Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 16 The Infinite Magic Power of Emotional Intelligence

Chapter 16 The Infinite Magic Power of Emotional Intelligence (6)
The new generation of entrepreneurs, especially those in the IT industry, have more exchanges with foreign countries, and their own knowledge is also very good. With the help of the express train of the Internet, Zhang Chaoyang, Ding Lei, Wang Zhidong, Chen Tianqiao, Zhou Hongyi, Wang Wenjing Wait to stand out.Of course, there are also those who backed down after getting up, such as Shao Yibo.What Shao Yibo lacked compared to the others was the ability to endure hardship, and he was unwilling to work hard, so he chose to sell eBay.He doesn't want the kind of respect that people have for entrepreneurs after they have achieved success.All of these have a lot to do with a person's beliefs.If it's just for a rich life, Chen Tianqiao doesn't have to engage in the risky grand box, and Zhou Hongyi can continue to stay at Yahoo with a high salary.Li Yanhong can also sell Baidu to Google and retire.However, the proportion of entrepreneurial success is too small, 1% of successful people are stepping on the corpses of 99% of unsuccessful companies.There may be tens of thousands or 10,000+ professional managers in China, but there seems to be no entrepreneurs who have lived comfortably.When an enterprise goes down, the responsibility of professional managers will be very small, but the responsibility of entrepreneurs is great.Therefore, excellent talents have two choices. Those who are simpler and have no special ambitions to become professional managers; those who are not afraid of risks and want to achieve greater ambitions and minds to start a business, and those who succeed in starting a business and become entrepreneurs are infinitely beautiful and rare.

The pursuit of professional managers is first of all to share prosperity with the enterprise. On February 2004, 2, Tang Jun, the former president of Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd., formally received the letter of appointment from Shanghai Shanda Network Development Co., Ltd. in Beijing.In order to achieve the long-term sustainable development goals of the enterprise, Shanda needs to introduce and master more advanced management experience and international management ideas.Tang Jun's joining Shanda has promoted the maturity of Shanda's management mechanism, making Shanda's management team scientific division of labor, clear responsibilities, maintaining a high degree of coordination and unity, full of combat effectiveness and vitality, and embodying a high degree of management thinking in line with international standards.The business operations that Tang Jun was in charge of had been growing all the way, and he had also reaped rich rewards.There are also typical examples abroad: before Gerstner took office in 9, IBM had a loss of US$1992 billion and an annual turnover of US$50 billion.After the biscuit king Gerstner became the CEO of IBM, he transformed IBM from a major PC manufacturer into a more competitive enterprise with service and technology as its pillars. When Gerstner handed over IBM in 600, IBM's stock value had increased by 2002%, and its annual turnover reached 800 billion US dollars.When Gerstner airborne the precarious ship IBM alone, he did not think that IBM was dying, but attached great importance to the huge value of IBM.What Gerstner did was actually very simple. He just re-examined and rationalized IBM's business according to the commercial value.Gerstner is most worthy of affirmation and learning: from the first day he came to IBM, he vowed to live and die with IBM. This kind of hard work is an example for us to learn from.

It is difficult to develop such talents in China, why?Obviously, this is not a huge difference in ability, but an emotional difference caused by long-term cultural accumulation, that is, a difference in "emotional intelligence".Modern research shows that the growth and survival of professional managers are closely related to their cultural background.The culture mentioned here includes the cultural background in which professional managers are educated, as well as the cultural environment where the company is located.

Roughly speaking, the difference between Chinese and American culture is the difference between different context cultures.China is a high-context country. The characteristics of high-context culture are often implicit expressions and cryptic words. It requires others to guess what is behind the words based on the speaking environment and non-verbal clues, such as tone, expression, and movement. or the real meaning behind the words.That is to say, the communication of Chinese culture pays attention to the point, succinct and concise, and at the same time emphasizes understanding.On the contrary, American culture is a low-context culture. When communicating, it emphasizes being straightforward and straight to the point. All the information to be communicated is conveyed in unmistakable and codable words, often without the meaning hidden between the lines. , there is no need to speak, listen to the sound, and listen to the sound of gongs and drums.People with high contexts jump in their thinking, are good at guessing, thinking, and empathetic, but their disadvantage is poor persistence; people with low contexts like to follow the steps step by step, are responsible, do not like changes, and are good at repetitive and methodical work.

The ideal realm of Chinese cultural traditions, Mr. Liang Shuming summed up in his early years, is called "the home of farming and reading". On one side is the life of a farmer, Tao Yuanming's style, and when he returns to the house, he is reading aloud.This is the ideal pastoral life of the Chinese, and it is also the life that Adam Smith appreciated most in his later years. This is called the natural development path, not the unnatural development like in Europe.The educational result of this kind of thinking is to make people content.The spiritual orientation of traditional Chinese thought is endogenous, not external expansion, and not to conquer the world, so we don’t want to influence others at all, just live our farming and studying life honestly and it’s over.Therefore, many Chinese people hope to get the position of professional manager in their hearts. This means earning a lot of money and living a modern life of farming and studying: they have a house, a car, and capital reserves, and they don’t have to be like entrepreneurs. Overworked and worried.

However, Chinese enterprises (including foreign enterprises in China) under the influence of Chinese culture are not suitable for professional managers to survive.Manufacturing companies, which are step-by-step and easy to quantify, are easy to manage. For example, the production part of Great Wall Computer. No matter how Great Wall changes professional managers, the production has never been chaotic, and it has always been the largest source of profit for Great Wall.The Chinese are fickle and changing all the time.People in other countries are not like that.Americans need to encourage innovation and change, but the Chinese don't.Because you don't encourage him, he is changing.Chinese people are changing all the time, bosses are changing, and corporate goals, needs, culture, systems, and forms are all changing.That's why there are courses to teach Chinese professional managers how to deal with boss changes, but the United States does not need it.

Foreigners are disciplined, and all posts are executed according to the established plan.The Chinese look at the situation, and employees always look at the boss's preferences and trends, and don't value managers.Most employees in China would rather agree with their boss than abide by the contract for options.Most Chinese companies are still in the process of change and growth, so employees are also changing, hoping to obtain a better position that suits them during the change.Therefore, there are many intrigues in Chinese enterprises. It is very difficult for Chinese enterprises to do well in professional managers in the strict Western sense.UF He Jinghua's experience should be the most profound.

The continuous and steady growth of China's economy in the past 20 years has completely changed China's position in the world economic map.During this process, various types of enterprises were born one after another, and they grew and expanded rapidly, and various professional managers emerged as the times require, and the outstanding contacts and exchanges with foreign enterprises and businessmen are becoming more and more extensive and frequent; The problems, conflicts, and contradictions are becoming more and more common and acute.The most important thing that venture capital in Silicon Valley of the United States brings to China's IT industry is not money, but the rules of the game, how to share success and benefits with capable people.Venture capital in Silicon Valley makes the relationship between employees and entrepreneurs not only an employment and employment relationship, but also a win-win relationship between investors and entrepreneurs. This form will change the thinking of many traditional Chinese companies. This is its biggest value. IBM released the "2005 Global Human Resources Research Report", which shows that the voluntary turnover rate of senior and middle managers in the Asia-Pacific region is the highest in the world, so human resources executives must curb this trend in order to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises. Another set of research data in the "2005 Global Human Resources Research Report" shows that employees in the Asia-Pacific region have a high degree of optimism in career development, and about 40% of employees believe that they "are" or "have" reached their personal goals.But while more Asia-Pacific organizations (68%) invest in human resource management than the rest of the world, it also has the highest voluntary turnover rate of senior executives and managers at 14%.It can be seen that creating an environment suitable for the growth of talents is also critical.

When did the Deng Yaping era originate?People seem to have a hard time remembering it all at once, and only vaguely remember this kind of situation. In about 10 years, no matter what kind of competitions, big or small, as long as Deng Yaping participates, she will win the gold medal.Deng Yaping decided to become a world champion at the age of 6. Sentenced to death at the age of 9: short legs and short legs, no development.But a world champion is a world champion: the more you give you are the world champion, who gives more than her?Deng Yaping once analyzed that she has a spirit of never admitting defeat, and because of this spirit, she has a strong willpower.In fact, the selflessness during the game, the recklessness during the game, and the deterrent force during the game, this is a state.Now people can say with certainty that Deng Yaping is a talented player born for table tennis.Although she doesn't have the "natural beauty" that a talented table tennis player should have, she even makes some coaches look down on her!However, it is such a person who has ruled the world for more than 10 years.

For the table tennis world, Deng Yaping seems to be always a mystery. Many coaches still don't understand that a large number of athletes who are not inferior to Deng Yaping in skill but far superior in talent cannot beat Deng Yaping.This truth is actually very simple to say. Deng Yaping has a kind of spirit, which is called "Deng Yaping spirit", which is not possessed by most athletes.Many years ago at the Zhengding table tennis team base, some athletes said that they would never be able to beat Deng Yaping, "We want to beat her so much, but we dare not beat her!" They didn't dare to look her in the eye during the game.As soon as Deng Yaping played the game, the world seemed to lose everything.Her eyes shot out poisonous flames, and the situation seemed to eat you up. "We didn't dare to look at her directly," said the team members.Just imagine, when you are playing against your opponent, but you dare not even look her in the eye, how do you play the ball?How can you win this ball?When playing, Deng Yaping was "fierce and vicious", and always had an expression that the victory belonged to me.Before the ball is hit, let the opponent fear three points.This state is difficult for ordinary players to achieve.

In Deng Yaping's body, there are obvious characteristics of an outstanding sports competitor - tenacity, aggressiveness, courage to challenge, and never compromise.Perhaps because of this, Samaranch was so fond of this little Chinese girl who would never admit defeat.I believe that many Chinese people will remember the scene where Sa Weng came to the scene five times to present awards to Deng Yaping.Leaving aside the achievements of being an athlete, Deng Yaping's school career after retirement is also impeccable.As we all know, Chinese athletes have always been weak in terms of cultural quality. Although most athletes chose to go to university to enrich themselves after retiring, in fact, many of them just hang on to the name of university but not the reality. Deng Yaping is different. , she has always been a person who is strict with herself, even too harsh, either not to do it or to do it, she must go all out to do her best.During the two years of studying in Tsinghua University, Deng Yaping learned the 26 English letters, accumulated bit by bit, and explored bit by bit. From athlete to student, she achieved a perfect transition with her hard work. In 2002, Deng Yaping, who had studied for six years, finally received a master's degree certificate from the University of Nottingham, UK.There is an old saying in China, "Don't judge people by their appearance", which is really apt to apply to Deng Yaping.Who would have imagined that this little girl would have such great energy. For so many years, she was like a shining star, no matter which part of the sky she appeared in, she was always so eye-catching. "A serious woman is the most beautiful", we believe that people can see the breathtaking beauty and demeanor in this 1 meter woman.

The failure of the Athens Olympics and the "flopping" incident in the 78th National Games let us see the inner world and bitterness of growth of this simple Northeast girl.In the women's judo over 30 kg competition at the Athens Olympic Games, she was knocked down by her opponent in the semi-finals and missed the final. In the end, she only won the bronze medal. After finishing his Olympic career with a bronze medal, the honest and honest Sun Fuming squeezed out the first sentence after the game: "Did you be disappointed?" How could it be?It is not easy to compete in the Olympic Games at the age of [-]. Eight years of hard work and eight years of persistence. Although I did not win a gold medal here, a bronze medal is also worth gratifying.Her character is obvious at a glance.Eight years ago was the most difficult time. During the eight years, she trained harder and participated in various competitions, big and small. There were successes and failures. This is a journey full of hardships.Although it is a pity that she did not win the gold medal, we still have to say that she is still a winner.There are no undefeated generals on the sports field, but Sun Fuming said about his defeat on the field, "For today's loss. My coach must be very disappointed and I am very sorry for him." She should feel happy. Just imagine that in a person's life How many people have won gold medals in the National Games, Asian Games and Olympic Games?But Sun Fuming is not satisfied with this, and his goal in life has not been achieved, because there is still one step away from the "Grand Slam".What is this one step away?Sun Fuming said that although she has won so many championships, she still lacks a gold medal from the World Championships in her medal showroom.

(End of this chapter)

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