Chapter 249 Idiot, You Deceived 18
Su Ying "..."! ! ! ? ? ?

It's all over, are you telling me this?
Do you think I believe?
Mistake!You shouldn't have exposed yourself so quickly!

It turns out that not everyone in the world is as sincere as me.

"Huh? Did Queen Father say something just now? Did you hear me wrong?" Su Ying said, looking nonchalantly, looking left and right, up and down.

The corners of Rongjiu's mouth curled up, and he smiled sweetly and innocently, "Really, then it should be, it's Erchen who has auditory hallucinations."

After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to eat snacks.

Su Ying pulled out a forced wry smile, looking at the delicious Rongjiu, she was not in a very good mood.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible." In his mind, the strongest cheater kept saying impossible.

Rong Jiu shook his head, why are you unwilling to face the reality?

After a cup of tea passed, Su Ying didn't say a word, and Rong Jiu was busy eating without saying a word.

Rong Jiu finished a plate of snacks, took a cup of tea from the table, and took a sip.

"Su Qin is back, walk around with her more when you have time." Su Ying lifted her chin, and said something to Rong Jiu even though her heart was depressed.

Rong Jiu nodded, finished sipping tea, looked up at Su Ying, and suddenly called Su Ying, "Father."

After hearing this, Su Ying subconsciously glanced at Rongjiu, and with this look, she fell into a pair of deep eyes.

It seems that it includes the sea of ​​stars and the universe of the Milky Way.

Just looking at it like that, it's like falling into the vast starry sky of the universe, falling, falling, falling, completely unable to resist, and can only fall endlessly.

"What's your name?" The ethereal and pure voice seemed to strike the soul with the clear energy of washing the soul.

Su Ying looked at Rong Jiu with distracted eyes, "Jun... Junqi."

The corners of Rongjiu's mouth curled, and he continued to ask, "Tell me about your mission."

"Help the female partner...Rong...Rong Jiu to sit on the throne and protect her forever." Jun Qi said with a hollow expression.

When Rong Jiu heard this, his mind was flustered, the tip of his nose felt sour, and his heart seemed to be pulled.

The mind was confused, the illusion was extinguished, and Jun Qi's eyes regained their clarity.

Rongjiu lowered his head slightly, stretched out his hand, and touched his heart.

Some acid, some pain.

The emotion left by the original owner was unexpectedly affected by Jun Qi's words.

As soon as Jun Qi's eyes regained clarity, he stood up from his chair, " hypnotized me again?"

Rong Jiu raised his eyebrows, looked at Jun Qi, "again?"

"Don't worry about it, what I'm asking now is, did you hypnotize me just now?" Jun Qi looked at Rong Jiu warily.

Rong Jiu raised his chin and looked at Jun Qi with interest, "Jun Qi?"

Jun Qi froze for a moment, and then yelled, "Damn it."

" really hypnotized me again, you don't talk about martial arts." Jun Qi hid behind a stool, looked at Rong Jiu vigilantly, and dared not meet Rong Jiu's eyes again.

"Protect me, sit on the throne, and be safe forever?" Rong Jiu looked at Jun Qi, tilted his head, and said again.

Jun Qi "...!!!" Tong'er, help!

"It's a pity." Rong Jiu lowered his eyes suddenly, looking at the cup on the table, "She has already entered the path of reincarnation, your mission has failed."

Jun Qi "..."? ? ? ! ! !

That being said, it really is.

If Rongjiu is the task owner, that is to say, the original owner has already entered the path of reincarnation.

So...he failed the mission even before he started it? !
Me &%¥#@&%¥¥&...

Woohoo, the clown is actually me.

 I have something to tell you
  This book was originally said to be free, but because of the conflict between the shelves and the free operation, the free operation side refused to operate it. I didn’t understand the situation. Anyway, this book is suddenly not free.

  It's also my fault. I informed you that this book will be free before I figured it out. I'm here to say sorry to everyone.
  Babies who have always been persuaded to quit or not to read, continue to study, Zha Zhayao welcomes, babies who don’t have money to read can also abandon the article or see if there is any time for exemption

  Thank you for your support all the way, thank you very much
  Finally, I say sorry_

  【Ninety-degree bow.jpg】

(End of this chapter)

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