Chapter 22 Emotional record bag (2)
At this time, the little girl cried "Wow", I was so scared that I glanced nervously at the front and back roads, and when I saw no one saw me, I let out a sigh of relief.Then, I turned around and wiped off the mud on the car, and said to the little girl: "Why are you crying, who told you to walk in the middle of the road, this is your own fault!" The little girl sat on the ground blankly, with one hand on her hands Holding the other hand, tears rolled down that little face, only then did I feel that the trouble I caused was a bit serious.Look at the ground again, ah!I couldn't help being stunned. It turned out that the food basket in the little girl's hand was also hit on the ground, and the food was scattered all over the floor.This is probably for my dad who is at work, right?I thought, compensate her, what can I give her, let's go, there is no way for her to stay here, besides, the heavy rain is coming soon.Let's go, no one will see anyway.With a sudden reluctance, I stepped into the car and continued on my way.

The little girl's crying gradually disappeared from her ears.I never dared to look back.At this time, the raindrops had fallen gently on my body, and I felt very heavy.What a shameful thing I have done!So, I turned around and rode towards the place where the accident just happened.But what is waiting for me is nothing but emptiness, where is the little girl?Only those oily meals are still floating in the stream formed by the rain...

The prominence of this article lies in the rich inner description of the characters.The young author portrays a series of complex psychological changes from nervousness, stunned to fear, and remorse in a very detailed way.The scene description at the end incorporates the author's emotions, allowing readers to truly experience the young author's remorse.

please slow down

Ye Xiaoli

One rainy day, holding an umbrella, I hurried through narrow streets and alleys, surrounded by muddy puddles.At this time, a black streamlined car also turned into the narrow alley.I have no place to avoid, so I have no choice but to be baptized "willingly".Perhaps because the driver noticed my white clothes and trousers, the car slowed down before the water accumulated and passed gently, keeping me clean in a gentlemanly manner.

For the sake of my clean body and deliberate deceleration, I couldn't help smiling, and said to the driver sincerely: "Thank you!"

Many times in a similar environment, I saw passers-by and drivers arguing over the mud and muddy water all over their bodies, and finally both parties left angrily, or passers-by yelled at the car that drove away, leaving behind swear words along the way.At that point, I wondered why it was so hard to slow down.

In fact, in our lives, it is not only cars that need to slow down.What we crave is a "deceleration" to avoid collisions.In the fast-paced era, everyone is like a galloping vehicle, running fast for their own goals, often inadvertently ignoring or forgetting to slow down, slowing down for themselves and others.Therefore, in a crowded city, friction and collisions are unavoidable in such a fast-moving shuttle, so between people, there will be "fighting with swords" from time to time, and the result is often a lose-lose situation for both sides.How many people have sighed helplessly because of this, but never thought about themselves, whether they have ever slowed down for others.

Slow down, its meaning in today's life is not limited to vehicles.In all the time and space in my life, with more love and less selfishness, life will become more orderly and warmer.

Friends, please slow down - for others, and for yourself.

The young author of this article elicits a series of thoughts from a trivial incident that was not "baptized" after a "meeting" with a car in the rain, all of which show the child's pure heart and good wishes.The young author has a broad mind, is good at observing life, and already has the ability to think independently.

eternal thoughts
Zhang Haini

In late autumn, I stood on the hillside in the south of the village, looking at the opposite village quarry and the tombs in the red persimmon forest.With a sore nose, tears burst out of my eyes, and I couldn't help but think of you again——Dad!
I remember that on the morning of August 8th in the lunar calendar last year, you went to the quarry together.In the morning, I was helping my mother cook the fire. With the sound of hurried footsteps in the courtyard, the fourth uncle stood in front of us with a flustered expression.He gasped and shouted: "Hurry up, get the quilt quickly, the baby's father was hit by a stone." The news of your sudden accident shocked me and my mother, and we stood there in a daze.The fourth uncle ran back to the back room in a panic, picked up a quilt and ran out the door.After the fourth uncle left, I woke up with a start, feeling an ominous omen, and ran out of the gate quickly.I saw people busy in a mess and at a loss, and their faces were strangely gloomy.I rushed into the crowd, and saw you lying in the carriage covered in blood, your eyes closed tightly, your face sallow, and the gauze wrapped around your head was oozing blood. It opened, and then you were sent to the county hospital by car for emergency treatment, and I rushed to the hospital immediately.

The door of the emergency room was closed tightly, and through the tears, I could see three shocking red letters of "emergency room" protruding from the pale wall.My heart was pounding, and your dark red blood oozing out appeared in front of my eyes again.For more than ten years, you have always worked from dawn to dusk, exhorting and educating us in a soft voice; today you are the owner, and tomorrow you will help the neighbors in the village.If this operation fails, then... I dare not think about it.

The door of the emergency room finally opened, and you were pushed out by a nurse's trolley. You were pale, with oxygen tubes inserted in your nostrils, followed by an exhausted old doctor. "Father, you..." I yelled and walked up quickly. The old doctor waved his hand quickly, motioning for me to keep silent, and said to me in a low voice: "The patient needs to be absolutely quiet and not disturbed. We will do our best to rescue him." You are wheeled into the observation room.

The next morning, why didn't you say goodbye to the whole family and leave without looking at us.You went in such a hurry that you didn't even leave a parting word for your daughter.Time!You are the most cruel and ruthless thing in the world. You didn't even give me a chance to look at my father, but you made us part for life.When I came to the morgue, everyone's eyes were filled with tears, and I threw myself on you, crying in despair, and my mother cried to death.

Dad, I remember that when the bad news spread, the villagers came, and several leaders, including the head of the township He and the head of the township cement factory, also rushed over.They comforted grandpa and the whole family.Mr. He said to his grandfather: "Comrade Jinshan died with honor for saving others. The morning before yesterday he was quarrying with the new army in the village. Suddenly a stone rolled down from the quarry and was about to hit the new army on the head. Pushing away the new army, unexpectedly I..." When you were buried, your sons and daughters followed the hearse to protect you, and crowds of people came to the cemetery... You were buried on the hillside full of persimmon trees in the south of the village... …

I stood for a long time, looking affectionately at the tomb in the persimmon forest on the opposite hillside, unable to restrain myself, tears filled my eyes, and murmured: "Dad, did you ever know? How many times have I seen you in my dreams in the past year?" , how many times I eat, I am used to putting chopsticks and bowls on the table for you, but every time I wake up, I cry. Dad, do you ever know? How lonely and sad your daughter has been for a year. I I am most afraid that the teacher will mention your name, I am most afraid that my classmates will mention my father, I am most afraid of having a parent-teacher meeting in the class, and I am most afraid of... Dad, I miss you so much!" In tears, I seem to see you standing in front of me. Waving to me in the persimmon forest, your burly body of a quarryman looks taller and taller against the red persimmon trees.

The article touches people with emotion, and expresses a kind of sadness and longing for Dad between the lines.In order to save others, the father left his child forever; although the father is gone, his noble soul will remain in the heart of his daughter forever.

Shake, shake, shake, shake,
Shake to Grandma Bridge.

Grandma smiled when she saw me,
Give me candy, give me cake,
Praise me for being a good baby.

A nursery rhyme reminds me of my grandmother.

When I was young, I liked going to my grandmother's house the most, because there was only laughter and no pain.There, I can play wildly without restraint.

I remember one cold winter, when I was sick, my grandma put on a thick cotton padded coat for me. She pushed open the door and heard the whistling wind outside. She was worried and put on her coat for me, and I was fully armed. Finally, grandma came to the clinic with me on her back.During my infusion, my grandma put my cold little feet in her arms, and refused to let go for a long time...

When the spring flowers are in full bloom, it is my grandma who takes me on an outing; in the scorching sun, it is my grandma who watches me eating ice cream beautifully; when the sweet osmanthus is fragrant, it is my grandma who takes a bamboo pole and beats down sweet dates to satisfy my gluttony; in the ice and snow, it is my grandma Holding my little hand and counting the icicles under the eaves...

Day after day, year after year, I have grown up, and my grandmother has also aged a lot.She often tells me to study hard and listen to teachers and parents...

Thinking of this, my nose was sore, and tears blurred my vision...

Small bench, don't crooked,
Let my grandmother sit down.

I beat my grandma's back,
Grandma praised me for being so obedient.

A nursery rhyme reminds me of my grandmother.The young author immerses himself in his childhood, and recalls every bit of the happy time with his grandmother when he was a child with delicate and emotional brushstrokes.The lines between the lines are full of the author's true feelings.

growing up
40 seconds of passion

Alas, misfortunes never come singly!

No, our class was caught by the physical education teacher because we were not serious about doing inter-class exercises, and we were holding a "criticism meeting"!Listening to the endless criticism and education of the physical education teacher, it is really "there are 25 mice in my heart-a hundred claws scratching the heart"!why?We haven't had time to go to the bathroom yet! "Ding Lingling..." At this moment, the familiar bell rang, and class started again!Well, this class is physical education class again, let alone, it must be continuous.Hey, sure enough, the physical education teacher became very cruel and announced that he would go straight to class without taking a break.

Maybe it was because of seeing the pitiful faces of some students, the physical education teacher softened again.She said: "Okay, let's rest for a while, here you are—" She paused again when she said this.I think it takes at least 5 minutes to rest.Never expected that she would "force" the "flower of the motherland" in this way: "Go to the toilet and get water in 40 seconds, and gather immediately after 40 seconds!" Oh, my God!The students shouted in unison: "Huh?" They stared at the teacher dumbfounded. "Hurry up!" the physical education teacher added.What are you still stunned for?let us go!It's better to have these 40 seconds than nothing!The students all acted separately, some ran upstairs to get water, and some rushed to the toilet, their movements were several times faster than usual, really like the "fast shot" in the movie.I didn't fall behind either, and ran to the toilet.

"Ah, it stinks!" The toilet I had just cleaned out was so smelly that I couldn't breathe.But I didn't care about that much anymore, I solved the problem with three times, five times and two times, and then I buried my head and flushed out of the toilet.Oops, not good!As soon as I got out of the toilet door, I bumped into the oncoming person, and looked up: Oh my god, it's not good!This person is Teacher Xin, the dean of teaching!Disaster is imminent! "Oh, what are you doing? Slow down!" Teacher Xin glared at me and reprimanded me.At this time, I didn't dare to show my anger, but I just admitted my mistake like a pounding garlic. I didn't even have time to say "I'm sorry", so I ran to the team again.

The 40 seconds were approaching, and I finally returned to the team out of breath, and let out a long sigh of relief.Recalling the "40 seconds of passion" just now, I was really excited and excited...

Generally speaking, if you want to make the things in the article leave a deep impression on people, it is extremely important to grasp certain key elements to write.The young author of this article firmly grasps the two key factors of "urgency" and "quickness" to narrate, uses accurate and detailed descriptions of psychology and actions, and renders the atmosphere with thick and colorful colors, bringing readers to the "passionate 40 seconds".

annoying ads

Zhu Yanmin

There are advertisements everywhere around us, there are fixed sign advertisements on the roadside, there are advertisements printed in newspapers, and there are mobile advertisements distributed in the car basket.But the most annoying thing is the commercials on TV. Why do I say that, I have to start from this Friday.

I need to treat myopia.The doctor said that after the auricular point was pasted, you can no longer watch TV, so I decided to watch a TV on Friday night to my heart's content.I carefully designed a series that starts at 8 o'clock - "National Public Prosecution". At 7:50, I waited quietly in front of the TV. Until 8:5, the commercials were still playing on the TV. I was a little impatient. Just as I was about to change the channel, the TV series started.But the good times didn’t last long. As soon as the title was broadcast, the advertisements came again: "I don’t accept gifts for this year’s holidays, but I will also accept Melatonin for gifts", "Hisense TV, flat-screen, no flash..." I finally got through this. After a while, the TV series finally started.

This episode is about a guy named Suafu who comes to a gas station with lots of explosives strapped to his body and says he wants to see another guy.At the critical moment, the advertisement reappeared: "Stomach pain, stomach bloating, stomach acid, please use Star Shu", "Use Zhongmai Fengling, resistance, good health!" "Look, find, find a friend, find a good friend, Baby Jinshui, itching, anti-itching..." Well, there are more than a dozen here: what happy new sea flower, Haodi essence, Sanlu infant milk powder... Mom couldn't help complaining: "Why are there so many Too many commercials!" I was worried that there was no place to complain, so I quickly picked up: "This annoying commercial, it doesn't come sooner or later, it just comes at this time!" While speaking, the TV series started again, and I yelled: " Stop talking!" We both watched with relish again.But my heart is always a little uneasy, because I don't know when the advertisement will come uninvited?

Hi!This annoying ad!

Indeed, in our lives, "annoying advertisements" are everywhere and affect our lives all the time.The little author tells us what's annoying about TV commercials -- all too often.The composition is clear, coherent and complete. It not only narrates the development process of the matter clearly, but also points out the center, which can arouse everyone's resonance.

untold story

Zhao Lifeng

I wet my bed last night and have been thinking about it in class this morning.I thought in my heart that as soon as I got home from school at noon, I would secretly dry the wet quilt on the balcony while my parents were not paying attention.After school at noon, I walked into the house nervously.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I walked into the room, I found that the "big map" I "drawn" last night was no longer on the bed.I lowered my head and was about to walk quietly to the living room, when my mother stopped me: "Xiaofeng, come here!" My heart was shocked, and I rubbed to my mother's side step by step, ready to eat "meat pot pie" Prepare. "Did you wet the bed last night?" This is not a question, it is clearly an interrogation. "Yeah!" I didn't dare to look up, and quietly raised my eyelids to look at my mother.There is no longer the kind smile on my mother's face.I had no choice but to tell her exactly what happened.

Last night, I was lying in bed reading a book, looking at it, and fell into a sweet dreamland.In the dream, I walked into the yard, and suddenly a shooting star flew past my eyes.I hurriedly made a wish: "I want to become a fairy with boundless magic power." Sure enough, I really became a fairy at that moment.I thought: Now that I have become a god, I will eliminate harm for the people. After thinking about it, I fly out of the yard and go to the deep mountains and old forests to eliminate monsters.In an old forest deep in the mountains, I saw with clairvoyance a demon king with claw horns and a group of little monsters drinking celebration wine.I hurried to the entrance of the cave and shouted and cursed outside.The monster came out to fight, and the monster king and I fought alone.The old demon king was still muttering, saying that he had practiced Qixindan and took Tianxiawudiwan, telling me to surrender quickly.I ignored him and took him down in a few rounds.Those little monsters rushed up to save the king.At this time, I was a little anxious to urinate, so I thought: "Let's urinate and flush them!" After making up my mind, I urinated with a "wow", and the little monsters were washed away.It's comfortable now.Unexpectedly, after a while, I felt warm under the buttocks, and when I turned over, I felt cold again. I stretched out my hand to touch the wetness under the quilt, and only then did I know that it was bedwetting.

(End of this chapter)

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