Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 71 Positive action is the guarantee of success

Chapter 71 Positive action is the guarantee of success (3)
Remember that familiar experiment?If a frog is suddenly thrown into boiling water, it will jump out quickly, but if the frog is slowly heated in cold water, it will swim comfortably in the iron pan until it is scalded to death in it.People are often like frogs. Once they get used to a comfortable environment, they become dull, and it is difficult to see the changes in the outside world. When these changes accumulate enough to make your life fall into a trough, you suddenly realize it. But at this time It is often too late, so when the weather is calm, you must develop good habits and let yourself actively tap your potential. For example, you can try something you have never done before but are very interested in. Maybe after trying, You will find that you are doing well, which is equivalent to finding another way to success, isn't it?
(Section [-] Dare to think and do, show off the wonderful

In the hearts of Harvard people, time is the worst thing to waste.They regard time as the first resource of human beings, and believe that no misfortune can be compared with losing time, so they never procrastinate in doing things.Deciding to do something and procrastinating not to do it will have a bad impact on our life.

Professor Hallick of Harvard University once said: "93% of people in the world are unable to achieve anything because of the bad habit of procrastination, and this is because procrastination can kill people's enthusiasm."

Dare to think and do, may be destined to experience some setbacks, but those who do not have the courage to put what they think into action will never experience the joy of action, even setbacks are a valuable asset for themselves.So if you want to be successful, you must dare to think and even more dare to put what you think into action.

★Stick to achieve your goals
There was a boy whose father was an equestrian, and he had to run around with his father since he was a child, from stable to stable, from farm to farm, to train horses.Due to the frequent travel, the boy's schooling process was not smooth.

When I was in junior high school, the teacher once asked the whole class to write a composition, and the topic was their aspirations when they grow up.That night he wrote 7 pieces of paper, describing his great wish, that is, wanting to own a horse ranch of his own, and he carefully drew a plan of a 200-acre farm, which marked the location of stables, running tracks, etc. , and then in the middle of this large farm, a huge house covering an area of ​​400 square feet will be built.

He spent a lot of effort to complete the report and handed it to the teacher the next day.He took it back two days later, with a red and big one on the first side? , and wrote a line next to it: see me after class.Full of fantasies in his mind, he brought a report to the teacher after class: "Why did you fail me?"

The teacher replied: "You are young, don't keep daydreaming. You have no money, no family background, nothing. Building a farm is a big project that costs money. You have to spend money to buy land and money to buy pure water. Stud horses, and pay to stock them." He continued, "If you rewrite a less outrageous volunteer, I will remark your score."

The boy went home and thought it over several times before asking his father for advice.His father told him: "Son, this is a very important decision, and you must make up your own mind." After thinking about it for a few days, he decided to return the manuscript without changing a single word. , and I don't want to give up my dream."
More than 20 years later, the teacher took 30 of his students to camp for a week on the farm of the boy he had accused.Before leaving, he said to the boy who is now a farmer: "I am ashamed to say it. When you were in junior high school, I once poured cold water on you. I have said the same thing to many students over the years. Thank you for your perseverance. Stick to your goals."

This boy is a person who dares to think and do. He did not give up his ideal because he could not get the teacher's affirmation. On the contrary, this stimulated his motivation to realize his ideal. Through his own efforts, he proved himself to the teacher The original ideal was not a pipe dream. ★
Most successful people have three common characteristics: one is to dare to think, the other is to dare to do it, and the third is to be able to do it.Dare to think is not groundless random thinking, but to have your own clear goals. This thing must be what you really want to achieve; Dare to do is not breaking the law or using unscrupulous means, but a persistent attitude. The tenacity of not giving up until the goal is achieved, people who can do it often do not need to have too much talent, as long as you are willing, you can become the person who can do it.

★A person who dares to take "the sky"

Wenzhou businessman Wang Junyao is the No.1 private charter plane in China.His success started from his original bold idea. On the eve of the Spring Festival in 1991, Wang Junyao, who was the director of the Changsha office of Wenzhou Jincheng Industrial Company at that time, rushed home to celebrate the New Year. Because he couldn't buy a train ticket, he chartered a bus with several fellow villagers to go home.The mountain road to Wenzhou is not easy to walk. The car bumped forward on the long mountain road of more than 1200 kilometers, and the group was exhausted. Wang Junyao sighed casually: "The car is really slow!" A fellow villager next to him said sarcastically: " The plane is fast, you can charter a plane to go home." The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention, and what others see as a disgusting sarcasm, is actually a slap in the face of Wang Junyao.This thoughtful young man began to ask himself, "Land can be contracted, cars can be contracted, why can't planes be contracted?" Little wage earner Wang Junyao decided to do something big.

Amidst the white eyes flying all over the sky, Wang Junyao embarked on the road of "chartered flight" without hesitation.He planned alone for a long time, and then conducted eight or nine months of visits, market research and communication with relevant departments.First of all, he convinced the Civil Aviation Administration of Hunan Province that the Wenzhou-Changsha flight has enough passengers.He found that there are at least 1 Wenzhou people doing business in Changsha, and Wenzhou businessmen not only regard time as money, but also list energy consumption as a business cost.In addition, in order to eliminate the CAAC's worries about business risks, Wang Junyao adopted a cooperation model of "pay first, then fly." Fly, so that you can 'guarantee income from drought and flood'." These words touched the heart of the Civil Aviation Administration.

After visiting countless departments and stamping countless stamps, the Wenzhou-Changsha charter flight was finally opened. July 1991, 7 was a memorable day for Wang Junyao.As an "An-28" civil aviation passenger plane took off from Changsha and landed smoothly at Wenzhou Airport, the history of China's civil aviation was rewritten by a wage earner.For a while, news media in China, the United States, Singapore, Japan and other countries rushed to report, saying that this move was a welcome step towards the expansion of China's civil aviation. "That was the most important day in my life. My personal image and life path have changed! If life is a big stage, on that day, as an actor, I passed the interview and was allowed to be on the stage." Wang Junyao said Comments on his first major performance in business.

His ideas were regarded as daydreams by people at the time, but he dared to think and did not let his ideals stop at imagination, but actively turned his ideas into practical actions. With his tenacity, he succeeded and became the focus of people's attention. ★
The transformation of life does not depend on others to bring us opportunities, but we must be good at thinking, and we must be good at turning what we think into practical actions. Only in this way can you have more opportunities to change your life.

(Section [-] Seeking help, cooperation withdrawal

Eliot, President of Harvard University, gave a speech on the topic of "Habits of Success".He said: "Now is an era of competition. Without competition, there will be no development; without pressure, there will be no motivation; without rivals, it will be difficult for yourself to be strong. If a person wants to succeed, he must have the ability of 'you can do it, I can do it, you can win me. Also win' competitive consciousness. With this consciousness, people will not be tortured by jealousy, and success will become easier and easier. Because the shortcut to success is to learn from successful people and cooperate with successful people. If someone wins If you are better than you, you should sincerely appreciate him and learn from him humbly, so that you can share the results and happiness in common success.”

Friends, please remember: the world is so big, it can accommodate you, me, and him.There is plenty of room in the sky for more successful people.On the road of life, there is no limit to the number of successful people.You have gradually gained experience and strength, but when you are still unable to be independent, it is better to cooperate with others.It is better to cooperate with successful people than to cooperate with ordinary people.When cooperating with successful people, don't consider short-term interests first, but first consider the successful experience, intangible assets, related influence and long-term benefits of successful people.

Modern society is already an era of cooperation. There are fewer and fewer things that can be accomplished by one person. Many things need the help of others, and everyone can cooperate to complete them.Therefore, the idea of ​​"doing everything by yourself" is no longer feasible in this era, and only through cooperation can the maximum benefit be achieved.

★80 yuan to travel around the world

There is an American named Robert Christopher, who wants to travel around the world with 80 dollars, and firmly believes that he can achieve it.So, Robert took out a piece of paper and wrote down his preparations for traveling around the world for $80:
Try to get a document that allows you to go on board as a seaman;

Go to the police station to apply for a certificate of no criminal record;

Obtain membership in the American Youth Association;
Obtain an international driver's license and find an international map;
Sign a contract with a large company to provide soil samples from the countries and regions it passes through;

Sign an agreement with the same airline, you can fly for free, but you need to take photos to promote the company;


When Robert completed the above preparations, at the age of 26, he packed $80 in his pocket and started his global travel.Here are some experiences from his travels:
Breakfast in a small town on Baffin Island, Canada, without paying a penny, on condition that the chef take a photo;

In Ireland, I bought 4 boxes of cigarettes with 8 US dollars. From Paris to Vienna, the cost was to give the captain 4 box of cigarettes;
From Vienna to Switzerland, the train goes through mountains and mountains, only 4 packs of cigarettes are needed;
Photographed the manager and staff of the Iraqi transport company, and arrived in Tehran, Iran for free;
In Thailand, due to the information provided to the hotel owner in a certain area, he was treated like a VIP in the hotel;


Finally, through Robert's efforts, he realized his dream of traveling around the world with $80. ★
How incredible is it to travel the world on $80?But Robert did it, and it was done very easily. During the whole process, what he did the most was to ask for help from others, and let others help him realize his wish, so he realized his dream of traveling around the world with 80 dollars. It's the mentality of a winner.

Remember that fable?Where is the difference between heaven and hell?The same soup in the same pot, the same long, long spoon, people in hell just take care of themselves, even if the spoon is too long to reach into their mouth, they still do that, so in hell Everyone has a sad expression.And heaven is another scene, they help each other, one feeds the other, so everyone can taste the soup, so the people in heaven have a happy expression.This is the big difference that cooperation brings.Only by helping each other can we gain more.

★Division of labor and cooperation to succeed

Job and Woz were originally technicians. When they decided to start their own company, the first problem was to raise funds.At this time, venture entrepreneurs began to patronize the two young men.

The first person to visit was Don Valentine, introduced by Job and Woz's boss.When Valentine came to Job's house, he saw that Job was wearing jeans, shoelaces loose, long hair with a shawl, and a big beard. He didn't look like an entrepreneur at all.Mr. Valentine felt that it was inappropriate, and finally did not dare to ask, but introduced Job and Woz to another entrepreneur-Mark Kula, the former marketing manager of Intel Corporation.This is a shrewd venture entrepreneur who is well versed in the microcomputer business.The 38-year-old rich man came to Job's garage, carefully asked and inspected the "Apple" prototype, and asked a lot of questions.Finally asked about the business plan of the "Apple" computer.Job and Woz knew nothing about business, and they looked at each other, unable to speak a word.But Markkula had a discerning eye and saw that the two boys would not disappoint him, so he told Job and Woz that a detailed plan was necessary to attract venture capital.

Afterwards, Mark Kula gave the two of them a two-week management class, and the three of them worked day and night to formulate a development and production plan for the "Apple" computer.Markkula first invested $9 of his own upfront, and helped Job and Woz get a $25 line of credit from the bank.Then, the three of them took the plan to lobby with venture capitalists familiar to Markkula, attracting another $60 in funding.So far, Apple has attracted close to $100 million in venture capital.They hired 33-year-old Michael Scott as a manager because he was familiar with integrated circuit production technology.Mark Kula and Job served as the chairman and vice chairman, and Woz served as the deputy manager of the research and development department. In this way, Apple Microcomputer officially opened and embarked on its rapid development path. ★
Job and Woz, as well as businessman Don Valentine, and later Markkula, they didn't allow themselves to complete all the things, because a person's energy is limited, and they must cooperate with each other and share each other's energy. This is how they accomplish big things. Someone is in charge of technology, someone is in charge of funds, and someone is in charge of management. Such a clear division of labor allows them to avoid many detours and finally achieve success.Not only brought great wealth to oneself, but also made great contributions to the progress of mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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