Chapter 76
If we think in the same way as before, you will find that as long as there is a problem with this path, you will not make a mistake here, and someone else will make a mistake because of it. No one will make a mistake here today, and there will be tomorrow.For example, if there is a potted flower placed somewhere on the side of the road, if two people accidentally touch it when passing by, now, the correct reaction is: it is not that the two people walked carelessly, but that the potted flower should not be placed on the road. Here or should not be placed like this.

It is generally believed that if a person falls twice in the same place, he will be ridiculed as a "stupid" by people, and if two people fall once each in the same place, they will be ridiculed as two fools.According to the "road-building" principle, the correct response is: Who built a road that makes people fall so easily?How to fix this road so that people won't fall down here again?

If someone makes repeated mistakes, there must be a problem with the "road", for example, insufficient training for him, unreasonable related procedures, too complicated operations, and lax preventive measures.

If someone is lazy at work, it must be because the current rules, the "road", can give him a chance to be lazy.

If someone is not motivated, it must be because the incentives are not strong enough, or at least you have not found a way to motivate him.

If someone needs supervision to do a good job, it must be because you haven't designed a set of rules of the game that allow people to be self-disciplined.

If there is often arguing in a certain link, it must be because the division of responsibilities on this "road" is not detailed and clear enough.

If corruption often occurs, it must be that the "road" has given them many opportunities to commit crimes.

There is a famous saying that goes like this: A good system can make bad people unable to do bad things, and a bad system can make good people turn bad.The system is the way, and the crux of the problem is that if there are many mistakes made by many people, it is not the fault of the people, but the fault of the system.

Changing our thinking and re-examining our system is the best way to solve the problem.

Get out of the misunderstanding of black and white.

In an organization, there is rarely absolute black and white.What we often encounter is that when many decisions are made, it is easy for the executive colleagues to immediately see the shortcomings of this decision.

What executives need is greater flexibility and vision.The so-called large flexibility refers to the ability to reflect the time point of the decision-making; the large vision means that when the people above make a decision, the manager will try to expand the advantages of the decision and manage the possible sequelae and shortcomings.

[-]. To overcome the "black and white" obstacles, you can seek the guidance of your supervisor.Good interaction and communication between supervisors and subordinates is the basis of effective guidance.

If you find that you are often out of step with your supervisor or colleagues because you insist on a set of standards, you should take the initiative to ask the supervisor to understand the advantages and disadvantages of this decision from the perspective of the supervisor.If the supervisor finds that his colleagues have such problems, he should also take the initiative to guide and inform the basis of the decision-making, so as not to affect the performance of the team.

[-]. Improve your vision and understand the environment and competition behind the company's decision-making.

Continuous reading and learning new knowledge is very important.Only by transforming knowledge into one's own intelligence can one correctly adjust one's own practices according to the needs of the company and be consistent with the team.If a person does not read, he will not have the wisdom to make adjustments according to the supervisor's suggestion, and this will enter the incompetence level of "Peter's Law": promotion to a position that he is not competent for.

Don't lose your lemons.

In our lives, we are all likely to be given something by fate that we didn't want to have.We wish fate gave us gold and diamonds, but fate gave us a lemon.How to do it?Most people would say: "It's over, what else can I do? This is the arrangement of fate." So we may also throw away this only lemon.

When talking about how to be happy, Logist of the University of Chicago in the United States once said: "I have been trying to follow a little piece of advice to do my things, which is the late Sears Chairman Julia S. Roshan told me, he said, if you have a lemon, think about how to make lemonade."

A farmer living in Virginia, USA, suddenly found himself cheated after paying a huge sum of money to buy a farm, because the land was so bad that he could neither grow fruit nor raise pigs.The only things that can grow here are aspens and rattlesnakes.After a lot of pain and regret, he came up with a very good idea. Those rattlesnakes are the key to making use of the value of this slope.What he did surprised everyone because he started the rattlesnake business.A few years later, his business has become very large, and tens of thousands of people visit his farm every year.He transported the snake venom taken from the rattlesnakes he raised to major pharmaceutical factories to make snake venom serum, sold the skins of the rattlesnakes at a high price to manufacturers to make shoes and leather bags, and made the rattlesnake meat into canned snake meat Make a sale.Because of his unique vision and genius contributions, the village where he lives has now been renamed Rattlesnake Village.

William Poliso once advised the world: "One of the most important things in life is not to capitalize on your income. Any fool would do it, but the real important thing is to profit from your losses. This is There must be intelligence, and that is what separates the fool from the wise."

Most of us are unfortunately told by William Polisso that we have never thought about how to creatively gain profits from losses, and we all lack the ability to subtly turn immediate unfavorable factors into favorable factors.However, this lack of capacity is largely due to the fact that we spend most of our time in the misery of boredom.We are reluctant to spend some brain power to figure out a way to observe lemons, so we have never made a glass of lemonade, let alone talk about such a great cause as success.

Everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, this is just a beautiful imagination.At any time, we will never have completely ideal conditions and resources. The only thing we can grasp and effectively use is the resources at our disposal, whether it is gold, silver, jewelry or scrap copper and rotten iron, don't be discouraged, don't complain , don't throw them away casually, it will be the most primitive fulcrum for you to succeed.

Nietzsche's definition of superman is: "Not only to endure everything under necessary circumstances, but also to love this situation." From the history of countless successful people, we can see that their initial starting conditions are not much better than ours, They are not even as good as us. The difference is that they do not sink in pain and complaints, but actively use the existing resources to make progress, and even make defects into "characteristics". Slowly, they also Created and accumulated more and better new resources.

Cultivate your own logical thinking.

Hang a beautiful birdcage in the most conspicuous place in the room, and within a few days, the owner will definitely make one of the following two choices:

Throw away the cage, or buy a bird and put it in the cage.This is birdcage logic.The process is very simple. Imagine that you are the owner of this room. As long as someone walks into the room and sees the bird cage, he can't help but ask you: "Where is the bird? Is it dead?" When you answer: "I never Raised birds.” People ask, “So, what do you want a birdcage for?” You end up having to choose between two options, because it’s easier than endless explanations.

The reason for the birdcage logic is simple: most of the time people adopt inertial thinking.So it can be seen how important it is to cultivate logical thinking in life and work.

Losing Lenovo also loses a lot.

The most popular example that is often talked about by experts and scholars in the psychology forums of various universities in the United States is the revelation of two experts buying a cat. This example vividly illustrates the significance of developing creative thinking ability.

There is an engineer and a logician in the United States, and they are friends who talk about everything.Once, the two met to visit the famous pyramids in Egypt.After staying in a hotel in Egypt, the logician still wrote his travel diary as usual, while the engineer was wandering alone in the street, when suddenly an old woman’s cry came from his ear: “Cats for sale, cats for sale! what!"

The engineer saw a black toy cat with a price tag of $500 beside the old woman.The woman explained that the toy cat was an family heirloom and had to be sold as a last resort because her grandson was seriously ill in exchange for hospital treatment.The engineer raised the cat with his hand, and found that the cat was very heavy, and it seemed to be made of black iron.However, the cat's eyes are pearls.

So the engineer said to the old woman, "I'll give you $300 to buy just two cat's eyes."

The old woman did the calculations and agreed.The engineer happily returned to the hotel, and said to the logician: "I only spent $300 to buy two huge pearls."

The logician looked at the two big pearls, which were worth thousands of dollars at least, and asked his friend what was going on.When the engineer finished explaining the reason, the logician hurriedly asked: "Is the woman still there?"

The engineer replied, "She's still sitting there. Wanting to sell that black iron cat with no eyes."

After hearing this, the logician hurried to the street, gave the old woman 200 dollars, and bought the cat back.When the engineer saw it, he laughed and said, "You, spend $200 to buy an eyeless iron cat."

But the logician sat down quietly to play with the iron cat. Suddenly, he had an idea and scraped the iron cat's feet with a knife. When the black paint fell off, a golden trace was revealed. cried out: "As I thought, the cat is pure gold."

It turned out that the owner who cast this golden cat was afraid that the golden body would be exposed, so he painted the cat's body with black paint, just like an iron cat.In this regard, the engineer regrets it very much.

At this time, the logician turned around and laughed at him and said: "Although you are very knowledgeable, you just lack the art of thinking, and the analysis and judgment of things are not comprehensive and in-depth. You should think about it, since the cat's eyeballs are made of pearls." Then, will the whole body of the cat be made of worthless black iron?"

It can be seen that the lack of creative thinking associations will cause great losses and have a serious impact on personal development and career progress.

With unique ideas, there will be special gains.

For any seemingly simple and trivial matter, thinking with different brains will lead to different approaches.Both sell newspapers, some sell well, and some don't.People say that what you do is the number one scholar, and this is the reason.

In a certain area, there are two newsboys selling the same newspaper, and they are competitors.

The first newspaper boy was very hardworking, peddling along the street every day, and his voice was loud, but the number of newspapers sold every day was not many, and there was a tendency to decrease.

The second newsboy is willing to use his brain. Apart from hawking along the street, he also insists on going to some fixed places every day. After he goes, he will distribute newspapers to everyone and come back to collect money later.As the place became more and more familiar, more and more newspapers were sold. Of course, there was some loss, but it was very small.Gradually, the second newspaper boy sold more newspapers, and the first newspaper boy could sell less and had to find another way of life.

Why is this so?The second newsboy’s approach has a lot of meaning:

First, in a fixed region, the number of readers and customers for the same newspaper is limited.If you buy mine, you won't buy his. I will distribute the newspaper first, and those who get the newspaper will definitely not buy other people's newspapers.It means that I occupy the market first, and the more I post, the smaller his market will be.This is a blow to competitors' profits and confidence.

Second, unlike other consumer goods, newspapers have a complicated decision-making process, and they are often purchased at random, so they are generally not returned due to quality problems.And the amount of money is not much, and everyone will not refuse to give money. If there is no change today, they will give it together tomorrow. Cultural people will not embarrass children.

Third, even if some people read the newspapers, it doesn’t matter if they return the newspapers without giving money. First, there will always be a backlog of newspapers. Second, he has already read the newspapers and will definitely not buy other people’s newspapers. He is still his own potential customer. .

There are so many skills in a small newspaper business. It can be seen that the business classics are a book that can never be learned. At any time, as long as you have your own unique ideas, you will have unique gains.

Don't do things with colored glasses.

A wife has been accusing the opposite lady of being lazy for many years: "That woman's clothes can never be washed clean. Look, the clothes she hangs in the yard are always spotted. I really don't know why she can't even wash them." Wash it like that..."

It wasn't until one day that a discerning friend came to her house and found out that it wasn't the wife across the street who couldn't wash her clothes properly.The careful friend took a rag and wiped off the gray stains on the windows of the wife's house, and said, "Look, isn't this clean?"

It turned out that the windows in my house were dirty.

Everyone has seen a lot of cynics, or you have friends who don't like everything and always feel that fate is bad for you, but after listening to their complaints, you will always find that there is an old saying Very wonderful: Poor people must have something to hate.

It is easier to see the problems on the outside than to see the problems on the inside.And it is easier to blame others than to criticize oneself, which are two different things.Therefore, cynics often grow angry from young to old, and when they meet someone who is living a good life, they want to bite him, and everything is not pleasing to their squinted eyes for a long time.

When you turn your back to the sun, you will only see your own shadow, even when others look at you, they will only see the darkness on your face.Only using cynicism to replace the opportunity to reflect on yourself is the biggest delay in your growth.

Don't let yourself fall into the circle of cynicism. Doing things through colored glasses will only make you see the world even more unclearly.

(End of this chapter)

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