Chapter 23 Emotional record bag (3)
After finishing speaking, I feel ashamed.Unexpectedly, the mother who was still angry just now burst into laughter, and the father who was sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper also said humorously: "I Xiaofeng is really good at killing harm for the people even in my dreams!"

After hearing what my father said, I felt quite puzzled. Is my father criticizing me or praising me?
The little author of this exercise wrote about his "bed-wetting" experience. The story is very interesting. Although it is "unspeakable", it not only makes parents laugh, but even readers can't help but express their understanding. smile.

one thing that makes me angry
Zhang Aoxue

I'm a girl and whenever I see "patriarchal" people I feel sick.

It was one day last year, when I came home from school, just in time for my neighbor Uncle Wang to get married, I heard someone yelling "touch the red egg", and saw a large group of "monks" scrambling to go straight to Uncle Wang's house.I also wanted to join in the fun, so I went home, put down my schoolbag, and ran to Uncle Wang's house.

When I got there, I saw the boys climbed onto the bed, stretched out their hands, and went straight to dig the red eggs under the quilt, so I also quickly reached into the new quilt.Just when I was happily holding the red egg and straightening up, I suddenly felt a pair of big hands holding me tightly.I saw that it was Grandma Wang, and she turned her face down, her eyes widened, and she said sharply, "Little girl, put it down!" I glanced at her, and put down the egg in disappointment.

At this time, a little boy walked by. When he saw the red egg, he immediately grabbed it.I looked at Grandma Wang, she didn't blame the little boy, and her gloomy face suddenly cleared up.She smiled and said, "Bring more!" As she spoke, she knelt down to help the little boy stuff the red eggs into his pocket.

I watched from the side, couldn't help getting angry, stepped forward and said to grandma: "Why did you give him the egg I touched?" She squinted at me, pointed to my nose and said: "You little girls, Alas! As the saying goes: Boys are smarter and more auspicious than girls, and boys should pick out the red eggs, so that they can give birth to precious children earlier.”

"Are you a man? Aren't you a woman too!" After speaking, I walked away angrily.

I was unconvinced and thought: Why are girls and boys different?Why do you look down on women?I was suffocated.

Now, when I see these "patriarchal" people, I feel disgusted.well!When will this "patriarchal" trend be stopped?

This article captures the phenomenon of "patriarchy" in life and describes it.Although the details of Grandma Wang's words and deeds are only a few words, the subtle movements and casual eyes hurt the sensitive heart of the young author.Because of the profound feelings, the full text is full of heartfelt words, which deserve to be taken seriously.

annoying birthday present

Shou Peiyu

"Hello! Are you Shou Peiyu? I'm Xinxin."

"Ah! Hello. Xinxin, what can you do?" I asked happily.

"Peiyu, do you know? Sunday is my 12th birthday. I would like to invite you to my birthday party. Would you like me?"

"Hey! I..."

"Peiyu, what's the matter with you? Don't you want to?"

"Oh! Well then, I'll go."

"Hee hee, that's great, don't forget it's Sunday, bye!"


Putting down the phone, I returned to the room listlessly, thinking: Oh!Birthday, birthday, why do people celebrate birthdays every day?look!The day before yesterday was Sun Mingrui's birthday, and I spent more than 40 yuan on birthday gifts for him; yesterday, Zhang Hongyu celebrated her birthday, and I gave her another gift of more than 50 yuan.Before I could catch my breath, Xinxin's birthday was coming up again, but I didn't have any money!What should we do?well!It seems that I have to ask my parents again.I was very embarrassed when I asked my parents for money a few times before, but now I ask them again, how can I open my mouth?well!I don't know where the wind of giving gifts to students came from, and it has also become popular here.In the class, almost every student has to give gifts on their birthdays.We are all still students, and we don’t earn any money, so where can we get the money to give gifts?Or do you have to bite the bullet and ask your parents for it.

"Why do you have classmates celebrating their birthdays every day? You must give gifts. Alas! Children nowadays are really amazing, and they don't know the hardships and hardships of adults at all." Mom said with a sigh.Having said that, my mother still couldn't bear to embarrass me outside, so she once again gave me 50 yuan from the living expenses.

Holding the "hard-earned money" my mother gave me, I felt like I had knocked over the five-flavored bottle in my heart, and I couldn't tell what it was like.Gritting my teeth, with tears in my eyes, I went to the store to pick out a brown red panda.

Sunday came, and I was the first to come to Xinxin's house. When I saw the little panda I gave her, Xinxin jumped up for joy.Immediately afterwards, the students came one after another, and everyone took out their own gifts for Xinxin. Xinxin hugged this and hugged that, very excited.Seeing Xinxin's joyful appearance, I was also moved by it.In addition to being happy, I seemed to feel an unspeakable sadness.

Back home at night, I lay alone in bed looking up at the sky.The night is fine today, but I'm not in the mood to appreciate it.I have been thinking: If these birthday gifts are replaced by a small flower, a homemade greeting card, a beautiful picture, isn't it more valuable and meaningful than a gift bought from a store?In this way, you can not ask your parents for money, but also can enhance the friendship between classmates. Why not do it?But, will the students be happy to give these gifts?

well!An annoying birthday present.

The subject matter of the composition comes from life. The young author of this article cuts into the topic from a phone call, starts with students giving each other birthday gifts, expresses his disgust for the "gift-giving style" among primary and middle school students today, and reveals The vulgar atmosphere in today's society has infiltrated the pure hearts of children and changed the original sincere, beautiful and pure friendship.The language of the full text is fluent, the meaning is far-reaching, and it inspires people.

piggy save mom

Lou Chunling

That happened at the end of the new year, and the piggy would save his mother, which is really new.

At the end of the new year, people are busy making new year's goods, especially pork, which sells very fast.My aunt's family was not rich, so she had to bear the pain and slaughter her old sow that had been raised for four or five years.

On the day the pig was slaughtered, my aunt invited a few good young men from the village to catch the pig and put the pig on the killing stone together. The big piglet screamed anxiously beside his mother.Uncle is a well-known expert in killing pigs in the village. At this moment, he is walking towards the pig-killing stone with "aggressiveness" holding a butcher's knife.When he was about to use the knife, my uncle suddenly felt a stomachache, so he put the butcher knife aside and went to the toilet to relieve his hand.Those good guys also let go and went to other things.

Uncle felt better after he relieved his hand, and let those good boys catch the pig again.When my aunt was about to kill the pig with a knife, the butcher's knife disappeared. I couldn't find it everywhere, so I had to postpone the time of killing the pig.The good boys had to let go of the panicked old sow again, and walked away dejectedly.The big piggy lying on the side ran to the mother pig and screamed happily, as if to say: "Mom is fine, mother is fine!" When I saw all this, a kind of sympathy spontaneously arose.The next day, my aunt was afraid that the pigs would catch a cold, so she wanted to replace the wet grass in the pigsty with hay.When my aunt was cleaning up the place where the big piglet lay yesterday, she saw a small mound of dirt and thought there must be something strange in it.When I opened it, I found that the butcher's knife that I couldn't find was hidden inside.It turned out that when my aunt relieved himself, Big Piggy put a knife in his mouth beside the haystack when no one was looking, and made a hole with his nose, put the knife inside, and then lay down on it.I saw all this clearly from the side, and thought to myself: Even pigs have such feelings, so what about us humans?Therefore, I begged my aunt and uncle not to kill the old sow.My aunt and uncle were also moved and said: "This year, our family will not kill pigs, and borrow money to go to the street to buy meat."

Whenever I think of this incident, I feel fresh, and I am even more moved by the behavior of Big Piggy to save his mother.

"Love" is an eternal theme.With the help of the special case of "the piggy saves the mother", the author demonstrates that even animals have so much emotion and know how to love, let alone us humans?The language of the article is simple, the deeds are touching, and the true feelings are naturally revealed, which moves readers and makes people feel sympathy and compassion.

eat coptis
Childhood, ridiculous childhood, childish childhood, shines brightly.

That was one summer when I was six years old.The weather is really hot, the sun is hot, and the roads and buildings are scorching hot. If you touch it with your hand, you have to retract it immediately, otherwise, your hand will be "hot".I was wearing a short shirt, holding a popsicle in my hand, and licking it in my mouth, even though it was hot. With a "click", the door opened, "Ah! Mom is back!" I threw myself on my mother and said excitedly: "Mom! Is there anything delicious to quench my thirst? I'm so hot!" Mom She smiled mysteriously, then flashed the thing in her hand in front of my eyes, and said, "Here you are! Little glutton." My eyes lit up, and I hurriedly opened the plastic bag to take a look!Hey!The juicy green grapes are cold, and you will feel admiration at the first sight.I quickly tasted one, it was great, only one, the sweet and sour taste flowed into my heart at once.I started to eat it non-stop, and the more I ate, the more delicious it became. After a while, I ate up the two bunches of grapes, leaving only two dry branches.After eating up, immediately, a cool feeling penetrated the whole body, the heat was gone, it was cool and uncomfortable.How I long for another bunch of grapes!But for several days in a row, the fruit shop didn't sell it. Now I'm going to be hungry, but there's nothing I can do.

Another summer, I returned to my hometown Jiangsu, where it was also very hot.One day, I found a pot of green Coptis chinensis in the yard of my aunt's house.In hot summer, the flowers of Coptis chinensis have withered early, the stalks hang down, and the top is full of heavy small green fruits, "Ho! Ho!" The color and shape are all like grapes, it must be grapes.

I was excited, the more I thought about it, the more beautiful I was, and I licked my tongue.He ran to it in three steps at a time, wiped his hands, and eagerly picked the biggest "grape" and put it in his mouth to taste...

"Cough! Cough! Bah! Bah!" I didn't swallow it after I ate it, but when I tasted it, I spit it all out "Yiyi Yaya". "What kind of grape is this?" I vomited and scolded.Its taste is bitter, astringent, and very spicy. It makes my tongue numb, as if thousands of ants are biting it, and my throat is extremely hot, as if I have eaten a dozen Chongqing peppers.I was full of spicy taste, stuck out my tongue, yelled, cried and made a lot of noise, but the more noisy it became, the hotter it became. I simply lay on the ground and beat my fists and feet non-stop, with "golden beans" dripping from my eyes, you know , "A man does not flick his tears lightly", but this taste is really unbearable.My mother heard the sound, and I told my mother what happened. My mother couldn't laugh or cry when she heard it. She couldn't help laughing and said, "You are eating coptis!" It was numb for a while, and after a long time, there was still a strong spicy taste in my mouth, so I had to lie on the floor, stick out my tongue like a puppy, and let the cool wind blow!blow!blow!

It just so happened that my father came back. Seeing my embarrassed appearance, he laughed and said, "This is the retribution of your gluttony! Hahaha!" I thought about it, and I couldn't help laughing, and the room was full of laughter.

Now, I understand that people shouldn't be greedy. If they are so greedy, there will be retribution?

Another summer is here, and somehow it makes me laugh again when I think about it.

The material selection and conception of the article are very novel and unique, and the embarrassment caused by the little author's greed is very interesting.At the beginning of the article, I tried my best to write about the sweet memory of eating grapes, and from this came the bitter memory of eating Coptis chinensis, which looks like grapes. The connection between the two parts is quite natural.The language of the full text is concise and full of interest in life, showing readers the joyful and colorful childhood of the young author.

who said i don't care
Time passed, I failed the exam, I was scolded by the teacher in class... who said I don't care?
Please give me more time, I will have more space.I will cherish every day and night even more, let time stop at this moment!Please don't be so cruel, let me go, let my pure heart release my dreams.If I could, I would still be a child of seven or eight years old.But it is impossible to go back to the past.

Back then when I was young, I didn't understand anything, I only cared about playing every day, and I always hoped to grow up soon.Why couldn't you give me a little thought at the beginning?I don't know what it is that makes me feel the way I do today.Really, it would be really sad if I couldn't have the things I love and get satisfaction out of them.I don't want to do this!If you can't choose what you like, why should you want to have it too much now?What are we here in this world for?Do you think that living in this world is just to laugh about life?Would you like to spend your life like this?This world is very real.There is no such thing as perfection in the world, and perfection is achieved by oneself.Don't retreat when you encounter difficulties, how can you enjoy success without heartbroken failure?Believe in yourself, don't be disappointed, don't be discouraged, don't be discouraged, be a strong person in life, because the road is at your feet!
It's really sad when you think about sick people who are going to be lying in a hospital bed and not being able to have anything else.In fact, no one wants to do this!How much they hope they can be healthy people, can see the green prairie, see the blue sky, watch the sunset with their lover, enjoy the wonderful and beautiful sounds on the beach, and be able to do things in the world. Anything meaningful - what a mood that would be!However, losing their health has cost them everything. I am glad I am now, and I am really grateful for everything that life has given me.

So, don't worry, I can comprehend all this, and I will cherish what I have now.God has given me a beautiful life, and I will repay it, bring its love to the world, and benefit the world, so that my life will not be in vain.

Can you still say I don't care?It is because I know too well that I care too much!

The young author revolves around the sentence "Who says I don't care" to expand the full text, and proposes "to be a strong person in life", and to have a heart of gratitude for the beautiful life bestowed on oneself by God. The young author shows himself with his independent thinking. "Care" and why.From the author's sad but powerful words, we can deeply experience his inner ups and downs and epiphanies.The young author's thinking style is relatively mature, and his writing skills are solid, which is commendable.

"Readers" I've met

Zhang Wensheng

After lunch today, my mother and I went to the supermarket to do some shopping.

On the way, I met a beggar.She is a college student, about eighteen or nineteen years old, with her head bowed, her skin dark, and her eyes sized up the passers-by. There is a board in front of her with many words written on it, the main content of which is: I am a A college student, originally lived a peaceful life.Unexpectedly, my father died in a car accident, and soon my mother also passed away due to excessive grief.I am an orphan now. Not only do I have no money to pay tuition fees, but I also have problems with food, clothing, and housing.Please do me a favor and give me some money, I will definitely repay you in the future.

Many people stopped to watch like me, and they started talking.Someone said: "Look how pitiful she looks, give her a few yuan! Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda!" After speaking, he took out money from his pocket and threw it into a bowl.But some people say: "In this society, most beggars are fake. Giving them money will only make them get something for nothing. If you don't give them money, you must let them know: Money is hard-won. If you want to have The money must be paid for due labor, and there is no pie in the sky." After speaking, he left with a sigh.

(End of this chapter)

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