Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 15 The Infinite Magic Power of Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 15 The Infinite Magic Power of Emotional Intelligence (5)
Wang Xiaojin's next plan is to get involved in the pharmaceutical industry. Although the pharmaceutical industry is still relatively weak and has just started in Gujing, it will become the fourth pillar industry in the future. The investment of "Gujing" will be carried out around these four pillar industries, and four business divisions will be established to maintain the competitiveness of this enterprise group. Once the wine is no longer available, there will be other industries.To form a good investment portfolio.Gujing Company has always had two investment models: one is the "3, 3, 4" road when the market opportunities are relatively good and the profit opportunities are relatively high: 30% is used for speculative business, and the profit of this area is relatively high; 30% are semi-speculative, such as real estate and hotel industries; the other 40% are used to develop their own pillar industries. Although the profit is low, the income is relatively stable.When the economic environment and market prospects are not so good, the investment portfolio will be changed to "2, 3, 5".That is: use 20% for some commercial speculation, 30% for real estate or semi-speculation, and 50% for industry.This kind of combination will not lead to the complete failure of the investment. Even if one piece is lost, the other two parts will not be wiped out.Wang Xiaojin said: "Our company has been developing relatively steadily. When others are making huge profits, our company's profits are not the highest. When others (management) are not doing well, our company's profits are not low."

Indeed, an enterprise does not require it to succeed overnight, but requires it to grow step by step through the accumulation of time, and this is the way to survive.

In official career and official path, strategy comes first.Throughout the ages, generals have been cunning but not brave, and the more wise an official is, the easier it is to succeed.Emperor Kangxi was very talented and good at using strategy, and finally he was able to consolidate the territory of the Qing Dynasty; Galdan was brave and good at fighting but had little strategy, so he was defeated and committed suicide on the battlefield.Leading cadres can develop their careers and have a smooth official career only if they use their resourcefulness properly in their work.American leadership scientist Stephen Covey pointed out that the ability to deal with crises accounts for 15% of the potential of becoming a leader.The reason why Kennedy was able to successfully resolve the Cuban missile crisis and finally became a great president in the history of the United States is not unrelated to his high emotional intelligence when he studied law at Harvard in his early years; The end of the trial.It can be seen that effective crisis management methods are indispensable for leaders.In leadership work, all kinds of conflicts and misunderstandings are inevitable.Only by being good at reconciling conflicts and getting out of misunderstandings can we consolidate leadership, improve the leadership environment, and ultimately succeed. ???
Throughout ancient and modern times, all people in the political arena have quick thinking and outstanding eloquence.With these two points, they make their opponents fearful and ordinary people admire them, thereby consolidating their status and achieving success in their careers.The correct way of thinking and excellent language skills are undoubtedly the necessary factors for successful leadership. ??
The ancients said that an official must have the cultivation of "Mount Tai collapses in front of the front without changing color, and elk thrives in the right without blinking".In fact, it points out the importance of leadership psychological quality and emotional intelligence.Looking at ancient and modern China and foreign countries, successful leadership is all about outstanding emotional intelligence.Because the work of leading cadres is cumbersome and arduous, they often need a strong psychological quality.There is no such thing as a successful leader without emotional intelligence.Let's take Roosevelt and President Bush, a great president in American history, as examples.

Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, once graduated from Harvard University.He was a man who was paralyzed and then stood up again, a man who said that "the gritty man always succeeds" and proved it himself.

He was once kept out of politics by his parents, but in the end he became one of the most outstanding presidents in American history.He is the only disabled president in the history of the United States, and he has established an image of perseverance, wit and struggle for the world.He broke the practice that the president of the United States cannot be re-elected for more than two terms, and his term of office lasted for 12 years, creating an unprecedented record in the United States.He is also a shrewd politician, whether in peacetime or in wartime, he can remain invincible.He is largely responsible for the emergence of a truly modern American society.He created the welfare state model that saved the American people from misery and the Great Depression.In the Second World War, he turned the isolationist United States into the leader of the world's great alliance. With his advocacy and support, the world has the United Nations.But this great leader is not a genius, just a superb emotional intelligence.According to Oliver Vander Helms, President Roosevelt had "a moderate intellect but a superior character."That's not bad at all.Relationships are closely related to the leadership environment.For example, Hu Linyi, a famous official in the late Qing Dynasty, in order to handle the relationship with the Manchu superiors, he did not hesitate to win over, and finally he was able to show his ambitions; while Zuo Zongtang, who was also a famous official, was capricious and impulsive. Then they were pushed out of the center, and the ups and downs are self-explanatory.

Personal beliefs determine the success or failure of a lifetime. Roosevelt was a passionate person. He had such a strong belief in the future. He believed that he had the power to shape the future and his confidence would never be disturbed by the outside world. Once such belief and confidence were objectively evaluated for the future The combination of abilities means that one possesses an extraordinarily keen awareness, whether conscious or semi-conscious, that allows one to recognize the trends in one's environment and the aspirations of the masses of beings that make up the future. , hopes, fears, likes and dislikes, and recognition of social as well as personal "tendencies."Roosevelt developed this sensitivity to a degree of genius.The symbolism he has maintained throughout his presidency is largely because he senses the trends of his time and their implications for the future.He was conscious, not only of the movement of American public opinion, but of the general direction in which the larger human society of his time was going, which is what is called the occult.These inner currents, this quivering and complex spiraling of movement, seemed recorded inside his nervous system with a seismograph-like precision.Most of his colleagues admit this, but in different attitudes, some with enthusiasm, others with a bit of displeasure or resentment.Those of us far from the United States justly regard him as the truest and most steadfast democratic spokesman of his time, the most contemporary spirit, the most outward-looking, the most courageous, the most imaginative, the most broad-minded, Beyond the ecstasy of an inner life, with an incomparable ability to use his insight, his foresight, to create confidence with such a force as to truly identify himself with the ideals of humble people.

Before his health is finally compromised, not only the present but also the future, knowing where he is going and what means will be used, makes him full of spirits, full of joy every day, and makes him willing to be with all kinds of people. Misfits mingle as long as they embody a particular aspect of the current of life and actively support the forward movement, whatever the specific movement, in their particular sphere.This inner vitality makes up for what is lacking in intelligence or character, and more than makes up.His enemies constantly pointed out his shortcomings.He really seemed unaffected by their irony of one kind or another: what he could not tolerate above all was passivity, inactivity, melancholy, fear of life, concern for eternity or death, however great insights or small sensibilities these ideologies were accompanied by.For no one had ever loved life more ardently than he, pouring out all his love on everything and everyone he came into contact with, and he had no time to appreciate the solitude of life.

Bush's campaign slogan is: "I am a uniter, not a divider."This is by no means a cliché, but a true reflection of his inner character.High emotional intelligence requires us to be charismatic enough to influence others. As a politician, we should have such talents.After the US general election, Bush was successfully re-elected, not by luck or by chance, and there must be his unique charm at work.

In college, Bush was known for pulling pranks on his friends, using his charisma to unite them even when others were reluctant to do so.From being the class president at school, to the "high commissioner" of the Andover Baseball Association, to the captain of the "cheerleading team" at Yale University, Bush always knew how to influence others and create a space for himself.Even as a teenager, his classmate at Andover, Bill Semple, said: "He has inherited some very special political talents from his ancestors." This can also be used as evidence.

The main strength of Bush's personality is his people skills.He has a super memory and is good at remembering other people's names, which is of great significance for the establishment and improvement of interpersonal relationships.There was a "bully" in the fraternity at Yale, in which all newcomers had to name, unpreparedly, the other fraternities in the room.A few newcomers were called out, but they could only remember three or four names after a lot of effort.When they tried to embarrass Bush too, they failed.Bush spoke slowly and accurately the names of all 54 people present.Not only did he call out everyone by their first names, but by their nicknames as well.Everyone who has written about Bush has spoken of his ability to relate to people.He has a natural understanding of how to communicate with people who hold different points of view and bring them together.A classmate compared Bush to the literary figure Tom Sawyer, who not only asked his friends to help him paint a fence, but made them feel honored for it.Similarly, Bush also has this ability.Colleagues and subordinates all think he is a charming person.Presidential psychologist Aubrey Immelman writes: "Smart politicians should be like President Bush."

His outgoing personality is also a powerful tool for him to form alliances, cheer people up and motivate people.It can also help him gain the necessary mass base and political support to realize his political intentions.When Bush was cleared to leave the National Defense Reserve to study at Harvard Business School, it was highlighted in his military profile: "Major Bush's chief strength is his ability to work with others." Even dissident critics have to admit that Bush is hard not to like.Molly Evans said: "One of the reasons why Bush is good at politics is that he is a likable person; it is really not easy for you not to like him. You can see in him that he is more than his father. He is very much a Texan, and he goes well with Texan politicians who are brash, vulgar, and in love with physical contact." For example, House Public Utilities Committee Chairman Elliott Nestatet once met on the steps of the Capitol with Bush warmly embraced.While embracing, Bush said: "Elliott, I know we have some differences on enacting welfare bills, but we can work together on some things, right? I can count on you." En route to the first legislative session, Bush personally received all but six of the 6 representatives and 150 senators.So aside from the jokes about his naps and relaxed ways, Bush does have a knack for people: meeting people, cajoling, joking and judging.Bush is adept at using these techniques.All critics attack Bush's IQ, but almost none attack his EQ.As Daniel Goleman writes: "The only element of team intelligence is not the theoretically average IQ but emotional intelligence." Bush used this holistic approach to building his coalition in an effort to make himself "a uniters, not dividers".

After China's reform and opening up, most of the first batch of entrepreneurs were peasant entrepreneurs. They may not have much knowledge, but they are loyal and able to share money with others, so a group of people will follow them to work hard.For example, the king of lamps and lanterns, the king of radiators, etc. in the early years.But the living environment and limited knowledge restrict their development. After they have money, they don't know what to invest in and how to make the company bigger.However, in today's information age, the growth of entrepreneurs' wealth is jaw-dropping, and their efforts are hard for ordinary people to understand. The boundary between entrepreneurship and management is very obvious in the minds of these elites.The direction after success is also multi-faceted.

Bill Gates is a myth in the information age. In everyone's mind, Gates' success is unmatched by anyone.Why can he beat IBM to become the richest man in the world?This is something to ponder. 25 years ago, he could not compete with IBM, but he could predict that 25 years later, everyone will have a miniature computer in front of them, just like a pyramid. IBM is doing the top customers, and Bill Gates is doing it himself. The most important is the end customer at the bottom of the tower, which has both width and quantity.Relying on its own superior judgment, in the end, Microsoft came out on top.

An excellent IT leader not only needs professional technical ability, but also needs to be tempered in the wind and waves. There are many people who study computers, and it is estimated that it is impossible to become Bill Gates.In China's IT industry, Lenovo elites such as Yang Yuanqing are role models.Only a company like Lenovo with sufficient history and a leading position in the industry can cultivate excellent professional managers.The shortcoming of Yang Yuanqing and others lies in the lack of internationalization experience. It is impossible for them to have as much internationalization experience as General Electric's Welch. Now after the acquisition of IBM, the situation will change.Because the enterprise itself is slow in cultivating professional managers and needs too many conditions, it is a shortcut for enterprises to find professional managers from outside the enterprise.Especially in today's China, with the rapid development of the country, a large number of emerging companies need management talents, and there are more and more institutions of multinational companies in China, and the market for professional managers is booming.

In our country, the initial desire of professional managers and entrepreneurs is to create corporate wealth and obtain personal wealth at the same time, and they do not have the conditions for starting a business.Some smart people who are knowledgeable themselves started their career as professional managers by working in foreign companies.There are also some who work part-time first, then find a good profit point to start a business, and then sell the company to become a professional manager. After solving the basic survival, they choose to start a business.Therefore, their identities are constantly switching between professional managers and future entrepreneurs.Typical representatives are Zhou Hongyi, Chen Yizhou, Gu Yongqiang and so on.In fact, there is no complete boundary between entrepreneurs and professional managers.In foreign countries, there seems to be no title of entrepreneur.The entrepreneur we recognize here refers to the person who is the founder of the company and owns the most personal shares of the company.

Zhou Hongyi set out to be an entrepreneur when he founded 3721. After 3721 was sold, he himself became a professional manager of Yahoo China. Now that he has announced his resignation, he may start a business in the future.This is determined by his inner pursuit. He may become an entrepreneur in the future, but he is definitely not an excellent professional manager.Because he is not a person who is willing to listen to other people's orders.The same is true for Chen Yizhou. After selling his start-up company and obtaining an income that guarantees his personal livelihood in this life, he started his own business again, such as Maopu.com.Start a business again, because he already has a guaranteed life, so he will be more calm.And the previous experience will also benefit his future development.It can be seen that starting a business and becoming an entrepreneur is a more difficult path than becoming an excellent manager.Gu Yongqiang went from an investment company to Sohu as COO and successfully completed his transformation into an excellent professional manager. However, after quitting Sohu, he may choose to go to another company to be a professional manager instead of starting a business.Because it takes a lot more to be a startup or an entrepreneur.The main difference is that to become an entrepreneur, one must have enough mind and ambition.You have to be willing to share immediate and future benefits with your entrepreneurial team when you don’t have much money in the early days of your business.You also need passion and ideas before you can infect yourself and others.In the most difficult time, when everyone is desperate, you will infect your customers, you will infect your employees and everyone.Professional managers can retreat at any time, but entrepreneurs cannot.

(End of this chapter)

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