Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 1 Be a person with ideals and goals

Chapter 1 Be a person with ideals and goals (1)
Fly to the sky of dreams.

In 1888, American banker More was elected vice president.During his reign, his reputation was excellent.At that time, Wilson, a secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, learned that the vice president had been a small cloth merchant.From a small cloth merchant to the vice president, why did he develop so quickly?

He visited More with this question.Moore said: "I was really successful in the cloth business. But one day, I read a book by the writer Emer, and a passage in the book touched me. It is written in the book:'A person If you have a talent and specialty that people need, no matter what environment you are in, you will be discovered one day."

"This passage made my heart flutter, and I felt that I should develop into a larger space. This reminded me of the most important financial industry at that time. So, regardless of other people's opposition, I gave up the cloth business and changed to a bank , eventually becoming a financial giant.”

It is precisely because Moore has the goal of making great achievements in the financial industry in his heart that he has become a financial giant.Otherwise he could only be a cloth merchant in the end.

Many years ago, a hard-working goatherd took two young sons for others to flock to sustain life.One day, they were driving their sheep to a hillside. At this moment, a group of wild geese flew over their heads and disappeared into the distance.The youngest son of the shepherd asked his father: "Where are the geese going?" "They are going to a warm place, where they will settle down and spend the cold winter." The shepherd said.His eldest son blinked his eyes and said enviously: "If only we could fly like wild geese, then I will fly higher than wild geese, go to heaven, and see if mother is there." He also said to his father: "It would be great to be a wild goose that can fly! Then you don't have to herd sheep, and you can fly where you want to go."

The shepherd was silent for a while, and then said to the two sons, "You can fly if you want." The two sons tried, but they didn't fly.They looked at their father suspiciously.

The shepherd said, let me fly for you to see, so he flew twice, but he didn't fly.The shepherd said affirmatively, I can’t fly because I’m old, but you are still young, as long as you keep working hard, you will be able to fly and go where you want to go.

The sons kept their father's words firmly in mind and worked hard all the time. When they grew up, they really flew. They invented the airplane. They are the Wright brothers of the United States.

Therefore, the ideal is such a torch that can burn a person's potential to the maximum and guide him to fly to the sky of dreams.

Cultivate your own lofty beliefs.

Human beings are the product of our own minds, so we should have high standards, high self-confidence, and a persistent belief that we can succeed.High standards will lead you to great heights.

A professor at Harvard University conducted an interesting experiment with three groups of students and three groups of mice.

He said to the first group of students: "Fortunately for you, you will be with the genius guinea pigs. These guinea pigs are quite smart, and they will reach the end of the maze and eat a lot of cheese, so buy more and feed them. "

He told the second group of students: "Your guinea pigs are just normal guinea pigs, not very smart. They will eventually reach the end of the maze and eat some cheese, but don't expect too much from them. Intelligence is common."

He told a third group of students: "These guinea pigs are real dumbass. It would be a surprise if they could find the end of the maze. They might be so bad, I think you don't even have to buy cheese, just draw a picture at the end of the maze." Cheese will do."

For the next six weeks, the students worked meticulously on their experiments.The genius guinea pigs behaved like geniuses, reaching the end of the maze in a short amount of time.What do you expect from a group of "average guinea pigs"?They'll reach the finish line too, but don't write any speed records in the process.As for those stupid little mice, let alone all of them having real difficulty, it was an obvious accident that only one found the end of the maze at last.

The interesting thing is that there is no such thing as a genius or a dumb guinea pig, they are just average mice in the same litter.The difference in the grades of these mice is the direct result of the different attitudes of the students participating in the experiment.In short, the students took different attitudes because they heard that the mice were different, and different attitudes led to different outcomes.The students don't understand the language of the mice, but the mice understand attitudes, and attitudes are language.

The law of life is the law of belief.The word "luck" should be preceded by another word, which is "courage".People who believe that luck can control personal destiny are always waiting for some miracle to appear.As long as this kind of person goes to bed and lies down for a while, he will dream of winning a big prize or digging a gold mine; while those who don't think so will continue to work hard for their own future according to the trend of their personal mentality.

People who rely on luck are often full of complaints, just blindly waiting for the opportunity to come.As for the successful person, he feels that only belief can control his destiny, so he only believes in his own belief.

What seems impossible to others, if the person concerned can think "possible" in the subconscious mind, that is, believe that it is possible to do it, the matter will be based on the strength of that person's belief, and great power will be aroused from the subconscious mind. .At this time, even the seemingly impossible thing can be done.

Success means many beautiful, positive things.Success is the ultimate goal of life.

Everyone wants to be successful, and the most practical success experience is "unwavering confidence".But there are not many people who really believe in themselves, and as a result, not many people really do it.

Sometimes, you may hear something like this: "Just shouting 'Sesame, open the door' like Alibaba, it is impossible to actually move the door." The person who said this put "confidence " and "imagination" are synonymous.Yes, you can't move a mountain by "imagining", and you can't achieve your goals by "imagining", but you can move a mountain if you have faith.Just believe you can succeed and you will win.

There is nothing magical or mystical about the power of faith.The process of confidence working is actually very simple: the attitude of believing "I can do it" produces the necessary conditions of ability, skill and energy. Whenever you believe "I can do it", you will naturally come up with "I can do it". how to do it” approach.

Most people may think that they are not a successful person, and they also think that success is impossible for them.Indeed, not many people succeed, so you may be an unlucky one.But the real fact is: in fact, anyone has the opportunity to succeed, just want to get it.Because you have long since given up the idea of ​​success, the opportunity has passed you by.

If you want to succeed, you must first hope to succeed and believe that you will succeed.

Light your own lamp of hope.

We should light a lamp of hope for ourselves in our hearts. When we feel disappointed and confused, we use it to illuminate the road ahead, so as to see the light in the distance, and encourage ourselves to go on firmly.

Once upon a time, there was a story about two blind men, one old and one young, who depended on each other for their lives. They lived by playing the piano and performing arts every day.

One day the old blind man couldn't bear it anymore and fell ill. Knowing that he would die soon, he called the little blind man to the bedside, held the little blind man's hand tightly, and said with difficulty, "Son, I have a secret formula here." , this secret recipe can make you see the light again. I hid it in the piano, but you must remember that you can take it out only when you break the thousandth string, otherwise, you will not will see the light."

The little blind man agreed to the master with tears in his eyes, and the old blind man left with a smile on his face.

Day after day, year after year, the little blind man kept his master's will in mind, played and played, and kept the broken strings in his heart.

When he broke the thousandth string, the frail young man had reached his twilight years and turned into an old man who had experienced many vicissitudes.He couldn't hold back the joy in his heart, and with trembling hands, he slowly opened the piano case and took out the secret formula.

However, others told him that it was just a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it.Tears dripped on the paper, but he smiled.

The master lied to the little blind man?This little blind man in the past, now an old blind man, is holding a blank sheet of paper with nothing on it, why is he smiling instead?
The moment he took out the "secret recipe", he suddenly understood Master's intentions. Although it was a blank piece of paper, it was a secret recipe without writing on it, a secret recipe that was hard to steal.Only he, after playing and breaking a thousand strings since he was a child, can realize the true meaning of this wordless secret recipe.

That secret recipe is the light of hope, a light of hope that Master lit for him in the boundless darkness, groping and suffering.

Without it, he might have been swallowed up by darkness long ago, and he might have fallen down in misery long ago.It was because of the support of such a lamp of hope that he insisted on breaking a thousand strings.He is eager to see the light, and firmly believes that the darkness is not forever, as long as he never gives up his efforts, the darkness will pass, and there will be infinite light.

However, such a process is a painful and long process of accumulation. Many people retreated halfway because they could not bear the loneliness and pain without success.

Indeed, the process of accumulation is boring, and it is easy to bore people in the heart. Because of this, we should light a lamp of hope for ourselves in our hearts.

This light of hope is the "secret recipe" in the story. In fact, it is just an ideal and goal we set for ourselves.

Lofty ideals are your great goals.

Three workers are building a wall on a construction site.

Someone came over and asked, "What are you doing?"

The first person said angrily: "Didn't you see? Build a wall."

The second person looked up and smiled and said, "We are building tall buildings."

A third hummed a song as he worked, and he smiled broadly: "We're building a city."

Ten years later, the first person was building walls on another construction site; the second person was sitting in the office drawing drawings, and he became an engineer; the third person was the boss of the first two people.

Three people in the same situation have three different answers to a question, showing their different ideals in life.Ten years later, the one who is still building walls has no ambitions, the one who becomes an engineer has a more realistic ideal, and the one who becomes a boss has lofty aspirations.In the end, their ideals determine their fate: those who think the farthest will go the farthest, and those who have no ideas can only stay where they are.

Ideal is connected with a person's wish, it is a vision of the future, and it is often not directly related to the current action.But ideals cannot be divorced from real life. If certain phenomena in real life meet individual needs and are consistent with personal worldview, these realistic factors will be expressed in the form of personal ideals.Ideal is always a process of reprocessing real life, discarding some elements and emphasizing certain factors, but it must be based on the understanding of objective laws and conform to objective laws.

A person who can realize his ideal is personally a successful person and a happy person.Ideals are a necessary condition for success, but you may not be successful if you only have ideals; but if you don't have ideals, success will be out of the question for you.

Great ideals can attract people to work hard and strive to achieve it.Whenever you are slack and lazy, the ideal will wake you up from your sleep like an alarm clock ringing early in the morning; whenever you feel tired and heavy on your feet, the ideal will be like an oasis of life in the desert, allowing you to see Hope; whenever you encounter setbacks and depression, ideals are like the dawn of the morning sun, dispelling the haze in the sky.Driven by ideals, people can constantly motivate themselves, gain spiritual strength, and radiate super fighting spirit.People who can stick to their ideals are invincible.

Lofty ideals are your great goals.Just by having ideals, you may not be successful; but without ideals, success is impossible for you.

A person with ideals lives always in a positive way.

To be a person must be ideal.If a person does not have ideals, and does not spread the wings of ideals, then he cannot embrace success.

God is fair to everyone, everyone has 24 hours a day, and everyone’s time is a lifetime; at the same time, God is unfair to everyone, and the time given to everyone is not 24 hours , all the time given to everyone is not a lifetime.The difference between these is the ideal.

People with ideals are always positive in life, and they will continue to move towards their ideals; people without ideals are muddled, do not want to make progress, and are finally eliminated by life.

Once upon a time there was a man named Abag who lived on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.Once, the young Abag and his father lost their way on the grassland. Abag was tired and afraid, and he couldn't move in the end.Dad took out five coins from his pocket, buried one coin in the grass, put the other four in Abag's hand, and said: "There are five gold coins in life, childhood, youth, youth, middle age There is one for old people and one for old age. You are only using one now, which is the one buried in the grass. You can’t throw all five in the grass. You have to use it little by little. Every time you use it, it will be different. Only in this way is life worth living. Today we must go out of the grassland, and you must also go out of the grassland in the future. The world is big, and people are alive, so you have to go to more places, see more, and don’t let your gold coins be thrown away when they are useless " Encouraged by his father, Abag walked out of the grassland.When he grew up, Abag left his hometown and became a very good captain.

Some people say that ideals always belong to young people. This kind of understanding is wrong.Although young people tend to show the behavior of pursuing ideals, ideals are not exclusive to young people.The founder of McDonald's, Ray Kroc, was still an ordinary small businessman when he was in his 50s, but he never gave up his ideal, and his achievements in the end are obvious to all.

What kind of person do you want to be.

There was a young man who worked for an oil company in the United States.His education is not high, and he has no special skills.What he does in the company, even a child can do it, is to inspect and check whether the oil tank caps are automatically welded.

The oil tank moves on the conveyor belt to the rotary table, the solder will automatically drip, and it will turn around along the cover once, and the operation will be completed.He does this every day, watching this kind of work repeatedly hundreds of times.

Within a few days, he began to get tired of this job. He wanted to change his career, but he couldn't find another job.He thought that in order to make a breakthrough in this work, he must find something to do himself.Therefore, he concentrated more on observing the welding work.

He found that once the jar was rotated, 39 drops of solder dropped, and the welding work was over.He thought hard: Is there anything that can be improved in this series of work?
Once, he suddenly thought: If the solder flux can be reduced by a drop or two, can it save costs?

So, after some research, he finally developed the "3 drop type" welding machine.However, oil tanks welded by this machine occasionally leak oil, which is not practical.He was not discouraged, and developed a "38-drop" welding machine.This time the invention was perfect, and the company spoke highly of him.Soon the company produced this machine and switched to a new welding method.

Although the saving is only a drop of soldering flux, this "one drop" has brought $5 million in new profits to the company every year.

This young man was the oil magnate John D. Rockefeller who later held 95% of the real power in the US oil industry.

"Improved Soldering Flux" changed Rockefeller's life.The key to his success is that he pays special attention to the ordinary little things that ordinary people tend to ignore.

The Kennedy family, a political family in the United States, has an extremely strong desire to enter the White House.In the early 20th century, the Kennedy family was already famous.Joseph Kennedy was, at a young age, an outstanding banker and speculator.There is a story in the stock investment world, when the shoeshine boy also provides you with stock news, you have to sell the stocks you hold. The protagonist of this story is Joseph Kennedy.He is a great white shark of stocks. One day in 1929, when he was shining shoes on the street, the shoe boy actually provided him with stock information. He felt something was wrong and sold all the stocks in his hand. This caused the stock market crash of 1929.Even President Roosevelt at the time entrusted him as the stock ombudsman to clean up the mess of the stock collapse.

In addition to his nickname of stock predator, he also smuggled arms and alcohol.After he developed, he originally wanted to enter the White House and taste the taste of power.Because of the previous bad reputation, his hopes could not be realized.He can only encourage his son to work hard to realize his own desires that cannot be achieved.When his son became self-reliant, he took out $100 million to fund his political activities.

After much difficulty, Joseph Kennedy's grandson, John Kennedy, a notoriously ill king, finally entered the White House.When he was young, John F. Kennedy was a frail person, but he was most respected for his courage to challenge the disease.Shortly after entering the White House, President Kennedy was killed.

Afterwards, his younger brother Laura Kennedy followed his father's and elder brother's wishes and strived to realize his wish to enter the White House.It's a pity that he died before he started his career. He was also killed during an election campaign.

Even so, the Kennedy family's desire to enter the White House has been ignited since the grandfather's time, and has been burned for generations. It has become a force that drives every member of the family to enter the White House.Its spiritual power is evident.

(End of this chapter)

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