly the same face as Mu Liyu's, his eyes were cold and deep, and he exuded a clear and cold aura.

 Good night
(End of this chapter)

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