Chapter 470 Kill God, Do You Dare? 49
"I'm just wondering, won't you get tired of eating something made by one person for a long time? Why is Lord Huashen able to get used to eating dim sum made by one person?" Mu Yang looked puzzled.

"Tired?" Qi Yao was stunned for a moment, "You...would you get tired of my dim sum?"

"I can't tell." Mu Yang frowned and continued to eat dim sum, "Master Huashen said that she is used to eating dim sum made by the little chef in her palace, so she will taste a different taste, but why, I ate the dim sum you made so old, but I didn't taste any difference."

Qi Yao was holding the plate in his hand, and when he heard Mu Yang's words, he tightened his grip on the edge of the plate, the plate tilted, and all the snacks on the plate fell to the ground.

Mu Yang raised his head and looked at Qi Yao suspiciously, "I mean, I didn't taste it, didn't I say that your cooking is not as delicious as that little flower fairy's?"

"That's not a little flower fairy." Qi Yao looked at Mu Yang and said.

Mu Yang asked with a face.

"It was formed by our sage. What the god of wine and wine is not used to is the taste of dim sum, but the habit. The snacks are made by the sage." Qi Yao said, throwing the empty plate in his hand casually to the side stove.

The plate turned slightly on the stove a few times, making a lot of noise.

"This...what's the difference?" Mu Yang still didn't quite understand.

"Will you get tired of my dim sum?" Qi Yao asked, looking straight at Mu Yang.

"I...don't know." Mu Yang shook his head, probably not tired yet.

"Then whose dim sum will you eat without getting tired?" Qi Yao continued to ask.

Mu Yang shook his head again, "For the time being, I haven't encountered it."

"If you get tired of the dim sum I made, you'll still find someone else to try to get used to it, right?" Qi Yao looked a little unhappy, much more serious than before.

"Maybe..." Mu Yang was not sure.

It's like... He is tired of eating a certain dessert that he made, and he will still try new desserts, making desserts, that's it, eating desserts, isn't it what it should be?
"Let's spend the rest of your life with your snacks." Qi Yao left such a sentence, then turned around and left.


The memory came back, the conversation in the snack room continued, but Qi Yao didn't have the courage to go in.

Standing at the door of the dessert room, I don't know whether to leave or go in.

"Master Qi, you are here, why don't you go in?" The voice of the steward of the Temple of Kitchen God was next to my ear.

Before Qi Yao could react, two people came out of the dim sum room.

"Qi Yao, are you here?" It was Mu Yang.

"I... Let's take a look." Qi Yao said to Mu Yang.

"I just learned a new dim sum today, do you want to try it?" Mu Yang's voice was as clean and tender as ever.

Obviously, when he was facing that person just now, he was so affectionate.

"No need, aren't you tired of eating my dim sum, and I'm also tired of eating yours." Qi Yao said such a sentence to Mu Yang with a sullen face.

Mu Yang was stunned for a moment, and then said in embarrassment, "Ah, yes, after all, I'm not the person you like."

"How do you know it's not?" Qi Yao mocked lightly.

Mu Yang blinked, and a trace of doubt flashed across his eyes.

"Thank you for your words last time. I finally understand the taste that Lord Flower God said. The snacks he made have that taste." Mu Yang thought of something, pointing to the person beside him and said to Qi Yao.

The clean and bright smile was something Qi Yao had never seen before.

"He's a man."

"You know, I don't care." Mu Yang smiled happily and happily.

"I'm a man too!" Qi Yao stretched out his hand and grabbed Mu Yang's collar, "Why can't I while he can?"

(End of this chapter)

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