608 The Finale 2
Stretching out his hand, he grabbed the strongest plug-in into his hand, "After I go back, let Xiaoyi make a good modification, I don't know if I can still use it."

The strongest plug-in "..."! ! ! "Come on, I'm your dear baby."

As soon as the strongest plug-in listened to Rongjiu, he knew that it might be remade, how could this work.

"My dear baby can't even recognize half of my soul, such a baby, don't mind." Rong Jiu waved his sleeves while speaking.

In the blink of an eye, a dazzling vortex of white light appeared, and Rong Jiu stepped into the vortex.

Hearing what Rong Jiu said, he didn't dare to speak, and squatted silently in the system space to shut himself up.


After leaving the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Prisons, Rong Jiu went directly to the Book Collection Pavilion of Hades Hall.

"Ah Wan." Rong Jiu called out as soon as he walked into the library.

Empress Ming was reading a book, when she heard a familiar voice, she raised her eyes and looked towards the door, "Come out?"

"1000 years go by so quickly." Rong Jiu blinked slightly at Empress Ming.

Empress Ming chuckled, "I don't know you yet."

If she didn't know a little about space-time law, she would really believe that Rong Jiu was really obediently punished in the purgatory of the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Hells.

Rong Jiu blinked, his eyes full of innocence and kindness, "What is Sister Ming Empress talking about?"

"You speed up the time in the upper realm. Because of you, the demon world is in turmoil. The demon god has not yet returned. The tiger and demon clan launched a war. Feng Zu disappeared, and the four generals of the demon god also disappeared."

Rongjiu "..." Oh, have you gotten into trouble again?

Rong Jiu blinked, looked at Ming Empress, "Nature's laws won't...you're going to trouble me again."

"For the current plan, there is only one way." The Empress Ming raised her eyes and looked at Rong Jiu.

Rong Jiu blinked, and listened carefully to the Empress Dowager Ming with an obedient expression.

"Find the demon god and others by yourself."

"The disappearance of the demon god and me..." It doesn't matter, before he could say the three words, he looked at the Empress of the Underworld with deep and tender eyes.

"It wasn't you who fooled the demon god into crossing the catastrophe?"

Rongjiu "..."

"Also, the third disciple that your half-soul took in is called...Rongxi Tower. He also appeared in the derivative world because of the turmoil in the tiger demon clan. He should have been the third prince in the demon world." Ming Ming Then he looked up at Rongjiu.

Rong Jiu: "..." Ah, this... I almost forgot that I still have a third disciple.

In Rong Jiu's eyes, she only had one disciple, and that was her second child.

The other two...

She didn't remember much of what they looked like.

"He is also the Third Highness when I am about to pass through the game." Rong Jiu raised his chin and blinked at the Empress Dowager.

The queen of the underworld "..." made some sense.

"Where is the tiger?" Rong Jiu took advantage of the situation and sat opposite the Empress Ming, and asked the Empress Ming with her chin raised.

"I asked Conghan to take him to go through the game soon, let your family take him around, maybe you will use him at any time." Empress Ming waved her sleeves lightly, and the desk turned into a stone table, A pot of tea appeared on it.

Holding the teapot, Empress Ming poured a cup for Rongjiu.

"There won't be that time." Rong Jiu muttered in a low voice.

Among the three disciples, the most useless one is Rongxi Tower, which is the No. 1 cook.

She still remembered that in the years when Rong Xilou went to Jiuyue Valley, she was more active in cooking than she was. In the end, Rong Jiu couldn't take it anymore and drove him out of the valley and let him set up his own family.

The Empress of Ming just smiled and said nothing.

"Is Sister Medical God out of the customs?" Rong Jiu raised his chin and looked at Empress Ming and asked.

Since birth, apart from Mo Zun Gu Yao, the No.1 whom Rong Jiu saw was the God of Medicine. To Rong Jiu, the God of Medicine is like a sister and a mother.

"I came to the underworld once a while ago, but still haven't advanced, so I asked her to find the main god and go to the derivative world."

"Huh? She went to the derivative world? But the derivative world has not been reshaped yet."

(End of this chapter)

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