Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 69 Positive action is the guarantee of success

Chapter 69 Positive action is the guarantee of success (1)
Life is a competition field. Everyone wants to be the winner of the competition. Winning life is not based on imagination, but on actual actions. Only by putting one's own ideas into actions can there be a possibility of success.If you want to be successful, take active actions from now on, as long as you stick to your dreams and put them into practice, you will reap success.

(In the first quarter, get up wherever you fall
Failure is the mother of success. Everyone will experience failure on the way to realize their dreams. Failure is not terrible. What is terrible is whether you have the determination to get up after failure.Get up wherever you fall, keep going in the original direction, and you will reach your destination one day.

Get up wherever you fall, it seems that there is no difficulty in saying it, but very few people really do it.Because it is indeed difficult to let yourself accept failure and build up the self-confidence that has been hit again, but if you want to succeed, you must have the courage to climb up wherever you fall, because on the road to success , It's perfectly normal to stumble.

★The opposite of failure is success
That was the sixth job he lost in one year. He had a CET-[-] certificate, but the first company thought his oral English was not good enough; he was a second-level computer programmer, but the second company thought he was typing too fast Too slow; in the third one, he didn’t get along with the department manager, so he took the initiative to fire the boss; in succession, the fourth one, the fifth one... He said darkly: "Every time I failed, I wasted a year of time." .”

The friend has been listening patiently, and now he said: "Let me tell you a joke. An explorer set off to the North Pole, but ended up in the South Pole. People asked him why. The explorer replied: Because I brought a compass and I couldn't find it." North. He said: How is it possible? Isn’t the opposite of the South Pole is the North Pole? Just turn around.” The friend asked: “Then the opposite of failure is success? Don’t be afraid of falling, as long as you get up bravely, There will always be a day of success." In an instant, he felt confident again, and he started his job search again, and finally his hard work paid off. He found a company that was very suitable for him, and he developed very well there. very good. ★
This story tells us that failure is an indispensable companion on the road to success. If you don’t have the courage to get up after failure, you will never succeed. When you regard failure as a test, climb up wherever you fall Standing up is what a person who pursues success should possess.

Most people will not have smooth sailing in their lives, and they will inevitably suffer setbacks and misfortunes.But a very important difference between the winners and the losers is that after a fall, the losers are afraid of falling again, so they don't have the courage to get up; while the winners will get up and keep going, because they know how One more step is one step closer to success.A person who has lost temporarily, if he continues to work hard and intends to win back, then his loss today is not a real failure.On the contrary, if he loses the courage to fight again, he is really lost!

★Messi's story
American department store king Macy was born in Boston in 1882. He went to sea when he was young. Later, he opened a small grocery store selling some needlework, but the store soon closed down.A year later he opened another small grocery store, which still failed.

When the gold rush swept across the United States, Macy opened a small restaurant in California. He thought it would be a safe business to provide meals for gold diggers. Unexpectedly, most gold diggers got nothing and could not afford anything. Closed again.After returning to Massachusetts, Macy started the cloth clothing business with confidence, but this time he not only failed, but was completely bankrupt, losing everything.Messi, who did not give up, went to New England to do cloth clothing business.This time, his luck turned. He was very flexible in his business, and even made his business into a street store.On the first day of opening, the book revenue was only 11 US dollars, but now Macy's in the heart of Manhattan has become one of the largest department stores in the world.

Messi did not lose confidence in doing business because of his several failures. On the contrary, he has been trying hard to do business. He failed and tried again, fell and got up again. Even if he went bankrupt, he did not shake his determination. In the end, he It succeeded and became the king of department stores in the United States. ★
There is an old saying: "Heaven will send a great mission to the people of Sri Lanka, and they must first suffer from their will, exhaust their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skins."This means that successful people must go through some twists and turns, and only those who persevere can finally taste the sweetest fruit.

(Section [-] It is never too late to firmly believe
A Harvard professor once told his students: "One cannot wait for good luck to come. Only those who have realistic goals and practice them can make their dreams come true."

Faith is a powerful force, it can make people not stop groping in the dark, never give up fighting in the face of failure, and never forget the pursuit in the face of setbacks.In front of it, the great difficulties are insignificant, and the boundless dangers are not surprising.Repin of Russia once said: People without principles are useless people, and people without beliefs are empty waste.Faith is the pillar that supports a person, and a person must use firm belief to support himself on the road of life; anything else may become your eternal support point.

★Broken Arrow

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a father and his son went out to fight.The father has become a general, and the son is just a pawn.Another burst of horns sounded, the drums thundered, and my father solemnly held up a quiver with an arrow stuck in it.The father solemnly said to his son: "This is a treasured arrow from home. It has infinite power, but it must not be drawn out."

It was an extremely exquisite quiver, made of thick cowhide, trimmed with faintly shining copper edges, and look at the exposed arrow tails.I can tell in a second that it is made of first rate peacock feather.The son was overjoyed, and greedily imagined the shape of the shaft and the arrowhead. The sound of arrows swishing past his ears, and the enemy's coach snapped off his horse and died.

Sure enough, the son with the arrows was brave and invincible.When the clarion call to withdraw troops sounded, the son could no longer hold back the arrogance of victory, and completely betrayed his father's instructions. His strong desire drove him to pull out his precious arrow, trying to see what happened.Suddenly he was stunned: "A broken arrow, there is a broken arrow in the quiver."

"I've been fighting with broken arrows!" The son broke out in a cold sweat, as if a house that lost its pillars suddenly collapsed.The result is self-evident, the son died tragically in the rebellion.Brushing away the misty gunpowder smoke, my father picked up the broken arrow and spat heavily: "If you don't believe in your own will, you will never be a general."★
How stupid is it for my son to pin all his chances of winning on a single sword. This kind of sustenance itself is not solid. If he loses this sword, he will completely collapse. Only the support from the heart is permanent. most powerful.You are an arrow, if you want it to be tough, if you want it to be sharp, if you want it to pierce through a hundred steps, hit it every time, sharpen it, you can only save it.

★The person wearing the watch

Six miners were mining coal in a deep underground shaft. Suddenly, the mine collapsed and the exit was blocked, and the miners were immediately isolated from the outside world.Everyone, you look at me, I look at you, without saying a word.They can see at a glance the danger they are in.Based on experience, they realized that the biggest problem they faced was the lack of oxygen. If they dealt with it properly, the air in the well could last for more than three hours, at most three and a half hours.

People outside must have known they were trapped, but a collapse of such magnitude meant that the borehole would have to be re-drilled to find them.Can they be rescued before the oxygen runs out?These experienced miners decided to do everything possible to save oxygen.They agreed to minimize physical exertion, turn off the lights they carried with them, and lay flat on the ground.

It was hard to tell the time in the darkness, but luckily one of them had a luminous watch.

5 people asked the time to this person: how much time has passed?How long is it?what time is it now?
The time was stretched out, 2 minutes seemed like an hour to them, and they felt more hopeless with each answer.

The person in charge among them found that if they continued to be anxious like this, their breathing would become more rapid, which would kill them.So he asked the person wearing the watch to keep track of the time and report it every half hour, and no one else was allowed to ask.

Everyone obeyed the order.When the first half hour had passed, the man said, "Half an hour has passed." Everyone murmured, and the air was filled with gloom.Watch wearers are finding it harder and harder to keep everyone informed of approaching deadlines as the hours tick by.So he arbitrarily decided not to let everyone die so painfully. When he announced the second hour, 45 minutes had actually passed.

No one noticed anything wrong, because everyone believed him.After successfully lying for the first time, the time for the third notification was extended to one hour later.He said: "Another half an hour has passed." The other five people each calculated how much time they had left in their hearts.

The clock hands continued to move, and everyone was afraid of hearing the time announcement.People outside accelerated the rescue work. They knew the location of the trapped miners, but it was difficult for them to rescue them within 4 hours.

Four and a half hours passed, and the most likely outcome was to find the bodies of six miners, but they found five of them alive, and only one had suffocated, and he was the man with the watch. ★
The person wearing the watch knows the exact time, so he believes that he will die in three and a half hours. The other 5 people also have the same belief, but they think that half an hour has not arrived yet, so They persisted for a longer time, which shows that in a desperate situation, if there is a firm support, miracles can be created, which to a certain extent shows that psychological suggestion has a great influence on people. Therefore, we should find our own beliefs and always keep it in mind, and we will surely achieve greater success.

(Section III Raise the Sail of Faith High

Faith is the strength that supports a person's life. Those who have achieved something have firm beliefs. No matter in good times or in adversity, they never forget their beliefs. Faith can make people have a strong desire to survive in adversity Desire, support yourself to live, and finally achieve something.

Sima Qian, a famous historian of the Han Dynasty more than 2000 years ago, was imprisoned for the "Li Ling Incident" and was sentenced to imperial punishment.It should be said that there is no greater shame in the world than this.But he was not depressed, endured the humiliation, devoted himself to writing for 11 years, and finally wrote the 52-word masterpiece "Historical Records".

Our beloved Premier Zhou Enlai.He is truly a person who has fought for the communist cause he believes in all his life.At the last moment of his life, he also asked the staff around him to play "The Internationale" for him.When the majestic melody filled the room, the Prime Minister's lips were clearly still moving and singing!After playing it three times in a row, the Premier said to Comrade Deng Yingchao who was standing by his side: "I firmly believe that communism in the world will be realized." Although the voice of saying this was very small, it shocked the people around him very much.As he was near his deathbed, he sang this song at the end, showing his true unwavering faith.

The power of belief is powerful. When you have your own belief, it will affect you invisibly. In the end, you will find that what you become is influenced by your own belief.

★Faith guides success

Once, there was a Persian prince who was born with a hunchback. On his 12th birthday, his father promised to give him a gift he hoped for.Unexpectedly, the prince asked for a statue of himself, and the statue must have a perfect body, straight and beautiful.After the statue was finished, it was placed in the garden of the palace. Every morning after getting up and before going to bed at night, he would run to stand in front of his statue for a while, and say to himself: "This is you, prince! This is you The appearance when he grows up, with a tall and straight body, and a handsome face." In this way, the image of the stone carving became his dream and belief.Lying in bed at night, he stretched his body more straight; when walking during the day, he also tried to push his chest higher.Day after day, year after year, the prince persisted in his belief. When he grew up, people were surprised to find that the hunchbacked boy turned into a handsome and tall young man.

The Prince of Persia believed that he was as perfect as the image of the sculpture, so he made himself work hard in that direction. After years of hard work, he finally overcame his defects and became a handsome and tall young man.

great maternal love

In the building where I lived, there was a mother and daughter living in a suite.The mother suffered from cancer when her daughter was more than two years old, and the doctor said that she could live for a few months at most.More unfortunate things happened one after another. Her husband was a self-employed transport driver, and the car overturned and died in a rainy day.Disaster seemed determined to destroy the family, but the mother persevered for her daughter.After the accident was dealt with, she used all her savings to open a small department store, vowing to let her daughter grow up healthily.She underwent surgery and chemotherapy again and again, and each time the doctor said: "It may only be a few months." But she was not reconciled, she said to herself: "I must live until my daughter graduates from college." There was no cure, but she postponed death for a full 20 years because of a strong belief.She died two weeks after seeing her daughter graduate from college and go to work.Many people, including the doctors who treated her, were deeply moved by the power of this mother's belief born of love. ★
This mother relies on her firm belief that her daughter is her concern, so she must raise her daughter to be at ease. With this belief, she won 20 years for her life.What a miracle!

Faith is a mighty giant, it can create unbelievable miracles.Everyone will encounter difficulties and setbacks in their life, but as long as you have a firm belief, your life will shine brightly.Raise the sail of faith high, and you will definitely be able to sail further.

(Section [-]: Walk Your Own Way Firmly
Some people tend to take shortcuts, and if they can't get through, they will quickly switch to another path. As a result, they change back and forth, and they may not complete a path or accomplish a thing for decades.I've been busy all my life.Yu Gong is a hero, he moved a mountain with his children and grandchildren; Beethoven is also a hero, he firmly believes that the deaf can hear wonderful music.They all chose their own path and walked on firmly, and they didn't want to change another path just because they encountered difficulties.

★Stay on your own path
Sally Rafael, a famous American radio broadcaster, has been fired 30 times in her 18-year career, but every time she looks at the highest point, establishes a more ambitious goal, and still insists on walking the path she chose.Initially, none of the radio stations in the United States were willing to hire her because most of the radio stations in the United States believed that women could not attract audiences.She managed to land a job at a radio station in New York, only to be fired shortly after, saying she wasn't up to date.Sally was not discouraged by this.After drawing lessons from her failure, she pitched her talk show idea to NBC radio.The radio station reluctantly agreed, but asked her to host a program on the political station first. "I don't know much about politics, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to succeed." She also hesitated for a while, but her firm confidence prompted her to try boldly.Already well versed in broadcasting, she used her strengths and approachability to talk about what the upcoming Fourth of July meant to her and asked viewers to call in to talk about how they felt.Audiences took an immediate interest in the show, and she shot to fame.Today, Sally Raphael has become the host of her own TV show and has won important host awards twice.She said: "I was fired 7 times. I would have been scared off by these bad lucks and couldn't do what I wanted to do. Instead, I let them spur me forward."

She is a person who insists on walking her own way. She did not doubt her choice because she was fired 18 times, but it inspired her to prove her courage. After those failures, she had the opportunity to try and achieve Best of all, became a well-known show host. ★
It’s easy to choose a path, but it’s not easy to stick to it until the end. If you take 999 steps toward your destination but don’t insist on taking the last step, then you are still a failure. , There is only one destination, no matter how close it is, it is not the end, how sad are those who stop at a place very close to the end!

To walk your own path resolutely, you must endure loneliness and shock. It is an attitude of not giving up under any circumstances, and a tenacity that will never give up until you reach your goal.If you want to show off your wonderful life, you must have this attitude and tenacity.

(Section [-], don’t lose passion

The great American philosopher Emerson said: "If you don't pour passion, you can't expect to achieve great achievements." Passion is the soul of work, a force that can mobilize every cell in the body, and it is constantly spurring and motivating us to move forward. Motivation to forge ahead.In all great achievements, passion is the most dynamic factor, which can make us not afraid of the difficulties of reality.Every invention, every job performance is created by passion. Passion is the soul of work, even the work itself.

★Always be passionate

(End of this chapter)

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