Chapter 4 Success Paradise (2)
The young author narrates in detail the interesting stories of tasting success.Mom made a question, and "I" solved it.The full text captures the characters' actions and language features, and uses appropriate words. The joyful mood of "I" is described vividly, with a rich flavor of life, and the narrative is vivid and specific.

grow mung beans

Qu Xiaoming

In a general knowledge class, the teacher gave us a few mung beans, let us take them home to cultivate, and observe the whole process of their growth.

When I got home, I found a transparent plastic cup, put these mung beans in the cup, and spread a layer of cotton wool soaked in water on it.The mung beans have been soaked in water for a day, and I found that they have gained a lot of weight.Two days later, I found that the skin of the mung bean was broken by white bean sprouts.The mung beans really germinated, and I was so happy that I held the cup and shouted excitedly: "My mung beans have germinated! My mung beans have germinated!" I planted the germinated mung beans in a large flower pot.

After ten days, the delicate bean sprouts turned into stems and tendrils, and the stems and tendrils have fine hairs, which look very cute.

After another half a month, I was pleasantly surprised to find that green leaves grew out from the mung bean stems. The leaves were connected in three, and the shape was a bit like a maple leaf.There are a few small yellow flowers faintly visible among the green leaves, like beautiful little yellow butterflies.I like these mung beans more and more, and I am more and more curious.But when the mung bean flowers bloomed more and more, the disaster came to my mung bean head.For several days, the temperature was around 38°C, and the leaves of my poor mung beans were scorched.I immediately carried out rescue operations and watered the mung beans every morning and evening.Within a few days, the mung beans held their heads high again and became full of vitality.

After a while, I found that the mung beans had grown several pods, which were thin and long, tender and green, just like the game sticks we played.Later, the pods grew thicker and thicker, and the particles inside gradually bulged.Slowly, the pods turned yellow; slowly, the pods turned black, and grandpa told me that these mung beans were ripe and ready to be picked.

Looking at the green bean pods hanging all over the branches, I am so happy that I can't express it in words.I picked them and peeled them carefully.what!The round and fat mung beans inside are really cute, like emeralds, like gems, the more you look at them, the more you love them, and the more you look at them, the more reluctant to let go.At that time, the feeling was as exciting as that of an Olympic athlete winning a prize.This is the mung bean I planted by myself!

Now, I tie the picked green bean pods with a red ribbon and hang them in front of my desk.They tell me that only by paying can we gain, and that fruitful results must be irrigated with sweat.

Careful observation is the best way to obtain composition materials.The young author of this article conscientiously completed the task assigned by the teacher - planting mung beans, and intentionally cultivated his own observation ability, and observed very meticulously and attentively.The language expression is vivid and colorful, and the lines are full of childishness.The end of the article tells us: Only with hard work can we gain, and fruitful results must be watered with sweat.

Another use for toothpaste

Li Huiquan

After entering the senior grade, the teacher asked us to write with fountain pens, ballpoint pens, and oil pens.Let's not talk about how happy we are.Even though I was not used to it at first, I gradually got used to it.

One day, I was doing my homework at home.If I accidentally make a mistake, I use correction fluid to cover it.As soon as I missed it, the correction fluid "slipped" playfully onto my right hand.When I saw it, I was so angry that I rubbed my left hand vigorously on my right hand, but it stuck to my hand like chewing gum.In a fit of anger, I came to the toilet and started to implement my first plan...

I took a little cold water in the basin, and brought a thermos bottle. After pouring some hot water into it, I put my hands in the water and rubbed it vigorously. Although it was a little shallow, it just didn’t come down completely. But it made me anxious.I came up with an idea, and came up with another solution. I went to the kitchen, poured a little detergent on my hands, went to the toilet, wiped some soap, and continued to scrub for a while. Unexpectedly, there was no first solution. Well, nothing rubbed off.

I came to the bed in desperation, fell on it, and rested for a while, but the correction fluid stuck to my hands still made me sick like a fly stinging on it, and only by removing it could I feel happy.So, I came to the toilet again, and I caught a glimpse of the toothpaste by the sink, and I thought to myself: Why don't you try it with it.I dubiously squeezed some toothpaste on my hand, closed my eyes and rubbed vigorously, when I felt that the rubbing was almost done, I opened my eyes and looked at my hands.Wow!Great, no more correction fluid. "You nasty stain, you can't stand the 'test', run away!" I sighed in my heart.Now I can do my homework with peace of mind.

Through this incident, I discovered another use of toothpaste, you should try it too.

The little author is very good at thinking. Through many experiments, he found a good way to clean the correction fluid—toothpaste. It also gave some inspiration to readers and children. Everyone may have the same troubles as him in life. After reading this article Finally, the difficulty will be easily solved.The description in the article is delicate and in place, because everything described in the article is the real experience experienced by the young author himself.

i will email
Tang Xiao
Internet, how many people are obsessed with this word, making it a "net bug" and "prawn".Unexpectedly, I went to my sister’s house that day to experience the addiction of Internet worms, tasted the fun of being an Internet worm, and also tasted the taste of success.

That day, I came to my sister's house for dinner.When I got there, I looked at my watch, yo, it's only after 4 o'clock!What to do with the remaining two hours?Suddenly, there was a knocking sound in the computer room, and I ran in quickly, only to find that my sister was sitting alone in front of the computer, hesitating in front of a lot of colorful pictures.I walked over and asked my sister, "What are you doing?" Without looking up, my sister replied casually, "I'm sending out e-cards!" I'm a bit unfamiliar with this term, "Are you sending out greeting cards online?" Hey! You can infer other things from one example, too!" "I want to learn how to send e-cards too!" My sister was a little reluctant at first, but in the end she couldn't hold back me, so she agreed.

My sister said: "First of all, choose a website that can send e-cards, yes, NetEase is fine!" I immediately typed in the domain name, and after a while, beautiful pictures appeared on the computer screen. "Which one is better? Good! Just this one! Yes! The one with the moon in the water." With two "clicks", the picture switched to a dialog box. "This is for you to choose the border, corner pattern, text, text color, and background music." My sister said a bunch of new terms, and seeing my half-comprehensive eyes, she had to say it again.I pressed "Next" with excitement.

The screen came out, and a line of words was written on it: Please enter the animation type. "Animation type?" I tried to search all the memories in my brain, but there was no such command.I looked at my sister, who was looking at me with a smile, her eyes full of encouragement.My heart immediately surged with boundless confidence. I opened the scroll bar and found several types. After a closer look, I suddenly realized, and blurted out: "The type of animation is for you to choose animation!" thumbs up.Suddenly, my heart was occupied by the word success, and the taste of success came to my heart: it is so sweet, so sweet!

I pressed "Next" again with confidence.Unexpectedly, another line of large characters appeared on the screen: Please enter the sender and recipient. "Ah! Little daredevil! You forgot to enter your E-mail!" My sister said, nodding my forehead with her hand.I took a look back, ah!Really, there is a long section below the animation, I forgot!I touched my head in shame, and buried my head low to prevent my sister from seeing a big red cloth.I immediately finished typing the address, read it again, and confirmed that it was correct before pressing "Next".Immediately, the words "Congratulations, the letter has been sent" appeared.I froze for a moment, then I was immersed in the feeling of sweetness, it felt so comfortable!
When I got home, I opened my mailbox and found a new email.Really delivered!I couldn't help screaming from the bottom of my heart: "Ah! I can send emails!"

The young author is very good at observation and experience, with strong language expression ability and clear narrative.In the process of sending e-mails, the details are described very well. After reading the whole article, readers can fully feel the joy of the little author after his success.

mouse catch

There has been a "rat plague" in my house recently.

This mouse is simply "daring". Every time it sneaks into my house to "make a big fuss", it leaves its dirty feet everywhere in the house. We can't sleep.Dad often gets up in the middle of the night to drive it away.Rats are horrible!

In the middle of the night, Dad got up quickly, walked to the living room lightly, closed all the windows and doors, and my mother and I got up right after.In this way, the mouse hunting operation began.

Mom quickly moved the sofa away, wow!A foot-long, black mouse was eating peanuts with relish.Seeing this, Dad hurriedly picked up the leather mat and slammed it down. The mouse panicked, jumped up, and escaped from Dad's crotch.It was scurrying around and we were in hot pursuit.The goal was approaching step by step, and my mother came to "Jiaolong Going to the Sea" and covered the "mouse" with a basin.The tense atmosphere in the room froze.Mom carefully lifted the basin, ah!The basin is empty, nothing.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak..." When everyone looked up, it turned out that the mouse had climbed up the window sill, and it seemed to be saying, "I'm here, do you dare to come up? Hahaha..." Dad picked up the shoe and put it on the window sill smash, hey!There were really two hits, and the "rat" was hit and fell down.

Dad hurried forward to catch it, but the mouse got into Dad's bookcase with a "swish".ah!Dad was taken aback and quickly covered the book.After a few seconds, he carefully opened a book, and the mouse squeaked out of the bookcase and got under the refrigerator.Dad didn't show his face, tore off a piece of toilet paper, and clamped the tail that was exposed outside the refrigerator, only to hear the mouse "ow, ow..." struggling to death.

look! The "spirited" mouse is out of luck this time!

The young author narrates a story about catching mice in the middle of the night.At the beginning, the situation of rat infestation is outlined in concise words, and then the process of a family of three catching rats is described.During this process, the little author wrote not only in an orderly manner with a strong sense of hierarchy, but also vividly and intensely.The language of the whole article is clean and neat, and the center is prominent.

"I learned to explain!"

Shan Xiaoying

In daily life, we primary school students are often misunderstood.Sometimes you are misunderstood by your parents, sometimes by your teachers, sometimes by your relatives and friends... When you are misunderstood, if you learn to explain, the resentment in your heart will disappear, "after the rain, the sky will clear up".I have had such an experience——

On Friday morning, I happily go to school by car.When the car reached the North Bridge, it encountered a traffic jam, and the cars formed a line, which was crowded. "What should I do? When will I wait?" At this moment, I was like an ant on a hot pan, not knowing what to do. "Get out of the car quickly and take a detour to the school!" Thinking of this, I greeted the driver.After getting out of the car, I jogged towards the school.

Despite my best efforts, I arrived at school 5 minutes late.I thought: "This is over, I must be criticized by the teacher!" But then I thought, "No, I have to go to school!" So, I strengthened my courage, came to the door of the classroom, and shouted a report.I expect the teacher to forgive me and let me in.

"Shan Xiaoying, do you still have work and rest time in your mind? Do you still have school rules and regulations?" The teacher pointed at the watch and criticized me angrily.The classroom is quiet, and the whole class is watching me. If it were normal, I would feel ashamed, but today I don’t know what happened. I feel full of courage and courage.I calmly said to the teacher: "Teacher, you are right to criticize. However, I have a special situation today. In the morning, I came to school by car. When I drove to the North Bridge, I encountered a traffic jam. In order not to delay my study, I I have tried my best, but I am still 5 minutes late when I came to school..." After finishing speaking, I lowered my head and let the teacher punish me.

(End of this chapter)

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