Chapter 250 Idiot, You Deceived 19
"However, it's not impossible to complete the task." Rong Jiu raised his chin, looked at Jun Qi, and smiled innocently.

Jun Qi smiled purely at Shang Rong Jiu, but felt the coolness behind him.

But for the sake of the task, Jun Qi still asked, "How to complete it?"

"I never trade at a loss." Rong Jiu said to Jun Qi with a faint smile on his lips.

"You said the conditions." Hearing Rong Jiu's words, Jun Qi understood what Rong Jiu meant.

Rong Jiu got up, and walked slowly towards Jun Qi.

"You...don't come over, just stand there and talk." Jun Qi hid behind a chair and said to Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu walked to the chair, stretched out his hand, and tapped gently between Jun Qi's eyebrows.

A little light lit up on his finger, and the light spot slowly spread out between Jun Qi's eyebrows and penetrated into Jun Qi's eyebrows.

Rong Jiu withdrew his hand, took out a handkerchief from his cuff, wiped his fingers, "I'll tell you how to complete the task after you finish the task."

After finishing speaking, while Jun Qi was stunned, he left slowly.

Jun Qi stared blankly at Rong Jiu's receding back, feeling overwhelmed by various imbalances in his heart.

Everyone is a tasker, why is there such a big difference?
Jun Qi lowered his head, glanced at his hand, stretched out a finger, and tapped lightly between his eyebrows.

Nothing happened.

Why, other taskers can tap his forehead to instill information into him.

Why can't he?
Jun Qi sat on the chair, lost in thought.

"Drip! Your system is online." A strict voice sounded in my mind.

"Get out." Jun Qi said directly.

"Drip! Your system is offline." Then, the system fell silent.

Jun Qi "..." The spicy chicken system ruined my youth.

Jun Qi got up depressed, and walked towards the table, still thinking, when Rong Jiu tapped his eyebrows, a lot of information came to his mind.

Suddenly, Jun Qi stopped in his tracks.

Being able to instill information into his mind, isn't that... he can also instill knowledge into his mind?
Will his mathematics, physics and chemistry be saved?
Jun Qi's eyes brightened, and he began to think, the next time he sees Rong Jiu, how can he ask her to help and force knowledge into his mind.


As soon as Rongjiu entered the Tainu Hall, he found that the people in the hall were hurrying.

Seeing Rong Jiu walk into the yard, they all saluted Rong Jiu cautiously.

"What's going on?" Rong Jiu looked at the servants who were saluting to him and asked.

"Back... back to Your Highness, Mr. Qiyue... is missing." The leader of the servants lowered their heads and said to Rong Jiu hesitantly.

Rong Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly, "When?"

"One... before a stick of incense." The servant continued tremblingly.

"Have you found everything in the hall?" Rong Jiu narrowed his eyes slightly and asked.

"I found everything I could find."

"Haven't been out of the palace?" Rong Jiu continued to ask, without any change in tone.

"The guard said that he didn't see the young master going out."

After hearing this, Rong Jiu stepped forward and walked directly towards Qi Yue's room.

The servants stood there tremblingly, not daring to follow, nor to leave.

Pushing away Qiyue's room, there was no one in it.

Stepping forward, she walked into Qiyue's room, "Where's the person?"

A black shadow fell on the ground behind him, "Your Highness, please punish me."

"Where's the person?" Rong Jiu turned his head, his black and white eyes stared straight at the black figure half kneeling on him.

"Your Majesty is important, your lord..." The following words came to an abrupt end.

Hei Ying let out a muffled groan, and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

Rongjiu glanced lightly at the person lying on the ground, "Eat what's inside and out."

(End of this chapter)

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