Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 19 How Emotional Intelligence Affects Your Life

Chapter 19 How Emotional Intelligence Affects Your Life (2)
Emotional intelligence skills also play a role in helping the body recover quickly.People who develop emotional intelligence skills during hospitalization recover more quickly, and teaching those with life-threatening illnesses EQ skills has been shown to help reduce the number of relapses and mortality.When an individual is diagnosed with a life-threatening disease, such as cancer, they often experience stress and anxiety about the diagnosis.The disease is often the greatest challenge the patient has ever had, and he often needs new skills to cope with the stress and uncertainty that come with it.Significant effects of emotional intelligence skills are reduced stress levels, allowing patients to maintain a better appetite and develop a stronger immune system.

How much impact does the practice of emotional intelligence skills have on an individual's professional success?The short answer is: very very big!It's a powerful way that emotional intelligence can help you stay focused on your career direction and achieve professional success.There are a number of ways you can apply your emotional intelligence skills to improve your job performance.Emotional intelligence skills are critical to career success in all types of jobs, accounting for almost 60% of performance.

The unit as a whole also benefits from emotional intelligence.When a company has thousands of people who improve their emotional intelligence skills, the business itself can leap forward.Emotional intelligence skills drive leadership, team work and customer service.If a company can generate the energy to rapidly expand its impact around a single concept, it inspires a culture in which people can thrive.When people build their emotional intelligence skills, they are better at getting things done, better at getting along, and more rewarding in the process.In this way, emotional intelligence helps people create a win-win environment.

(Section [-] establish health awareness to cope with various pressures
In today's society with rapid economic development and increasingly fierce competition, people are under increasing pressure.Therefore, an important issue of general concern is how to effectively deal with various stresses in order to maintain health.Health is a good state of life, it can help you create a positive image, and this positive mental and physical state can also help you effectively prevent the threats and injuries brought about by stress.

Quiz: Assess your own fitness level and health awareness

1.Read the following questions and answer "yes" or "no" according to the degree to which the statement corresponds to your actual situation.

Question number
quiz topic
I eat very sparingly and choose fresh foods over processed foods.



I've never had trouble falling asleep.



I have to exercise effectively at least 3 times a week, at least 20 minutes each time.



Disappointment and failure may take my spirits down for a while, but I try to see the bright side of things.



I wake up in the morning feeling energized and it lasts until I fall asleep.



I care a lot about taking care of myself.



In the past year, I have not had more than 5 sick days combined.



I don't need any medicines in my daily life to keep my body functioning normally.



I believe my health is pretty good.



I am very careful with my diet and limit excess alcohol, sugar, salt and fat.



My blood pressure is 120/80 or lower.



I set aside at least 20 minutes a day for myself to do something I enjoy.



I don't have the habit of smoking and drinking.



I care about my future, but that doesn't keep any fears lingering in my heart.



I accept that life will always be stressful and believe I can handle most of it.



Except for occasional ailments, I have no persistent pain in my body.



I found meaning in life without being so terrified of being mortal.



People think that I have a relatively normal body shape and I am not obese.



I have at least one hobby or creative activity that I am passionate about (e.g. music, art, gardening).



I usually get along very well with the people around me.



When I'm relaxing or experiencing stress, I'm clearly aware of how my body feels.



I have very clear ideas about my personal goals and life choices.



I can often get close to nature and enjoy it very much.



I know how much sleep I need and can get enough sleep.



I can share my feelings with others and I can have others share theirs with me.



2.Scoring criteria: If the answer is "yes", add 4 points to each question.

3.score explanation

score range
health status assessment
80 to 100 minutes

With a good sense of health, you can handle stress very well.

60 to 80 minutes

Fairly health conscious, but needs some attention to answering "no" questions.

Below 60 points

You need to re-examine your health habits to improve your health and ability to cope with stress.

A major challenge to health is stress.Technically speaking, stress is the physical and psychological condition that occurs when people perceive a situation that is threatening or incapable of coping.Stress triggers are external or internal forces that bring about stress.

In addition, if you experience chronic stress, you will be exhausted.Burnout is what happens when you experience chronic stress.Keep in mind the following relationships:

Stress Triggers Stress Exhaustion.

Symptoms and consequences of stress can be grouped into 4 broad categories: physical, psychological, behavioral, and job performance.Changes in job performance that accompany stress are by-products of the other three categories of symptoms and consequences.

1.physical symptoms

The physiological responses caused by stress mainly include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, increased blood sugar, and increased blood viscosity.Other, less noticeable reactions include the return of blood to the brain, muscle tension, and the release of stored energy into the blood by various organs throughout the body.

If the stress associated with these short-term physiological changes persists, a number of disturbing health-threatening conditions can occur, including heart attacks, strokes, excessive stress, increased levels of bad cholesterol, migraines, rashes, tumors, allergies, and intestinal inflammation .Constant stress can also weaken the immune system.The reason is that when a person needs too much energy for a certain period of time to cope with stress, the immune system collapses due to lack of energy, so people are prone to illness.In summary, any symptoms classified as psychosomatic disorders are due to mental stress.

2.psychological symptoms

There are many types of psychological symptoms of stress.The main positive consequences are increased alertness and cognitive abilities, while more negative consequences include nervousness, anxiety, depressed mood, restlessness, complaining, fatigue, hopelessness, and a variety of defensive thoughts and behaviors.High levels of chronic stress can also lead to mental disorders.

3.Behavioral Symptoms and Consequences
Psychological symptoms of stress describe how people think and feel when they encounter work and personal stress.And these psychological symptoms lead to real behavioral consequences.A common behavioral symptom of people under stress is magnifying weaknesses.For example, a person with a bad temper may be able to control his emotions in normal times, but become extremely irritable under stress.Frequent consequences of stress include:

(1) Irritability, restlessness, and other overt signs of nervousness, including moving legs back and forth while sitting in a meeting.

(2) Dramatic changes in eating habits, including overeating or anorexia.Some people become addicted to junk food when they are under a lot of stress.

(3) Frequent smoking, increased alcohol intake, and even drug use.

(4) Increased use of some prescription drugs, such as sedatives, amphetamines, and diet pills.

(5) Unable to concentrate and often make mistakes in judgment.

(6) Acts similar to madness appear, such as impulsive decision-making.

4.Burnout is an extreme behavioral consequence of stress that includes emotional, psychological, and physical exhaustion.The consequences of burnout also depend on the individual's perception of what caused the burnout.Burnout is often accompanied by organizational disloyalty and over-critical attitudes when people perceive the causes to be external, not under their own control, but by others within the organization (such as lack of appreciation from others). Phenomenon; when people attribute burnout to themselves (such as setting too high goals for themselves), then people's self-esteem about work can be damaged.

5.Consequences of stress on job performance

Almost everyone experiences work stress.In most cases, too little work pressure will make people lazy and tired, and they will not be able to concentrate; moderate work pressure can often achieve good work performance; work performance.

An analysis of research on stress reveals that a number of factors influence the degree to which stress negatively affects job performance.When employees are very clear about their responsibilities and tasks, stress often does not reduce job performance.At the same time, when employees have strong self-esteem, self-confidence, loyalty to the organization, and less Type A behavior (impatient and hostile), it can often prevent the negative effects of stress on job performance.Yet another conclusion is that, for most people, challenges and stimuli enhance job performance.And irritating and threatening things, such as bosses constantly threatening subordinates, can reduce job performance.

There are 4 personality traits that can make people suffer from work or life stress. They are type A behavior, negative affect, low perceptual control ability and low self-efficacy.

1. Type A behavior

(End of this chapter)

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