Harvard Emotional Intelligence Class

Chapter 82 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 co

Chapter 82 Be on par with the elites with high emotional intelligence in the world's top 500 companies (3)
Is the secret of success that everyone is looking forward to so simple?Yes, it's that simple!Although somewhat unbelievable.However, for such a simple and simple requirement - "go to work on time", how many employees can persist for several years or decades?The most profound truth is often expressed through the simplest things. Although commuting to and from get off work on time is a very ordinary thing on the surface, it reflects the employees' concept of time.Are you often late for work or meetings?Are you often behind schedule?Being late is the seed of resentment from the president and colleagues. It conveys that you are a person who only thinks about yourself and lacks the spirit of cooperation.

Those great men who are praised are all models of strict punctuality!
★Punctuality is a common habit of great men

Napoleon never condoned latecomers.One day, he invited several generals around him to have dinner.Everything was ready, and it was time for dinner, but the generals hadn't come yet.Napoleon picked up the cutlery and began to eat.By the time the generals arrived, Napoleon was already full.He picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, stood up and said to them: "Generals, the time for dinner is over. Let's go to the conference room for a meeting!" , I looked at you, dumbfounded, so I went to the meeting with Napoleon hungry.From then on, those generals never dared to be late within the time stipulated by Napoleon.

During his presidency, Washington, the first president of the United States, had a habit of entertaining congressmen at the presidential palace at 4 pm to discuss state affairs in this way.It's almost become an institution.He is always the first one to arrive at the dining room for every dinner party. As long as the stipulated time is up, no matter whether people are present or not, the banquet is always held on time.Sometimes even when it's just him.This makes those congressmen often embarrassed. However, Washington said seriously: "My chef only asks if the scheduled time is up, and never asks if the guests have arrived." ★

If the doctor is 1 minute late, a life waiting to be rescued may die!If a passenger is 1 minute late, the pre-booked flight may have flown away!If important information on the battlefield is 1 minute late, a great victory may turn into an unmanageable fiasco!If you are 1 minute late in the workplace, a huge order may be irretrievable, and a deal that is a matter of success or failure may be preempted by your opponent, and even your bright future may be bleak!
Morgan Stanley founder John Pierpont Morgan solemnly warned his daughter when he started working: "From the day you officially enter the company, you must go to work on time every day and work diligently. Imagine a company that goes to work on time. How can a person who can’t even do it take on the heavy responsibility?” The world’s top 500 companies need punctual talents most!

(Section [-]: Do things in a down-to-earth manner

American Crocker likes to be cranky since he was a child, and is known as Danny sleepwalker.He bumped into walls everywhere, and after too many unrealistic dreams were shattered, he realized the importance of being down-to-earth, and he was determined to devote his whole life to it.The change of consciousness determines the change of behavior - he soon fell in love with the job in front of him - he completely got rid of the wandering work status of selling coffee beans and novels, cashier and so on.In Chicago, Crocker worked steadfastly as a salesman for Lili paper cups for 20 years.With his down-to-earth and hard work, Crocker not only accumulated valuable experience for himself, but also accumulated precious wealth, laying a solid foundation for his own business—eventually becoming the founder of the world's fast food giant—McDonald's!

The world's top 500 companies need people who work hard.Being down-to-earth and giving up all unnecessary illusions is the first step for any employee to do a good job; it is also the first step for employees to adjust their mentality and work proactively; it is also the first step for employees to take root in the workplace and gradually show their potential and value. One step; it is also the first step for employees to improve themselves and show their brilliance in a timely manner!
At work, you must understand your own abilities, position yourself accurately, and don't be too ambitious and impetuous.The smartest thing about Bill Gates is not what he did, but what he didn't do.With his strength, he can buy the whole of New York and do real estate, but he focuses on the computer operating system that he is good at.Software development without being tempted by other interests in the market.Investment guru Warren Buffett, even in the most prosperous time of the IT industry, he did not hold the stock of an IT company. Generally keep at a respectful distance.He only invests his money in what he thinks is safe. "If you invest where everyone else invests, you will never get rich." Warren firmly believes in this concept, and it is precisely because of his insistence on his characteristics and persistence in his philosophy that he is able to make a lot of money in the capital market.Buffett is a model of keeping a clear head, and he knows how to do what he can at any time.Kick off the floating board under your feet and step on the solid land without hesitation. Only in this way can you radiate your brilliance!
The wonderful scenery on the top of the dangerous peak will always belong to those who are down-to-earth and pursue their dreams step by step!
(No.11 Know how to be grateful
A person with high emotional intelligence must know how to be grateful.

★Always be grateful
Ms. Mary, who graduated from Harvard University, works for the US Postal Service, and her colleagues who have been with her are deeply impressed by her friendliness, kindness and other virtues.Almost everyone she ever gets along with ends up becoming her friend.Some people were puzzled, so they asked Miss Mary if she had any secrets for getting along with others.Miss Mary smiled and said the secret in her heart: "Everything should be attributed to my father. When I was very young, he taught me that I should be grateful to anyone around me and always remember it, and as soon as possible. Forget about those unpleasant pasts... I was lucky enough to get this job. There are many friendly colleagues. Although the boss is very strict with me, he takes good care of me in my private life. Keep it in your heart and be forever grateful for them. Always go to work with this attitude of gratitude, and soon I find that everything is better, and some minor upsets will pass quickly. The reason why I work so smoothly , mainly because everyone is willing to help me."★
Gratitude is a positive and healthy state of mind.When you go to work and face everyone with a feeling of gratitude, you will have a happy mood at work, which is very important for everyone in the workplace.Anyone who has experience knows that a good mood often makes your work better!
★Work with a grateful person

There is a temporary cleaning woman in the office building of Microsoft headquarters. Among the hundreds of employees in the entire office building, she is the only one without any education, but she has the largest workload and the lowest salary.But she is the happiest person in the whole office building!Every day, even every minute, she is working happily, smiling at everyone, and she is happy and trying to help anyone's request, even if it is not within her scope of work.Enthusiasm can be passed on, and colleagues around her are also quickly infected by her. Many people have become good friends with her, even those who are recognized as indifferent!No one cares about the nature and status of her work.Her passion is like a flame.Slowly, the whole office building became happy under her influence.

Bill Gates was very surprised, so he couldn't help asking her: "Can you tell me, what makes you so happy to face every day?" "Because I'm working for the greatest company in the world!" The worker said proudly, "I have no knowledge, and I am very grateful that the company can give me this job, which allows me to have a good income, enough to support my daughter through college. And the only thing I can give back to this beautiful reality , is to do everything possible to do the job well, and when I think of this, I am very happy."

Bill Gates was deeply moved by the gratitude of the female cleaner, and he said emotionally: "So, are you interested in becoming an official member of us? I think you are what Microsoft needs most." "Of course, then But it's my biggest dream!" said the female cleaner with her eyes wide open.After that, the cleaning lady began to learn computer knowledge in her spare time at work, and anyone in the company was willing to help her, and a few months later, she really became a full-time employee of Microsoft! ★

The threshold of the world's top 500 companies is not unattainable. As long as you are grateful and work happily, any company is willing to open the door for you.

(No.12 must keep learning
One of the abilities that Harvard students develop when they are in school is the ability to be familiar with books related to various subjects.In the library, it is necessary to pick out a few of the most valuable books from the huge collection of books for reference.This ability to acquire knowledge is the most useful for a person's life.In fact, this ability to learn is a kind of emotional intelligence.People with this kind of emotional intelligence are more likely to succeed in doing things.Those who do not pay attention to the cultivation of this kind of emotional intelligence may be eliminated.

★If you don’t think about making progress, you will be eliminated
When Yamamoto Tanimi was the chief designer of tankers in the Japanese branch of the world's shipping tycoon Daniel Lovello, he was eliminated because he restricted himself like a domestic animal.At that time, mass production had already begun to make its mark in the industrial field.Compared with the previous manual production, mass production can save a lot of manpower and material resources, not only can greatly improve production efficiency, but also can minimize product costs.However, Yamamoto Tanimi toiled day and night according to the traditional method just like when he first made the tanker.His mind is still in the handmade rut – just making tankers as a tanker enthusiast, not as a manufacturer producing tankers.

Other managers of the company also noticed this and offered him good advice, but the self-imposed Yamamoto Tanimi didn't listen to it at all, but stubbornly went all the way to the dark.

After nearly a year of hard work, Daniel Lovello Tanker Productions' first tanker is finally born.This tanker has a noble style, luxurious decoration, and a large tonnage.However, due to the high price and the long production and waiting for a year, the company has no customers.Other managers once again strongly urged Yamamoto Tanimi to adopt a new production process and change business ideas, but Yamamoto Tanimi insisted that the tanker should be purely handmade.

With the intensification of management conflicts, the ship tycoon Daniel Lovello had to personally deal with the internal conflicts.In the end, Daniel Lovello had to fire Yamamoto Tami. ★
Where did Yamamoto Tani go wrong?The fault lies in his self-limitation!How can a person who is so rigid and inflexible in thinking not fail?The workplace is like "sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat". It is definitely not a place to rely on your laurels.For all employees, either you do well and learn well, or you will give up.

"Senior" employees should not rely on their old age and self-importance, otherwise they will be eliminated easily.At that time, even if you were the celebrity in front of the president, he would leave you for the benefit of the company.Huang Shujun, a veteran musician in Taiwan, feels deeply in this regard.In the record industry at the forefront of the pop industry for the past 10 years, there have been newcomers every year, rushing to the record market with hundreds of new albums, and being left behind if you don't pay attention.Huang Shujun thinks: "Oldness is not the scariest thing, getting old before it is the saddest thing." Therefore, in the face of a new market, continuous learning and innovation can keep you from being thrown off the track, "I am a person who is easy to worry, every day I feel that I can’t do it anymore.” This kind of worry is the driving force for progress.

Therefore, learning without slack is the weapon that will win every battle.It is still important for those who are struggling in the workplace to be proactive in learning, because they lack sufficient time and undivided attention, as well as full-time teaching staff.

First, learn on the job.Work is the first lesson for any professional. If you want to win in today's highly competitive business environment, you must learn to learn from work experience, seek wisdom inspiration and information that can help improve efficiency.Young Peter?Jennings is a popular anchor of ABC evening news in the United States. Although he has not even graduated from college, he regards career as his education class.After working as an anchor for three years at first, he resolutely decided to resign from the position of anchor that everyone envied, and decided to go to the front line of news to hone his skills and work as a reporter.He reported many different routes of news in the United States, and became the first resident correspondent for the Middle East of the American Television Network. Later, he moved to London and became the correspondent for the European region.After these experiences, he returned to the position of ABC anchor station.At this time, he has grown from a fledgling young man to a mature and popular reporter.

Second, we must strive for training opportunities.For this reason, you need to understand the company's training schedule, such as the cycle, the number of personnel, and the length of time. You also need to know what conditions the company's training targets have, whether they focus on qualifications or potential, and whether they focus on the present or the future.If you feel that you are fully qualified, you should take the initiative to apply to the president and express your desire to learn and be proactive.The president welcomes such employees very much.

Again, he took the lead by making up for himself.When the company cannot meet its own training requirements, don't be idle, and you can receive "re-education" at your own expense.Of course, the first choice should be subjects closely related to work.

(No.13 Learning the Art of Obedience
People with high emotional intelligence will never go up against the wind and get into the dead end.They obey when they are supposed to, and they are good at obedience and good at showing.

In an enterprise, everyone obeys and respects their bosses, but each person's position in the eyes of the boss is quite different. Why?The key is whether you have mastered the art of obedience.Some people are willing to use their brains, and frequently report and ask for instructions during the completion of the tasks assigned by their superiors.The ancients said: A good man speaks out of his mouth, and taking the initiative to attack often makes the boss feel satisfied that his orders have been carried out satisfactorily, and he has gained a lot.On the contrary, some people just regard the boss’s arrangement as business affairs and deal with it passively, or think that I just need to complete the task seriously, and don’t pay attention to the feedback of information, or even “cut first and then play” or “cut but not play”, willing to be unknown Heroes, the result is often half the effort.

In order to show their loyalty, employees should take active obedience as the first priority.In the specific work, the following aspects should be manifested:

1.Courage to take on hard work

When the task assigned by your boss is indeed difficult to execute and other colleagues are unwilling to undertake it, you must have the courage to undertake it.I remember a college student who was about to graduate and applied for a job asked his professor for advice. The professor gave him a magic weapon, which was to tell the boss: Just give me the work that no one in the company does.The college student became the vice president of the company half a year later.

Jiang, a single worker in an enterprise, was admitted to the hospital with hepatitis, and his boss mobilized his colleagues for regular care.Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, no one made a statement, and the boss was very embarrassed.In the end, a young guy took the initiative to stand up and relieve the urgent need for his boss.The boss was very moved, he praised him at the meeting, and thanked him in private, of course.It can be seen that obeying once at a critical moment to relieve the boss's worries is better than obeying 10 times at ordinary times, and it will deeply impress the boss and make him remember it in his heart.

2.Take the initiative to seek approval from your boss
(End of this chapter)

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