spore evolution

Chapter 103

Chapter 103
late at night.


The temperature dropped rapidly, and it was still like a stove during the day, but turned into an ice cellar at night.

The temperature dropped really badly, Chen Tianhao was wearing animal skins, and he still had that long hair, which barely resisted the invasion of the cold.

Chen Tianhao wrapped his hands tightly around the animal skin that wrapped his body, and his legs were tightly huddled in front of his chest.

The winged men who were on patrol were also terribly frozen, their hands were constantly rubbing against each other, and then they put their hands next to their ears, which would make them warmer.


Today is a full moon, a round moon, reflecting the sun's rays, shining on the desert.

This makes the desert at night not completely dark, and can still vaguely see the surrounding situation.

Two patrolling wingman mages patrol together.

"It's so cold, how long are we going to patrol?"

One of the taller mage Yiren asked, he kept rubbing his hands when he was asking, it was really too cold.

Another shorter Wingman mage looked up at the moon in the sky. At this time, the moon was still a little away from the middle, and responded in a low voice: "When the moon is in the middle, you can wake up the others to change shifts."

This is the rule of the wing people changing shifts. Except for the leader and the children, everyone else needs to take turns to patrol. They change once a night, and the time to change is when the moon is in the center of the head.

In fact, Master Yiren also knew this replacement rule, but it was too cold at night, and he was afraid that he would not be able to sustain it if he didn't find something to chat with.

This is a method that has been passed down for a long time among the Yiren. Sometimes when there is a shortage of people, some older young Yiren have to join the patrol team.

When this group of Winged Men used to rest, they were all in caves. When they rested at night, they only needed to keep an eye on the entrance of the cave. At that time, there were basically not many creatures without eyes that would attack the Winged Men at night.

In this way, they developed a bad habit. It was just a formal patrol, and they didn't feel much about discovering unknown creatures.

But this is not a cave, this is a desert, and you have to patrol all around.

As for the patrol personnel, they were still the same as when they were in the cave before. They didn't pay too much attention to the surrounding environment. Instead, they were more interested in when they could change shifts and rest.

But yes, they were also tired all day, and they had been patrolling in the middle of the night for a long time, and they didn't find any danger.

Seeing the two Yiren mages chatting there, several other Yiren joined in the chat after seeing it.

A few people chatted on the spot, chatting very happily, suddenly the tall winged mage at the beginning seemed to have seen something terrible.

Pointing forward with his finger, he said, "Is that a beast?"

Before anyone could answer, he saw others staring at him in horror.

Around the Winged Man resting, a creature appeared, and at night, one could see pairs of green pupils.

The green pupils are extraordinarily bright at night, making the Wingman Mage feel a little bit colder.

Seeing this, Master Yiren raised his head to the sky and howled loudly, waking up the resting clansmen, and the others followed suit.

When the Winged Man mage warned the tribe, the group of creatures had already started to attack here quickly.

There was a deep, long, war-like howl.

This group of creatures ran in the desert like tens of thousands of horses galloping. Their limbs stepped on the sand fiercely, and they felt like a small earthquake. It can be seen how powerful these creatures are.

"Damn it, it really was a restless night."

Chen Tianhao jumped up from the ground when he heard the long whistle of Master Yiren, "Brothers, get ready to fight."

He always thought that there must be problems in the desert night, but he didn't expect the danger to appear in the second half of the night.

The other Winged Men also quickly got up from the ground, and they drove the water storage beast to the very center and put it in another place, fearing that the water storage beast would run away and it would be troublesome to find it.

The attacking creature was very fast. It took only a while from when the Winged Man mage discovered it to when Chen Tianhao got up.

They have rushed over from a long distance.

When Chen Tianhao got up, he had already spread his consciousness around.

One advantage of consciousness energy is that no matter whether it is night or day in reality, it does not affect his observation of the surrounding situation.

Under the energy of consciousness, the surrounding situation at this moment is presented in Chen Tianhao's mind like a 3D scene.

He finally saw the protagonist of this attack, who was covered in brown hair, about 1 meter long, like a wolf of later generations.

No, not wild wolves. Those sharp teeth and fierce eyes are more terrifying than wild wolves.

There are more than 70 creatures in this group, scattered all around. Chen Tianhao has already identified the information of the creatures with the identification device, but he has no time to observe the information of this creature, and the system also rang a notification sound, and the information is no longer available. Check.

Because there is already a monster rising from the ground and rushing toward us.

Chen Tianhao smelled a strong stench coming from the opponent's mouth, and by the moonlight, he could clearly see the reflection of the opponent's two fangs.

It was too late to use the electric ball, and the blue electric sparks quickly entangled his right hand, extending a sharp bone spur.

Dodging the opponent's lunge sideways, Chen Tianhao clenched his right hand and charged towards the opponent's lower abdomen.

The bone spur on Chen Tianhao's right hand cooperated with the speed of the monster's pounce. The bone spur pierced fiercely into the opponent's abdomen, sinking deep into the root. The bone spur was like a sharp bayonet. The internal organs are scattered out.

A scream came from it, and the monster fell to the ground, twitched a few times, and remained silent.

This is Chen Tianhao's first time to kill other creatures with bone spurs. The bone spurs are stronger than he imagined. Even without the electric ball, I believe that relying on the bone spurs, Winged Man is a rare creature.

After killing a monster, he hurried to help the other Wingmen.

There are more than 70 monsters in total. Among this group of winged men, there are only 30 adult winged men. Basically, each winged man has to face 2 monsters.

With the time gap, he has already used the electric ball.

For the sake of speed, he gave up the power of the electric ball. The electric ball had just formed, and he had already thrown it out.

He didn't want to kill the monster in seconds, but only wanted to save some more dangerous winged men. The monster was knocked down by the electric ball, and was immediately stabbed into the body fiercely by the winged man with bone spurs.

It is said that each Wingman faces 2 monsters on average, but monsters are not polite to you. You will often encounter three or four monsters attacking a Wingman at the same time.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao was there to help. The other winged mages, after successfully killing the monsters they faced, would also help other winged men. However, no winged men died.

To Chen Tianhao's surprise, this group of monsters saw their own race dying continuously, but none of them escaped.

He once thought that when the other party was about to run away, he just encountered more monsters pounced on the Winged Man.

Soon, the last monster fell under the winged man's bone spur, and a group of more than 70 monsters were wiped out in this sandy land.

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(End of this chapter)

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