Be a Man and Do Things Pillow Book

Chapter 22 Be a down-to-earth person

Chapter 22 Be a down-to-earth person (3)
smooth.Fluency is a state of mind that is the cradle for the growth of creative thinking.Without fluency there is no creative thinking.Fluency is the process of migrating, jumping, sliding, and connecting cognitions, ideas, methods, and expressions of things in accordance with the order of their development and combined with the needs of the situation.

sudden.Creative thinking often produces a breakthrough suddenly in time, showing an illogical quality.On the surface, it is unconventional, surprising, and sometimes even self-conscious.In fact, it is a qualitative leap based on long-term quantitative changes.

continuous.Continuity is the measure of the persistence of creative thinking.The role of continuity in the creative process is to provide continuity for fluency in the breakthrough of the connection point of thinking. Without the breakthrough of continuity point, thinking may be interrupted.

overall.Wholeness refers to the generalization and synthesis of space, the rapid expansion and development of creative thinking results, and the renewal of value in the entire appearance.The integrity of thinking effect is the root of creative thinking.

Know when to work around.

There is a company in the United States that produces toothpaste. The products are excellent and the packaging is exquisite. They are deeply loved by consumers and their annual turnover is booming.Records show that the annual turnover growth rate in the first 10 years is 10% to 20%, which makes the board of directors very happy.

However, when entering the 11th, 12th and 13th years, the performance growth stagnated, maintaining the same number every month.Dissatisfied with the three-year performance, the board of directors held a national managerial meeting to discuss countermeasures.

During the meeting, a young manager stood up and said: "I have a piece of paper in my hand, and there is a suggestion in the paper. If the company wants to use my suggestion, it must pay me another 5 yuan."

The president was very angry when he heard this, and said: "I pay you a salary every month, plus bonuses and rewards. Now I call you to a meeting to discuss, and you still ask for another 5 yuan. Is it too much?"

"Mr. President, please don't get me wrong. The salary you pay allows me to work hard for the company in normal times; however, this is a major and valuable suggestion, and you should pay me an extra salary. If my suggestion does not work, You can throw it away without paying a penny. But I think you must have lost more than 5 yuan." The young manager explained.

"Okay. I'll see why it's worth so much money." The president took the paper, read it, and immediately signed a check for 5 yuan to the young manager.There was only one sentence written on that piece of paper: "Enlarge the opening of the current toothpaste by one millimeter."

The president immediately ordered to replace the new packaging.Just imagine, if each consumer uses one millimeter more toothpaste every morning, how many times will the daily consumption of toothpaste be?This decision has increased the company's turnover by 1% in the 32th year.

Admittedly, in your career, opportunities will arise all the time, and it may just take a little flexibility on your part to make a difference.

Is it that hard to work around?Just like this manager, just enlarged the mouth of the toothpaste by one millimeter, in fact, more importantly, "opened" the head by one millimeter.

Cherish every minute in your hands.

Time is the most important resource for each of us.Around us, there are busy people everywhere, they are worried about business, running around to make a fortune, busy with the management of the company, entertaining all kinds of people, and dealing with endless tedious affairs...Everyone wants to put The spring of time is stretched a little, and a little more is squeezed out of the sponge of time.Everyone has 2 hours in a day, but many people feel that time is not enough.

"Why is there always so little time?"

"My time is being taken up again."

"Time is always against me."

"I can't spare the time."

They complain constantly.But they don't realize that time is in their hands all the time, and it is they who take up the time, and they are the ones who make the time less.What they said just shows that time can be managed by oneself.

"Why is there always so little time?" Time is something that can be quantified.

"My time is being taken again." Time can be owned.

"Time is always against me." Time is a state of mind and energy.

"I can't find time." Time can be made.

These words have told us that time is an energy that can be produced, owned and used by individuals, and can be mastered by individuals.

We live differently every day, but if you look at it over a period of time, your use and allocation of time is roughly the same.You may often look at your watch and know every moment, but you may not know how time disappears, or how they are used by you, so let's take a look at the research of experts.

Our daily time is divided according to the content of activities, which can be roughly divided into six types:

time to sleep.Sleeping more than others is a waste.Some people need to sleep eight or nine hours a day, while others only sleep six hours. The shorter the sleep time, the more time they have to do other things.

traffic time.That is, the time from the place of residence to the place of work.Someone who spends a lot of time walking to work may have many health benefits, but on the other hand, it may represent inefficiency.Because time is wasted unconsciously.

working hours.This is a part of daily life that takes up a lot of time.

Time for entertainment.For example, time spent with family members, time for meals, sports, leisure time, time for social gatherings, etc.

Time to read and watch TV.Now, everyone spends a lot of time watching TV and reading newspapers, but less time reading magazines and books.

time to study.Even business people who are already working need to constantly recharge themselves in order to enhance their ability to do things.

How is your time allocated?Please write down the amount of time you spend each day according to the above six aspects, and see how much time you spend on each part. The more detailed the record, the better.After a week, compare and analyze which time can be shortened and which time can be increased.After completing all these, resources can be allocated effectively and personal time management can be strengthened under the premise of reasonable use.

Mr. Smith, an American management consultant, put forward the concept of "weekly time analysis table", which may be helpful for your "elimination" work.This concept is an important analysis table recognized by many American time management experts. It requires people to analyze how time has been spent in the past week.What are the daily activities?How much time do you sleep?When we concentrate on doing things, we put all our energy into it, and things can be done better.

Make a reasonable plan.

Many people think that instead of spending time planning for the future, it is better to work hard on the ground.Practical work is important, but a reasonable plan can make us get twice the result with half the effort.If action is the engine of a car, then planning is the steering wheel and map of the car.Without the steering wheel and the map, the car may reach the destination, but it will inevitably take a detour in the middle, wasting energy and time.Only by moving forward according to the plan can we achieve the goal quickly and effectively.

Nothing can use time more economically and rationally than planning in advance.Research confirms common sense: the more time you spend planning ahead for a job, the less time you spend doing it overall.So, don't let today's busy schedule squeeze your planning time out of your work schedule.

Plans can be divided into two types: long-term plans and short-term plans.

Long-term tasks often give you headaches, because they are often unpredictable. At the beginning, tasks that you think can be completed quickly may not only have to be postponed, but also consume a lot of energy.For long-term planning, there are the following points:

The first step is to set general goals.The key to this step is not only to determine the concept or creed, but also to make it concrete, to decompose and refine the overall goal, and make it a guideline for the work and the direction of efforts.

The second step is to make predictions.When planning, we must consider the analysis and prediction of the objective environment. Without the objective environment, long-term development plans are like building towers on sand or building buildings in the air.Especially when the plan lasts for a long time, attention should be paid to analyzing changes in the objective environment.

The third step is to establish a stage plan.Split up long-term work.Because long-term work is time-consuming and labor-intensive, people tend to lose interest in work. Therefore, setting several progress and setting their deadlines is a more powerful way to motivate yourself.

The fourth step is to set a fixed amount of time every week to deal with long-term work.Don't set the time limit too long at the beginning, otherwise it will easily cause your own frustration. You should add up and gradually succeed.

The fifth step is to find out in advance the focus of the next work.Know the focus of your next work, keep thinking about it consciously or subconsciously, and you will be familiar with it when you really want to work next time.

The sixth step is to develop a fixed work habit.If you stipulate in advance that you must engage in long-term work that takes a lot of time at a certain time every week or every day, as time goes by, you will take the initiative to spare time to do it at that time. This is the power of habit.

The seventh step is to occasionally change the angle of work.Engaging in a certain job for a long time can easily make people feel tired, have no sense of accomplishment and reduce their interest in work.Therefore, it is easy to increase the interest in work by changing the angle.

For short-term plans, we can check it every other time period.

end of day.You better know what to do today and what to do first when you wake up every day.Therefore, at the end of each day, draw up a brief plan of the results to be achieved tomorrow and how to proceed, arrange them in order of importance, and number the important items.

at the end of each week.A week is the end of a working period.At the end of the last working day of each week, take some time to review the main activities of the week, compare with the results of the last plan, find out what can be improved, and draw up a plan for the various tasks for the next week.In detail, one or several main goals to be achieved every day for the next week can also be drawn up.

end of each month.Summarize the major events of this month, reflect, and draw up some major goals to be achieved in the next month.You can plan which major goal you want to achieve each week for the next month.

At the end of each season.Check the results of the season, compare with the expected plan, and identify remedial actions and improvement plans.Determine the main points of the monthly work for the next quarter.

And so on... It should be noted that it is easy to lose sight of the other when carrying out several plans at the same time. Not only will the completion time be prolonged, but also its quality cannot be properly controlled.Therefore, it is best to decide the priority of the plan according to the urgency of the work, the possibility of success, the importance, and the time required for the expected effect.

Don't begrudge your time making plans anymore, it's an investment of time.

Pay attention to the cultivation of social relations.

We can't live in a muddle, but to be a caring person in life.

Why do this?


You are alone in a deep house, ignorant and ignorant, where does the information come from?

You have no friends, you are alone, who will help you when you encounter difficulties?

If you don’t understand the society or the market, how do you determine the project?

If you don't gain the trust of the financial community and capital holders, how do you finance your business?

You don't have any connections in the industry, where do you buy from?
If you don't have a confidant in the press, there's no one to clear the way for your cause.

If you do not have legal support, you will lose the protection of your interests.

If you don't have the protection of rights protection organizations, if you encounter natural disasters and man-made disasters, your career boat will run aground on the beach.

You don't have many close friends, you have nowhere to talk about your troubles, and no one to advise you.

In a word, we can hardly think of any social relations that are useless.Therefore, we must first have a clear understanding of this, consciously clean up our existing social relationships, and see what kind of survival value they have for us. At the same time, we must also pay attention to cultivating and establishing new social relationships.Note that one is clean and the other is build.We need to establish a sufficient social circle so that we can get help when we need it.However, we have to master this aspect well, and we cannot just indulge in building relationships and forget our most important goal.

All in all, building social relationships cannot be considered tacky in order to survive.It should be noted that as long as it is a social relationship established for the purpose of survival, it is meaningful.

(End of this chapter)

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