Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 75 Using Emotional Intelligence to Develop Your Career

Chapter 75 Using Emotional Intelligence to Develop Your Career (2)
But sometimes due to various conditions, you don't have much choice in the job, so try to make some changes in the specific content of the job as much as possible to get the return you want.If you find it exciting to solve problems, and 85% of your work is routine, then you can try to develop a good habit of getting the routine work done as quickly as possible, leaving more time for Do the creative part of the job.

3.Get feedback on job performance
It is difficult for a person to maintain high morale if he does not have a way to get feedback about his performance, whether it is subjective or objective.Even if your job is very exciting, you also need feedback.Packaging design work is very fascinating in itself, but packaging designers also like to have their design results displayed, because it can say "your design is good enough for others to appreciate".

4.Apply behavior modification techniques to yourself

In order to use behavior modification techniques to motivate yourself well, you first need to identify the behavior that needs to be motivated (for example, working two hours on a Saturday night).Then, you need to find the reward and punishment measures that suit you, and use the reward measures to positively reinforce.

5.Improve goal-related skills

According to the expectation theory, you will only try to do something when you feel that you can do it.And a practical way to improve your subjective expectations of success is to improve the skills you need to perform tasks, so you increase your self-efficacy.The expectation of success is high, the self-confidence is high, and the motivational effect becomes stronger.

6.Raise the level of self-expectation

Expecting high of yourself generally tends to achieve better results.Because you think you can succeed, you really will.This desired self-fulfilling effect has been demonstrated experimentally.Developing high self-expectations and a positive attitude towards life is a long-term process, however, it is very important to effectively motivate yourself in a variety of situations.

7.love work

Another way to effectively motivate yourself is to love your work.If you firmly believe that most work is worthwhile and that hard work is enjoyable, then you will be highly motivated.It is not easy for a person who does not love work to change his view of work, but if he thinks carefully about the importance of work and learns from the right role model, then his view of work will become more positive. Not impossible.

Imagine this scenario: You're watching a special about kids with some terrible disease who need blood transfusions to stay alive, and they need a source of AB negative blood, but the kind of blood they need donated There are very few survivors, and it is far from enough to save these children.When the show ended, you were deeply moved and burst into tears.You turn off the TV and swear to donate blood once a month because you have this AB negative blood type.During that week, you schedule time to go to the blood bank.But in the end you find out that you only did it once that year.Eventually you give up even trying to fit this into your hectic schedule, you stop thinking about it altogether.Why is that?Are you a bad person who lacks the compassion to remember the poor children who are sick?
Every time you are persuaded to take a new course of action, you feel an emotion fueling you, impelling you.You turned off the TV that night and were deeply concerned about the condition of the sick children, and you felt compelled to help them.But your emotional state is only fleeting, and it diminishes over time.Just as it's directly tied to the intense emotions a TV show generates, the longer you turn off the TV, the weaker those emotions become.Months later, when you try to squeeze in a trip to a blood bank to donate blood, you don't have the same level of emotional drive that produced the original emotion of the act.Because your motivation is only triggered by short-lived and exciting experiences, you cannot hope to rely on this emotion to create a lasting change.In order to guarantee that you will stick to the new behavior you want to adopt, you must practice enough behavior to ensure that this behavior lasts.You have to train your brain to accept this behavior, and the brain's acceptance can only come from practice.If you can record a TV show about a child in the midst of illness and watch it once a month, the number of times you donate blood at the blood bank will increase.If you can go to a blood bank to donate blood for months on end, chances are your brain will autoregulate, and new neural pathways will support the behavior.Rescuing children in sickness will then become a new habit of yours.

(Section [-] Building Relationships at Work
Anyone who wants to be successful at work must maintain good relationships with superiors, colleagues, and customers.According to a survey, 90% of employees are dismissed not because of low ability to work, but because of poor work attitude, improper behavior and difficulty in establishing good interpersonal relationships with others.When you want a salary increase, promotion or transfer to a better department, you need to get the approval of your immediate boss.At the same time, if you have a good relationship with your colleagues, then you can get help from others when you carry out your work, and it will not be a problem to complete the work smoothly.Therefore, we must establish good interpersonal relationships with our bosses.

1.See things from your boss's point of view

(1) Try to look at the problems at work from the perspective of the boss.To see things from his point of view, one must first understand his personal style.For example, does your boss discard immature and risky ideas before making a decision?If it is, then although he will ask you for advice, he may not actually adopt it.So don't be disheartened if your risky proposal doesn't end up being adopted.

(2) Usually the boss and team members often have different perspectives, because the boss often has some information that others do not know.For example, your boss may know that the company is about to tighten money, but the news is still in the confidential stage. At this time, employees ask the company to sponsor them to participate in a trade fair. As a boss, you must refuse such a request, but there is no way Give a reasonable explanation for this.At this time, employees should say to themselves: "It's really unfortunate. But maybe the boss has a valid reason, but he can't say it for some reason."

2.Find out what your boss expects from you
Some people don't do their jobs well simply because they don't fully understand what their boss is asking them to do.Sometimes, employees have to take the initiative to communicate with their bosses to find out what the boss expects from their work, because bosses sometimes forget to make it clear.

3.build a relationship of trust
To establish a good relationship with your boss, you must win his (her) trust.Trust is built up through a series of long-term behaviors, such as meeting deadlines, keeping promises, showing up on time without unexcused absences, and not sharing confidential information with others.The establishment of trust must meet the following five conditions:
(1) Receptivity

Although each implementation plan can be fully discussed before making a decision, once a decision is made, it must be resolutely implemented, and the boss's ideas must be accurately communicated to the relevant personnel.A person who doesn't respect his boss won't get the help he deserves when he wants to realize his ideas.

(2) usefulness

A trustworthy employee can often give help and emotional support to the boss in time when the boss is under pressure.

(3) Predictability

A trustworthy employee is someone who can reassure the boss and always complete the work on time and with high quality.

(4) Personal loyalty

One effective way to show your loyalty to your boss is to support his ideas.For example, if your boss wants to purchase an industrial robot, you can study the benefits of using robots for the factory and introduce your research results to others.Loyalty often also means not giving away confidential information your boss tells you.

(5) Frank

When there is a problem at work, you must tell your boss frankly, and don't report good news or bad news.Of course, if your boss already has a lot of troubles, then you should explain the problem and provide a reasonable explanation or solution that is in line with objective facts instead of lying.

4.Respect the authority of your boss
(1) Report the problem and give the solution at the same time.

Many employees go to meetings with their boss with questions, and if the boss is already stressed, doing so will only add to the stress.If he can think of a solution, or report to his boss after solving the problem, it is a kind of stress relief for him.

(2) Constructively express ambiguity
In today's workplace, if you really think your boss is wrong, it's far better to express what you really think in a constructive way.In the long run, this approach will win your boss's respect more than blindly flattering you.But the premise is that you must analyze the situation deeply and thoroughly, and be able to express it very skillfully.This means: Never confront your boss loudly in public, it can put him in a very embarrassing position.If you disagree with your boss, then you should choose your words carefully and try not to use an offensive tone.

(3) Give bosses positive reinforcement and recognition

A well-managed boss should praise employees for their good performance and behavior. Reversing this process can also help you establish a reasonable relationship with your boss, especially when the boss is not recognized by the big boss. Just better.When your boss gives you a special favor, you can use gratitude to give him recognition and appreciation.

(4) Talk about key issues

(End of this chapter)

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