Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 23 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people

Chapter 23 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people (3)
Shi Yuzhu of the Giant Group is determined to be China's IBM, to be the "Blue Giant of the East".The output value target of Giant Group can be described as big: 1995 billion yuan in 10, 1996 billion yuan in 50, and 1997 billion yuan in 100.Judging from the numbers alone, the giant group is not the only one that has established such a goal. Large companies such as IBM, Intel, and Microsoft have also experienced an annual growth rate of 50 billion yuan during the rapid growth period. The key to the problem is not that the number should be fixed. How much depends on how well the giant group can do.These goals later proved to be unrealistic.Not only the output value target, many of the targets set by Shi Yuzhu were made without fully considering the internal and external environment of the enterprise.

The Giant Building is the most significant investment mistake Shi Yuzhu has ever made in his life. It was wrong to blindly enter the real estate industry, and the one-sided pursuit of the highest in the country has increased the operating risk.What is even more astonishing is that from February 1994 to July 2, when such a large project started, Shi Yuzhu never applied for a penny loan, and it was all supported by Giant Group's own funds and the money from the sale of the building.The giant building not only drained the blood of the giant industry, Shi Yuzhu also invested all the funds that should have been used for the production and operation of the giant into the building. As a result, the bioengineering that brought most of the profits to the company was temporarily suspended, and the supply line of funds was interrupted.The rapidly shrinking giant industry forced Shi Yuzhu to make a final decision: whether to continue to raise the height of the giant building, or to save the giant industry.Beginning in November 1996, Shi Yuzhu had to control the capital flow of the giant industry, stopped blood transfusion to the giant building, and cut off the giant building from the giant industry, so as to save the dying giant industry.But it was too late at this time, and the "giant" collapsed amidst the people's calls for debt collection. ★
Giant Building is a very typical example of failure in the history of modern Chinese business development due to blind risk taking and unrealistic goals. This example tells managers: Goals cannot be set based on ideals and subjective wishes.Any goal that is too high, too hasty and unrealistic will cause great harm to the enterprise, no matter how good the goal is, how exciting it sounds.Facts have shown that goals cannot be used to guide action if they are beyond the reach of the enterprise and decoupled from reality.Unrealistic goals have no meaning except that they will increase the business risk of the enterprise.The operation plan must not become a piece of waste paper full of good wishes and fantasies. A detailed, specific and easy-to-execute action plan is the highlight of the operation plan.Usually, a business plan should not be made by a certain department or top management alone, because any action cannot be completed by only one department or one person.In order to achieve any specific goal determined in the operation plan, it must be completed under the coordination and cooperation of several departments, so the action plan must be made after active discussions among various departments.Moreover, after discussion, each department will have a fuller and deeper understanding of its responsibilities in a certain action, which lays a good foundation for coordination and cooperation among various departments in future actions.

When formulating a plan of action, also pay attention to the balance between short-term tasks and long-term goals.When an enterprise faces certain challenges, there are often more than one response measures to choose from. At this time, it is not enough to choose one at random or choose the one that is most conducive to saving costs, but should be based on whether it is beneficial to long-term goals Realize gravity to measure.For example, when encountering a financial crisis, some companies choose to reduce personnel and reduce costs to survive the crisis.But when the situation improved, the company suddenly found that employees' loyalty to the company was greatly reduced, and some very critical businesses were in a mess because there were no personnel to handle them. Obviously, this was not conducive to the long-term development of the company.And some other companies hold employee mobilization meetings to explain to employees the crisis the company is in, and ask employees to help the company tide over the difficulties.So some employees voluntarily worked overtime without overtime pay and bonuses, and some employees used their off-duty time to help the company sell products. In the end, the company not only survived the crisis, but also formed a company spirit of sincerity and unity.Clearly, the latter course of action is much better than the former.In addition to paying attention to the balance between short-term tasks and long-term goals, it is also necessary to formulate contingency plans for those possible problems and obstacles.The action plan should fully consider the problems that may arise inside and outside the enterprise, and make a response plan in advance, so as not to be in a hurry when things happen and expand the loss of the enterprise.But many companies fail to do this well.

In the 20s, Apple reinterpreted the definition of "computer" and moved "computer" from the huge air-conditioned room to the desk of ordinary people.With Apple's victory in the personal computer market.Other manufacturers followed suit, and soon more than 70 personal computer companies sprung up in New York.Apple doesn't take them seriously. General manager Michael Scott believes that new small businesses can't compete with Apple. Only IBM and DED can pose a threat to Apple, but these two companies don't realize that personal computers Huge potential of the market.So Apple will be invincible for at least the next 100 years.It is under the guidance of this kind of thinking that Apple believes that within 10 years, they can sit back and relax. They have not paid attention to the market, let alone have any countermeasures.When computer giant IBM entered the personal computer market in 10, Apple was shocked.In response to IBM's challenge, Apple announced that by the end of 1981 it would launch the Macintosh III.But in fact, the company did not research and develop the Apple III computer before that. Until November 1981, there were still 1981/11 technical problems of the Apple III computer that were blank.But in the face of IBM's challenge, Scott decided to lower the technical conditions and launch the computer according to the original plan.Not only did the immature computer fail to retain customers, on the contrary, customers who had complained about the Apple II computer turned to IBM one after another. Apple was left out in the cold and never recovered.

When making a plan, there should be no fluke mentality. Finding out all potential problems and solving them is the most basic guarantee for the thorough implementation of the action plan. Therefore, it is necessary and necessary to make an emergency plan, but some plans will be damaged if they are rushed. A lifetime of fame.

3.Jasper Knife: "Sincerity" comes first in everything

Weapon characteristics: fierce and domineering, full of vigor, practice Qi but not moves, ordinary moves, continuous stamina.Learners pay less attention to details and pay more attention to long-term mental cultivation. They must be calm and calm. Remember not to be anxious or irritable. Only the invisible can win the tangible.But it ranks very low on the weapon list. The reason is not the sword, but the fact that the sword has not met its owner. People who use it well are rare in a thousand years. The difficulty is that the process of cultivation is long. Obsessed.For the establishment of personal reputation, it is like a dragon sword. The process of cultivation is long, but once it is formed, it is invaluable.
Everyone must have heard a legend in England in the 18th century: a rich gentleman was walking home late one night when he was stopped by a young boy with shaggy hair and ragged clothes. "Sir, please buy a pack of matches," said the little boy. "I don't buy it".replied the gentleman.The gentleman avoided the boy and continued walking, "Sir, please buy a pack, I haven't eaten anything today." The little boy caught up and said.Seeing that the boy couldn't be avoided, the gentleman said, "But I don't have any change", "Sir, take the match first, and I'll change it for you."After speaking, the boy took a pound from the gentleman and ran away quickly. The gentleman waited for a long time, but the boy still did not come back, so the gentleman went home helplessly.

The next day, the gentleman was working in his office, and the servant said that a boy had come and asked to see the gentleman.So the boy was called in. The boy was shorter than the match boy and dressed in more rags. "Sir, I'm sorry, my brother asked me to bring you some change." "Where's your brother?" said the gentleman. "My brother was hit by a carriage on the way back to look for you after changing the change and was seriously injured, and he is lying at home." The gentleman was deeply moved by the little boy's sincerity. "Let's go! Let's go see your brother!" I went to the boy's house and saw that only the stepmother of the two boys was greeting the seriously injured boy.Seeing the gentleman, the boy quickly said: "I'm sorry, I didn't send you back the change on time, I broke my promise!" But the gentleman was deeply moved by the boy's sincerity.When he learned that both of the boys' parents were dead, he decided to take on everything they needed in life.This is a story or legend about honesty, which is still moving today.

In modern society, the value of honesty has not depreciated at all. UPS is a prestigious courier company in the United States, and their business is famous all over the world.They promise to deliver items on time and on time.In the ad, the company says that in order to deliver on time, we use any form of transportation: planes, ships, even pickup trucks.Our promise to customers is "not a single second off"!Many have seen firsthand how they live up to this promise.A personal friend gave her a birthday present, which was delivered by UPS.Seven minutes before the appointed time, their staff members ran over from a taxi carrying items anxiously.When signing the form, the customer asked whether the company would reimburse him for the money he took for a taxi.He shook his head. "Then you are not worth it? The gift I received is probably not enough for your taxi." The young man wiped the sweat from his brow: "Our company is an extremely trustworthy company, and credit is the foundation of everything. We must serve according to the regulations. No matter how difficult we encounter, we must ensure that we arrive on time. This is our promise to customers. It cannot be missed by a second.” These words are quite touching, and when I look at their advertisements again, Suddenly, I felt a kind of respect from others.That kind of respect is a kind of commitment and a kind of credit.This is the foundation of a person and an enterprise's survival.

All the Aid Bear chain fast food restaurants in Beijing have such regulations: after 7 minutes for French fries, 10 minutes for hamburgers, and 30 minutes for fried chicken, they can no longer be eaten by customers, and they are all thrown away as garbage.In order to reduce this kind of waste, the kitchen staff must grasp the flow and demand of customers. It is best to buy and cook now, but customers should not be kept waiting for a long time.Although the regulations sound harsh, the boss clearly told them that they must abide by them.Because the customer is God, we must keep credit to the customer.Many employees disagree, thinking that "thrift" is a virtue of the Chinese people, and this kind of regulation does not know how much food will be wasted.So every time I try my best to sell out all the food and then make new ones.After a long time like this, nothing happened.Then one day, the president of the company came to this store to eat French fries, and immediately realized that the taste was not right.Looking at the time plate (all food items are placed in a specific time plate), the fries have been overtime by 5 minutes.Immediately fire offenders.He was very excited and asked the boss: "It's only 5 minutes, do you have to fire it?" The boss replied: "You saved french fries for 5 minutes, but let our fast food restaurant treat all customers in 5 minutes. Lost credit. It’s too expensive and you can’t make it up.” The difference between french fries 5 minutes ago and 5 minutes later won’t be that big, but for a credit fast food restaurant, it is quite important thing.The regulations of fast food restaurants seem a bit unreasonable to us, but it represents the integrity and responsibility of fast food restaurants to all customers.There are certain rules that we must follow because it represents our respect for others.Now the whole world is talking about integrity issues. To be honest, today, dishonesty is no longer a problem of some people, but a widespread social disease.Nanjing Guanshengyuan, "Lantian Shares", Enron in the United States, Worldcom's accounting scandal... Faced with so many incidents of dishonesty, people are shocked!Faced with such a lack of integrity, people have to think deeply!

The loss caused by lack of integrity is heavy: Enron Corporation of the United States - 12 billion US dollars, WorldCom - 38 billion US dollars, Nanjing Guanshengyuan (moon cake) - 40 billion yuan.The Enron incident not only bankrupted the company, but also ruined Arthur Andersen; World Communications deceived shareholders with false accounts that concealed expenses of 38 billion U.S. dollars, and sent itself to bankruptcy, with 1 employees facing layoffs; Equipment giant Xerox was fined $7 million by the SEC for inflating revenue by $64 billion.These three accounting scandals shocked the whole world, and some people even think that its impact far exceeds that of "1000".From this lesson, we once again see that "sincerity is the foundation of scholars, sincerity is based on trust, and trust is based on virtue".We must correct the relationship between short-term interests and long-term interests, faithfully fulfill our obligations and social responsibilities, and win the trust and support of students and parents with practical actions and an image of integrity.This is a market rule for the operation of private schools, and it is also a general operating rule.We should spare no effort to be practical and meticulous, do our best, and avoid making rash and aggressive mistakes in pursuit of short-term interests.Because credit is a fragile thing, it takes a lot of effort to build it, but it takes little effort to destroy it.

In a survey of 300 of the world's largest companies, it was found that those companies that strictly enforced business integrity created twice as much value as those that did not.Was named "Star of Entrepreneurship", was received by the party and state leaders in the Great Hall of the People, and the boss of Jiangxi Po Transformation Equipment Co., Ltd., Huang Youping has always been committed to zero defect products and 100% customer satisfaction.Huang Youping has a catchphrase: "How to grasp the quality, you know how to be a human being." He brought the quality issue to the principle of being a human being.Two years ago, the company developed two new products, box-type and dry-type transformers. No quality problems were found during the development and debugging stages of the products. Due to their high technical content and easy operation and use, they were well received by users after they were put into the market. welcome.However, after using the product for a period of time, some quality problems were found.The technicians of the company learned about this situation in time while tracking the service, and fed the situation back to Huang Youping.There are two choices before Huang Youping: first, some customers did not find out about this matter, the transformer can still be used, and the company pretends not to know, which may lead to safety accidents, and the company's reputation will be seriously damaged; second, Immediately recover the defective transformer, so the company will suffer a loss of nearly 100 million yuan, but in exchange for a good reputation, it can win more customers in the future.Huang Youping, who regarded product quality and corporate reputation as the life of the company at the beginning of the company's establishment, of course chose the latter.However, 100 million yuan is not a small amount for a small and medium-sized private enterprise that has just started. When these products were burned in front of all employees, he shed tears.Huang Youping's "fire" was widely circulated among electric power companies, and orders came in like snowflakes.

In the colorful transformer industry in China, Jiangxi Gandian Transformer Co., Ltd. is an eye-catching "dark horse".The rise of this private enterprise is not unrelated to the strict product quality and after-sales service commitments formulated by its boss Zhang Aimin.The company promises: for any failure caused by the quality of the company's products, after receiving the user's notice, the province guarantees that people will be sent to the scene within 24 hours, and the people outside the province will be guaranteed to send people to the scene within 48 hours.At the beginning of this year, Xinjiang Turpan Electric Company called to inform that a product was out of order. After receiving the call, Zhang Aimin hurried to Changbei Airport to take a plane and then transferred to the scene. It was 5 pm when he arrived at the scene, and he was too late. Eat, quickly make repairs, until an hour later the troubleshoots.The technical director of the Electric Power Bureau who has been by Zhang Aimin's side gave a thumbs up: "I have been in the Electric Power Bureau for more than ten years, and your efficiency is the fastest." It is the trust of users in the company's products that makes his company in short supply This year, another 300 million yuan was invested to expand the factory building, and the sales volume exceeded [-] million yuan.

"Reputation is built by people. To open up the market, the key is reputation." This is a sentence often said by Nie Fuli, general manager of Jiangxi Baoshenda Co., Ltd.Nie Fuli will never forget the fact that he lost 13 yuan in his first big business.Nie Fuli bought credit for 13 yuan.It was the first time he had done rayon business with a Hong Kong boss.I am not very familiar with the business field, and the location of the supply is different, and people take advantage of the loopholes, resulting in inconsistent quality of the goods.As a result, when the goods arrived in Hong Kong, the buyer found that the raw materials of the products in the two places were different, refused to accept them, and demanded compensation.Nie Fuli was stunned. Compensation was not a small sum.This is undoubtedly a fatal blow to him who has just started.Faced with this situation, Nie Fuli did not forget the promise he had made when signing the contract. Without saying a word, he compensated the other party 13 yuan.The merchants saw that he was so trustworthy, thought he was credible, regarded him as a friend, and expressed that they would continue to do business with him.Half a year later, the profit of this merchant alone from doing business with him exceeded 50 yuan.This rather dramatic ending was something that Nie Fuli did not expect at the time.

(End of this chapter)

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