Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 25 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people

Chapter 25 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people (5)
At the end of 1995, Yangcheng was about to organize a high-level seminar on China's retail industry, mainly discussing the development of China's state-owned retail industry.When Wang Tian found out, he was immediately excited. He immediately called to ask about the meeting time, but the other party's answer disappointed him a bit.Wang Du thought about this all night, and finally made up his mind: he must go, even if he listened to it for an hour.Moved by Wang Tian's sincerity, the leader of the conference affairs group made an exception for him and allowed Wang Tian to attend the meeting.At this meeting, the person in charge of the State Economic and Trade Commission put forward the theme of "Development of chain supermarkets is the development direction of China's retail industry". When Wang Tian heard the concept of "chain supermarkets", he felt that "chain supermarkets" were himself. The company's future business philosophy and development goals.The hot business scene made Wang fill his blood boil. He decided to take the lead in setting up a supermarket in Xiangtan. Wang filled was not too worried, and he kept an eye out for new business opportunities.One day, he got information that "Wal-Mart" opened a member-type warehouse store in Shenzhen, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, with a very rich variety of goods.He went to Shenzhen again. On January 1998, 1, a warehousing enterprise with warehouse-style shopping, low-cost operation, and low-price management—Bubugao Lanyuan Mass Merchandiser Plaza opened, expanding step by step, step by step towards glory.Wang Fill began to extend his business tentacles to surrounding cities.Zhuzhou, Changde, Yueyang and other places have "BBK" mass merchandise plazas. In January 28, Wang Tian changed the company's name from Xiangtan BBK Food Company to Hunan BBK Supermarket Co., Ltd.Over the past few years, under the guidance of the business philosophy of ensuring customer satisfaction, saving money at a low price, and seeking profit by quantity, Wang Jian has developed the company into one of the largest supermarket chains in Hunan Province. At present, the company has 1999 stores and a large distribution center , a marketing company with branches all over the province. ★
Roland?Berg is the founder and president of a large consulting firm.Like all leaders of big companies, Roland?Berg needs to deal with people from all walks of life and deal with various affairs every day, which can be described as a busy schedule.But unlike most senior leaders, he never forgets even a small thing. In the deadline of a plan, the relevant person in charge will always receive inquiries from Roland Berger A phone call about how things are going.Is it Roland?Does Berg have a superhuman memory?No.He has his own way of following up.He comes into contact with a large number of various people and deals with various things every day.In order to avoid forgetting what he should do by himself, he brought a small tape recorder with him, and he would use the tape recorder to record everything that needed to be done by himself, and then the secretary would type it out and distribute it to relevant personnel.He usually sends out 40-50 "internal memos" to different people every day.This is of course doing the first job of a leader: assigning work and making certain decisions.But that's just the beginning of things.Each internal memo will be written with a time, and when the time comes, the secretary will put the internal memo back in Roland?Berg's desk.Therefore, no one is lucky enough to make him forget a thing he has cared about, and he can always ask the person in charge of a certain execution work about the progress of the matter at the right time.

Lenin once said: "Trust is good, but monitoring is more important." Therefore, timely and moderate follow-up of the plan is not a sign of distrust of someone. On the contrary, it can only show that you value something, so moderate follow-up will not damage the motivation of employees.A management team that really values ​​execution must attach great importance to plan follow-up and must be composed of people who can follow plan.Only when managers at all levels of the enterprise pay attention to plan tracking and personally take measures to understand the progress of the implementation work, can the strategy or plan be implemented without compromise.

It is worth mentioning that as a manager of an executive enterprise—whether it is a high-level leader or a grassroots cadre, the above-mentioned emphasizing on reality, leadership ability, employment ability and tracking ability are not optional, but mandatory. .Only when every manager possesses the above four abilities can the enterprise establish a management team that truly values ​​execution, and the execution ability of the enterprise can be improved.

Vingresor was in his early 30s when Carlsen took over the SAS subsidiary. "To be honest, I was really nervous because it was very difficult for a young and inexperienced manager like me to get approval," he recalls, "but I had to act like a really authoritative president—even though I couldn't Older myself or enrich my managerial experience overnight, but there are other steps I can take. So I tie my tie, gather my staff, and give firm instructions -- or 'commands' more Be more precise - what they should do: Change this schedule! Negotiate terms with that hotel!, I didn't realize there was anything wrong with doing this at the time, although my decisions often turned out to be wrong , but I only attributed the reason to my youth and inexperience. Many years later, I became the chairman of Scandinavian Airlines, but my management style has not changed. Once I said to the cargo manager, 'This cannot be too much. Difficult, what the market needs is of course a home delivery service. Develop it.' Although the manager obeyed, the plan turned out to be a catastrophe. Later, I had a deep reflection and found my mistake - I All the decisions are always made, even though a large part of the business is unfamiliar to me, which leads to frequent mistakes in decision-making and a crushing sense of responsibility for employees who find they don't need Be accountable for everything because I took all the responsibility.” As Carlson realized, a paternalistic management style would only destroy employee accountability.And if employees' sense of responsibility disappears, they will not be able to fully implement strategies or decisions.

Although in modern enterprises, leaders who still insist on paternalistic management are very rare, there are still many unreasonable systems and plans that hinder the formation of employees' sense of responsibility.It is so big that no one is assigned to be responsible for the project passed by the high-level meeting, and it is so small that a piece of waste paper in the lobby has been lying in a conspicuous place for a day, and no one picks it up and throws it into the waste bin.The reason why employees lack a sense of responsibility is not due to inertia as leaders think. In fact, the problem still lies in the company, such as unclear division of responsibilities, unclear communication of instructions, and so on.Therefore, leaders should not only personally participate in the daily operations of the enterprise and set an example for employees, but also strive to change various unreasonable management methods or rules and regulations that hinder the formation of employees' sense of responsibility in the organization, so that everyone in the organization can have A sense of responsibility for execution.Only when people recognize and understand the profound meaning of execution, have flexible space for activities, form a strong sense of responsibility, receive sufficient training and practice frequently, can the execution culture really play a role in the enterprise, and the transformation to an execution-oriented enterprise is possible. Achievement, a manager who can lead subordinates to complete tasks.

The effective execution of tasks requires the close attention, command and scheduling of leaders.This kind of attention is not a requirement for one person or a few people, but a requirement for all managers within the enterprise.A strategy or plan can only be delivered without compromise if leadership at all levels maintains a focus on execution.Therefore, a management team that really values ​​execution must be composed of people who can lead subordinates to complete tasks.Only when managers at all levels have such abilities can they distinguish between priorities and command subordinates to complete tasks in the execution of work.Habits of execution should first be developed from senior leadership, but you can still practice them in your own organization without being a senior leader.You can develop and demonstrate your skills, which will ultimately enhance your career, and your actions will surely set a good example for others.

In many companies, employees have tried their best, but in the end they failed to achieve the goals set by the leaders, mainly because these goals were too vague and abstract.Goals that facilitate implementation should be specific and clear.A clear and specific goal is the lighthouse guiding the navigation of the enterprise. With it, the ship of the enterprise can dock with a full load of goods.If the lighthouse is not bright and easy to see, the ship will not only be unable to reach the shore, but will also be in danger of hitting a rock and sinking.To improve the executive power of the enterprise, it is necessary to formulate sufficiently clear and specific goals.

100 years ago, the leaders of the AT&T Telephone Company set such a grand goal for the company: to become the world's most famous telephone supplier.The company's employees have been working towards this goal.Today, with the rapid development of information technology, AT&T Telephone Company re-established their overall goal-to become the main force of worldwide information management and innovation.This clear and specific goal points out the direction for the efforts of employees.For another example, in 1990, "Wal-Mart" set such a goal: before 2000, on the original basis, the number of stores would be doubled, and the sales per square meter of business area would increase by 60%.This is a very clear and specific goal for Wal-Mart employees, and the company strives to implement and accomplish this goal from top to bottom.

An analyst in the Wall Street Journal said about Boeing: Almost every Boeing technician can tell you a story about how Boeing solved problems for customers when they were ordered to do so.For example, when Alaska Airlines urgently needed special landing gear to allow the plane to land on a muddy makeshift runway, Boeing did not hesitate to send it.When the exhaust pipe of an Air Canada plane failed due to ice blocking, Boeing engineers flew in immediately and worked around the clock to fix it and reduce flight delays.

The reason why Boeing can effectively, timely and properly handle customers' troubles is because every Boeing employee knows and deeply understands the company's goal: to serve customers.Without this clear and specific purpose, the dedication of Boeing employees would not have been possible.

In December 1978, a DC12 passenger plane of Alitalia crashed in the Mediterranean Sea, and the airline urgently needed a replacement passenger plane.Therefore, the president of Alitalia immediately called Wilson, the president of Boeing, and put forward a special request: "Can Boeing send a Boeing 9 quickly?" The company tried everything possible to shorten the time, so that Alitalia got a much-needed replacement aircraft within a month.In order to repay Boeing, Alitalia canceled the original plan to purchase Douglas CD727 aircraft 6 months later, and turned to Boeing to order 0 Boeing 9 super-large passenger planes, which are worth up to 747 million US dollars.

The goals of the enterprise are clear and specific, and it is easy to highlight the key points during execution, which is also conducive to the implementation of the final goal.Clarify the priority of implementation goals.In order to effectively achieve the goals, the leaders of the world's top 500 companies must achieve "less but better" when setting goals.Too many goals will only increase the barriers to execution.The more goals there are, the less time executives have to focus on each one, and as a result none of them are achieved.In today's complex and ever-changing business environment, no one can take care of multiple goals at the same time, let alone do all of them well.It's a bit like a hat-trick in acrobatics. It's easy to throw three hats, but it's quite difficult to throw ten hats.

Leaders set too many goals, and often find that many plans are not implemented.We are too busy to deal with those emergencies!From the perspective of employees, too many goals equals no goals.If there are too many goals, executives will feel dizzy, unable to tell the difference between east, west, north and south, and what to do. As a result, none of the goals is achieved.The reason why many companies fail to achieve good results is that they set too many goals.They had a bunch of goals and ended the year with none of them.As a leader, you should choose a few of the most critical issues, set three or four clear and specific goals, and clarify the order of achieving the goals, and then concentrate on achieving them, so that employees can take more targeted actions when implementing them. action to achieve the goal.

A large retail chain group has made a development plan for the company: first, vigorously develop e-commerce, second, fully enter Asia and Africa, and build more stores there; double sales revenue by the end of the year; increase profits by 30%... But in the end, due to the dispersion of energy and funds, the company's core business was affected, and the company's stock fell sharply, falling by 2/3 within a year. However, the company did not check these goals, but replaced the CEO. In the face of aggressive competitors and a very serious situation, the newly appointed CEO is still looking for suitable store locations in Singapore, building more stores, and trying to save the company from decline.Another CEO from an executive business saved a dying company.He believes that the decline of the company is due to too many goals, and only when the main resources are used on the company's core business can it achieve results.So the CEO set his sights on improving the performance of existing stores and focused all of the company's efforts to improve margins and comparable sales, achieving a substantial increase in profits without increasing the number of stores.Within two years, the company was back on track and its stock price had doubled.

7.Fist: the power of talent

Weapon features: simple, direct, and effective. The boxer has strong internal strength and a solid foundation. Remember: boxers are dangerous!Boxing is the most primitive weapon, or it can't be called a weapon at all, but a master with profound training in boxing can fight all weapons with both hands.Boxing lies in the fact that the person practicing boxing has enough confidence, so it is simple, direct and effective.For an enterprise, its talent reserve is like a fist. The richer the talent resources, the more reasonable the matching, and the stronger the actual combat ability, the stronger the fist will be.

Do not overwhelm yourself with too many skills, have your own patented technology, and those who develop by owning patented technology can succeed.For example, Wu Tong, chairman of CECO.Wu Tong founded Zhongyi Huaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. in Beijing.Wu is good at inventing and owns a number of patented technologies under his name. It is estimated that his intangible assets amount to 12 billion yuan for his patent of "Comprehensive Integrated System for Urban Waste Disposal". A famous American magazine estimates that Wu's patents add up to Worth over $5 billion.Before going to Beijing to establish Zhongyi Huaneng Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., Wu started a business in Shenzhen and made tens of millions of profits. Due to fraud, his assets were wiped out. In March 100, Wu brought 2001 yuan to Beijing to start his second business. Three months later, he only sold the 3-year right to use the "Municipal Waste Sorting and Incineration Technology" to a famous Korean company, and the profit exceeded 2000 million US dollars.Wang Wenjing of UFIDA Software is also a category that started with technology.In addition to their own technology, such entrepreneurs also rely more on external forces, especially government forces, in the process of starting a business, so they sometimes give people the feeling that things happen because of people.The third category is represented by Wang Zhidong, Zhang Chaoyang, Ding Lei, etc., and belongs to the category that is forced to be the seat of the rich by the trend of the times.This kind of rich people are called "knowledge heroes" and "knowledgeables", but in fact, except for Wang Zhidong who developed a Chinese platform software and Ding Lei who developed a simple 3 e-mail system, others do not necessarily have much technology to speak of.The first pot of gold for Wang Zhidong and Ding Lei was obtained from the software they developed, ranging from hundreds of thousands to millions.Generally speaking, due to the lack of foundation, this kind of "heroes" rise and fall quickly, as the saying goes, "I like to watch a thousand waves of rice beans, and heroes are everywhere in the evening smoke."

However, a person's power is limited after all, and the most use of human power is to know people and make good use of them, and discover talents.Leaders with such a vision and insight will surely be able to achieve something.The high cost and waste of oil fields outside Los Angeles made Harvard's Paul?Getty had a headache, and he wanted to find someone with excellent management skills to manage these oil fields.After searching and observing, he found George Miller.Miller is very knowledgeable about the oil industry, and he is diligent and honest. More importantly, he has excellent leadership skills and a pragmatic management style, which enables him to lead others to complete tasks.

(End of this chapter)

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