Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 6 IQ is important, EQ is even more important

Chapter 6 IQ is important, EQ is even more important (1)
There is no doubt that a normal IQ is a necessary condition for a person to become a talent.It is difficult for a person with an abnormal IQ to make a career in the future.However, can people with normal or even supernormal IQs be able to achieve amazing feats?The answer is: not necessarily.In the process of building a career, IQ is important, and EQ is even more important.Among us, people with low or high IQ are a minority. Most of us are people with normal IQ. How to stand out from the general public and achieve a career depends on the emotional intelligence.The level of emotional intelligence determines a person's self-awareness and judgment, determines the person's ability to deal with interpersonal relationships, and determines the person's mentality and handling methods when facing difficulties and setbacks...

(Section [-] The Origin of IQ

A friend told me this little anecdote:

Once, a friend played a "brain teaser" game with his friends, but the friend's score was the lowest, and he was called "stupid" by his friends all night!
Of course we know this is a game and we can't take it seriously.My friend successfully graduated from college and later became a reporter, and his IQ must be high.

Speaking of "IQ", in fact, this is a word we often encounter in our lives, so what exactly is IQ, and where does it come from?

In fact, IQ is an indicator to measure the level of personal intelligence development, referred to as IQ, IQ has been regarded as the only indicator to measure a person's mental quality for a long time.

Generally speaking, the level of IQ reflects the level of a person's intelligence, that is, the level of development of a person's observation ability, memory ability, thinking ability, imagination ability, etc. It mainly shows the person's rational ability.

The IQ test first appeared in the 19th century, and was widely adopted by various countries in the early 20th century, and became an important auxiliary standard for many scientific research, personnel training and special occupations. In 1904, the French Ministry of Education organized a special committee to study the management of imbecile children in public schools.Committee member Biner and medical scientist Simon tried to study a method of using a test to identify children with mental and intellectual disabilities.In the following year, a set of questionnaires for measuring children's intelligence level was developed - this is the earliest scientific scale for intelligence testing in the world.

The "Bina-Simon Intelligence Test" does not have the concept of IQ, but uses mental age to represent the level of intelligence being tested?If the mental age is higher than the biological age, the intelligence is considered to be above the average child.

Later, in the revised "Stanford-Bina" scale, "IQ" was proposed for the first time, and the calculation formula is as follows:

Intelligence quotient (IQ) = Mental Age (MA) ÷ Actual Age (CA) × 100.

The so-called mental age refers to the level of intelligence reaching a certain age.This is detected through specific assessment systems such as questionnaires.For example, a 5-year-old child can pass the intelligence test of the 5-year-old group, and can also pass the intelligence test of the 6-year-old group, but fails in the intelligence test of the 7-year-old group.Then, the intellectual age of this child is 6 years old.His intelligence quotient (IQ) is 6 (mental age)/5) actual age) × 100 = 120.It can be seen that if a child's intellectual age is higher than his actual age, it means that the child's intellectual development level is higher, and his IQ is also higher.

Generally speaking, in an unselected population, the average intelligence is 100.Therefore, those with an IQ close to 100 are called normal intelligence, those with an IQ above 130 are called supernormal, and those with an IQ below 70 are called mentally retarded.

After the "Bina-Simon Intelligence Test" came out, it soon attracted the attention of the French Ministry of Education and was vigorously promoted.Since then, various test tables for measuring intelligence have come out one after another, and have spread rapidly in Western society, and penetrated into all walks of life and all age groups, setting off a frenzy of IQ tests.It can be said that in the Western world in the 20th century, almost no one could avoid IQ tests in their lifetime!
IQ tests quickly swept the entire society and had a major impact on people's lives.More and more people know their intelligence level through IQ test, and use it as the main basis for their career choice and decision-making.As parents, they arrange the appropriate learning content and learning environment for their child through the test results, and use it as a reference when entering a higher school or choosing a major to understand which aspects of their intellectual structure are weak and which aspects have advantages, so as to be targeted to develop intelligence.Therefore, for a long period of time after that, all kinds of IQ test questions can be frequently seen in newspapers, magazines, and the Internet, and major well-known companies increase their IQ assessments when introducing newcomers, which has contributed to this trend. effect.It can be said that from the emergence of "IQ", after a gradual development, the "IQ trend" has become popular.

(Section [-] High IQ does not equal success
Have you noticed in your life that when we see a group of children chasing and playing, we often observe and make judgments unconsciously: "This child can speak well, has sharp eyes and hands, has an aura, and looks very smart; that child is dumb , It looks stupid, a bit stupid." What we usually say "smart" or "stupid" usually refers to a person's "intelligence".

The traditional view always thinks that IQ represents intelligence. If a child has a high IQ in the test, the parents are like a reassurance: "Our child is smart, and he will definitely have a bright future!" On the contrary, parents often frown , worrying about the future of their children.So, is IQ the same as how smart a person is?Are people with high IQs guaranteed to be successful?The answer is not necessarily.

There was a student who had poor academic performance and always "turned on the red light".So the parents took him to do an intelligence test, and the conclusion was that his IQ was low.

However, people found that apart from the unsatisfactory academic performance, this child is not necessarily stupid in other aspects, and even a little "smart" in some aspects. After a professional evaluation by a doctor, it turns out that this child suffers from mild ADHD.

In addition to attending classes, this child is particularly strong in hands-on skills. He often creates some "gifts" in various extracurricular interest classes organized by the school, and some of them are even praised by the teacher.After leaving school, he achieved good results in the field of design.In addition, Wang Anshi's "Injury Zhongyong" tells such a story: Zhongyong was once a well-known child prodigy. When he was 5 years old, he had never seen writing tools, but suddenly cried for them.His father was surprised by this and borrowed it from a neighbor. He immediately wrote four lines of poems and signed his name.

From then on, whenever someone asked him to write a poem, Zhong Yong could finish it immediately.He was not only quick in thinking, but also brilliant in writing, which surprised people in the same county. Some people even begged Zhongyong to write poems with money and gifts.His father thought it would be profitable, so he led Zhongyong around to visit people in the same county every day, or blindly showed his talent in front of people, but at the same time neglected to cultivate him, and finally made Zhongyong grow up. Only then can it disappear completely, no different from ordinary people.

Zhongyong's high IQ was fully revealed when he was young, but due to neglect of training, he eventually lost all his talents, just like ordinary people. However, children with low IQs have achieved success, breaking the long-standing belief that people have "IQ "On the traditional thinking of success or failure,

American psychologists conducted a survey on the relationship between IQ and success.They conducted a follow-up study on dozens of outstanding graduates from a middle school in Illinois. The average IQ of these students, that is, language and logical analysis skills, is the highest in the school, and their academic performance is also very good.However, most of them perform mediocre until they are nearly 30 years old. Ten years after graduating from high school, only a quarter of them have reached the highest level of their age in the industry, and many of them are far worse than their peers.

Karen Arnold, a professor at Boston University who participated in this research, pointed out in response to this survey result: "Facing a graduation speech representative, the only thing you know is that his test scores are good, but for a person with a high IQ, you All that is known is that he did well on some intelligence tests prepared by psychologists, but we cannot make accurate predictions about his future success or failure."

It is true that IQ tests can predict a child's academic performance to a certain extent, but can academic performance be the only lever for future achievement?IQ can indeed reflect part of human intelligence, but can it represent a person's entire intelligence?
If IQ is not enough, then what is the most powerful bargaining chip to influence a person's success?Based on long-term research results, psychologists have proposed another word-emotional intelligence.

(In the third section, IQ is precious, and EQ is "price" higher

A child health care expert said that a teenage boy accompanied by his mother came to the hospital for consultation.The boy was very shy and kept his head down when the doctor asked about the situation.

I learned from the child's mother that the child was very lively when he was young, and his mouth was very sweet.In order to improve the child's intelligence, his parents bought him various educational toys since he was a child, and also helped him sign up for calligraphy classes and Go classes.But what is puzzling is that the child is becoming more and more introverted, talks less and less, and seems to have no confidence in doing anything.

After the doctor's inquiry, it turned out that the child's parents attached great importance to the cultivation of the boy's "IQ", but they did not pay much attention to the communication and communication with the child in normal times, and did not pay much attention to the changes in his personality. The doctor concluded that : Children's "emotional intelligence" is relatively low.

In 1995, Daniel Goleman, a professor at Harvard University in the United States, published a book called "Emotional Intelligence."The book systematically and comprehensively introduced the content of emotional intelligence to the public, and became popular all over the world.At the same time, the concept of "emotional intelligence" is rapidly spreading around the world and attracting wide attention.In this book, Professor Goleman mentioned some emotional problems: such as people's common feeling of loneliness, depression, willfulness, anxiety, impulsiveness, etc. - which resonated strongly with the public.So, what exactly causes this state of life?Although people have found many reasons, the most fundamental one is emotional intelligence.

The level of emotional intelligence has a major impact on a person's physical and mental development.It also has an immeasurable effect on its success, and sometimes its effect even exceeds the level of intelligence.

Everyone wants to be successful; every parent wants their children to be successful; every teacher wants their students to be successful; every leader wants their subordinates to be successful.There are thousands of paths to success, and thousands of ways to succeed, but looking around us, how many are truly successful?

Especially people in today's rapidly developing society, with fast-paced life, high-frequency workload, increasingly fierce competition, complicated interpersonal relationships and even natural and man-made disasters, people are generally under great psychological pressure.Under such circumstances, only a high IQ is obviously unable to cope with it. If you cannot manage your emotions in a timely manner and adjust your relationship with others and society, there are not a few people who will eventually lose in their own hands.

The founders of EQ, Peter Salovey and Professor John Mayer, believe that EQ has become the most important psychological research achievement in the 20th century.

(Section [-] People with high EQ are infinitely charming

Graduated from Harvard University, Roosevelt, the well-known president of the United States, was a fragile and timid boy when he was a child. He always showed a frightened expression on his face, his legs trembled when he recited, his lips quivered, and his answers were vague and incoherent.However, these defects of his did not make him give up on himself, but instead prompted him to work harder, improve himself, and improve himself.His positive emotional intelligence contributed to his fighting spirit, which finally made him an outstanding president in American history.

Andrew Carnegie, the steel magnate, changed from a poor boy to a rich man in the United States, relying on his positive emotions and self-cultivation: "If a person cannot find some romance in his work, it cannot be blamed on the work itself. And it can only be blamed on the people who do the work.”

There is also Premier Zhou Enlai of our country, who is also a person with high emotional intelligence.In international communication, he opened up the international situation for us with his superb diplomatic art and high EQ.

It is said that at an international conference in the 50s, someone told Premier Zhou, China is so poor, why do you want socialism?There is an obvious provocative meaning in the words.Premier Zhou said that our country is very poor, one poor and the other white.Our money in the whole of China adds up to 18 yuan, 8 cents and 8 cents.As soon as this remark came out, everyone was shocked: all the money in China is only 18 yuan, 8 cents and 8 cents.What does it mean?

It turned out that in China at that time, 100 yuan, 50 yuan and 20 yuan a piece of RMB had not yet been issued, and the largest amount was 10 yuan banknotes.In addition, there are 5 yuan, 2 yuan, 1 yuan, 5 cents, 2 cents, 1 cent, 5 cents, 2 cents and 1 cent, which add up to 18 yuan, 8 cents and 8 cents.Then, Premier Zhou changed the subject and asked why China is so poor?He told people that it was because of the plunder and blockade of the imperialist powers that China was poor and barren.Although China is poor and white, we still need to speed up the construction of socialism.Here, Premier Zhou used his wisdom to set up a kind of suspense very cleverly at 18 yuan, 8 cents and 8 cents, arousing the curiosity of the public, and then explaining it, which made people suddenly realize.He did not refute directly, but used his high EQ to make it easy for the other party to accept, and also established China's indomitable image internationally.

In addition, during another international exchange, someone provoked Premier Zhou and asked: Mr. Prime Minister, I heard that there are many roads in your country. I would like to ask, are the roads in China the roads traveled by horses?Premier Zhou did not get angry when he heard this remark, but replied very politely: We do have many roads in China, because we are taking the road of Marxism!Such a witty and ingenious answer shone with the light of Zhou Silai's wisdom.His answer not only clearly stated our country's position, but also did not directly hurt others, but it also implicitly refuted the other party.

The level of emotional intelligence shows that people stand at different starting points, and people with high emotional intelligence stand at a relatively higher position.So they can see farther and wider.Because of his high EQ, Roosevelt did not forget his unremitting efforts because of the misfortune in front of him; because of his high EQ, Carnegie worked hard to find fun in his boring work; The advantage of tongue is to respond rationally and flexibly to the attack of foreign words.

Emotions determine a person's mental state.Only a good state can have a good desire, and can bring out other inner abilities of a person to the extreme, which of course includes intelligence.

Professor Goleman, the author of "Emotional Intelligence", has spent many years researching and analyzing 500 companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations around the world. In addition to finding that successful people often have the working ability they should have, outstanding achievements and outstanding Performance and emotional intelligence are often inextricably linked.And the best leaders of enterprises have excellent performance in a series of emotional intelligence, such as influence, team leadership, self-confidence and motivation to succeed?Emotional intelligence affects a person's life.It plays a decisive role in a person's destiny, and it occupies an even more important position in all fields of life.A successful person may not be a brilliant genius, but he must be someone with high emotional intelligence who can mobilize his emotions.

(Section [-] EQ gives more requirements for success

An intrepid self-challenge, Chadwell, a woman who successfully crossed the English Channel, was not satisfied and decided to go beyond herself, she wanted to swim from Catalina Island to California.Soon began her own plan, and we can guess that the journey was very arduous, the biting water was so cold that Chadwell's lips were purple; sixteen hours of continuous swimming made her limbs feel like a heavy weight.Finally, Chadwell felt that he was going to die, but the destination was not so far away, and he could not even see the coast.The more she thought about it, the more hopeless she became, and the more hopeless she felt, the more tired she felt. She felt that she could not use any energy, so she said to the people on the boat accompanying her: "I give up, pull me up quickly." "Don't In this way, it’s only one kilometer away, hold on!” “I don’t believe it, if it’s only one kilometer, why can’t I see the coastline, pull me up quickly.” Chadwell was finally pulled up by the people on the boat.The boat moved forward quickly, and within a minute, the coast of California appeared in front of my eyes—because of the heavy fog, it could only be seen within half a kilometer.Chadwell himself regretted too much: why don't you believe what others say, and insist on it?

(End of this chapter)

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