Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 17: Be a Thinking Person

Chapter 17: Be a Thinker (1)
Only those who can use their brains can shine.

The originality of thinking is the fundamental characteristic of creative thinking.Innovation is to dare to go beyond the shackles of traditional habits, get rid of the shackles of the original knowledge scope and the confinement of the thinking process, and be good at recombining the existing information in the mind, so as to discover new things, put forward new insights, solve new problems, and produce new results.There are countless examples of such breakthroughs.

Before the summer vacation, 16-year-old Freddy said to his father, "I want to find a job so that I don't have to ask you for money all summer." Freddy soon found a job in advertising that suited his specialty.At 8 o'clock in the morning of the next day, he came to the application site on 2nd Street in New York as required, but at that time there were already 20 job seekers in front of the line, and he was the 21st.

How can you attract the special attention of the examiners and win the position?Freddy thought for a long time and came up with an idea: he took out a piece of paper, wrote a few lines on it, then folded the paper neatly and handed it to the secretary, and said respectfully: "Miss, please immediately It is very important to give this note to your boss!" "Okay, let me take a look at this note first..." Miss Secretary couldn't help smiling after reading the words on the note, and stood up immediately Go into the boss's office.As a result, the boss laughed out loud when he saw it.It turned out that the note read: "Sir, I am the 21st in line. Please do not make any decisions until you see me." Finally, Freddy got the job as he wished.

Obviously, this is the effect of Freddy's good thinking.Freddy's story and successful experience vividly tell us: a person who can use his brain to think can always seize opportunities and solve problems properly. Success is inseparable from wise ideas.

Take a longer view.

We grew up in a society, and we naturally take all social systems, political traditions, religious beliefs, values, lifestyles and customs in that society as a matter of course.Although we may like or dislike something, we almost never doubt the validity of its existence.

However, one day, when we enter another society and find that people there live equally normally under another completely different social system, political tradition, religious belief, value concept, way of life and customs, we will Confused and shocked.Thus a tinge of doubt begins to seep into our simple but firm beliefs about everything in our society.

A 29-year-old graduate student studying electronic engineering said that half a year after he went abroad, he suddenly felt that he often had to "report his thoughts" to the leader when he was in China. report to them?"

Another 33-year-old doctoral student studying at the University of California, Berkeley said that when he was a beginner in American political science, he was puzzled when he heard the professor say that the founding ideal of the United States was to establish a "weak government" so that the government could not control individuals.

Our minds are unconsciously conditioned by our own social existence, and further conditioned by our own cultural traditions.Just as human thinking cannot get rid of the limitations of human existence, it is also difficult for us to truly transcend the limitations of this society and culture.It's easy to automatically assume that everything our society stands for, good or bad, is normal and accept it without question.

However, for a person or a nation, what is really terrible is not the limitation of this consciousness, but an absolute mode of thinking formed within this limitation.Based on this absolute thinking mode, people tend to form a rigid sense of "right and wrong".People almost a priori get the concept of "normal" from their own way of social existence, and unconsciously use it as the standard for judging right from wrong.And just as they put themselves in the "normal" position, they put others in the "abnormal" position.As a result, the "natural" thing has become the "only correct" thing.

We unconsciously use everything in our own society as the standard of right and wrong to judge everything in other societies.Sometimes, we can go abroad, but we cannot get out of this absolute mode of thinking.

Therefore, it is only when we step out of our own society and see a different society that we can realize the limits of our own consciousness.

The elements of successful thinking are in our own hands.

A person's success depends on his attitude!The difference between successful people and losers is: successful people always use the most positive thinking, the most optimistic spirit and the most brilliant experience to dominate and control their lives, while the losers are just the opposite. Guided and governed by doubt.

Some people like to say that someone else made their situation.Circumstances determine their place in life.These people often say that their minds cannot be changed.However, our circumstances are not caused by our surroundings.In the final analysis, how to view life is up to us to decide.Wik Frankel, a survivor of a concentration camp in Nazi Germany, said: "In any given environment, people still have a final freedom, which is to choose their own attitude."

Marby D. Babcock said: "One of the most common and costly mistakes is to think that success depends on some kind of genius, some kind of magic, something that we don't have." But the elements of success are actually It is in our own hands.Success is the result of right thinking.How high a person can fly is not restricted by other human factors, but by his own attitude.

Our attitude largely determines our success or failure in life:

1 How we treat life is how life treats us.

2 We treat others as we treat them.

3 More than anything else, our attitude at the beginning of a task determines how successful it will be in the end.

4 The higher a person is in any important organization, the more will he find his best attitude.

No wonder it has been said that our environment, psychological, emotional, and spiritual, is entirely created by our own attitudes.

Having a positive mind doesn't guarantee success in everything.Positive thinking will definitely improve a person's daily life, but it will not guarantee that he will get everything he wants; however, the opposite attitude will definitely fail, and a person who thinks negatively will never succeed.No one has ever been consistently successful with a negative attitude.

In general, the consequences of negative thinking are:

1. Negative thinking will spread doubts at critical moments.

If a person is constantly looking for negative things in life, it will become a habit that is difficult to overcome.At this time, even if a good opportunity arises, the negative person will not be able to see it or grasp it.He would see each situation as one obstacle after another.The difference between obstacles and opportunities is people's attitude towards things.

2. Negative thinking is contagious.

As the saying goes, "Things of a feather flock together, and people form groups." People who gather together will influence each other, and gradually get closer and become the same.If you stay with a negative thinking person for a long time, you will be influenced by him.Exposure to negative thinkers is like exposure to atomic radiation.If the radiation dose is small, you can still live for a short time, but continuous radiation will kill you.

3. Negative thinking makes people pessimistic.

Murphy's Law applied by Negatives Everything that looks easy is actually hard; point of view.And successful people always look at opportunities from the best angle and make judgments.

4. Negative thinking kills hope.

If you can't see the hope of the future, you won't be able to stimulate the motivation of the present.Negative thinking destroys confidence and kills hope.It slowly but continually demoralizes the negative thinker and loses any motivation.

5. Negative thinking limits human potential.

What people believe will happen, what result is likely to happen.Man cannot achieve what he does not seek.If a man does not believe in what he can achieve, he will not strive for it.When a negative thinker doesn't expect much from himself, he caps his ability to succeed with a bang.He becomes the worst enemy of his own potential.

6. Negative thinking keeps people from enjoying life.

Throughout the entire voyage of life, negative thinkers get seasick along the way.Regardless of their present circumstances, they are always disappointed in the future.Many people believe in Somme's Law: "Whenever things are looking good, you must have overlooked something." In the eyes of negative thinkers, the glass is never half full, but half empty.They expected the worst things in life and got them.

The power of positive thinking is:
Behave like the person you want to be.Positive action leads to positive thinking, and positive thinking leads to positive attitude towards life.Attitude follows action.

Think winning, positive thoughts.Andrew Carnegie said: "A man who has total dominion over his own heart will also have dominion over everything else to which he is entitled." When we start thinking in a positive way and seeing ourselves as successful When we do, we start to be successful.

Influence others with good feelings, confidence, and purpose.As your actions and thoughts become more positive, you will slowly gain a sense of the fulfillment of your life.Confidence grows, and purpose in life grows stronger.Then it attracts others.

Treat everyone you interact with as the most important person in the world.

Make everyone you meet feel important, needed, and appreciated.

Look for the best in everyone.

Don't talk about your health unless you absolutely have to.

Search everywhere for the best new ideas.

Give up the trivialities.

Cultivate a spirit of dedication.

Mindsets can be changed, but attitudes are yours to choose.Which one do you choose?

Mistakes often become opportunities for innovation.

"Sit in a well and watch the sky" is a widely spread idiom, and people have become accustomed to using it to describe those "those with narrow horizons and shallow knowledge".This has become a fixed way of thinking of people, and if people still follow this way of thinking to make some comments, there will be nothing new to speak of anyway.However, there is such a middle school student who just grasped the matter of "sitting in the well and looking at the sky" to broaden his thinking, find another way, and lead to a new discussion, which is quite inspiring.

The idiom "Looking at the sky from a well" is derived from Zhuangzi's fable "The Frog in the Well". A frog sitting at the bottom of a well may only see the small sky above his head. To regard the sky as the entire universe is of course a sign of shallow knowledge.However, can people still imagine that this frog is alive, and that the vast universe is composed of countless small pieces of sky. To understand the whole universe, one must first start from the piece of sky above one's head, and then jump out of the well to understand A wider sky.Undoubtedly, this idea has its rationality. Therefore, the middle school student made a comment that "it is not a bad idea to sit in a well and look at the sky, because it is the basis for jumping out of the well and viewing the vast sea of ​​stars".And from this it is extended to the fact that modern science and cultural knowledge are like a vast ocean. Young people who want to dabble in the ocean of scientific and cultural knowledge should start with "the sky above their heads" and use the patience and tenacity of "sitting on the sky" to attack the next field first Based on this knowledge, we can "jump out of the well" to make a leap.

This article is full of the author's different thinking and spirit of exploration. It is really rare to discover such a new meaning from the well-known derogatory idioms.

If we hadn't seen such an example, we really don't know how rigid our thinking mode is.In fact, many traditional things can excavate new ideas and make the impossible possible.The birth of some products can also make us believe this.

The invention of bagged tea is an example:
A merchant named Sullivan used to sell tea in tins.Once, because tea cans were out of stock for a while, silk bags had to be used instead.Before long, orders poured in, specifically specifying the tea to be packaged in silk bags.Because consumers have found tea in sachets to be more convenient to brew.

Penicillin, Post-its, and oil and water repellents are all the result of accidental mistakes.A lot of successful products come by accident.

Most people approach a difficult task with care and caution, trying to avoid mistakes.Inventors, on the other hand, experiment with every possibility, including all contradictions.They consider both the positive and negative sides of a problem.For them, bondage and freedom belong to the category of "freedom", but bondage represents the minimum limit of freedom.They experiment with thoughts and ideas that can lead to missteps, and they get off track.Instead of panicking over mistakes, they incorporate them into the creative process.In this way, mistakes become a source of innovation and a new development strategy.

As long as we think that anything is possible, mistakes can provide us with useful information and opportunities for innovation.

It is our ideas and abilities that are behind.

The regenerated eagle is the longest-lived bird in the world, and it can live up to 70 years in its lifetime.

To live that long, it must make difficult but important decisions at the age of 0.In it's 0th year its long and flexible talons can no longer grab prey which serves as food.Its beak became so long and curved that it almost touched its chest.It's old-‐ aged and heavy wings, due to their thick feathers, sHck to it's chest and make it difficult to fly.It has only two options: die, or go through a painful update process.

150 days of long training.It has to fly very hard to the top of the mountain and build its nest on the cliff.Stay there, don't fly.An eagle knocks its beak against a rock until it falls out completely.Then quietly wait for the new beak to grow.It uses its newly grown beak to pull out its nails one by one.When the new nails grow back, they pluck the feathers one by one.

After 5 months, new feathers grow out.The eagle starts to fly.Be able to live another 30 years!

There are times in our lives when difficult decisions must be made to begin a process of renewal.We have to throw out the old habits, the old traditions so we can fly again.As long as we are willing to let go of old baggage and learn new skills, we can realize our potential and create a new future!What we need is the courage to reform ourselves and the determination to regenerate...

The life and death of a country, a society, a group, and a person are not completely determined by technical things, but by mentality.The United States has such advanced technology, which is due to the American mentality of advocating challenges and advocating creativity.

In real life, like fashion, it is not your clothes that are easy to lag behind, but your innovative ideas and ability to work attitude.Why are people able to make such great progress?Because people have the ability to innovate.The ability to innovate is what distinguishes humans from other animals.Where does the ability to innovate come from?It didn't fall from the sky, and it wasn't born with it.The basis of innovation ability is learning ability. Innovation ability is formed on the basis of observation, comparison, thinking, reasoning, screening, inheritance, transformation, development and other abilities formed in the learning process. Innovation ability is actually a kind of ability to weed out the old and bring forth the new .

In any case, opening the door to creativity requires a combination of internal and external factors, and most importantly, breaking through yourself.One is to have a good attitude.Everyone has to go through repeated alternations of success and failure. In this kind of change, you have to learn the way of life and improve your psychological endurance.The second is to do it step by step in a down-to-earth manner. It is not enough to only have ideals and goals, and it is not enough to not know how to do it step by step.The key is to be in line with your own reality. Only in this way can you continue to achieve success, stimulate creativity and cultivate an innovative spirit.

There are many things at work that are not impossible.

There was a salesman who was famous for being able to sell anything.He has sold a toothbrush to a dentist, a loaf to a baker, and a television to a blind man.But his friend said to him: "You are only a good salesman if you sell a gas mask to a moose."

So the salesman traveled thousands of miles to the north, where there was a forest where only moose lived. "Hello," he said to the first moose he encountered, "you must need a gas mask."

"The air here is so clean, what do I want it for," said the moose.

"Everyone has a gas mask now."

"It's a pity, but I don't need it."

"Wait a minute," said the salesman, "you already need one." And he started building a factory in the middle of the woodland where the moose lived.

"You're really crazy," said his friend.

"No, I just want to sell the moose a gas mask," said the salesman.

When the factory was built, many poisonous exhaust gases billowed from the chimney, and soon the moose came to the salesman and said, "Now I need a gas mask."

"That's exactly what I thought," said the salesman, and he sold one to the moose. "What a good thing!" the salesman said excitedly.

The moose said, "Other moose need gas masks now, do you have any?"

"You're lucky, I have thousands more." "But what do you produce in your factory?" the moose asked curiously.

"Gas masks," the salesman replied excitedly and succinctly.

(End of this chapter)

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