Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 22 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people

Chapter 22 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people (2)
The hero of the overlord of Western Chu is unrivaled in the world, almost invincible.But because he was too self-confident and ignored Liu Bang, who could only be regarded as a villain in terms of background and experience, he was finally condemned by God.Too much self-esteem and lack of hooliganism are the reasons for the character of Lao Xiang who gave up halfway.There are at least four cases where it is said that Xiang Yu is not rogue enough or not thorough enough.One is that Liu Bang, who wanted to be a hooligan at the Hongmen Banquet, softened him even more.The second is that Liu Xiaosan's father, wife and children were arrested and threatened. It was a bit low-key, but Liu Bang dismissed it with a light word.The third is that it was not bright enough to tear up the agreement of "the first to enter Guanzhong is the king", but he arranged for Liu Sange a base with sufficient geographical and military convenience, and he could go east to fight for the world at any time.Fourth, even in the face of a dangerous situation surrounded by enemies, Xiang Yu was able to fight in and out, ignoring the enemy's ten-thousand-horse barracks as nothing, but because of a woman, he was greatly confused, so that he felt that there was little meaning in living again, so he handed over his own. The head and country were handed over to a ruffian.It was when Liu Bang uttered the unimaginable rogue quotation "My father is also your father, if you kill him and cook him, remember to send me a bowl of soup", the spirit of the Overlord of Western Chu was completely destroyed. Given the education he has received, it is hard to imagine that there is such an "advanced concept" that he can even give up filial piety and shame.We can say for Liu Bang that he was an expedient or smart choice, because this is definitely a choice that wins both advances and retreats: if you kill "your father", your reputation will be ruined; No concessions.It's a pity that Xiang Yu is not Han Xin. Lao Han might choose to kill old man Liu Zhende and boil it, then send the soup to you and watch you drink it in front of your face, so that your name as a rascal will spread all over the world.But Xiang Yu is too self-confident about his noble status, he can't do it, so he can only be a low-level hooligan.He's not rogue enough, but there's hardly anyone who doesn't recognize him as a hero.

Han Xin is a mid-level hooligan.General Han’s hooligan career started when he got into people’s crotch, and carrying Chu Touhan was another precisely calculated hooligan adventure of his. It was his hooligan plan to be chased by the little intellectual Xiao Heyue and then become General Han. Iconic success.But when he made great achievements and asked King Liu Han to be a "false king of Qi" so as to control the newly conquered territory, he did not expect that the old rascal had already begun to prepare to get rid of him in the future; When he won successive victories and Lao Liu lost every quarter but did not rescue him, the old hooligan began to imagine "someday" the retribution for his low moral character; After Jia finally became a prisoner, what he encountered was not just the treatment of the old hooligan himself, but the abuse of Empress Lu who was an extension of Liu Hooligan.

Liu Bang is the top hooligan.The day when the other two hooligans were successfully settled was also the day when Emperor Liu was accomplished.The country and the beauties are alone, and the civil servants and the generals embrace each other, so he can always sit down in the world.But it's a pity that he is just a rogue without Xiang Hehan's prowess in military affairs. He really has no way not to accept the molestation of an ordinary rogue in the desert and grassland: the siege of Baideng Mountain made him taste like a big rogue but lacks IQ. The bitterness, the extremely insulting "love letter" that Mao Dunda Shanyu gave to Empress Lu made him, a scoundrel descendant, have to bear with it for a long time.Rest and recuperate, recharge your batteries until the appearance of the great Emperor Wu——Liu Che, the fate of this rascal was washed away by the equally great Wei Qing and Huo Qubing.

(Section [-] "Seven Weapons" of successful people

1.Longevity Sword: Aspiration should be lofty - full of confidence

Weapon features: light and elegant, focusing on formulas and moves, and ignoring internal skills and mental skills. The learner can quickly achieve success in a short period of time, but the foundation is weak and lacks strength.This weapon is extremely sharp, it cuts iron like mud, and breaks hair.Those who wield this kind of weapon can walk the rivers and lakes with mediocre aptitude. Wherever they go, there must be a bloodbath. This kind of weapon is the Longevity Sword.The sword moves are sharp, but those who lack stamina should not use it for a long time.

A sword has two edges, good dancers kill the enemy, bad dancers hurt themselves.Self-confidence is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, you can build confidence in your own success, but if you don't grasp it well, it will become a burden, and self-confidence will become conceited.However, no matter what, self-confidence is essential in order to succeed. Where is self-confidence?The first thing is to have big ambitions.Ambition is the premise, but perseverance and endurance are the guarantee. As the saying goes: "Those who have aspirations establish long-term aspirations, and those who have no aspirations always aspire."

Aspirations should be high, since the birth of human beings, God does not want us to do only those things that are natural, not just those things that we are used to, He wants us to do something beyond the ordinary and comfortable life.It is mediocre thinking to let things take their course, and mediocrity is the last thing God wants to see.There is a story in the "Bible": A man wanted to go to a foreign country, so he called his three servants, handed over his family property to them, and distributed them different amounts of silver according to their talents: one gave Five thousand, one gave two thousand, and the other one thousand, and then went abroad.

The man who received the five talents used the money to trade and made another five talents.The one who had received the two talents also earned another two talents.But the one who had received the one talent went and dug the ground, and buried the master's money.After a long time, the master of those servants came back and settled with them.The one who had received the five talents came and brought the other five talents, and said, Lord, you handed me the five talents.Look, I made another five thousand.The master said: Well, you good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a few things, and I will entrust you with management of many things; come in and enjoy your master's pleasure.The one who had received the two talents also came and said, Lord, you gave me two talents.Look, I made another two thousand.The master said: Well, you good and faithful servant, you have been faithful in a few things, and I will entrust you with management of many things; come in and enjoy your master's pleasure.The one who received the one talent also came and said, Lord, I knew that you were a strong man, reaping where there was no sowing, and gathering where there was no scattering, so I was afraid and went and hid your one talent in the ground. .Behold, here is your silver.The master replied, "You wicked and lazy servant, since you know that I will reap where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered, you should give my money to the money changers, and when I return, It can also be recovered with interest.So the master took the thousand from him and handed it over to the two and five thousand.If they produce more, they will take it away.For whoever has, more will be given, and he will have a surplus; and whoever has not, even what he has will be taken away.Cast this useless servant into outer darkness, where weeping and gnashing of teeth.Because in his view, although the value of the money has not been increased, but the money has not been lost, and the task has been completed.However, his master didn't think so. He hoped that his servants could be better, instead of letting his servants go with the flow.He wants them to reject mediocrity and pursue excellence.Two of the servants did it—they increased their money, and the stupid servant muddled through and did nothing.Many people have this mentality: "I just do what I want to do, and I never strive to do things to perfection." So, how do you deal with everything God has given you?How can you settle for mediocrity?Don't you want to think like that stupid servant?

The goal determines the height of your success, what kind of goal you have, what kind of life you have.It doesn't matter where you stand today, it matters where you go next.We cannot extend the length of life, but we can increase the width of life.The social structure is a pyramid structure, a large number of people are at the bottom of the pyramid, and only a small number of people are at the top of the pyramid.People at the bottom barely make ends meet every day.And those at the top thrive and prosper.In every city and every company, most people are at the bottom, a few people are at the top, and those at the top are gradually rising from the bottom.The important thing is not how humble you are now, or how insignificant the work you are doing, as long as you have a strong desire to climb to the top of success and are willing to work hard for it, then one day you will smile and get your wish.If the champion always chooses to go with the flow, then he cannot win the Olympic competition. He must surpass the existing records to get the gold medal in his hands.Looking back at history, it is not difficult for us to find that every great achievement and every outstanding achievement was created by those with lofty aspirations, whether it is inventors like Edison, Ford, Bell, Wright Brothers, or Martin Social reformers like Luther King Jr. and the prisoner-turned-President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela.They refuse to accept the golden mean, they strive for excellence, so they succeed, this is the law of essence: the best will rise to the top of the pyramid.

For young people, no matter how poor or clumsy he is now, as long as he has a positive attitude and determination to improve, we should not lose confidence in him.For a person who is eager to make a name for himself in this world and achieve a career, nothing is an obstacle to his advancement.No matter how harsh the environment he is in, and no matter the difficulties and obstacles he faces, he can always drive himself through the inner strength, stand out and move forward bravely.We cannot stop the rise of a Lincoln-like, Wilson-like, or Hilton-like figure.For such people, even if they are too poor to afford books, they can still obtain the knowledge they dream of through borrowing. Even in a humble situation, they never give up their dreams.Even if they fail again and again, they never give up trying.They are people with "self-drive".

You may think that you are too bad, and the chances and probability of achieving a career are very small, but the crux of the problem is not how humble your current status is or how insignificant the work you are doing, as long as you have strong aggressiveness Heart, as long as you are not confined to a narrow circle, as long as you are eager to become a figure that attracts everyone's attention one day, as long as you hope to climb to the top of success and are willing to make effective efforts for it, then no obstacle can stop you from succeeding pace.We should not judge people by what they are doing now, and it is not easy to jump to conclusions about a person until we know exactly what his ideals and aspirations are.A person should be judged by the ambitions he has and the goals he has established.A young man, as long as he has perseverance, perseverance and faith, it is entirely possible for him to become an outstanding person.In a man's daily activities we can discover certain things which foreshadow his future.His style of doing things, his dedication to his work, his words and deeds - everything indicates what kind of future he will have.When we see a person who works hard, tries every means to make everything perfect, is proud of his own efforts and achievements, and actively seeks further development and improvement on this basis, believe that he will one day will emerge.

Just do your best, it's good enough, please try to do better!The championship is our relentless pursuit.The purpose of success in business depends on acquired hard work, but all people already have this innate condition, because we are born to be champions - the best and healthiest sperm will compete with a waiting one at the fastest speed. The eggs combine to form tiny living cells.If it works, it's you!It can be seen that people are born successful and champions.Remember: we are like cells fighting tenaciously for survival.Yield neither to nature nor to oneself.Then, our purpose is: champion!As Hubbard said in the article "Send a Letter to Garcia": Don't always say that others expect more of you than you expect of yourself.If others can find mistakes in your work, those are the places where you are not perfect, and you don't need to find excuses and admit that I am not perfect.Never defend your flaws, let alone use them to hold you back.Why choose mediocrity when we can choose perfection?People often think it's just their nature, they don't expect much from themselves, they might say, "I'm not as ambitious as you, my nature is not as ambitious, we have different personalities." It's not about nature, you can change , in fact, this is a question of choice.You can choose the best, so make a decision to change yourself first!
Warner?Feng?Boone said: "There are 5 parts in the 'Sutton V' [the rocket that propels the big spaceships], and if we have 600 percent reliability in the technology, then maybe 000 99 unreliable defective part. However, during the test phase of the Apollo IV launch, we only had two parts found to be abnormal, which means that the reliability reached 5 percent." The average car has 600 parts, If the same reliability as the "Sutton V" can be achieved, the first abnormality of the car will be found in 000 years.Why can't our cars be as precise as the Sutton V?Because NASA has set itself a higher bar than the auto industry.We have to learn from NASA.God wants us to strive for perfection - to set ourselves a standard higher than that set by others.

Why is it that they have reached the height of public attention?God is fair to everyone, Hilton and Rockefeller have no more time than you have, but why are they the only ones who have made remarkable achievements?The crux of the problem is that you don't have the height of life.The reason why most people live a mediocre life, and why they can only play insignificant and minor roles on the stage of history-including those who are lazy, lazy, idle, and mediocre-is that they lack inner power.Harvard University has done a famous experiment.A survey on life goals was conducted among a group of young people with similar intelligence and age, and it was found that: 3% of people have very clear long-term goals; 10% of people have clear but relatively short-term goals; 60% of people only have Some vague goals; 7% had no goals at all. Twenty-five years later, Harvard University conducted a follow-up survey on them again, and the results were quite surprising!The 25% of people have all become elites from all walks of life and industry leaders; the 3% of people are successful people in various professions and fields, living in the middle and upper classes of society, and have successful careers; most of the 10% of people live in The middle and lower classes of the society have no ambitions and have mediocre careers; the 60% of people are very unhappy, their jobs are unstable, they cannot make ends meet, and they often complain about the society, the government, and everyone else.

There are many such people around us. These people think that they are very smart in private. They are content to dawdle, perfunctory, fish in troubled waters, live one day at a time, and waste their precious youth day after day and year after year. , life, bright future.He doesn't know that the crappy job he's doing isn't half as damaging to his boss as it is to himself.For the boss, this may be a loss of a few dollars, but for him, it is a loss of personality and self-esteem, a loss of being a human being.To trample on oneself, if you want to achieve something, you must believe in the way of the wolf. It is the ambition to pursue excellence; Persistence that never says die.To some extent, the wolf way is the human way to pursue success.

2.Peacock Ling: The Crisis of Putting Death to Survival
Weapon features: superb, elusive, invisible, blinding when it comes out, and fatal when it is out; the practitioner is exquisite in technique, pays attention to speed, cannot dodge, fatal with one blow, blood seals the throat, but remember to shoot blindly, once you miss, Unable to help themselves.The longest feather of the Yunnan golden-crested peacock is used. This feather is extremely hard, but at least two processes are required to make the peacock feathers - adding golden needles and soaking in medicinal water.The golden needle is fast and extremely sharp, and the potion is usually made of peacock gall, which is extremely poisonous.After the peacock feather is completed, it needs to be placed in a dark place for seven days and seven nights, and then the poison spreads to every place on the feather.

Why compare the spirit of breaking all the boats, fighting with one's back, putting one's death to one's death, to something as poisonous as peacock feathers?Because the adventurous spirit is powerful, but the risk is also very worrying.An enterprise is an industry, and what enterprise leaders have to do is to do practical things.Therefore, when setting goals, the leader must proceed from the changes in the environment and the actual situation of the enterprise, decide which businesses to expand and which businesses to compress, and determine the business structure and product market strategy of the enterprise.In other words, set goals based on reality.Otherwise, taking risks blindly will only lead to complete failure.The most typical example is Shi Yuzhu.

★The Fall of the "Giant"
(End of this chapter)

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