spore evolution

Chapter 102 Complete the mission

Chapter 102 Complete the mission
After Chen Tianhao found the desert scorpion below, he deliberately made the team pause in place to lure the opponent to attack. Of course, while staying in place, he also told the other wingmen that there was a desert scorpion below.

It's just that this batch of desert scorpions is not many, only a dozen or so.

Facing a large number of Winged Men parked on the ground, they didn't move.

"Strange, they didn't come to attack. Is it because there are too many of them?"

Chen Tianhao left behind five Winged Man mages, and let the other Winged Men continue to lead the water storage beast forward.

After the other winged people left, Chen Tianhao noticed that the desert scorpion below had moved, and began to quickly move towards the direction where he was standing.

"Brothers, pay attention to your feet, gather electric balls, and let's kill another wave of desert scorpions."

Within the range of Chen Tianhao's perception, the desert scorpion would not come to the ground for a while, in order to prevent the desert scorpion below from escaping, he comforted the other winged mages.

The few wingman mages who stayed behind began to gather the electric balls in their hands and put their attention on their feet.

Years of using electric balls has made Winged Man sorcerer extremely proficient. Although the release speed is not as fast as Chen Tianhao's, it is not particularly slow.

They have already dealt with desert scorpions before, and they already have experience in this. As long as they feel the vibration under their feet, they will immediately fly up and smash the electric balls in their hands downwards.

The desert scorpion itself does not move fast, but its speed in the sand is not comparable to other animals.

The desert scorpion bent its tail and rushed upwards with all its strength.

Usually the desert scorpion is in the dark, and other animals are in the light. Basically, no animal can escape his ambush attack.

Under Chen Tianhao's perception, the desert scorpion has turned from darkness to light, and their ambush has no effect.

When the Desert Scorpion protruded from the sandy bottom, Chen Tianhao and the others had already prepared for a long time.

One jump, one hand smashing down the electric ball, at this moment they don't seem to be fighting, but dancing.

Desert scorpions jumped out from under the sand, and what greeted them was not creatures on the ground, but a dazzling blue.

They wanted to hide, but they couldn't dodge. When they realized that the target had left, the blue electric ball had also arrived in front of them, and the blue electric ball was constantly magnifying in their eyes.


The moment the five desert scorpions jumped out, they were hit by Chen Tianhao's electric ball.

The energy carried by the blue electric ball exploded in an instant, ripping them to pieces, and the place where they were hit was even blacker.

Blue electric sparks flickered continuously on their bodies, and they would die in a short time.

Chen Tianhao could only release one electric ball at the same time, but he couldn't release two electric balls at the same time.

But the moment he jumped up and released it, the second electric ball had already started to condense in his hand, which was prepared for the desert scorpion behind.

The other desert scorpions found that they missed the target, and one by one scrambled to get into the sand bottom.

Their drilling speed was fast, and Chen Tianhao's speed of condensing the electric ball was not slow, and it was another electric ball.

Another five desert scorpions remained on the ground, and the remaining three desert scorpions finally got into the sand after sacrificing the other compatriots.

In fact, to complete the mission, he only needed to kill five more desert scorpions. When the first batch was killed, he had already completed the mission.

However, food is hard to find in the desert, and it’s hard to find a food delivered to your door. If you don’t get more, you’re sorry for them.

The desert scorpions were not heavy, and there were two of them for one person, carrying them on their backs. There was no big problem, but they caught up with the Wingman troops in a short while.

Chen Tianhao checked the system log.

"Congratulations on killing a desert scorpion."

"Congratulations on completing the side mission: Killing the Desert Scorpion."

"Congratulations on your points: 25 points, total points: 000 points."

"Congratulations on getting the component: Toxic Upgrade."

"Toxicity upgrade: From the marine age to the biological age, the toxicity resistance of various creatures has increased, and the original toxicity has become more and more difficult to work, and the toxicity of the venom of the creature itself can be upgraded."

"The reward is good. There is actually a toxicity upgrade. I don't know how powerful the wingman's toxicity will be after the upgrade."

Chen Tianhao is very much looking forward to the toxicity after the upgrade. He was able to use venom attack before, and the venom attack also brought him a lot of help. However, when he evolved to land, his venom was already difficult to function, and he almost forgot He will attack this thing with venom.

Poison is not a weak skill, on the contrary it is a very strong skill.

If the poison is strong, as long as it is used well, even a powerful creature will bow down in front of the poison. Of course, all of this must be based on the fact that the poison is strong enough and useful to the opponent.

Just like the redbud fruit that he ate before, it was fatal poison to Galewind Beast, but to him, it was just an ordinary fruit.

Chen Tianhao led the team to move on.

They encountered several waves of desert scorpions on the road, but now Chen Tianhao didn't need to kill the desert scorpions to complete the mission, so he didn't deliberately let the large army leave to lure them. The movement of the large army prevented the desert scorpions below from acting rashly.

Along the way, time passed quickly, and the sun was almost setting, but the scorching heat hadn't gone away, and I could still feel the steaming temperature coming from the sand.

Although the desert is still steaming hot now, but at night, without the sun's rays, the temperature drops sharply, and I'm afraid it will drop very sharply.

The temperature in the desert has a large temperature difference between day and night.

After a day of walking, everyone was tired.

Chen Tianhao stopped, reincarnated and told the wingmen: "Brothers, rest here, we will spend the night here tonight."

When he chose this place to stay overnight, he had already scanned the surrounding situation with his consciousness to confirm that there were no problems around.

Although they are not afraid of the attack of desert scorpions, they still have to pay attention to other creatures at night.

"Yeah, that's great."

After a day of rushing, the Wingmen were already exhausted. The ordinary Wingmen were better, but the Wingman mages were even more exhausted. They used a lot of energy on the road.

There are no fire materials around, and the Yi people eat the barbecue prepared when they left the cave.

Chen Tianhao took the roasted meat brought by the Yiren, and bit hard on it. The roasted meat that had been placed for a long time was extremely hard, he took a lot of effort to bite off a piece, mixed it with the water spit out by the water storage beast, and ate it.

Although it feels disgusting to drink the water spit out of the mouth of the water storage beast, but there is no other water source in the desert, so I have to drink this water.

In fact, the water provided by the water storage beast is not as dirty as Chen Tianhao imagined, on the contrary, it is very clear and sweet. If you drink this kind of water in other places, you will definitely not suspect that the water is not clean.

After eating and drinking, Chen Tianhao asked three winged mages to cooperate with two ordinary winged men to patrol around and warn.

But he found a place to rest. His conscious energy was consumed a lot, and his body was also very tired, so he wanted to rest early.

More importantly, he feels that the night in the desert may not be peaceful, and he needs to rest early to recover his spirits to prevent emergencies at night.

The wingmen now have a set of clothes. The clothes not only increase the defense ability of the wingmen, but also have the function of keeping warm.

It was too hot during the day, and the Yi people took off their clothes. Now Chen Tianhao put on clothes made of fur, and wrapped them tightly around his body. At this time, the cold night had already struck.

Chen Tianhao, who had already put on his clothes and looked for a good place, felt palpitations, got up again, came to the side of the patrol officer and said, "Pay attention to the situation around you, and wake me up if you feel something is wrong."

"Okay, chief."

Chen Tianhao returned to the place where he was sleeping, he was exhausted all day, and he suddenly fell asleep.

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(End of this chapter)

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