Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 81 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 co

Chapter 81 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 companies (2)
At Microsoft, the consensus is that it is better to innovate, and even if it fails, it is much better than not innovating.Microsoft first started with MS-DOS, and has occupied 80% to 90% of the software market with this operating series. DOS was Microsoft's most profitable commodity, but was later replaced by Windows, not because of the threat of competitors, but because of Microsoft's self-renewal.We can draw two inspirations from Microsoft's leadership in the market: [-]. If a company does not launch new products, other companies will take its place; ★
In a high-performance enterprise, employees always put the cultivation of innovation ability at the top of the list, and they can always solve problems creatively, thereby greatly improving their performance.They despised the way of complaining, frowning, and throwing the burden on the CEO.However, people who are always helpless in the face of difficulties can only work mechanically, imitate and copy constantly, and cannot find creative ways to solve problems at all.Undoubtedly, they are destined to be fired by the company.Innovation is the cornerstone of an enterprise's constant success; and creative employees keep the enterprise youthful forever!For everyone who is good at using the brain, creativity is by no means the dewdrops on the blades of grass in the morning, which disappear without a trace as long as there is a turmoil in the grass.Creativity is more like a well, the deeper you dig, the more it erupts, inexhaustible and inexhaustible.However, just as being too familiar with one road often ignores other roads, many people have creative "dead spots" in their thinking.They are used to thinking about problems with a fixed thinking mode.This kind of lack of creativity naturally cannot find a shortcut to solve the problem.

Car magnate Iacocca thought: "If you don't innovate, you die." Creativity plays the most obvious role in the modern economic field. If the economic competition among companies in various countries is compared to a world economic war, then the outcome of this war The core and the front end are a creative battle.In the era of creativity, creative thinking is popular all over the world. Whoever can grasp it will be able to win and be one step ahead of others!
(Section [-], don’t be easily satisfied
Enterprising employees with firm beliefs are what the world's top 500 companies need most.

Don't be easily satisfied, be proactive and have ambitious goals.A lofty goal is a flying banner, which not only inspires people, but also inspires people's fighting spirit, radiates a spirit of selflessness, and makes people soberly regard their achievements as the starting point for continuing to forge ahead, rather than boasting capital. Go on energetically!
In 1953, at the age of 27, Hefner borrowed $8000 from relatives and friends, and used $500 of it to buy the copyright of the semi-nude photos of the famous movie star Marilyn Monroe. Young Master magazine, unexpectedly, the first issue sold more than 5 copies.This popular magazine, which mainly featured semi-nude photos of women, talked about sex, leisure, and life taste, quickly became the best-selling men's magazine in the United States.Today, the territory of the "Playboy Empire" established by Hefner includes not only magazines, but also television, the Internet, video games and many other fields, and its influence covers the whole world.Playboy and its bunny trademark have become one of the symbols of American culture.

★"Unsatisfied" Porter
Porter of the Nokia mobile phone research and development department was depressed for several days. Seeing his frowning expression, his colleagues joked, "Mr. Like the production and sales department, there is no hard target, and the salary is even more than they get, so I should be happy!" "I'm not thinking about the salary, I'm thinking, we sit in the research room all day, we should I have a long-term goal, and I feel embarrassed that I can't come up with new ideas!" "Hey, Nokia mobile phones are already a world-renowned brand, whether it is technical performance or appearance, they have already been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. How about looking for a higher goal?" Although his colleagues were reasonable, he still made up his mind: "We must let Nokia make a qualitative leap in its own development!" With this extraordinary goal, Porter has trouble sleeping and eating, and his mind is full of considerations every day on how to make Nokia better meet the growing needs of consumers.

One day, in the subway, he made an amazing discovery: almost all fashionable men and women are equipped with mobile phones, disposable cameras and pocket earphones.This gave him a lot of inspiration: "Can you combine these three most fashionable things together? In this way, isn't it light and fast?" He immediately went to the supervisor the next day: "If we install A camera that allows people to record themselves and all the beautiful things they see outside while listening to music, and then send them to relatives and friends, how exciting it would be!"

The supervisor was pleasantly surprised by his creativity and shouted loudly: "Good job, Potter! We will start developing it right away!" This kind of mobile phone with the functions of shooting and listening to music was successfully developed quickly. Once it was put on the market, it was very popular. Favor!Porter not only realized his own value, but he also got the reward he deserved.What's more, in the process of achieving the ambitious goal, Porter has had unprecedented happiness! ★

Satisfaction in the workplace is often a prelude to stagnation and complacency.Its growth and spread will erect a barrier unconsciously, stop you from moving forward, and make you who should be better become mediocre!Ambitious, never satisfied, employees who are always willing to accept new challenges will never be confused by immediate interests, and will not be intimidated by temporary difficulties. They will use an inexhaustible drive to meet challenges in the workplace. Ups and downs, never stop exploring.Such people are what the world's top 500 need most.

(Section [-] Don't Wait, Act Now

When a business tycoon who graduated from Harvard talked about the secret of his success, he only said four words: "Do it now."Indeed, many people are used to waiting, procrastinating, and doing things when they think it is right.However, time is cruel, it will not stay with you for a while because of your waiting, no matter how you keep it, it will not stop moving forward.Remember the words of Samuel Smiles: It is very important to use time well. If the time of the day is not planned well, it will be wasted, it will disappear without a trace, and we will have nothing become.

Oil tycoon Rockefeller once advised his daughter in this way: "Once you have determined your goal, you should do everything possible to achieve it. If you want to be a lawyer, you must first understand how a lawyer's day is spent. To find a lawyer with this Talk to people who are related to your career, learn about the situation, and learn from the experience. Remember, talking to people who hate your career will not have a positive effect. A good counselor will give you sound advice, and most importantly, he will teach How do you do it. When you achieve your goal and open your own law firm, you will know the need for these.”

One of the essence of Harvard Business School is to promote the business spirit of immediate action.

★Doctor of computer and the richest man in the world
In 1973, a young man named Colette from Liverpool, England, was admitted to Harvard University in the United States. He often sat with him to attend lectures, an 18-year-old American boy.In his sophomore year of university, the young man discussed with Colette that they dropped out of school together to develop 32Bit financial software, because the problem of conversion of the base system path has been solved in the newly compiled textbook.

At the time, Colette was very surprised.Because he came here to study, not to play around. Besides, the doctor has only taught a little about the Bit system. It is impossible to develop Bit financial software without completing all the courses of the university.He politely declined the young man's invitation.

Ten years later, Colette became a Ph.D. student in the Department of Computer Science and Technology of Harvard University, and the young man who dropped out also entered the US "Forbes" magazine's billionaire list this year. In 10, Colette continued his studies and became a postdoctoral fellow; the personal assets of the American boy reached $1992 billion in that year, second only to Wall Street tycoon Buffett, making him the second richest man in the United States. In 65, Colette thought he had enough knowledge to research and develop 1995Bit financial software, and that guy had bypassed the Bit system and developed Eip financial software, which was 32 times faster than Bit, and within two weeks In this year, he became the richest man in the world. A name that represents success and wealth——Bill Gates, also spread to every corner of the world. ★
In this world, there are many people who think that starting a business is only possible with profound professional knowledge.However, the history of world innovation shows that there are not many people who have profound professional knowledge before they engage in inventions and creations. Many people who have achieved a career have directly aimed at the goal when their knowledge is insufficient, and then they are in the process of creation. , add knowledge as needed.Bill Gates started his own business before graduating from Harvard University. If he waited until he had learned all the knowledge before starting Microsoft, would he still be the richest man in the world?
In this world, there seems to be such a truth: For one thing, if you wait until all the conditions are ripe before you act, then you may have to wait forever.If a person cannot create opportunities, he should seize those opportunities that have already appeared.Being decisive is a manifestation of a person's ability and talent. A successful person knows what to do when opportunities come, and what to do when everything comes. "Act now" is the best way.Whenever you feel that the bad habit of procrastination is attacking you, or this bad habit has entangled you, these four words are the best reminder for you.

One of the essence of Harvard Business School is to promote the business spirit of immediate action.This spirit emphasizes that professional managers should develop good habits and act immediately in front of opportunities.If you want to make money, you must dare to act.There is no free lunch in the world, and there is no pie falling from the sky.You can't make money if you don't act, and you can't make a lot of money if you don't dare to act.If you dare to think, you have to dare to do it. If you dare not take risks, you can only make small troubles and make a small amount of money.No matter when there are many things to do, we must overcome the habit of laziness and develop a good habit of immediate action.You might as well start with any thing you encounter, don't care what it is, the key is to break the bad habit of idleness.To put it another way, if you want to avoid a chore, you need to do it right away.Otherwise, these things will continue to bother you and make you bored and don't want to do it.Once you develop the "do it now" work habit, in general you have grasped the essence of life's progress.

This kind of business spirit of Harvard has a great influence on its students.For example, it greatly promotes the independent entrepreneurial spirit of professional managers.After graduating from Harvard Business School, the proportion of independent entrepreneurs is significantly higher than that of other business schools.This impulse, Wang Ran, CEO of Yikai Network Capital, who graduated from Harvard, calls it the DNA of entrepreneurship.Wang Ran said, "Although most of the students of Harvard Business School have entered large companies after graduation, after many years, the proportion of entrepreneurship is still higher than that of other business schools. From this point of view, the essence of Harvard Business School is Advocating entrepreneurial spirit. Realizing ideals and engaging in business activities more independently and freely may be the biggest motivation for professional managers to start a business. Back then, when Bill Gates realized that PC was a huge opportunity, he did not hesitate much. He quickly gave up his studies at Harvard University and started Microsoft from scratch. Similarly, the boss of Oracle, Ellison, faced a huge opportunity to create an era of database management. He not only gave up his studies at Harvard, but also gave lectures at Harvard after earning $260 billion. Encouraging students to drop out and realize those wonderful opportunities immediately, only to be dragged off the pulpit by the police.

David McLeanan, a professor of psychology at Harvard University, believes that the competitiveness of the 21st century depends on the ability to act; the full implementation of the ability to act depends on the ability to learn.Changing the status quo requires decisive action, and more importantly, self-learning ability.

Goals are important, plans are critical, and actions are the most powerful!Action is the foundation for the realization of great goals, and today is a new starting point for your future life.Set a goal, get ready, and let's go!
(Section [-] Take Your Responsibility
Negativity, laziness, procrastination, prevarication, opportunism, perfunctory, and being a monk against the clock for a day are all irresponsible behaviors to yourself and the company.Many failures at work stem from a lack of responsibility.Responsibility is a necessary prerequisite for doing every job well.Therefore, any business will not hesitate to weed out irresponsible employees, while those who do their job are favored.Conscientiousness means working diligently, conscientiously, regardless of personal gains and losses, and doing everything for the interests of the enterprise.The world's top 500 companies need conscientious people.

★Three kinds of people who act differently

A director of Wal-Mart, a retailer of the world's top 500 companies, ordered three employees to do the same thing: go to the supplier to investigate the quantity, price and quality of household appliances.The first employee did not go to investigate in person, but made a report after inquiring about the situation of the supplier by phone; the second employee personally went to the supplier to find out the quantity, price and quality of household appliances, and Come back and report; the third employee not only went to the supplier to understand the product situation in person, but also made detailed records of the supplier's most valuable products according to the company's procurement needs, and got in touch with the sales manager.On the way back, he also went to two other suppliers, compared the situation of the three suppliers in detail, and worked out the best purchase plan. ★
The first employee is perfunctory; the second employee is passive; only the third employee is conscientious.If you were the president, which one would you reuse?If there is an opportunity for a raise, who will get it?Conscientiousness stems from love for the work you do.Treat work as a kind of pleasure, and you will do better invisibly; if you are full of complaints about work, it will be difficult to succeed.A job is just a job if it is just for the little money to support the family; it is a career if you put your heart and soul into it.

(Section [-] Honesty and Punctuality

Harvard professor Dolores Krieger said: "Credit will accumulate invisible wealth for you, and the wealth will become more precious as time goes by. And deception will only maliciously overdraw your wealth, maybe just once, it will Leave you with nothing."

People can't stand without faith.Treating each other with sincerity is the most important weight in interpersonal communication, and most conflicts can be resolved with honesty.Honesty and trustworthiness are the basis for forming a strong affinity, which will make people desire to associate with you. To a certain extent, it will eliminate the obstacles caused by unfavorable factors and make the predicament a smooth road.

Telling a little lie is originally harmless, but over time it will become a habit and become a matter of course.Small lies need big lies to cover them up, and then the lies get bigger and bigger.Never try to lie, and don't steal anything that isn't yours, only then you can rest easy.

As long as you treat people sincerely, you can win a good reputation, gain the trust of others, and resolve potential conflicts invisible.Honesty that demands reward is not honesty.Honesty has no hierarchy or degree, and honesty is absolute honesty.Whether honest or not, honesty does not come in exchange for rewards, honesty itself is a reward, and it is the most effective kind of human behavior.Honest people never worry about who they lied to, or about being caught, so they can focus on something more meaningful.Maybe you can't make everyone like you, but at least you can make most people trust you.Honest people will gradually develop a tolerant and broad mind over time, surrounded by smiles and friendship; pure-minded people will gradually develop the habit of self-discipline, surrounded by a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

Chance hates those who hate integrity.If you consistently talk more than you do, take a vow to change your behavior now!
Punctuality is a virtue, a respect for others, and a manifestation of high emotional intelligence.Punctual employees are more likely to get promotion and reuse opportunities than other employees!

★Work on time

Japan's Mitsubishi Group has always been known for its strict management, and their employees have a strong sense of time.It can also be said that punctuality is an important part of Mitsubishi Group's recruitment and training of employees, and it is also an important criterion for measuring whether employees will be promoted.After graduating from university, Kyoko, who had longed for Mitsubishi, took the recruitment examination of Mitsubishi Group.

After layers of screening and fierce competition, Kyoko finally successfully became a full-time employee of Mitsubishi Corporation.At the new employee training meeting, like all the new colleagues, Kyoko sat down nervously, excited about acquiring the skills and management knowledge of a world-class company.

Everyone hopes to know the secrets of this world-class company in employee management earlier.But to the surprise of all the new employees, the supervisor in charge of training only said one sentence: "As a full-time employee of Mitsubishi, the first thing you are required to do is also the most important thing to be an excellent employee: go to work on time—whether No matter what the situation, you must be punctual!"★
(End of this chapter)

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