Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 24 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people

Chapter 24 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people (4)
From the behavior of these companies, we can see that the value of integrity is of great significance to success. The world we live in is the communication between people. Without a minimum of trust, what can be successful?

4.Passionate ring: working with passion
Weapon Features: The lover is also a sharp weapon, killing people invisible.Weapons are ruthless, but rings are sentimental. They can overcome rigidity with softness, and overcome with emotion. Those who learn it use family affection, friendship, and love as supplements. Remember not to be hypocritical.

Weapons have always been used to wound people and kill people, and they are absolutely ruthless.But this kind of weapon - the amorous ring, is filled with sentient beings. People who use this kind of weapon must immerse their body and mind in it, otherwise they will hurt others and themselves with lust.Whenever a weapon is made humane, the person who uses the weapon must be a man of temperament.The market competition is cruel, and all tricks are intended to kill the enemy, but there is only one link that is full of emotion, that is, the passion for the profession.

To have enthusiasm means to be very passionate in action!Enthusiasm is the most valuable emotion in the world, and it is also the most contagious.When you are full of enthusiasm, it is easy for the person you are talking to to become enthusiastic. Even if your expression is not smooth, he can understand.Without enthusiasm, what you say is like a dead turkey at dinner after a year, lifeless and fresh.Passion isn't just on the outside, it takes over when you get it.You sit quietly at home, a new idea is born, refined, matured, and finally you are ignited with enthusiasm, and nothing can stop you.Passion helps you overcome your fears, helps you succeed in your career, make more money, and enjoy a healthier, wealthier, and happier life.Get to work with passion and start now.Say to yourself I can do it all.Let yourself be passionate, show passion.Live in a state of passion for 30 days, the results will surprise you, I believe that will make your dull life become active. "Those who dare to try must be smart people. They will not lose, because even if they do not succeed, they can learn from it. Therefore, only those who dare not try are absolute losers."

In order to be the best version of yourself, the most important thing is to reach your full potential and pursue the things that interest you and your passion the most.When you are interested in a certain field, you will think about it when you walk, take a class, or take a shower, and you will be more likely to succeed in that field.Furthermore, if you have a passion for this field, you may forget to eat and sleep about it, and even jump when you think of an idea while sleeping.At this time, you are no longer working for success, but for "enjoyment".There is no doubt that you will be successful from here on.Relatively speaking, doing things that you are not interested in will only get twice the result with half the effort, and may accomplish nothing.Even if you can do it well with aptitude or talent, you definitely haven't unleashed your full potential.Therefore, I don't agree with every student chasing the most popular major. I think that everyone should understand their own interests, passions and abilities (that is, "self-consciousness" in emotional intelligence), and work hard in the field they love. Realize your full potential.

Bill?Gates once said: "Every morning when you wake up, you will be thrilled by the development and improvement that technological progress brings to human life." From this sentence, we can see his interest in software technology and passion. In 1977, Bill Gates gave up his mathematics major because of his love for software.If he stays at Harvard to continue studying mathematics and become a professor of mathematics, can you imagine to what extent his potential will be suppressed? In 2002, Bill ?After leading Microsoft for 25 years, Gates resolutely handed over the CEO's job to Ballmer, because only in this way can he devote himself to his favorite job-as chief software architect, focusing on the development of software technology. innovation.While Bill Gates was an excellent CEO, when he changed to chief software architect, he made a significant contribution to the company's technical direction, and more importantly, he was more passionate and happier , which also boosted the morale of all employees.Warren Buffett, a good friend of Bill Gates and America's best investor, also recognizes the importance of passion.When students asked him for directions, he always replied: "I am no different from you. If you must find a difference, it may be that I have the opportunity to do my favorite job every day. If you want me to give you advice , this is the best advice I can give you."

Bill?Gates and Warren?Another enlightenment that Buffett gave us is that what they love is not vulgar and unified fame and fortune, but their fame and fortune are brought about by their ideals and passion.A well-known American school of economics and management once conducted a survey and found that although most students want to pursue fame and wealth when they enter school, 90% of the alumni with the most fame and wealth are chasing dreams rather than fame and wealth when they enter school people.Indeed, enthusiasm for ideals is the most precious wealth in life.

5.Parting Hook: Resilient Fighting Spirit
Features of weapons: The hook has no edge, no power, and no coincidence. However, the hook can injure a person's flesh and penetrate into his tendons and bones. , was made later.On the road to our success, we should not indulge in temporary failures and be trapped in sadness.Seize your best chance in silence to make a comeback.

Our lives are full of unforeseen sorrows.You have tried sincerely, but, alas, you have still failed.Maybe your failure is because you need something more to be successful.Euclid's principle: "The whole is equal to the sum of all its parts, and greater than any part." This principle can be used to illustrate our problem.The important thing is: you should add all the necessary parts to the whole.When you find success with a positive mindset, you keep pushing.You are constantly seeking, seeking more.Some people, as soon as they encounter setbacks, stop looking for more and end up disappointed.You have a problem?That's fine!nothing!Because you have solved one problem after another, that is, you have won one victory after another, and you have gained some wisdom.Sometimes, a little extra walking is absolutely necessary.Therefore, every time you encounter a problem, you must use a positive attitude to grasp it and solve it, so that you can become a kinder, more magnanimous, more methodical, and more successful person.

There are many examples of becoming famous in one fell swoop with anger, especially in the history of literature, when talented scholars who have no ambitions are depressed and concentrate on literary creation, shocking works can always come out.Can you benefit from being sad?Yes, sadness has been transformed into motivation by our positive attitude.Some sadness is the beginning of new hope, please say to your friends when you fail: I am sad, but I finally figured it out!continue working!Re-correct your attitude towards life, work and study, and turn today's setbacks into tomorrow's motivation.Yes, I am very dissatisfied!For this reason, I have to work harder, not to be depressed, but to work hard!Believe that whenever this happens, a positive attitude can save you from confusion or suffering, and turn those seemingly impossible things into reality.You have to say to yourself with enthusiasm, joy and affirmation: "I have not failed, let me continue to work!" Do you have the courage?Only the brave can be strong.

Broadly speaking, you will encounter three kinds of problems:

A. Personal problems - emotional problems, economic problems, psychological problems, moral problems, health problems.

B. Family problems.

C. Career issues or occupational issues.When you are faced with a problem that needs to be solved, no matter how intricate the problem is, you must work hard according to the following requirements:

(1) Ask the sages to give guidance and help find the right solution.

(2) Engage in thinking and try to solve problems.

(3) Describe and analyze this difficult problem, and give it a definition.

(4) Say to yourself enthusiastically: This is great, great!
(5) Ask yourself a few specific questions, eg: What good is that thing?Who we can't see?etc.

(6) Never be afraid or even give up because of the tortuous path to solve the problem.

At any time, tell yourself to be more patient and walk more.For those with a positive mindset, every adversity contains the seeds of equal or greater good.Sometimes what seems like adversity is actually a great opportunity for upside.Are you willing to spend time thinking about how you can turn adversity into equal or greater good?He replied: Of course I would!
In life, many people feel that they are unsuccessful and unhappy, so they don't want to make progress.These people feel that they are selling labor in other people's enterprises, despise professionalism, ridicule loyalty, regard it as a trick for the boss to exploit and fool subordinates, are complacent about being lazy, passive and lazy, and self-destructive.The greatest stupidity of these people is that they do not understand the most basic behavioral law of human society - reciprocal exchange: only investment will return; loyalty will lead to trust; initiative will lead to innovation.Most of us have to establish a career in social organizations. As long as you are still a member of the company, you should put aside any excuses and devote your loyalty and responsibility.When you fully integrate your body and mind into the company, do your due diligence, think about the company everywhere, admire the courage of investors to take risks, and understand the pressure of business owners, then any boss will regard you as the pillar of the company.Loyalty brings trust, you will be entrusted with important responsibilities, and you will get the broad stage you dream of.

We want to realize the value of life and pursue excellence. Excellence is more persistent than others; excellence is more adventurous than others; excellence is more dreamy than others; excellence is having higher expectations than others!Choose to live a perfect life, pursue goals, and dream what you want, everyone will be successful, know it clearly, and keep a close eye on it.Go after your goals with the enthusiasm of first love.Use your mind, give full play to your ingenuity, overcome difficulties, and persevere.Be guided by faith and communicate with ideals.Don't let yourself always feel wronged and feel sorry for yourself.Success is achieved by those who have a positive attitude, and is maintained by those who work hard in their lives with a positive attitude.remember!The most important person in this world is you!Your success, health, happiness and wealth depend on how you use your invisible magic.How will you apply it?This is your choice.

6.Overlord Gun: Shot when it's time to shoot
Features of weapons: The moves are exquisite and changeable, and the "precise and fast" three-character tactic is used to defeat the enemy. The learner does not have to stick to the form, but innovation, which is always changing and always new, beyond expectations.Remember that every inch is short and every inch is dangerous. It is not advisable to use force, and to accept it when it is good.The plan should not be too high, but it should not be too low either.You are in control of your people. If you want your life to be exciting and meaningful, you must use a proactive attitude to manage your life, and your actions should be like shooting a gun: "accurate and fast".

★Having a plan is the guarantee of a successful life
In 1953, Yale University in the United States conducted a survey of graduating seniors. The survey found that only 3% of all graduating students had very clear plans for the life goals they wanted to achieve and wrote them down. After that, these steps to achieve the goal include why they want to achieve such a goal, the obstacles they may encounter in achieving this goal, who, which groups and organizations need to cooperate, and the knowledge required to achieve this goal , action plan and achievement date. Twenty-seven years later, Yale University conducted another survey and found that these 27% of students who graduated in 3 far outperformed the remaining 1953%. ★
We have many weaknesses, but we are not weak.Don't blame the world for not being perfect and ready-made just because you haven't succeeded, it's ridiculous and despicable.You develop your fiery desire to succeed, as all successful people do.How to develop?Put your heart on what you want and keep your heart away from what you don't want; don't refuse all the inspirational books and help and guidance from others, let alone your own inner impulse.

★Backgammon, the longer the taller

The Hunan chain supermarket “BBK” ranks 56th among the “Top 80 National Chain Enterprises”. Centered in Xiangtan, it has formed a chain enterprise with 110 mass merchandise stores and about 50 chain stores, with an annual turnover of [-] billion yuan.The self-made founder - Wang Tian set up his own planned life from a bottle of guts, set his sights on the direction, and took the initiative to attack.

Wang Tian was admitted to Xiangtan Commercial School in September 1987.At that time, many of the students in business schools were children of wealthy families, and their monthly pocket money seemed to never run out. The cash-strapped Wang Tian was not envious or in a hurry, because he found that he was ahead of others. With the plan and preparation to change all that. In February 9, Wang Tian overheard a student quarreling with the store owner who asked to replace the inner liner of the thermos.The clever Wang Du thought for a while, if he specialized in selling thermos tanks, he would definitely be able to make money.He began to look for sources of supply. Since the stores around the school did not sell bottle galls, he had to look further afield.After running for two days, he finally negotiated a batch of bottle bladders at a price of 1988 yuan each. He took out the only 2 yuan he had with him and pledged his student ID card. In less than two nights, 2 bottles The guts were sold.Holding the more than 8 yuan earned by his own wisdom and hard work for the first time in his life, as a freshman in a business school, Wang Tian realized what business opportunities are earlier than others.In the next year, Wang Tian's business was booming, and he almost monopolized the thermos bladders of universities and technical secondary schools in Xiangtan City.When the assignment was approaching, the related classmates were busy looking for connections for work, but Wang Tian, ​​who came from the countryside and had to rely on himself to find a good job, was not in a hurry because he had already made up his mind.With two years of study and accumulation in the business school, Wang Fill has his sights on the retail service industry and is determined to work and study in Xiangtan Nanbei Special Food Company with his own ability.The students heard that Wang Du wanted to join Nanbeite Food Company, but no one came forward to compete, because no one thought there would be hope for this matter.Some time before graduation, Wang Fill began to search for a lot of information about Nanbeite Food Company, and even went to visit Nanbeite Food Company pretending to be a customer. After returning home, according to what he saw and thought, Wang filled out a letter. In the 5-page cover letter, Wang Tian also wrote out all the process of selling thermos refills at school, and added some thoughts about his own sales.At that time, the general manager was very happy after reading it. He didn't expect that there were such careful students in the business school. Although he didn't meet Wang Tian himself, Wang Tian's letter at least left a good first impression on the general manager's mind.Now comes the time to really surprise the students.At the school assignment meeting, the general manager of Nanbei Special made a special trip to Xiangtan Commercial School to roll call and leave Wang Tian.

On August 1989, 8, Wang Tian got his wish and came to work at Nanbeite Food Company.Fortunately, at that time, the deputy general manager of business happened to be sitting opposite Wang Tian. When working together, Wang Tian was beside him to learn how to negotiate business with customers and how to do a good job in after-sales service of products.This kind of miscellaneous work is done by Wang Tian for half a year.Over the past six months, Wang Tian has mastered the company's various business processes in an orderly manner, and he feels that the opportunity to seek further growth is ripe. Three years later, Wang Tian was appointed as the business section chief by the company because of his outstanding performance.At that time, Wang Tian was only 10 years old, the youngest in the business department.With the efforts of Wang Fill, he introduced Arowana oil and Nescafé coffee from the joint venture to Hunan, and even merchants in Changsha also came to Nanbeite Food Company to buy goods, which made the wholesale and retail business of Nanbeite Company equally divided at that time, and had a great influence in the whole country. Big.

As the saying goes, "Satisfied people are always happy." But Wang Fill was different. He broke the routine and believed that "only those who are not satisfied can always be happy." With the continuous improvement of his business level, Wang Fill began to think about his future. If the situation continues, it may be promoted to a higher position in a few years." But Wang Tian always felt that something was missing?I have a business mind, so why not go to sea and do it to my heart's content. In March 1994, Wang Tian voluntarily asked to be laid off.Wang Fill decided to continue to do food retail.He named his company Xiangtan Backgammon Food Company.Without funds, Wang Tian borrowed money from relatives and friends, and finally got together 3 yuan.In order to realize his dream of becoming a big company, Wang Tian found CCB through friends and asked CCB for support.According to the regulations at the time, China Construction Bank could only lend a maximum of 5 yuan, and the loan must be paid off at the end of the month before continuing to borrow.Wang Tian agreed without hesitation.Later, Wang filled the money and paid off the loan before the end of the month.Seeing that Wang Tian was so trustworthy, the bank decided to make an exception and allowed him to borrow 5 yuan each time.With financial support, Wang Tian's business grew bigger and bigger.When it comes to bank loans, Wang Fill is very trustworthy, and when it comes to private loans, Wang Fill never defaults.At that time, at least 20 yuan was needed to import a batch of Arowana oil.Wang Tian negotiated with another merchant in Xiangtan to set up a capital joint venture to solve the problem of capital turnover.When Wang Fill wanted to purchase the goods, the other party paid him 50 yuan in advance; when Wang Fill had sold almost all the goods, the funds were returned, and the other party wanted to transfer the goods, and Wang Fill advanced the funds to the other party.Come and go, every time you do business, you always keep your promise.The sluggish funds have received double benefits through this turnover.

(End of this chapter)

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