Chapter 24 Emotional record bag (4)
Seeing the helpless look of that college student, I said to my mother: "Mom, let's give her some money!" But my mother said: "She is a person without dignity. We can't give her money. We should let her know that she can only use labor." The bread in exchange is delicious!"

After listening to my mother's words, I thought: Yes!Only with dignity can you gain a foothold in society; with dignity, you have a lot of spiritual wealth.

The young author is good at digging out more profound meanings from common examples, and realizes from them: To be a dignified person, dignity is a great wealth of human spirit.It is amazing that elementary school students can have such insights.

my troubles
Tian Sifei
There are two episodes in life, one is happiness and the other is trouble.If you only listen to happy or troubled melodies, then you are either a lively and cheerful person, or a person surrounded by troubles.In fact, people who laugh and laugh all day also have troubles.The combination of happiness and troubles becomes a beautiful piece of music.

My troubles are neither too much nor too little, but the one word that troubles me the most is short. Somehow, God gave me a short body. From childhood to adulthood, I saw my peers riding bicycles from me. When speeding past, I really envy them, and I also want to ride a bicycle on the street and show off to my friends: "Look, my bike is so cool." However, because of my short stature and short legs, it is always difficult to ride on it .Maybe you will say that I am not yet 12 years old.You cannot ride your bike on the street.However, I'm turning 12 and really want to ride down the street to relieve my parents from having to pick me up and drop me off.

It is because of this damn trouble that I am often bullied by others. I really want to give them a good lesson and let them see how powerful I am.But he is too short to beat them all the time.Whenever I was beaten black and blue by them, I really gritted my teeth with hatred.

Still because of my short stature, my sports scores are always hovering between passing and good. Even if I get excellent, it is only occasionally.I remember a physical education class in the fifth grade. The teacher announced: "Today we practice high jump." Ah, high jump? !This is the sport that gives me the most headaches, and sometimes I can't even jump at a minimum height of 30 centimeters.The students ran to the crossbar one by one, then jumped up, flew over like a bird, stood neatly on the mat, and then made a victory gesture.There are fewer and fewer classmates in front of me, and finally it's my turn.Some of the students cheered me on, and some booed.I didn't care about them, I kept the essentials firmly in mind, rushed to the crossbar, and then jumped-"snap", the crossbar fell.I was filled with disappointment, grief and indignation, wishing I could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.Later, although I kept practicing and asking others for advice, my grades still couldn't improve.Oh, it's really annoying.

In order to grow taller, my parents and I have tried various methods.I have never been picky eaters, and my appetite is gradually increasing.Every once in a while, my mother will always stew chicken and duck ribs, and there are many supplements at home.All of this is for me to grow taller, but I always only grow a little taller every year, and never grow more than five or six centimeters in a single year.Oh God, why do you make me so short?But I believe that everything I have paid will not be in vain, and maybe one year I will grow taller and taller—this is the eternal dream in my heart.

What bothered the little author the most was that he was short. He told us one by one the inconvenience caused by his short stature to his study and life.The language description and psychological description of the article are excellent, expressing my true feelings.

i am addicted to computer games
Liu Zhanpeng

Hello everyone, I have suffered from a "strange disease" in recent years. My parents have given me many "medicines" (that is, the solution), but none of them work. Now I will introduce this strange disease to you:

Disease name: Typical computer game obsession
Medical records: 2 years, 5 months and 7 days

Pain level: beyond your imagination

Detailed description: Since I have a computer at home, this is the origin of my "disease". I have been learning to type at the beginning, but since I learned to type, it can be troublesome. Games, the more I played, the more boring I felt, so I borrowed some game discs from my classmates to install them, but I was always dissatisfied. I installed a game almost every day. Into the limbo - is to delete this game.Last year, after my computer was able to access the Internet, my "disease" became more serious. I am obsessed with online games every day. If I leave the computer, I will not be able to stand it. My parents gave me a lot of "medicine", such as closing the room. The door, delete the game, etc., but it’s useless. Recently, my favorite game is QQ Tang. I can’t leave this game for a day. Unless there is a game that is more fun than QQ Tang, I will give up QQ Tang. Alas , it seems that I am hopeless!
It's hard to find good medicine!If you have an "antidote" for this disease, please let me know!
The little author took great pains to introduce how he suffered from "typical computer game obsession" in the way of a doctor writing "medical records".The novel form and ingenuity make the article taste different.For children with the same disease, this article has a certain warning significance.

I learned how to understand others

Everyone's life has unsatisfactory times, but some people don't know how to face it, and even don't have the courage to face it.Maybe you will hear this sentence at any time: "He doesn't understand me!" I think it's not that others don't understand you, but that you don't understand each other.When you are complaining about others, why don't you look at your own state first?
It's the same in my life, I also often complain that others don't understand me.For example, the conflict between me and my mother.I remember one time, the five yuan I worked so hard to save was used to buy a pen, and I was very happy.I went home from school to do my homework that day, and after a while, my mother asked me to do housework.I was afraid that someone would break my pen after I left, so I asked my brother to watch it for me.When I went back to do my homework, I found that my new pen had been broken into several large pieces, and my brother was secretly laughing beside me.I figured he must have done it.At that time, I was very angry and opened my mouth to curse: "You little guy, I asked you to watch it for me, but you actually broke it, you can buy a new one to compensate me!" My brother was yelled at by me, My mother heard the sound and yelled at me: "You damn girl, my brother is so young, can't you let him have a little?" I said: "It was him who broke my pen first. I just scolded him." "Impossible, your brother is never annoying, he is so good, how could he break your pen?" No matter how I explained to her, she didn't believe her, and I didn't dare to talk back to her again. Only ran to the room secretly shed tears.

I felt that my mother was too unfair to me. I wanted to be angry with her for a few days and not talk to her, but it didn't take long for her to ask me to do housework again.I thought to myself: Since you scolded me, why did you ask me to help you?At this time, my mother came over and said softly: "Good girl, it's not that mom wants to scold you. Even if it's my younger brother who did it, you have to let him. After all, he is younger than you. Come tomorrow and mom will give you money." Buy another one, and I’ll just collect my own things in the future. Come and help mom with work, mom is too busy.” My anger disappeared immediately, and my mother didn’t protect my brother, I didn’t understand the truth It's not right to scold him from time to time.Although my mother scolded me, she still loved me, as the saying goes, "Beating is kissing, scolding is love".

From then on, I will not be angry when my mother scolds me.I bravely faced the scolding that followed after I made a mistake, and even the grievances that came out of nowhere, because I believed that my mother always loved me, and everything she did was for my own good.Even if she fails to understand me occasionally, I will always understand her heart that loves me.I feel that I have grown up, and I am no longer the child who cries when I encounter setbacks. I have learned how to understand a person, and even understand everyone.

There was once such a saying: "If you are crying, you cannot see the brilliant stars." I have always thought this saying is very classic, and I believe everyone will understand each other.Understanding is a bridge across each other, and understanding is the soil that fills the gap.Understanding is sincere and understanding is mutual.When people understand each other in communication, the relationship will last longer. If we can all understand others, the world will become a better place!

I finally know how happy it is to understand others.

"Understanding" is not easy, and the young author realizes this through her own experience, and uses specific examples to show readers how she understands others.I believe that my mother will be very pleased to see this composition.

confide in
daddy i want to tell you
Ren Lulu

Dad, you are my dearest person, but I have never felt the love you gave me, so I also hid my love for you, hiding it tightly, lest it be revealed.

But I did this, but in exchange for your irresponsible words, those words deeply hurt my daughter's heart!
That day, you talked about me with everyone, and they all said that I will be promising when I grow up, and I will be filial to you, and I think so too.But I didn't expect you to say: "She only asks me for money, and I'm just her money maker." Maybe you didn't mean it when you said this, but I was so sad that I wanted to cry .You don't know how important you are in my heart. It's just that I'm not good at expressing it, so you overruled me and made me no longer have the right to respect you. Although this right is in your hands, I still want to have it!

After this incident, I deliberately acted like a baby in front of you, trying to arouse your concern, but you not only ignored me, but also found me annoying.Haven't you ever wondered why I always bother you?Isn't that because I love you!
Your majesty has always shocked me countless times.Whenever I show you a paper with a high score, you smile; but once I fail the exam, you will immediately become icy.Facing your happiness and anger, I am at a loss, how dare I express my love to you?

Dad, I have no maternal love since I was a child. It was my grandma who played this role, but grandma is getting old!Can you take over the baton of love from grandma and continue to let me enjoy the shelter of love?Please stop being stingy, give me more love, and don't make the distance between our father and daughter more and more distant because of your indifference.

Dad, don't deny my love for you so casually!As long as you think about it carefully, you will definitely find my love: when you are in a bad mood, my mood will be dull all day; when you are addicted to gambling, my brows are always furrowed...

Dad, have you discovered my love for you?

Sincere, simple and touching feelings are the most prominent features of this article.The father described by the young author is a real "strict father". The young author hopes that the distance between the father and daughter will not be further and further apart because of the father's indifference.The little author is not asking for love, but asking for the opportunity to give love.

daddy's tears

Zhou Peixiu
Dad will always be a tall and strong image in my heart, but he is sometimes weak, but that's all because of me.

The mid-term exam is coming, and the students are trying their best to review desperately.But I am very proud: "Isn't it just an exam, I can pass the exam with my eyes closed!" After hearing what I said, my father sighed helplessly.He frowned and said: "Child, you can't do this, get serious and study hard!" I had no choice but to pick up a book and read it casually: "The sea in Yantai..." Dad was full of anger, but he didn't rush at me. angry.

On the day of the exam, Dad had a reunion with his classmates.And I was at a loss for simply filling in the blanks according to the content of the text.After the exam, Dad had already returned home. He seemed to have drunk a lot, and asked me with a flushed face, "How was the exam?" I said guiltyly, "I forgot to write a few questions..." Before I finished speaking, my father slapped me.My face was so hot that it made my tears flow.Dad looked at me and lowered his head, my blurred eyes clearly saw Dad's tears, I was shocked!I suddenly understood that my father was also sad in his heart.I ran over, hugged Dad, and burst into tears. "Son, today dad and his classmates reunited. They all achieved something, only dad... they look down on dad! Son, don't be proud, you have to study hard!" Dad's tears couldn't stop flowing down, and his tears were full of words. bitter.I nodded vigorously.

Thinking about it until now, my tears still can't stop pouring out.I can always see my father's loss, and I don't want to see my father's bitter tears again. "Dad, don't worry, my daughter won't make you cry again!"

(End of this chapter)

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