spore evolution

Chapter 104 Desert Devil Wolf

Chapter 104 Desert Devil Wolf
The opponent's relentless attack, even if Chen Tianhao and the Winged Man mage supported those ordinary Winged Men on the battlefield, some ordinary Winged Men were still seriously injured.

The number of Yiren mages is limited, no matter how fast Chen Tianhao casts spells, there will be times when he misses them and cannot catch up.

After killing the last monster, I took stock of the battle situation.

The wingman mage was not injured, and a total of two young wingmen were seriously injured.

A monster's sharp claws grabbed the throat. At that time, Chen Tianhao had a deep impression of this young winged man. He was beside him at that time. A total of four monsters attacked at the same time. Chen Tianhao only had time to kill one monster with an electric ball, and then Killed one with a bone spur, and the young winged man fended off a monster's cull by himself.

The time was too short, and the young wingman didn't have the ability to deal with the two monsters. The monster rushing from the side swung violently, and its sharp claws scratched the throat of the young wingman, and a stream of blood sprayed from the scratched throat. out.

After Chen Tianhao dealt with the two monsters, he also saw this situation, but it was too late when he stretched out and knocked the monsters away.

The young Yiren covered his throat with his hands, rolling on the ground in pain.

At that time, time was urgent, so he could only get a softer fur to wrap around his neck, because he had lost too much blood, and had already passed out.

The other injured teenage wingman didn't look as serious as the first one, but judging from the painful roar, it's probably not much better.

His wings had been bitten to a bloody mess, he might not be able to fly, and other parts of his body were also bitten all over.

In addition to the two Wingmen who were seriously injured, there were five other people who were slightly injured, basically not affecting their actions.

The winged people who were seriously injured this time were all young winged people with relatively little experience. They usually killed prey under the leadership of adult winged people, and hadn't really faced other creatures alone.

However, their performance is considered relatively good. Even ordinary adult Winged Men may not be able to do better in the face of four monsters attacking at the same time.

Although neither of these two Winged Men died, they were almost dead now. Hearing the painful roar, it seemed very miserable at night, probably worse than death.

Faced with this situation, Chen Tianhao had no choice. Now is not a later life, and there are good treatment resources to treat these injuries.

Now that he is injured, he can only rely on his own recovery ability to recover himself.

Hearing their howling in pain, Chen Tianhao really wanted to help them, instead of suffering here, he would be relieved.

But Chen Tianhao couldn't do it. He felt that attacking his own clansmen would be like killing people with his own hands. It was different from killing other creatures. At most, he would let other winged people tie up the wound with animal skins, and the rest could only be left to God.

This battle can basically be regarded as a complete victory, completely destroying the enemy, and only a few injuries on my side, which can already be regarded as a very good record.

The best thing is the water storage beast in the middle. Enemies rushing from all directions will face the Winged Man first, and the water storage beast in the middle is fine.

This time was not like the last time they encountered the Desert Scorpion, attacking from the ground, the water storage beast couldn't hide.

It was not yet dawn, the monsters attacked very quickly, and the battle ended very quickly.

He found five uninjured Winged Men and continued to guard the surroundings to prevent other creatures from attacking later, while the others rested in place.

Chen Tianhao didn't continue to rest, and looked at the system log, wanting to see what kind of creatures these monsters were.

I was just fighting, so I didn't have time to check these materials.

"Desert Demon Wolf."

"Level: Group Elite."

"Health: 1500/1500"

"Energy value: 100/100"

"Attack Power: 50"

"Movement speed: 500 (maximum speed 50 km/h)"

"Individual Description: Body length 1 meter, height 0.5 meters."

"Race Description: Belongs to group survival creatures, possesses demonization skills, and generally likes to act on the night of the full moon. Moonlight can prolong the duration of demonization. With sharp claws and teeth, sharp claws can easily break through other creatures defense."

"Possess skills: Demonization: Consume 100 points of energy to make yourself into a demonized state for 5 minutes. After the duration is over, you will fall into a weak state, and your attack power, attack speed, and moving speed will become 0.5 times of the original state. Magical Transformed state: Features: The eyes emit green light, the hair on the whole body stands on end, the attack power is increased by 1.5 times, the attack speed is 1.5 times, and the movement speed is 1.5 times."

"So the monster that attacked in the middle of the night is called the desert wolf." Chen Tianhao finally knew what creature attacked him.

"Hey, he likes to act on the night of the full moon, and he can be demonized? Is this a werewolf?" Chen Tianhao was very surprised. This desert demon wolf is a bit similar to the werewolf in his previous life.

However, the desert wolf is still in the form of a creature, and does not walk upright like a human. Chen Tianhao secretly guessed: "Could this be the prototype of a werewolf?"

"This demonization skill is good, and its duration is a little shorter, but only if it cooperates well, it can increase attack power, attack speed, and movement speed by 1.5 times, plus its own power aura, and the power of the winged man will be greatly improved. It is definitely a weapon for gang fights." Chen Tianhao looked at the description of the demonization skill with bright eyes.

This time the desert wolf attacked after using the magic skill. No wonder the speed of the opponent is so fast. The overall strength of the Yiren is not weak, and there are animal skins to resist the defense. But just like this, several people were still injured. The two currently appear to have no possibility of being rescued.

"You must get this skill." Chen Tianhao secretly decided.

From the moment he landed on land, Chen Tianhao thought that creatures with magic skills could be seen everywhere. After all, the first creature he encountered was a giant crocodile that could use the power of water.

But when he evolved all the way, he discovered that this kind of magic skill is not everywhere, and there are many creatures that are just ordinary creatures.

The giant crocodile's water arrow attack, the gale beast's blue wind blade attack, and the three-headed demon king's flame attack are all normal energy attacks. This time, the desert wolf's demonization skills are different from these types of energy attacks. Inspire raw physical strength.

With this kind of magic skill, if an ordinary wingman can use this skill, even if it has a weakening effect, as long as it is used well, the combat effectiveness of the wingman will rise in a straight line.

Chen Tianhao has never planned to let go of things that can enhance his own racial strength.

It's just how to obtain the opponent's magic skill. Generally speaking, it can be dropped by killing the opponent, but the chance of this kind of acquisition is really too small, so small that Chen Tianhao even forgot that he can also obtain skills in this way.

The other is naturally obtained by completing missions. Normally, when encountering a new creature, the system will release some new side missions. By completing side missions, there is a high chance of acquiring skills. Many components of Chen Tianhao have It is obtained by completing tasks.

Just now, the Desert Demon Wolf made a surprise attack. I didn't have time to read the information, and I didn't know if the side mission was triggered, so I hurriedly looked at the task bar of the system.

(End of this chapter)

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