Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 21 Be a down-to-earth person

Chapter 21 Be a down-to-earth person (2)
Being down-to-earth does not mean being blind. A down-to-earth person will often have a reasonable career plan, but this plan should be determined according to your personality.Doing what one likes and is competent is the easiest way to achieve success; in contrast, what one likes but is not competent can only become a "interest"; what one is competent but dislikes will become a lifeless tool for life; The saddest thing is to spend your whole life doing things that you neither like nor are capable of, and that is the source of failure.Therefore, when you make your own career plan, consider what you like to do and what you are capable of.

everybody is good for something.Everyone has their own strengths and unique strong abilities in machinery, science, art, teaching, marketing, documents, etc., or in operations, mathematics, music, making friends, management, and office work.

You can draw a picture of the career you want to achieve and create a "future career map".But remember, this image of the future must be projected in the original Tomorrowland.If you want this image to be useful, it must be both attainable and satisfying to yourself so that it will stimulate you and guide you in the years to come.

Sharpening a knife does not cut firewood by mistake.

Don't think that people who work hard just know how to sleep and forget food and work tirelessly.What we call a down-to-earth person is a person who is good at both work and rest, because a down-to-earth person knows that "sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood".Look at the following story first:

Many years ago, an explorer hired a group of local aborigines as guides and porters to search for the remains of the ancient Inca Empire in the jungles of South America.Even though they were carrying heavy luggage, the group of aborigines still walked like flying. The explorers who had been fighting around for many years couldn't match their speed, and they often yelled for the aborigines in front to stop and wait.

The journey of exploration unfolds in this kind of pursuit. Although explorers are always behind, under the pressure of time, they can only do their best to follow the natives.In the early morning of the fourth day, the explorer woke up early and immediately urged the aborigines to pack their luggage and set off on the road, but the aborigines were unmoved, which made the explorer very angry.

After communicating with the guide later, the explorer finally understood the reason behind it.This group of aborigines has had a mysterious custom since ancient times, that is, they always rush forward during the journey, but after every three days of walking, they need a day of rest.The guide said: "That is to allow our souls to catch up with our bodies that have been driving for three days."

Going all out in everything and making the body show the momentum that the soul can't keep up with is the most attentive and perfect state when doing things.But when it's time to rest, give your tired body and mind ample chance to recover.Being able to grasp the pulse between work and rest is a valuable intelligence that continues to have infinite motivation.

One lecturer held a glass of water during a class on stress management and asked the audience, "How much do you think this glass of water weighs?"

Some of the audience said 20 grams, some said 500 grams, and the lecturer said: "The weight of this glass of water is not important, what is important is how long you can hold it? You must think it is okay to hold it for 1 minute, and it may be okay to hold it for an hour. Feeling sore in your hands, if you hold it for a day, you may have to call an ambulance. In fact, the weight of this glass of water is the same, but if you hold it for a long time, you will feel heavier. This is like we are under pressure. If we keep putting pressure Putting it on the body, no matter how long it takes, in the end, it feels more and more heavy and unbearable. What we have to do is to put down this glass of water, take a rest and then pick up this glass of water, so that we can hold it for a longer time. So , everyone should put down the pressure after a period of time and take a good rest, and then pick it up again, so that you can bear it for a long time."

This is just like in the workplace, we should let go of the pressure at get off work when we get off work, don't take it home, we should take a good rest after returning home, and pick up the pressure tomorrow, so that we will not feel the heavy pressure.

Always keep your goals in mind.

There is such a story:
Three hounds chased a woodchuck, and the groundhog got into a hole in a tree.This tree hole has only one exit, and after a while, a rabbit drilled out of the tree hole.The rabbit ran forward quickly and climbed a big tree.The rabbit was on the tree, lost its foothold in panic, fell down, and knocked out the three hunting dogs who were looking up. Finally, the rabbit escaped.

After the story is told, there is such a question: "Does this story make sense?"

Of course, I think you have a few answers like this:
"Rabbits can't climb trees."

"It is impossible for a rabbit to stun three hounds at the same time."

When you can't find the problem anymore, have you ever thought of another question, "Where did the groundhog go?"

In the process of pursuing life goals, we are sometimes distracted by trivial details and some meaningless trifles on the way, disturbing our vision, so that we stop halfway, or take a fork in the road, and give up the goal we originally pursued.

Don't forget to remind yourself all the time, where is the groundhog?Where has the goal in my mind gone?
Don't go with the flow.

Be down-to-earth and don't be too superstitious about the successful experience of successful people. Experience can only be used as a reference, not for copying.

Learning from successful people is a process that all people who want to start a career must go through.But you must understand that it is okay to learn something from other people's successful experience, but you must not apply other people's successful practices mechanically to your own business.because:
Everything in the world has its own characteristics.

Other people's ways are only suitable for other people's careers.

Once the method made public has become a general rule, it is not the essence of wisdom, and it is not practical, not to mention that many people will never tell others the secret of starting a business.In other words, the most critical "tricks" of successful entrepreneurs can never be made public.

Therefore, for the experience and methods of all successful people, we must accept it with a vigilant attitude.

Following in the footsteps of successful people can only be an empty show. There are too many such examples in the society:
Seeing others make a lot of money opening a restaurant, I followed suit to open a restaurant, but ended up losing money.

Seeing that other people opened a clothing store and doing it very well, I followed suit, but no one patronized my store.

Seeing other people become billionaires in real estate, I also set up a stall to do it myself. As a result, I went bankrupt, and I had to hide debts everywhere like a street mouse.

So some people shouted: "This is really evil." Others said: "This is fate." In fact, everyone has their own talents, their own fixed network of relationships, and their own specific personality, and the successful ones have their own. When choosing a project and determining the mode of operation, we will pay attention to making all aspects suitable for our own characteristics.You and their subjective and objective conditions are very different, how can you copy them mechanically and follow in their footsteps?
Don't be careless.

An elderly carpenter was retiring and told his boss that he wanted to get out of construction and enjoy a more relaxed life with his wife and family.Although he will also miss the fairly good salary during this period of time, he still feels that he should retire, and he can live without this money.

The boss is really reluctant to leave such a good carpenter, so he hopes that he can build another house with his own style before leaving.Although the carpenter agreed, it can be seen that he didn't put much effort into building the house this time.He hastily built the house, using inferior materials and poor technique.In fact, it is a bit inappropriate to end his carpenter career in this way.

When it was completed, the boss came and inspected the house by the way, then handed the key to the carpenter and said: "This is your house, a gift from me." The carpenter was really surprised and a little shame.Because if he knows that this house is for himself, he will definitely use the best building materials and the most exquisite technology to build it.However, now he has to live in a house that is not good at all because of his sloppyness.

Sometimes the root of the problems in life is that none of us are doing the work we are supposed to be doing.It wasn't until we saw our finished product that we were going to live in the house we built that we were shocked.

If I knew beforehand that I would live under my own creations, I wouldn't be like this.

Assuming you are the carpenter yourself, think this is going to be your house, and every time you drive in a nail, place a board, and erect a wall, be careful.It's like building your whole life, even if you only live in it for a few days, for those few days, you have to do well and live with dignity.

Responsibility is the thing that brings out our strength the most.Those who have never been in a position of responsibility can never use their full strength; because their strength has never been honed by great responsibilities, they have remained weak all their lives.

Responsibility is a fictitious and ubiquitous thing. Today, when the whole society vigorously promotes "professionalism", it is not alarmist to associate work responsibility with survival.If you are responsible enough, you will definitely win a "perfect" house for yourself.

Cultivate your own creativity.

Is the wisdom needed to make a career so difficult to pursue?Check out the story below:

Two young men opened the mountain together, and one broke the stones into stones and transported them to the side of the road to sell to house builders.A flower and bird merchant who directly transported the stones to the wharf and sold them to Hangzhou, because the stones here are always in strange shapes, he thought that selling weight is not as good as selling shape.Three years later, the young man selling strange rocks became the first person in the village to build a tile house.

Later, it was not allowed to open mountains, but only to plant trees, so this place became an orchard.Every autumn, the pears all over the mountains and plains attract merchants from all over the world.They shipped the mountains of pears in baskets to Beijing, Shanghai, and then to South Korea and Japan.Because the pear juice here is thick, the meat is crispy, and it is extremely sweet. When the people in the village cheered for the well-off life brought by the pears, the people who sold the strange rocks sold the fruit trees and started planting willows.Because he found that the merchants who come here are not worried about not being able to pick good pears, but they are only worried about not being able to buy baskets containing pears.Five years later, he became the first person to buy a house in the city.

Later, a railway ran through the north and south from here. After getting on the train, people here can go to Beijing in the north and Kowloon in the south.The small village was opened to the outside world, and fruit farmers also started to develop fruit processing and market development from a single fruit sale.Just when some people started raising funds to set up a factory, that person built a three-meter-high and [-]-meter-long wall on his field.This wall faces the railway, backed by green willows, and on both sides are endless pear orchards of ten thousand mu.People who pass by here by train, when admiring the blooming pear blossoms, will notice four big characters: Coca-Cola.It is said that this is the only advertisement in the five hundred miles of mountains and rivers. The owner of that wall earns an extra income of [-] yuan a year just by relying on this wall.

In the late 20s, a person from a famous Japanese company came to China for investigation. When he passed this small mountain village by train, he heard this story and was immediately shocked by this person’s amazing business acumen. He immediately decided to get off the train and look for this person. .

When the Japanese found this man, he was quarreling with the owner of the opposite door at the door of his shop.It turned out that the price of a suit in his store was 800 yuan, and the price of the same suit at the opposite door was 750 yuan; he marked 750 yuan, and the price of the opposite door was 700 yuan.After a month, he only wholesaled 8 sets, but the number of customers at the door was increasing, and he issued 800 sets at once.

When the Japanese saw this situation, they were very disappointed with this man.But when he found out the truth, he was very pleasantly surprised, and immediately decided to hire him with an annual salary of one million.It turned out that the store opposite was also his.

In fact, creativity is just a kind of thinking, and the essence of creativity is the unity of selection, breakthrough and reconstruction.Creativity is different from other general thinking, and you will benefit greatly from training the following characteristics:

creativity.Creative people are not superstitious or follow blindly. They despise existing formulas, authorities, opinions, and even accepted conclusions. They are not satisfied with ready-made methods and answers. They are good at finding their own methods and answers, and show decisiveness, Firmness, self-confidence and other characteristics.

flexible.Flexibility reflects whether thinking has the ability to adapt to changing circumstances, change quickly, draw inferences from one example, and understand by analogy.

(End of this chapter)

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