Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 4 Emotional Intelligence - We used to ignore it

Chapter 4 Emotional Intelligence - We used to ignore it (4)
IQ shows a person's ability to do things, and "emotional quotient" reflects a person's performance in life.IQ is related to skills, it can determine what you can do, such as whether you can be a reporter, engineer, doctor, lawyer, etc.These occupations have relatively high requirements for IQ and skills, which determine whether you can handle complex and diverse information and deal with complex concepts.But all those who enter this field generally have the basic abilities required by this profession.At this time, to distinguish whether a person is successful or not, IQ has no effect, and EQ becomes the main factor to judge whether a person is successful or not.Therefore, in society, IQ determines our career, and in our career, EQ determines whether we can achieve our life goals.In the future society, in any industry, everyone must not only be able to do things, but also be a person.People with high EQ speak well, do things properly, think quickly, and are "loved by everyone", and have a higher chance of success than those with low EQ.

(Section [-] The proportional relationship between EQ and success
There are too many topics of using the principle of "emotional intelligence" to see through success. For example, the secrets of risk awareness, innovation awareness, and dominance awareness of modern successful entrepreneurs have long been summarized by people, all of which are directly related to "emotional intelligence".There are also countless stories of people with high emotional intelligence (who may not have a high IQ) achieving brilliant performance in real life.In the American business community, the employment principle of "IQ enables people to be hired and EQ to promote them" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the importance of "EQ" should exceed IQ.There is a company in the United States, which has a special survey, consulting, and research organization. They organized a survey of 188 companies and tested the IQ and EQ of the senior executives of each company.Want to know what is the relationship between their IQ EQ and their work, the results of this survey are very surprising, the influence of EQ is 9 times the influence of IQ!People with poor IQ can be successful if they have a higher EQ index.In addition, our future society is a society of rapid development. What people encounter is a fast-paced life, high-frequency workload, complex interpersonal relationships, and increasingly fierce competition. Coupled with natural disasters and man-made disasters, and a complex society, only a high IQ is obviously powerless to cope with it. You must also have a high EQ to adapt to such a society, cope with it freely, and be able to manage and adjust yourself.

★Optimistic test

In the mid-20s, an insurance company in the United States hired 70 salesmen and provided them with vocational training. The training cost for each salesman was as high as 5000 US dollars.Unexpectedly, in the first year after employment, half of the people resigned, and after 3 years, less than one-fifth of this group of people remained. The dilemma of being rejected, many people lose the patience and courage to continue to do this work after receiving multiple rejections.Are people who are good at seeing every rejection as a challenge rather than a setback more likely to be successful salespeople?So the company asked Martin Seligman, a professor of psychology at the University of Pennsylvania, for advice, hoping that he could provide some theoretical help for the company's recruitment work.Professor Seligman is known for his theory of the importance of optimism in success, arguing that when optimists fail, they attribute their failure to something they can change rather than something Fixed difficulties that they cannot overcome, so they will work hard to change the status quo and strive for success.After accepting the insurance company's invitation, Seligman conducted two tests on 4 new employees, one was the company's regular IQ-based screening test, and the other was Seligman's own design. , a test used to test the optimism of the testee.Afterwards, Seligman conducted a follow-up study on these new employees.Among the new hires, a group failed the screening test but scored "super-optimists" on the optimism test.The results of follow-up research show that this group of people completes the work tasks best among all people.Their pitch performance was 21 percent higher than the "average pessimist" in the first year and 57 percent higher in the second year.Since then, passing Seligman's "optimism test" has become an essential procedure for the company to recruit salesmen. ★

Seligman's "optimism test" is actually a prototype of the "emotional intelligence" test. Its success in insurance companies directly proves the personal qualities related to emotions to a certain extent. It plays an important role and also provides strong practical support for the birth of the concept and theory of "emotional intelligence".

On the basis of these experiments, Yale University psychologist Peter Selavi and John Mayer of the University of New Hampshire first proposed the concept of emotional intelligence in 1990. Emotional intelligence refers to the feeling of grasping oneself and others. and emotions, and differentiate and use these information to guide a person's thinking and action ability.The role of emotional intelligence is not reflected alone. The level of emotional intelligence determines whether a person's other abilities (including intelligence) can be maximized on the original basis, and thus determines how much a person can achieve. The concept of "emotional intelligence quotient" immediately attracted widespread attention in the field of psychology, and began to attract the attention of some educators and business people.Many school and enterprise administrators try to apply it to practical work.It was popular in western countries at first, and after it was introduced into our country in the 90s, it immediately attracted people's attention:

At Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, which cultivates reserve forces for the aerospace industry, every year after the end of the last semester, one percent of the top students will be selected for special training. The number is 35, and they will enter the Higher Engineering College. Students are arranged in separate classes and live together until they graduate.As soon as students enter the class, the school will assign individual tutors for these top students. The tutors include academicians, Changjiang Scholars, and senior doctoral advisors.The selected top students can enter the tutor's scientific research team and laboratory to engage in scientific research and innovation activities from the junior grades.

The period of study in the Higher Engineering College is two years. After two years, according to the students' ambitions for combined undergraduate and master's and undergraduate and Ph.D.s, the tutor will arrange the selection of follow-up courses and topics.Candidates with high scores may not necessarily be admitted to higher engineering colleges.When selecting students to enter the class, in addition to referring to scores and taking individual subject tests, non-intellectual factors are also examined. Psychological tests and emotional intelligence are also part of the assessment.Passing this test can examine whether students have potential for development, high-quality talents, and the ability to work together are very important.It can be seen that the cultivation and training of senior talents have already referred to the factor of "emotional intelligence".

You might as well look back at Forrest Gump. Although his IQ is more than 20 points lower than the normal value, it is certain that his "emotional intelligence" is much higher than that of others.After suffering setbacks and falling out of love, A-Gump always said to himself: "Mom told me, life...", and then quickly cheered up to face life again. This is the power of emotional control.Recalling the success of the shrimp fishing company, A-Gump was not discouraged at all in the face of the discarded debris that was caught again and again, in the face of stormy seas and storms. Maybe you would say that he is stupid and does not know what "success" is. You can say that he Too stupid to know that this is called "failure", if that is the case, there is no point in discussing success.The key is that Forrest Gump regards difficulty as the bitter taste in chocolate, and he believes that there will be sweet ones waiting for him.We don't know what the future will hold, so we can only concentrate on being ourselves now.What is particularly touching is that Forrest Gump's spirit infected the decadent captain, making him hold his head up and appreciate the good life.This "empathy" is precisely the sublime state of emotional intelligence.

As for the "improvement of emotional intelligence", it should be said that this is a long-term training process and it is difficult to achieve it overnight.Psychologists and management experts have preliminarily designed training methods to improve EQ, but it is crucial that every young person pays attention to the understanding and control of their own emotions from now on, maintains an optimistic and cheerful attitude, and learns the principles of harmonious coexistence with others. Skill.

A director of Bell Laboratories, a smart engineer in New Jersey, used the theory of emotional intelligence to analyze his employees.As a result, he found that those employees who perform well at work are not all those with the highest IQ, but those whose emotional transmission is responded to.This suggests that those with high IQs who are sensitive to the emotions of others and good at controlling their own emotions are more likely to get the jobs they need to achieve their goals and more likely to be successful than those with high IQs who are less socially competent and withdrawn.As another example, when Kampl and his colleagues at the Center for Creative Leadership in the United States studied "flash-in-the-pan executives," they found that these people failed not because of technical incompetence, but because of poor emotional ability, leading to Those who struggled in interpersonal relationships and eventually failed.It is precisely because of its successful application in the corporate world that EQ has become famous and started to attract a lot of interest in the news media.Emotional intelligence has opened up a new way for people to succeed in their careers, and it has freed people from the helpless fatalistic attitude caused by only talking about IQ in the past.Because the acquired plasticity of IQ is very small, while the acquired plasticity of EQ is very high, individuals can become a master of EQ through their own efforts and reach the other side of success.Intelligence is not the only factor for success. Having a smart brain is definitely something to be happy about, because intelligence does play an irreplaceable role in the process of success.However, many people with high IQs are still struggling at the bottom of life. Why is this?That's because they didn't realize the importance of "emotional intelligence" on the road to a person's success, telling the story of an ordinary person:
★Optimistic Monet
(End of this chapter)

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