Chapter 3 Success Paradise (1)
first time nanny
Tao Bingyi

On Sunday morning, I was doing my homework alone at home, and my neighbor Uncle Zhang came in and said that he had to go out urgently, but he was worried about his two-year-old son Xiaowei, and wanted to entrust him to me to take care of him.Seeing that I had the opportunity to "express myself", I agreed.So, I had the experience of being a "nanny" for the first time.

After Uncle Zhang left, I took Xiaowei home who was still asleep, changed diapers and covered the quilt, and served this "little emperor" meticulously.I thought this would be considered "OK", but things are completely beyond my expectations.As soon as Xiaowei woke up, trouble came.

After Xiaowei woke up, he jumped up from the bed, probably because he saw that this was not his home, so he burst into tears with a "wow", and tears flowed down like pearls with broken strings.I was in a hurry, singing nursery rhymes and making faces, and even gave him my beloved toy gun to play with.But everything was of no avail, Xiaowei was still crying, and the more he cried, the more sad he became, I was really at a loss.In desperation, I ran to Uncle Zhang's house as fast as possible, took pictures of Uncle Zhang from the table, and put them in front of Xiaowei.Ha, this trick is really effective, Xiaowei looked at "Dad", and laughed out of tears.

The next step is to feed Xiaowei breakfast.I brought a bowl of porridge to Xiaowei, took a spoonful and brought it to his mouth.Unexpectedly, Xiaowei didn't buy it at all, and didn't even raise his head, because he was concentrating on playing with my toy pistol at the moment.what to do?I suddenly remembered the scene when my mother usually coaxed my little brother.So, imitating my mother, I asked loudly: "Xiaowei, who has the biggest mouth?" After hearing this, Xiaowei immediately dropped the toy gun and opened his mouth to eat mouthfuls.I also breathed a sigh of relief, and put a spoonful of porridge into Xiaowei's mouth, completing the task that Uncle Zhang gave me.

When he was full, Xiaowei continued to play with toys until Uncle Zhang came home.Uncle Zhang praised me as a sensible and capable boy.How does Uncle Zhang know the trouble and hard work of being a "nanny" for the first time!I can't help but think of my parents, how much effort they have spent on my growth.I think, from now on, I will be more filial to my parents and be a good boy.

The young author narrates his process of "becoming a nanny for the first time" in vivid language and expresses his feelings.Through detailed descriptions of language, movements, expressions, etc., it portrays the cleverness and cuteness of "Xiaowei" and the little author's calmness when things happen.The article sees the big from the small, making the theme of "honoring parents" more prominent.

is the full length mirror broken

Zhuang Zixin

One afternoon, I saw an interesting game from the book "Little Magic": With a sharpened soap bar, you can draw "cracks" on the mirror.I also want to experiment and scare my parents.I told my sister about this plan, and she immediately approved of it.

I took a bar of soap, cut off a strip, and gave it to my sister.My sister cut the bar of soap into the shape of a small crayon with a few knives.Grandma reads the newspaper in the hut.There is no one in the big house.The two of us quietly came to the big room and stood in front of the mirror of the closet. I held back my laughter and showed off my skills. Two thin and long "cracks" really appeared on the mirror.The elder sister in the mirror showed a surprised look and wanted to clap her hands in praise.I immediately motioned her not to let grandma hear, she stuck out her tongue and covered her half-open mouth.I pulled my sister up, quietly walked out of the big house, went back to the hall, and continued watching our "Little Magic".

Mom is back from get off work.I immediately pretended to be anxious and said, "Mom, the glass mirror on the closet is broken somehow?" My mother became anxious when she entered the room, and yelled at me: "Dengden (my nickname), is it?" Didn't you break it?" He looked at me questioningly. "Just entered the house, why are you arguing with the child!" the grandma in the hut said. "I don't know at all. I just found out when I came here." I tried my best to argue, holding back a laugh.Mom questioned my sister again, and naturally got the same answer. "So, the mirror broke itself?" Mom became even more angry. "Probably yes." I replied, laughing with my sister.

At this time, Dad also came back from get off work.He looked at the mirror carefully, leaned forward for a while, backed away for a while, and then laughed. "What are you laughing at?" My sister asked. "You two are naughty, you have a lot of tricks, your mother was cheated by you." Dad said.Seeing that the matter had been brought to light, the two of us had no choice but to "confess".Mom laughed when she heard it, gave Dad a punch, and went to the hut to see grandma.

My sister and I asked Dad how he saw the truth.Dad said: "You only know that the lines drawn with soap look like cracks, but you don't know that the portraits in the broken mirror are staggered. I have looked in the mirror several times, and the portraits are normal." My sister suddenly realized.

The title of this article is ingeniously suspenseful, cleverly guided in the middle, and suddenly clear at the end, which shows the skill of the young author.It's a comically deceptive story with mischievous undertones.The siblings used soap bars to draw cracks on the mirror to frighten their mother, but the careful father discovered the flaw.The full text is full of knowledge and interest.

I found out how to tell the difference between raw and cooked eggs

Wang Xinlin

There is no difference in appearance between raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs.Is there any way to separate them if you accidentally mix them up?You wouldn't judge which is a raw egg and which is a hard-boiled egg by cracking open the eggs one by one.
One morning, I was reading at home, and my father was busy in the kitchen.I don't know when the phone rang, and my father came out to answer the phone and said to me: "Linlin, Dad is in a hurry. I have to go to work immediately. Mom is not at home. You have to watch the door. In addition, yesterday grandma accidentally left some The hard-boiled eggs are in the egg basket so that there are raw eggs and hard-boiled eggs in the basket, can you separate them? If you can, that's great; if you can't, leave it alone. "Dad hurried away after finishing speaking.

I came to the kitchen, looked at the basket of eggs, and recalled the tone of my father's words just now.I wonder if this can stump me?So I desperately searched for all the knowledge about eggs in my mind; my eyes desperately searched for clues to distinguish between raw and cooked eggs; my nose desperately smelled the different smells of raw and cooked eggs.Alas, it took a lot of effort but I couldn't tell which was raw and which was cooked.

I was dejected and prepared to continue reading, but when I thought of my father's words "If you can't help it, don't touch it", my competitiveness was strengthened again, and I said to myself: This little thing can be difficult me?You say I can't help it, so I just want to separate it.So, I poured a glass of water, sat down and prepared to take a break before continuing to share.When I sat down, the hand holding the water accidentally shook, and the water in the glass also shook.So I put the cup on the coffee table and found that the water in the cup was still shaking.I looked at the water, and then at the eggs, and I had an idea, and there was a way. This glass of water gave me a lot of inspiration: I can use the effect of inertia to separate raw and cooked eggs!

So I first put the egg on the tea table, then rotate it quickly, and then hold the egg with my hand, and the egg will stop at this time.After the egg stops, let go of your finger immediately. If the egg stops moving, it means that the egg is cooked; if it continues to rotate, it means that the egg is raw.

This is due to the effect of inertia, raw eggs are liquid, while cooked eggs become solid during the cooking process.Although the eggshell of a raw egg does not move, the fluid inside has not stopped, so when you let go of your finger, the fluid will rotate the eggshell again; this is not the case for boiled eggs, because the inside of a boiled egg is solid, the eggshell The shell is not moving, and neither is the solid inside.

Dad came back and tried it out, and it really succeeded.

Through this incident, I not only discovered the method of distinguishing between raw and cooked eggs, but also made me understand that everything in the world, as long as I use my brain, will be satisfactory.

Through this article, we can see a young author who loves life, observes life carefully, and is good at extracting writing materials from life.This method of distinguishing eggs seems to be hit by mistake, but it actually comes from the careful observation of the little author.The author writes concisely and clearly, and readers can read it very clearly and clearly, with chapters and sections.

Quick frozen ants
Wang Xin
I remember when I was in the third grade of elementary school, I saw a book that said that a mountaineer was buried in the snow due to an avalanche while climbing a mountain. He was discovered by a mountaineering team decades later and was sent to the hospital to thaw out. After a series of meticulous medical treatment, the mountaineer was miraculously revived.

One day during the summer vacation, I had nothing to do, so I wanted to freeze a small animal to see if it could be revived after thawing.What should I freeze?There are no animals in the house.By the way, aren't there often many ants on the wall outside the door?Yes, just freeze a few ants and see.

I opened the refrigerator, scraped some frost from the freezer with a small spoon, put it in a small bowl, flattened it with a spoon, and went outside to look for ants.It was as expected, and I found two of them in a while.I gently picked up the two unfortunates and put them in the bowl I had just prepared. They crawled in panic on the frost, then curled up into a ball and stopped moving.After most of the day, I still didn't see them move, so I picked the ants out of the bowl with the tip of a needle and put them on the white paper, and then put them in the sun to dry.I stood aside and watched quietly. The sun at noon was very warm, but the ants didn't move.Why is it still not moving?Did you freeze to death?
After a while, I suddenly felt that an ant's antenna seemed to move, but when I looked carefully, it didn't move again.Are you delusional?As I was thinking, I saw the curled up ant stretch out and slowly turn over.Ah, I read that right!It came alive, isn't it lying on the white paper now?At this time, another ant also woke up.After a while, their tentacles moved, and they crawled forward a few steps, as if they wanted to go home but couldn't find their way.No matter what, they woke up after all, and my experiment was a success!I fiddled with them again with the tip of the needle, and they were frightened and crawled north and south regardless of things.

Through this small experiment, I know that there is a basis for saying that animals that have been frozen quickly can be revived after thawing.But why can they be resurrected?What is its scientific basis?I can't say it again.I think, I must study hard and uncover this mystery in the future.

The article narrates an experimental activity. Although the matter is small, it reflects the author's spirit of loving science and being brave in practice. The small sees the big.The article's description of the experimental process is detailed and vivid, which shows that the young author observes carefully, and it can be called a masterpiece of observation.

Tasting tea
Hou Puyu

When I was a child, I always couldn't understand how the black, finely crushed, shriveled tea leaves had such a magical power, which made my father and mother intoxicated.Unexpectedly, now, I also joined the "tea tasting group".

It's the weekend again, I'm sitting in my own little world, with my favorite books spread out on the table.Next to the book is a large box of Kuding tea that my father brought back from Hainan.I picked two dry black tea leaves and threw them into the cup. (Don’t brew too much Kudingcha, otherwise, the bitterness will be too strong.) When washed with boiling water, the tea leaves are like Cinderella putting on a crystal slipper, and in an instant, they gain magical power.She tiptoed lightly and began to spin.As if to match this dance, the "stage" in the cup is lit with a light green light, which is very cute.

In a blink of an eye, the slender tea leaves turned into pieces of delicate, plump green leaves.Dressed in green gauze, they gently stretched their hands and feet, twisted their waists softly, and danced lightly and gracefully.Without the accompaniment of music, each piece of tea is intoxicated in its own world, dancing with forgetfulness.

A faint tea fragrance floats between my nostrils.I close my eyes and capture carefully.In front of you, it looks like a green tea garden.The drizzle is like silk, and the tea trees are greedily sucking the nectar of spring.Pieces of tea leaves are glowing green, bright green, laughing in the rain and fog...

Open your eyes again, the happy dance is over.The tea leaves sink quietly at the bottom of the cup, as if thinking about something, brewing something... The green world in the cup is like a lush summer forest, deep and quiet.

Pick up the teacup and take a sip, the bitter and astringent taste permeates the surface of the tongue.Slowly and gently, a faint trace of sweetness surged up.It was so shy, as if distracted for a moment, it spread its wings and flew away.I calm down and enjoy this rare fun silently.

Tasting tea is really good.

After reading this article, we seem to have smelled the fragrance of tea and become a "tea tasting family".The language of the full text is vivid and beautiful, and the young author boldly adopts various rhetorical techniques, so that we have to be impressed by the young author's keen thinking ability and magical language control ability while "tasting tea".

Today, I "retire"

Zhang Min
Today, I really feel a sense of relief, because I am no longer the "little one" in the family, and this honorable position has been handed over to my little niece.

Now, let's go eat her full moon wine.She has a quiet name called Li Wenya.Xiaoya is so cute, she often gives us a generous smile, her smile is unique, slowly blooming like a flower bud.I think this smile is the brightest ray of sunshine in my life.I often look at her obsessively, looking forward to her heart-warming smile. If someone calls me at this time, I will turn pale with fright—after looking at Xiaoya’s pink face for a long time, anyone will be like a bird She was worried, afraid that someone would disturb Xiaoya's sweet dream.

Xiaoya lives up to her name, she is very quiet, except when she is hungry and when she makes a mistake—she will cry a few times when she gets wet, and falls asleep soundly at other times.Her sleeping posture is in a mess, sometimes like a butterfly flying, sometimes like a frog swimming, every movement is a perfect natural work.

Whenever I hold Xiaoya in my arms, I see her bulging like a fruit, her skin is jade-white after the baby redness has just faded, I feel that the most beautiful thing in the world is a baby, and Xiaoya is the most innocent and bright among babies , she made our big family a palace of happiness, full of happiness everywhere.

But I don’t always get along with her, probably because she is a dog and I am a rooster. Isn’t there an idiom called “Chicken and Dog Restless”?But she and her mother are connected in heart, both belong to dogs, and there are two "dogs" in a family, do you think it's interesting?
The little author uses big topics to write about small things, and describes "I" handing over the position of "little one" in the family to the newborn little niece with relief. This kind of writing is very innovative and can capture the hearts of readers.The description of "Xiaoya"'s appearance is very detailed, expressing the author's love for "Xiaoya".At the same time, it also shows the growth process of the young author.The content of the article is novel, plain and natural, full of childlike interest.

i tasted success

Zhu Jiawei

Not long ago, I successfully cut a watermelon.

That day, the electric fan was running non-stop, but the wind blowing to us was all hot, and drinking boiled water did not quench our thirst.At this time, Dad couldn't help it anymore and said, "Let's go, let's buy a big watermelon to eat!" I happily jumped three feet high.

My dad and I quickly came to the melon stand in the village and bought a big watermelon.When I got home, I proudly said to my mother who was knitting a sweater: "Mom, Dad bought a big watermelon. Let's eat it!" As soon as the words fell, Dad came back with the watermelon.

I was about to cut it, but my mother said: "As long as you cut this big watermelon into 4 pieces with 9 knives, I will let you eat it immediately." Hey, my mother came to test me again, isn't it easy?I agreed.

I took a pen and drew the word "rice" on the paper, and it was only 8 yuan.Later, I drew the character "Thirty", and it was only 8 yuan at first glance.I scratched my head anxiously.At this time, my mother said: "Take your time, you must have a way!" I continued to draw, I drew a "well" character, and counted, it turned out to be 9 yuan.I shouted happily: "Mom, I succeeded!" Mom touched my head and smiled.I gave the biggest piece in the middle to my mother, and the whole family ate it with relish.

This time I cut the watermelon, I tasted the taste of success.

(End of this chapter)

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