Chapter 469 Kill God, Do You Dare? 48
When Lou Ding heard this, he was unhappy, "Impossible!" After finishing speaking, he continued, "Please show me the marriage, and when will my marriage come?"

"You have been lonely and widowed all your life, without a partner." Rong Jiu looked at Lou Ding and said seriously.

Lou Ding "..." I don't believe it.

Shut up!
Turning around silently, squatting under the flower tree, picked up a branch, and drew circles on the ground.

"My lord, what have you experienced in Demon Realm?" Hua Qingyue was a little confused, it's only been a month since I saw her, why did my lord start counting marriages for others?

"No." Rong Jiu shook his head and closed the book in his hand, "Did you come to Demon Realm to see me?"

Hua Qingyue was questioned, and for a while, she didn't know what excuse to use to stay.

"Just in time, I plan to plant a batch of flowers in Demon Realm, you can stay and help me." Seeing that there was free labor, Rong Jiu was too happy to be happy.

"Okay." Hua Qingyue was happy, and immediately agreed.

"The god of wine and wine, Your Majesty, you see, I can also plant flowers for you, so you can help me set up a formation." Qi Yao said immediately.

Rong Jiu heard the words, turned his head, looked at Qi Yao, and suddenly said, "Okay."

Qi Yao was happy when he heard this, "Then, let's do it now."

Rong Jiu's eyebrows and eyes were curved, and he showed a pure and innocent smile, and with a wave of his hand, he set up a formation.

Looking at Rong Jiu's smile, Qi Yao panicked in his heart.

But the formation was right in front of him, Qi Yao couldn't resist the temptation after all, and stepped into the formation.

"My lord, what formation is this?" Hua Qingyue asked curiously.

"Heart demon formation." Rong Jiu said casually.

"Heart Demon Formation? What Formation is that?" Hua Qingyue asked.

"It can magnify what he is most afraid of." Rong Jiu said, sitting back in his seat, opening the book, and looking again, his eyes were deep and clear.

Zoom in on the thing you fear the most?

A trace of doubt flashed across Hua Qingyue's eyes. Qi Yao, as the right protector of the Demon Realm, should be the Demon Venerable Lou Yue the one he fears the most, right?

Just as Qi Yao walked into the formation, there was a flash of light in front of his eyes, which was very dazzling. Qi Yao subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it.

After getting used to the light, I realized that I had come to the Temple of Kitchen God?

"No way, after working for a long time, you just set up a teleportation array for me?" Qi Yao muttered in a low voice dissatisfied.

Just as he was about to leave, he thought that he hadn't seen the kid from Kitchen God Temple for a long time, so he took a step and walked towards the dim sum room.

As soon as he walked to the door of the snack room, he said, "My child, the master is here to see you." Before I could say it, I heard a voice from inside.

"How does it taste?" It was an unfamiliar voice that Qi Yao had never heard before.

"It's delicious." It was a child's voice.

"Delicious, I'll make you some more if it's delicious." The unfamiliar voice sounded again.

"Okay." The child was very happy.

"I really want to make it for you all the time, but I'm afraid that you will get tired of eating it one day." The strange voice was distressed.

"How come, as long as you make it, you will never get tired of it."

"But, didn't you get tired of eating the snacks of the right guardian of Moyu before? You asked him to make it for you yourself." There was still a hint of distress in the voice.

"Because I have you in my heart, I won't get tired of it." The child's voice was so affectionate.

Qi Yao stood there in a daze, some memories of the previous days flashed in his mind.

That day, he made snacks for the child, but the child frowned after tasting it.

"What's the matter, the dim sum made by the master himself is worse than you, the chef, but it doesn't look like you have taken poison." Qi Yao crossed his hands and looked at Mu Yang with raised eyebrows.

(End of this chapter)

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