Chapter 251 Idiot, You Deceived 20
The black shadow fell to the ground, curled up into a ball, without saying a word.

"Since you are so loyal to Your Majesty, then, go back to your Majesty." After Rong Jiu finished speaking, he walked out of the room.

The dark guard who fell on the ground couldn't stand the pain, so he just fell on the ground, watching Rong Jiu's back going further and further away.

My heart was full of horror.

Everyone knows that the eldest princess is talented, but in terms of martial arts, she is a real waste.

Because of this matter, the queen begged the queen several times, and finally, the queen sent her a group of hidden guards.

At her disposal, to protect her.

But just now...

The speed of her attack, even the person who was beaten, did not see clearly how she made the attack.


"Your Majesty, please see me at the Queen's Hall." Rong Qi's personal lady pushed open the door of the imperial study and said to Rong Qi who was painting in the imperial study.

Rong Qi didn't speak, just held the pen and continued to draw on the paper.

Seeing this, the female officer stopped talking, but stood aside and waited for the queen to speak.

However, before the queen could speak, a figure had already appeared at the door of the imperial study.

When the female officer saw her, her eyebrows jumped, and she hurried forward to stop her.

Rong Jiu tilted his head, and glanced at the female officer lightly.

The female officer looked into Shang Rongjiu's black and white eyes, she was a little dazed, but she didn't stop Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu went straight to the desk, looked at Rong Qi, "Where's Qi Yue?"

Rong Qi's hand holding the pen paused, and lifted it up in time, so as not to ruin the painting, "Why, you've been locked up for a month, and you haven't learned the rules yet?"

Rong Qi said, putting the pen in her hand aside.

"Where's Qiyue?" Rong Jiu repeated, his voice was clean and clear, his eyes were black and white, making it impossible to see emotions.

Rong Qi glanced at Rong Jiu indifferently, met Shang Rong Jiu's expressionless eyes, paused slightly, and said, "Of course, it's sent to where he should go."

Rong Jiu heard the words, turned around, and left.

"Rong Jiu." Looking at Rong Jiu's leaving back, Rong Qi frowned and called out.

Rong Jiu never stopped, but walked out of the imperial study room without looking back.

Rong Qi leaned forward slightly, grasping the corner of the table with both hands, watching Rong Jiu walk out of the imperial study with an indifferent expression.

It's just that the hand holding the corner of the table slowly tightened, until the joints turned white at the back.

The female officer lowered her head slightly, breathing lightly.

"Okay, very good, good one, a princess with both ability and political integrity." Rong Qi's mouth curved into a smile, and her eyes suddenly turned cold.

Soon, there was the sound of things breaking in the imperial study.


Rong Jiu walked out of the imperial study room, and went directly to the residence of the Yang Kingdom protons.

In the Tianyuan Continent, there are a total of three major kingdoms, the Kingdom of Ye, the Kingdom of Li, and the Kingdom of Xi.

As one of the three great powers, Li Guo fought all the year round in the early days.

Empress Rong Qi of the Li Kingdom won the hearts of the people because of her outstanding military exploits. In the end, she killed the other queens and sat on the throne.

In the early years of taking the throne, Rong Qi fought for several years in order to expand her territory.

And the perennial battles have caused complaints from the surrounding small countries and the people of Li countries.

Just when the surrounding small countries thought that Li Guo was going to annex them, Rong Qi suddenly returned to the court.

One, the people of Liguo started to resent Rong Qi.

Another one is that Rong Qi is pregnant.

Although Rong Qi returned to the imperial court and said that he would no longer fight in the future, he made conditions for the surrounding small countries.

The condition is that Xiaoguo sends a prince to Liguo as a hostage.

In the early years, the proton sent by Yang Kingdom was not Qiyue, but later that prince died unexpectedly.

Liguo asked Yangguo to send another proton.

(End of this chapter)

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