609 The Finale 3
"I let her go to the Derivative Realm, of course it's my reason." There was a slight smile on the corner of Minghou's mouth.

"Sister God of Medicine is the opportunity to reshape?" Rongjiu asked while looking at the Empress Dowager Ming.

The Queen of Mings smiled but said nothing.

Rongjiu frowned, knowing what Empress Ming meant.

"The laws of nature will come to you soon, you find a way to delay him for 1000 years." The Empress Hades said.

"1000 years? This is a bit difficult." Rong Jiu said a little depressed.

Trapping anyone in the Upper Realm for 1000 years is easy for Rong Jiu, but it is really difficult to trap that dog, the God of Law.

"Think about it slowly, in this upper realm, you are the only one who can think of a way to trip him up." The Empress Ming chuckled lightly.

"Sister Minghou, are you doing something?" Rong Jiu asked, looking at Minghou, his eyes brightened slightly.

"It's just a superficial calculation. It depends on you."

When Rong Jiu heard this, he frowned and smiled.


After leaving the underworld, Rong Jiu returned to the fast game.

"Master, are you back?" The Lord God immediately came to the hall where the wine was held.

Rong Jiu sat on the seat of the main hall, looking at the main god with an unnatural expression.

"It's been 1000 years, why is it still the Central God?"

The Lord God "..." Woohoo, I don't know wow.

"It's been 500 years since Xiaoer was promoted to God, and you're still standing still. It's really embarrassing to me."

This is the worst class of apprentices she has ever brought up, oh, except for her sophomore class.

The Lord God remained silent, not daring to speak at all.

I swear in my heart: Am I proud that my son has also been promoted to God?
"Where's Xiaosan?" Seeing that the Lord God didn't speak, Rong Jiu didn't bother to train him anymore.

"The younger brother was eating when the apprentice came." The Lord God said truthfully.

I silently apologized to my junior brother in my heart: Xiaosan, senior brother, I’m sorry, but the master is too scary, please attract the firepower of the master!
"Tomorrow, send him back to the demon world!" Rong Jiu immediately said.

Lord God "... good."

I had thought that my junior brother would have such a day, but I didn't expect this day to come so early.

Although there are also his handwriting→_→

"No, let's go now." Rongjiu changed his mind when he thought that Rongxi Tower might ruin the game.

Lord God "... yes."

Thank you Xiaosan, I only represent myself to thank you for helping the brother attract firepower.

"Okay, you go." Rong Jiu waved his hand at the main god.

The Lord God turned around and hurriedly walked out of the hall. When he reached the door, a voice came from behind him.

"Xiaoer and my apprentice-in-law's honeymoon is coming to an end, you prepare for the handover ceremony."

The main god "...", the position of the main god can't be kept ╮(╯_╰)╭

"When will you be promoted to Shangshen and come to see me again." Rong Jiu said to the main god.

The Lord God hummed, and then accelerated the pace of leaving.

If you don't leave quickly, maybe the master will expel him from the sect.


"My lord, someone from the devil world has come." A subordinate hurried in from outside the hall.

"Is my second child here, please come in quickly..."

"It's not the Second Highness, it seems to be, Qianqian Mozun." The subordinate was not sure.

Judging from the man's self-proclaimed name, he seems to be Qianqian Mozun.

Let wine "..."?
Demon Lord Qianqian?

Isn't it, is the demon god looking around?
Rong Jiu blinked, "Let him in quickly... Let him go back quickly, just say I'm not here."

The subordinate "..."?

He responded, then turned and left.

Rong Jiu stood up from his seat, and then walked back and forth in the hall for a long time, frowning slightly, almost forming a hill.

 There are only two updates today, let me sort out the outline, and I guess there will be two updates in the future, and it will be officially completed on the [-]th or [-]th

  Finally, here comes the important point. In order to seamlessly connect, I have already opened a new article →_→

  Good night
(End of this chapter)

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