Chapter 73
Franklin regards the teachings from this visit as the greatest harvest in his life, and listed it as one of his life principles.Franklin benefited from this principle throughout his life. Later, he made outstanding contributions and became a great man of his generation. He said in one of his talks: "This inspiration has helped me a lot."

One must not be spineless, but one must not always hold one's head high when doing things.

When doing things, I am most afraid of losing myself.

A person who consciously sacrifices himself to help others is a noble person, but many people unconsciously sacrifice themselves to cater to others. These people are people who have lost themselves.

Do you change your position just because others show a disapproving attitude?Do you feel depressed and anxious because others disagree with you?When you eat in a restaurant, the taste of the food is not satisfactory to you, but you dare not comment, or send it back, because you are afraid that the waiter will be unhappy?Do you go out of your way to seek approval from others, crave approval from others, and get depressed when it doesn't?

A young friend once told his troubles like this:
Whenever he heard his colleagues yelling to eat, drink, and sing together after get off work, he fell into a dilemma.According to his personal wish, he doesn't want to go at all, he just wants to go home and have a good rest, read a book, listen to music, and quietly enjoy the fun of solitude and reflection.But he knows that if he expresses these thoughts as a reason to decline, he will be laughed at by his colleagues and become a laughingstock.So he suppressed his will, obeyed his colleague's model, and spent one night after another eating, drinking and having fun amidst the noise, debauchery and laughter.He became more and more unhappy and hated himself more and more. He wanted to change this kind of work-style and tasteless friendship that disgusted him, and he wanted to say "no" to his colleagues loudly, but he couldn't always summon up the courage.He even felt like a pig being led around.

There was also a bookish man who went into business.Friends say that he is not suitable for business: he does not smoke, does not drink, does not know how to make connections, does not bargain with others, etc. It seems that he has none of the qualifications that a businessman should possess.But what surprised everyone was that after a difficult period of silence, his company was booming in business and making a lot of money.He said: I only did the most basic things, treat people with sincerity, keep promises and keep promises, and ensure quality. The customers were not used to it at first, but now they all like dealing with me.

Some things that are customary or what everyone is used to may not be completely correct, and may not be suitable for you. As long as you think you are right, why not stick to it?

Once seeking approval, approval, and appreciation from others becomes a need and becomes a subconscious habit over time, it is difficult to maintain yourself and gradually improve.No one wants to be honest with you if you insist on being complimented by others and show it to them all the time.Although some people will dedicate their words of praise, they may not have any good feelings for you in their hearts.Similarly, you are more likely to be unable to clearly express your thoughts in life, and you will give up your views and even sacrifice your own value in order to cater to the views and preferences of others.

Everything is available to me.

"Zhuangzi" tells such a fable:

A family in the Song Dynasty had a secret recipe handed down from their ancestors. When it was applied on the hands in winter, frostbite would not occur and the skin would not be chapped.The family has made a living selling medicine from this secret recipe for generations.Someone passed by here and heard that this family had this secret recipe, and offered to buy their secret recipe with 100 taels of gold.After the customer bought it, he went to the south to lobby the king of Wu.Wuyue is located in the sea, mainly relying on the navy to guard the country.He successfully lobbied the king of Wu, became the commander of the navy of the state of Wu, and trained troops for the state of Wu.In winter, there was a naval battle between Wu and Yue. The sailors of Wu State applied his anti-chaps medicine, so they were not afraid of the cold and did not suffer from frostbite. As a result, they defeated the State of Yue.The same thing, if used differently, will have a world of difference in effect. The difference does not lie in the thing itself, but the fundamental reason lies in "whether it is good or not".

In ancient China, there is an allusion of "chiseling the wall to steal light", which tells the story of Kuang Heng in the Han Dynasty.Kuang Heng was poor when he was young, but he was diligent and studious. He had to work to earn money during the day, so he had time to study at night, but he couldn't afford candles.The rich neighbor refused to "take care", so he cut a small hole in the wall, so that the lights of the neighbor's house could come through, and Kuang Heng could read and study.Although this allusion refers to a person's hard work when he is in distress, it also gives us an important inspiration and thinking tendency from another angle, that is, to solve problems "benevolently and falsely", get out of the predicament, and seek quick success. development and progress.

Don't take little things lightly.

King Wen of Wei asked the famous doctor Bian Que, "The three brothers in your family are all good at medicine. Which one is the best?"

Bian Que replied: "The eldest brother is the best, the middle brother is the second, and I am the worst."

Wang Wen asked again: "Then why are you most famous?"

Bian Que replied: "Eldest brother cures diseases before the onset of the disease. Since most people don't know that he can eradicate the cause of the disease in advance, his reputation cannot be spread; middle brother cures the disease at the onset of the disease. Most people think that he can only cure minor ailments, so his reputation is only in the local area. But I treat diseases when they are serious. Most people see me putting needles on the meridians to let blood, applying medicine on the skin and other major operations , so I think my medical skills are superb, and my fame spreads all over the country."

It is a pity that most of the business operators fail to realize this and seek to make up for it after the wrong decision has caused heavy losses.And often even if the well-known "airborne troops" are invited, the result will not help.We should always maintain a cautious attitude when doing things, and don't take any small matter in the development process of things lightly.

Killing two birds with one stone is a great way to do things.

During the Southern and Northern Dynasties, there was a wise and brave man named Changsun Sheng in the Northern Zhou Dynasty.No one dares to compare with him in his archery skills.

In order to stabilize the Turkic minority in the north, the king of the Northern Zhou Dynasty decided to marry a princess to the Turkic king to take pictures.For the sake of safety, he sent Chang Sun Sheng to lead a group of soldiers to escort the princess to Turkic.After untold hardships, they finally arrived in Turkic.Take pictures and hold a banquet for grandson Sheng.After drinking for three rounds, according to the custom of the Turkic people, there will be martial arts competitions to add to the fun.The Turkic king ordered someone to bring a hard bow and asked Changsun Sheng to shoot the copper coins a hundred steps away.There was only a sound of "Gelele", the hard bow was pulled into a crescent moon, and a sharp arrow shot into the small square hole of the copper coin with a "swish". "Good!" Everyone cheered in unison.

From then on, Shetu respected Changsun Sheng very much, and kept him in Turkic for a year, and often let him go hunting with him.Once, when the two of them were hunting, Chetu suddenly raised his head and saw two big eagles fighting for a piece of meat in the sky.He hurriedly gave Changsun Sheng two arrows and said, "Can you shoot these two down?" "One arrow is enough!" Changsun Sheng said as he took the arrows and galloped away.He put on the arrow, drew the bow, and aimed at the two big eagles who were struggling to distinguish. With a sound of "whoosh", the two big eagles strung together and fell down.

Killing two birds with one stone is a great way to do things.However, it is not easy to find such arrows and techniques. It is necessary to find highly correlated factors or things.For example, people's behavior is always carried out in a specific space, and employees spend 1/3 of their time in the workplace. They use the space to perceive the changes around them and find their own position.Generally speaking, spatial location expresses at least five meanings: relationship, social status, sense of pressure, power, openness, and momentum.Improving morale and relieving employees' psychological pressure are two important goals of human resource management.To achieve these two goals by changing the spatial position can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

It is said that there is a textile factory in the United States, which originally planned to buy some expensive and comfortable chairs for female workers and put them next to the workbench for rest.Later, the boss came up with a trick: stipulate that if someone exceeds the hourly work quota, she will win a chair within a month.The way to reward the chair is: the boss takes the chair to the office, asks the lady who won the chair to sit on the chair, and then the boss pushes her back to the workshop amid everyone's applause.The boss's office is a symbol of high social status. Inviting the award-winning employees to the office is in itself an appreciation and recognition of the value of the employees; under the conventional thinking, employees should serve the boss, but here we change the space and position, and the employees sit on chairs , the boss pushes the chair, and the employees feel the care and respect of the boss for them, highlighting the dominant position of the employees, thus improving the "morale".

The power of building momentum.

Doing things is often restricted by the environment, personal and other aspects.When something requires the participation of everyone, the effect of leading everyone can be achieved through some military tactics.

Sun Tzu said: Therefore, those who are good at war seek out the situation and do not blame others, so they can choose people and take advantage of the situation.Those who are in power, their fighters are also like turning wood and stones.Therefore, the momentum of those who are good at fighting people is like turning a round stone on a mountain of thousands of feet.Success is the knowledge of simplifying and improving efficiency. If a person wants to succeed in a limited time, he must learn to seize the commanding heights and quickly achieve his goals with the help of various favorable conditions.As a scientist said: Only by standing on the shoulders of giants can you see farther.

In ancient times, there was a horse seller who squatted in the horse market for three days but failed to sell the horse. He found Bole and asked him for help.Bole saw that his horse was really a thousand-mile horse, so he agreed to come down.The next day, when the horse market was busy, Bole appeared next to the Chollima. He looked left and right, observed for a long time, and then left reluctantly.As soon as Bole left, many buyers gathered around, and the Maxima sold quickly and sold for a good price.

Although the word "momentum building" is new, it actually has a long history.Feng Xuan in the Spring and Autumn Period can be said to be an ancestor who was good at "building momentum".His master, Lord Mengchang, was dismissed by the King of Qi. In order to help his master make a comeback, he moved around, burned bonds in public, bought people's hearts, and caused the support of the people; went west to Qin State, persuaded King Qin to hire Lord Mengchang with a high salary, and then told Qi the news again. Wang, so that King Qi had to take back his order and re-appoint Lord Mengchang as his prime minister.

However, in comparison, the level and efficiency of today's "motivation" is much higher.The writer Yu Qiuyu is very popular now, and he is very popular, but many people probably don't know the embarrassment when he first debuted.According to Wang Guowei, the editor-in-charge of Yu Qiuyu's "Cultural Journey", the manuscript of the book had been rejected by two publishing houses before he got it. The minimum run was not reached.So they launched a media campaign. In the month before and after the book was published, they organized the writing of more than 1 review articles and published them in major newspapers and periodicals across the country.As a result, it was an instant hit, Luoyang paper was expensive, and it was reprinted in one edition.Of course, in addition to the merits of "building momentum", it must be said that the book is really good.

Marquez had written his best novel "The Funeral of Aunt Grande" before he became famous for "One Hundred Years of Solitude", but his fame was limited to the small circle of literature. Compared with his writing age, he was younger and older. Llosa and Fuentes, who are also lighter than him, are much less famous.But after he made a group of friends, and these friends taught him and helped him "build momentum", the situation was different.Before he started writing "One Hundred Years of Solitude", he had vigorously announced to the publishing industry that an astonishing novel was about to appear, and after he had just written a few chapters, he published fragments of the novel in various newspapers at the same time.When the novel was about to be published, major newspapers published his full-page interviews, and his friends organized review articles at length.Therefore, the novel became an astonishing best-seller and became a world famous book, which is a matter of course and a matter of course.

A late-strike strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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