Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 80 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 co

Chapter 80 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 companies (1)
The power of role models is infinite. To become a person with high EQ, one must know some deeds of role models.There are many elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 companies. Let us look up to them, draw strength from them, and strive to be a master of emotional intelligence!
(The first section learns to adjust mentality and adapt to changes
In the workplace, only employees with tenacious adaptability like chameleons can gain their own place in the changing and developing enterprises!And those employees with poor adaptability, even if they are as strong as dinosaurs, still cannot escape the fate of being eliminated.The reason why employees with poor adaptability are ruined in the enterprise is because they have inaccurately positioned themselves and turned some "rules of the game" upside down.And these rules are actually very simple-the president will not "change the course" of his plan for the sake of individual people.If you don't want to lose your current job, you have no choice but to take the initiative to adapt to it and change yourself instead of waiting for it to adapt to you!
★Top student who resigned angrily

Bailey, a top student at Oxford University, was originally the chief representative of a French company in the UK, but he was "unemployed" in his [-]s.The reason was that, two months after he took office, the company where he was the executive vice president suddenly sent someone from his family to take up his post.

"When the business just started, I guarded against me, an outsider, and asked an uneducated and incompetent person to be my supervisor. How could I swallow this breath!" Therefore, he chose to resign.

A sales director of the Asian region of a famous American Internet company was once highly valued by the former boss, but now the boss has changed to a newcomer. He has been neglected, but he has no complaints and still works hard He said: "Taking a step back, the sea and the sky are bright, I am looking for a new breakthrough!"★
The same situation, different views, will produce different results, it depends on who is more adaptable.Facing the new environment, instead of complaining or avoiding it, it is better to let yourself actively adapt to it!The employees who are the first to adapt to the environment are often the first to gain a foothold in the new working environment, and their performance will be better than others in the fierce competition!
★You don't have to do anything

Flying from the UK to Handy in Kuala Lumpur, the capital of Malaysia, I went to the general manager Ian directly to ask for work after getting off the plane. "Okay! Please move a chair and sit in the corner of my office, try not to attract attention as much as possible, don't talk when other people are present, and don't leave here whether you are welcoming or seeing off." Ian road.

"Is that what I do?" Handy asked. "Yes! And at least you have to do this for a month. Of course, you have to analyze and record your true feelings, doubts, problems you find, and their root causes." Ian said solemnly. "Mr. Manager, I have come all the way from the British headquarters. Do you want me to do this in a month?" Handy was very puzzled, "You know, I..." "Okay, since you When you come to me, you have to do what I say, and I don't think about what you did before, how bad or good. You may have your ideas, and maybe your ideas are right, but please put them first Let go and start getting used to everything here."

Although Han Di was full of grievances, he couldn't help himself in the workplace.He had no choice but to obey the president's arrangement and sit quietly in a corner of the office every day, watching how Ian dealt with problems, greeted customers and commanded his subordinates to "expand their territories".He is like an observer every day, recording everything he sees...

The surprises started to appear.Over time, he learned some things that he had never seen or thought of before, especially Ian's skills on how to resolve various conflicts, how to improve work efficiency and improve performance.He not only opened his eyes, but also got a theoretical sublimation.A month later, Ian asked: "How is it? Is there still something to gain?" "Thank you. This month's adaptation will benefit me for the rest of my life!" Handi replied with great emotion.Later, he became a prestigious international management master, and his achievements should be said to have something to do with his adaptation experience. ★
As an employee, many initiatives in the workplace are not in your own hands. As an obedient and enforcer, sometimes you have no choice.When you are greeted with a job or position that you have been dreaming of for a long time, you can smile and stretch out your arms to hug it tightly; Go, or sit upright and calm down until it is warmed up with enthusiasm from the heart?It's up to you to decide, of course, but the results can vary widely - either becoming a dismissal from the workplace, or spreading your wings in a new field and fulfilling your ambitions!

The more excellent employees are, the more tenacious and optimistic they will show in a difficult environment, because they know that the process of adapting to the working environment is a process of learning and sowing, and the more difficult the environment, the more often the harvest will be. rich!

★Wash the toilet
Once, Panasonic Group searched for the best candidates in various departments around the world in order to select a general manager of the South American region.After fierce competition and layers of selection, the remaining two best Panasonic mid-level executives were sent to the headquarters for an interview with the president.There are two supervisors, one is Mark David, the manager of the customer service department of Panasonic Corporation in the United States; the other is Abba Tim, a Japanese-Malaysian, who is in charge of the product development department of Panasonic Corporation in Malaysia.Both have worked for Panasonic for many years, and each has created brilliant performance.Being able to stand out among the many Panasonic employees this time also fully demonstrated their strength.

Both of them came to Panasonic headquarters full of confidence.Before entering the headquarters, they were thinking about what kind of questions the president would ask them.How should I answer?However, they were not too worried, because they had already gone through all kinds of difficulties to come here.They were notified: "The president, Mr. Konosuke Matsushita, asked you to go to the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, where he will interview you."

Imperial Hotel Tokyo?That was the best hotel in Japan, and they rushed to the Imperial Hotel excitedly.After hearing their intentions, the hotel manager said to them with a smile: "Mr. Matsushita asked you to work as a waiter here for a week. This is the interview question he gave you."

"Waiter?" David and Tim looked astonished. The hotel manager looked at their stiff expressions and continued with a smile: "From now on, you are my employees. According to the hotel's arrangement, you can go to Washing the toilet."

"Wash the toilet?" David and Tim couldn't believe their ears. The hotel manager patted the shoulders of the stunned two people and shouted: "Go ahead! The toilet must be cleaned as clean as new!" The manager said The "smooth and clean as new" emphasized in the sentence makes them feel like they have been hit by a sap.To do or not to do?They didn't have much time to think about it, and since they came, none of them thought of giving up.When Mark David reached for the toilet with a rag in his hand, his stomach immediately felt like a sea of ​​water, and he was so nauseous that he wanted to vomit, but he couldn't vomit, which was too uncomfortable.He threw down the rag, rushed out of the bathroom, and said to the manager: "God! I can't do this!" The hotel manager smiled and said to David: "Go and see how Abba Tim does it!" David came to the bathroom where Aba Tim was going to scrub, and saw him roll up his white shirt sleeves high, and carefully scrub the toilet with a rag until it was as clean as new.Of course, in the end Abba Tim became the general manager of the South American region. ★
In a new environment, especially one of such extreme contrast, Tim's ability to quickly adjust his color-mentality like a chameleon, and his ability to blend in with the new environment has earned him this coveted position .The world is not made for you, all you can do is change yourself.When you cannot change others or change the environment, try to change yourself, and you will find unexpected surprises waiting for you.

(The second section is good at finding problems
Even if you hold the world's first-class technology, even if you have many years of experience, but the products you develop completely ignore the needs of the market, of course you cannot escape the fate of failure—it's like facing a person who hates drinking, even if you Taking out the royal treasures that have been hidden for many years, in his eyes, they are just intestinal poison!Because you didn't go with his flow -- you didn't meet his needs.Employees who ignore the trend, or even go against the current, can only have one outcome in the fierce competition within the company - being resolutely eliminated!
★Follow the current situation to win the market

Chanel perfume enjoys a high reputation all over the world, leading the trend of the perfume industry.But there was a time when the product had serious difficulties in sales—in order to get out of the predicament, the company invited the famous professional manager Robus Chell to solve the crisis.After a careful and comprehensive investigation, Chell made a decision that stunned all the employees of the company-removed a highly respected department manager.And this manager is not only an authority on perfume development, but also a veteran of the company, who has made great contributions to the development of the early market!When everyone was still shocked by Chell's decision, another blockbuster exploded in the crowd——Chell appointed an unknown person to sit on the throne of the former department manager!And the new manager doesn't know anything about perfume development!Is Cher an almighty God, or a madman who doesn't care about the consequences?
Facts gave the most perfect explanation for Chell's decision - two months later, the company completely got rid of the sales predicament!So what's the secret behind the magician's baton, Cher?It turned out that during the investigation, Chell found that the consumption and fashion trends in the market had undergone tremendous changes. In order to maintain the advantages of the product, the development direction and sales strategy of the perfume must be adjusted accordingly at any time according to the market demand. Adjustment.

Although many people have put forward their opinions to the original manager, he completely ignores the market trend and everyone's opinions, and stubbornly insists on his own point of view, and his lofty status makes it impossible to convince him - the original pillar of the company's development, now undoubtedly It has become a huge obstacle to development! ★
Although the newly appointed department manager has no professional skills, he can adapt to the market.The resulting product, while not flawless or flawless, is exactly what the customer needs.Excellence does not only come from strength or power, but more from whether you can find problems!
(The third section makes public and private clear
The distinction between public and private is also one of the essential elements of high emotional intelligence.

A salesperson engaged in insurance work, because the basic salary offered by the company is not low and no need to clock in, so she sleeps until she wakes up naturally every day before preparing to make appointments with clients.She herself said that she didn't sleep enough and looked bad, and that business negotiations with clients were prone to failure, but according to her colleagues in private, she actually didn't put her heart into doing things, and she often deserted when she was on business.Many employees in the workplace have the opportunity to go out on business, some may travel for several days, and some just take a bus to deliver a document.However, no matter whether it is business trip or delivery, as long as there is a case of going out on business, it is recommended to explain the matter clearly and report to the superior before going out.Of course, if the department has documents that can be filled out clearly, it is best, and everything is business-like. This is the best solution.But if the company does not have such a form to fill in, I also remind you to tell your colleagues or superiors that you must go out, explain the cause and effect clearly, and leave your mobile phone number for contact if possible.

The world's top 500 companies consider that it may be common for salespeople who run out of the field to go out on business.It is normal for them to spend most of their working hours outside the company because they have to receive orders and meet customers.It’s just that some companies worry that if this continues, it will turn into a bad habit, so they will require employees to clock in at the company in the morning and fill out the travel form before they can go out. .

In short, don't take advantage of your work to desert your business. Doing so will definitely not benefit your future.

(Section [-] Know how to keep company secrets
Fortune 500 companies need people who can keep company secrets.

When we apply for a job, the employer usually asks us to sign a contract, and there must be a clause in the contract that requires us not to disclose company secrets.It can be seen that no matter how your job performance is, confidentiality is a basic responsibility that the company expects from us.

Some secrets are so small as to affect one's reputation, but they will destroy the country and the species. So as long as it is a secret, you don't want too many people to know it, especially in the office where the workplace is like a battlefield!There are always some secrets in the office, especially in today's complex environment, whether it is about business secrets, colleagues' love affairs or about corporate changes, as long as you are a member of the company, you have the responsibility to keep it secret for the company!Confidentiality also has some moral sentiments, especially commercial secrets, which belong to the category of professional ethics.

Many secrets are related to the company's development prospects, and the more large-scale companies have competitors, the opponents must hope to know more about the company's internal situation in order to find ways to attack or improve competition strategies.However, as employees of the company, we are obliged to protect the rights and interests of the company. After all, if we let our competitors know everything about the company and fully expose its strengths and weaknesses, then what competitive advantage do we have?Therefore, we must cultivate a professional habit, not to casually disclose the company's commercial secrets in front of friends or relatives, and we must always remember that if we talk too much, we will lose it!

(Cultivate the spirit of creativity in the fifth section
"One of the secrets to great things is very simple, that is to cultivate your own creativity and never compromise with reality." Remember the experience Harvard gave us. In fact, it is not easy to discover new things. "The key is who thinks of it first."

★Creativity wins profit

A 70-year-old man in the United Kingdom saw the host introducing the moon on TV. He spread out a map to introduce the moon. It was very troublesome. He thought, why is there no lunar globe?He started to research, and when he had some clues, he advertised. After that, orders came from all over the world, and the annual turnover was as high as 1400 million pounds.An era that allows creative thinking to flourish has arrived.

A housewife in Japan developed a product - put soil, flower seeds and compound fertilizer in the can, and the layman who loves flowers only needs to water a little every day - the market is very good, and he made a profit of 2000 that year million yen.Citizen threw watches down from the plane, and this advertising idea alone made the company's products famous all over the world.What is rainwater?commodity?Just because the Arab region needs it, Japan exports rainwater to the Arab region and uses oil tankers so that it is not empty.The Mitsubishi Group has also set up a company specializing in the export of rainwater. ★
The success or failure of the world's top 500 companies is no longer the amount of fixed assets invested by the company, but the technological innovation, system innovation and management innovation of the company.Fortune 500 companies need creative employees.The managers of the world's top 500 companies, without exception, admire this sense of innovation, and they regard it as a magic weapon for the survival and development of enterprises.They are looking for people with ideas and dreams to become their employees. "Innovation every day" is the slogan put forward by Sony; the world's third largest steel company, South Korea's Pohang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. has such a sentence on the gate: "Resources are limited, creativity is unlimited"; Microsoft surpassed GM in 1990, and the New York Times "Comment: "Microsoft's only capital is the creativity of employees"; German Volkswagen said to employees: "No one can expect to 'keep' a good job forever, but rely on creativity to fight for a good job."Citigroup of the United States clearly pointed out: "When everyone thinks there will be a crisis, creativity can turn it into an opportunity."

★Change the color of the fan
In the 50s, Japan's Toshiba Corporation, a world-renowned company, like all manufacturers of electric fans in the world, was overwhelmed by a mountain of backlog products.Chairman Shi Ban publicly declared: "Whoever can lead Toshiba out of the predicament will give him 10% of the shares!" At that time, all electric fans in the world were black, as if they were not called electric fans except black.In this regard, a small employee suggested: "Why can't our electric fans be of other colors?" As soon as the colored electric fans were launched, there was a frenzy of panic buying in the market, and hundreds of thousands of units were sold in just a few months. !It is this small attempt that laid the foundation for Toshiba's future take-off.Such a simple idea, why did tens of thousands of people at Toshiba not think of it?Why did thousands of manufacturers all over the world not propose it?The reason lies in being content with the status quo and not daring to try boldly.

Innovation is the only way out

Japan's "Kao" company requires every employee to "create whimsy", "break new paths", and do everything possible to seek innovation.And promotions, raises, and other rewards are based on their performance.The company has also specially established a scoring system for assessing employees' creativity, in which experts, supervisors and customers make comprehensive evaluations of employees' thinking, actions and achievements.Rejecting those who have no ideas made "Kao" take the initiative in the competition, catch up from behind, and rank in the forefront of the world's top 500 companies.

Innovation can occupy the market
(End of this chapter)

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