Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 27 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people

Chapter 27 Emotional intelligence is an essential quality for successful people (7)
Cisco is famous for its strict recruitment procedures. The submitted resumes have to be reviewed and screened by phone, and those who pass these two steps have to go through 5 to 8 interviews.At the same time, Cisco also conducts comprehensive training for recruiters, so that recruiters can maintain sensitivity and interview skills.During the interview process, candidates need to talk through many projects - most of which involve specific work, in order to test the candidate's execution ability.Each person responsible for recruiting has an interview record, and each person forms an evaluation after interviewing the candidate.Cisco uses an all-pass system. For example, among eight recruiters, if one person says NO, the applicant has no chance of being hired.Because of such strictness, Cisco was able to maintain the company's excellent execution-this is quite difficult, because Cisco's annual growth rate is 8%, which means that the company has to recruit hundreds of employees every year, but Cisco did it.

Panasonic started business in 1918. At that time, the company was very small. Panasonic only hired a few employees who were dismissed by big electrical companies.According to the size of the company at that time, the top three outstanding students in the school at that time would not come to Panasonic Electric Company. Even if they came, Panasonic would feel troubled because there were no suitable jobs for them.Panasonic believes that the talents used by enterprises must be suitable for the requirements of the work, so that the business can be done.Even after the company has grown in size, Panasonic and its subsidiaries still use "suitability" as the guiding principle when selecting talents, unlike other companies that blindly pursue high education and high work experience.There is a saying in Japan: suitable for status.It means to hire people with suitable status based on the company's operating policies.This shows how important it is for a company to have the right people do the right thing.Allowing the right people to do the right thing and give full play to their talents can not only effectively display the value of talents, but also effectively improve the effective execution ability of employees, which is very beneficial to both enterprises and employees.

Finally, we list here the business credo of a well-known success expert:

★Hubard Business Creed
I believe in myself
I believe in my product

i trust my company

I trust my colleagues and partners
I believe in the American business model
I believe that producers, designers, manufacturers, sellers of products and all people who work in the world
i believe in the value of truth

i believe in good temperament and good body

I believe that the necessary condition for success is not to make money, but to create value, and when value is created, success will come naturally
I believe in sunshine, fresh air, vegetables, fruits and all good things in the world
I believe the most beautiful word in the world is "confidence"

I believe that every time I do business I gain a friend

I believe that when I am separated from others, we will all long to be together again, and when we are together, we will all be happy
I believe in working hands, thinking brains and loving hearts
Amen! ★
Notes: Albert Hubbard (1856-1915), born June 1856, 6 in Bloomington, USA, editor of Fesleys and Brothers magazines; founder and president of Roycrofters & Company.After earning an M.A. at Tufts University, Hubbard worked on a J.D. and eventually at Harvard University, where she taught, edited and lectured. In 19, he met William Morris and returned home to East Aurora to found Roycroft Press and Kelmscott Press.Hubbard's rare business talent and writing talent, fame and money followed, and soon he was famous all over the world, known as "the saint of East Aurora".Books include: "Send a Letter to Garcia", "One Day", "The Power of Now", "I am the Worst Enemy", "The Goal of Life", "Short Travel" series, "Time and Opportunity", " john.A Life of Brown, etc.

(Section [-] Low EQ - "Spiritual Killer"

On September 2005, 9, Xie Yong, a master student who had just graduated from the School of Pharmacy of a key university in Chengdu for more than two months, swallowed a large amount of sleeping pills. At the beginning, the 20-year-old's life came to an abrupt end.

Xie Yong studied in the School of Pharmacy as an undergraduate. After graduation, he worked in a pharmaceutical factory in Tianjin for two years, and then returned to the School of Pharmacy to study as a graduate student. He graduated in July 2005 and was assigned to the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chengdu Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.After working, Xie Yong always felt that he was not competent for the job, and constantly blamed himself for being useless, unable to support himself, and unable to share the worries of his parents.The pressure at work, coupled with his own depression, after working for a month, Xie Yong's mental state was extremely poor. "His face was pale, and he was in a trance all day long." Accompanied by his colleagues, Xie Yong went to West China Hospital of Sichuan University for a period of psychological treatment.But still did not fundamentally solve his spiritual crisis.

Xie Yong's father burst into tears after learning of the sad news that his son committed suicide by taking poison. Xie Yong's mother never dreamed that the tragedy of a white-haired man sending a black-haired man would happen to her.According to Chen Zhendong, Xie Yong's classmate and friend, Xie Yong's mother was laid off a few years ago and was diagnosed with cancer not long ago.After learning the sad news that her son, whom she had high hopes for and was proud of, committed suicide, the old mother who was undergoing chemotherapy fainted on the spot, unable to come to Chengdu to see her son for the last time.With the help and encouragement of his classmates, at the end of August, Xie Yong, who had just worked for a month, resigned from the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Chengdu Branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and entered the research and development room of a pharmaceutical group in Chengdu to do laboratory work.Because Xie Yong is alone in the laboratory, considering that Xie Yong is introverted and not suitable for working alone for a long time, the students helped arrange Xie Yong to work in a research and development team. "His parents are both laid-off workers, and his family is very difficult. His classmates are trying to help him, hoping that he can get out of the shadows as soon as possible and face life and work positively. However, unexpectedly, he has only worked in the new unit for more than 8 days. Or leave behind old and sick parents and embark on this road of no return.” Xie Yong may have the right to stop his 10-year-old life, but what he left to his relatives is eternal pain and nostalgia.When he swallowed that little pill, did he ever think of his distressed and vicissitudes parents?His mother is proud of him, and his father sells newspapers to earn money to send him to study.Perhaps Xie Yong was relieved, but passed the pain on to his parents who gave birth to him.He blamed himself for not being able to repay his parents, but he never thought that living well was also a kind of repayment to his parents.Even landlords are not indifferent landlords.There are so many enthusiastic and sincere classmates who have been helping him out of the psychological shadow.But he went.Leave behind the family who loves him the most and the friends who care about him the most.Who said that life is a fragile straight line, which will break if it is stretched?Life should be a curve that becomes more resilient the tighter it is!Get out of your demons.Ahead is a sunny patch.

Mental health and physical health are the foundation of success.Definite purpose, right and clear thinking, creative imagination, courageous action, long-term persistence and real insight, if applied with enthusiasm and confidence, you can achieve and keep positive mentality.After Rockefeller retired, the main goal he determined was to maintain physical and mental health, strive for longevity, and win the respect of his fellow men.Can money help him achieve these goals?Here's a rundown of how Rockefeller got there:
(1) Go to church every Sunday and write down the principles you learn for daily application.

(2) Sleep 8 hours a night and take a short nap every day.Get proper rest to avoid harmful fatigue.

(3) Take a bath or shower once a day to keep it clean and tidy.

(4) Move to Florida, where the climate is good for health and longevity.

(5) Live a regular life.Get outside every day for a favorite sport -- play golf; get some fresh air and sunshine; enjoy regular indoor sports; read a book and other rewarding activities.

(6) Eat in moderation, chew slowly.Do not eat too hot or too cold food, so as not to scald or freeze the stomach wall.

(7) Take psychological and spiritual vitamins.Speak polite language at every meal and read inspirational books with family, secretary, and guests.

(8) Employ Dr. Bigger as a personal physician. (He kept Rockefeller healthy, happy, active, and happily alive to the age of 97.)
(9) Share part of your property with those in need.

At first Rockefeller's motives were mainly selfish. He distributed property to others just in exchange for a good reputation. But in fact, a situation occurred that he did not expect: he gave happiness and health to others through donations to charities. Many, while he earned his reputation, he himself gained happiness and health, and the foundation he established will benefit generations to come.His life and money are tools for doing good.He achieved his goal.

You should first realize that a positive attitude will attract wealth, and then you can accumulate wealth.However, don't neglect your health when using a positive mindset.

As for the health of the mind and mind, we need more courage to achieve satisfactory results.Of course, this is benign, a strong and kind person must succeed faster!In business, we can often:

First of all, when you hear advice, speeches that may change your life, listen carefully.Then it won't be hard for you to be genuinely ashamed of what you've done, and it won't be hard for you to make sincere repentance.It is important that you take the first step forward.When that step is taken, it's an announcement to the public: I'm ashamed of my past, and now I'm ready to change my life.Also, you must take the second step forward: correct every mistake immediately.Then:

(1) Search for the truth.

(2) Motivate yourself to take constructive action.

(3) Make you have good physical health and mental health, and strive to achieve your ideals.

(4) Live wisely in your society.

(5) Help you correct actions that would cause you unnecessary harm.

(6) To get you from where you are to where you want to go, regardless of who you are or what you have become.You should put aside anything in your life that is holding you back.This requires you to know what is right and what is wrong; to know what is good and what is evil in a given situation and at a given time.You are familiar with the standards of good and evil in the society in which you live.It is up to you to determine which criteria will lead you toward your desired goal.

"It's one thing to know a goal, it's another to work toward it," Fulton Shinn wrote in Life Is Beautiful.Choose your target!Work to achieve your goals!Command your thoughts, control your emotions, and act, and you can control your destiny.We must have good physical health and mental health, so as to strive for that beautiful ideal!Use a positive attitude to direct your thoughts, control your state, and master your destiny!

In the first issue of "Art Life", Song Dandan concluded from his own failed marriage and more than 30 years of setbacks in his artistic life: human beings are composed of three parts, knowledge, desire, and habits.The intersection of these three is the character of a person. In a person's life, knowledge determines what you do, desire determines how far you can do it, and habits determine how you will do it.The first biggest difference between a winner and a loser is that he has not made up his mind; the second biggest difference between a winner and a loser is that he still has not made up his mind; the third biggest difference between a winner and a loser is that He still hasn't made up his mind.

★Differences between junior high school students and college students

Look at a recruitment story first, maybe you are already familiar with it:

In 2003, when the company of the father of chocolate, Forsberg, was allowed to enter the Chinese market, he issued a recruitment notice.The announcement is very simple, it is written like this: Please use the most concise sentence to answer what the following four famous people are saying.

1. On April 1954, 4, the 2th anniversary of the founding of the Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Einstein was invited to give a speech at his alma mater. In his speech, Einstein said a few words: "My studies are average. I wasn’t exactly a good student, but then I found out that if you unlearn what you learned in school, what’s left is education.”

2. On June 1984, 6, Ding Zhaozhong, the winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics, returned to his alma mater, Tsinghua University, to give a speech. When accepting questions from students, he said: "As far as I know, among the more than 4 physicists who have won the Nobel Prize, there are still There is no one who often takes the first place in the school; there are a few who often take the bottom one."

3. On March 1999, 3, Bill?Gates was invited back to his alma mater Harvard University to participate in the fundraising meeting. When a reporter asked him if he would like to continue his studies to get a diploma from Harvard University, he smiled at the reporter without answering.

4. On May 2001, 5, US President Bush returned to his alma mater, Yale University, to receive an honorary Doctor of Laws degree.When asked how he feels now because of his mediocre academic performance, he said: "To those graduates with excellent grades, I say 'well done', and to those with poor grades, I say ' You can go be president'."

More than 400 outstanding Chinese college students participated in the application. On March 2003, 3, his branch opened in Beijing. Only one student was notified to attend their opening ceremony. The student’s answer was as follows: “There are high scores and low scores in the school, but Nothing outside the school gate, and everything inside the school gate is always disrupted and rearranged outside the school gate."

Peking University graduate: selling pork on the streets of Chang'an

Once upon a time, the report of Peking University graduates selling meat on the street made Lu Buxuan a person who became the object of street talk. It can be said that he became famous. It is said that more than 200 units contacted him, and many of them wanted to invite him to teach.After all, the gold content of a Peking University graduate in the 80s is quite high. As long as Lu changes his temper a little, the school that invited him will definitely not be disappointed.Many people lamented that Peking University's top students are so desolate, including the entire report and comments, I am afraid that there is more element of curiosity.It seems that the graduates of Peking University should be amazing.There have never been many legends about down and out characters in Peking University, and Lu Buxuan just provided the latest version.

Lu Buxuan's Peking University classmate wrote an article "Brother, I am Here" to sympathize with his situation, which is human nature.In his article, there is such a statement: When freshmen enter the school, the dean of the department said in a speech that the Chinese Department of Peking University does not train writers, but trains "qualified writers."It seems that at least in the mid-to-late 80s, this word was said every year.They are all about the bottom line of survival for top students and the value of high education.Many commentators stick to Lu Buxuan's status as a top student in the Chinese Department of Peking University, from which they can see that society is unfair and "the world is not benevolent."It may be more realistic to temporarily put aside Lu's Peking University background and simply look at his life experience.It must be admitted that Lu was very dissatisfied with his assignment, and went to an inexplicable small factory, and that factory collapsed very quickly.However, I think Lu Buxuan is not alone in his experience.The college graduates back then were all assigned by contract, and many of them were assigned to ordinary small factories, but they all resigned soon, and their current situation will certainly not be like Lu Buxuan's.After all, your feet grow on your body.But Lu Buxuan wasted all the way, not necessarily without his own reasons.His later experience was mainly a failure in business, and he ended up selling meat in Chang'an.It is said that he once wanted to be a reporter in a newspaper office, but unfortunately he couldn't adapt, so he quit within two days.In other words, Lu Buxuan basically gave up what he had learned in the Chinese Department of Peking University.It was also mentioned in related reports that the few boxes of books that Lu carried back from Peking University were basically untouched afterwards.Therefore, I think this is a person who has completely given up his craft, and his fate may not have much to do with Peking University.

The requirement for becoming a talent is not what books you have read, but how you control knowledge. In the mid-to-late 80s, Yan Jiayan was the dean of the Chinese Department of Peking University.His so-called "qualified writer" is a bottom line that Professor Yan provides to Chinese students: if you have no other skills, stick to this one, and you will be able to guarantee a minimum social status and treatment in the future. ★
(End of this chapter)

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