spore evolution

Chapter 105 Set sail

Chapter 105 Set sail
"Discover the side mission: kill the desert wolf."


"Task Reward: Points: 50 points, Skill: Demonization."

Chen Tianhao was overjoyed when he saw the side quests on the task bar. Sure enough, when encountering new creatures, the side quests would be triggered, and the rewards really included demonization skills.

It's just that after seeing the completion of the mission, he felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

It was necessary to kill two leader-level desert magic wolves, but so far only one has been completed, and the ordinary desert magic wolf has been completed.

"I'm going, the only thing missing is a leader-level desert wolf. Are you going to find a group of desert demon wolves again?" Chen Tianhao secretly complained about the system.

Although he was complaining about the system, based on the triggering conditions of previous missions, it can be seen that when there are reward components, it is generally necessary to kill 1-2 boss-level creatures.

When there are only points rewards, generally you only need to kill ordinary creatures.

The only trouble is that there is usually only one leader-level creature in a group of creatures.

Like this time, when you need to kill two boss-level creatures, it is a disgusting thing. You must kill two groups of creatures to complete the task, and killing two groups of creatures, the completion condition for ordinary creatures is often Overfulfilled.

He used to think that over-killing ordinary creatures would also improve the evaluation of side quests, but except for killing the three-headed demon king, getting a perfect evaluation and getting extra rewards, he has never encountered any other missions. evaluation task.

For this side mission, it seems that all that is left is to kill a leader-level desert wolf, but killing a leader-level desert wolf means fighting a group of desert demon wolves.

He was entangled. Although he was very eager to complete this side mission and obtain the magic skills, after a battle, he had already lost 2 wingmen and young wingmen. These are the hopes of the future group.

"Hey, forget it, I don't think so much, why are they so cheating, there are always missions that need to kill 2 bosses." Chen Tianhao sighed.

It's not that he hasn't thought about the so-called "beheading operation". Anyway, he just needs to kill a leader-level desert wolf, as long as he kills one.

However, judging from the battle with the desert wolf just now, the desert wolf is a creature that does not back down, and even after fighting to the last one, it did not retreat.

"Operation decapitation" simply doesn't work.

Maybe the next time you encounter a desert wolf, prepare in advance to reduce the damage.

Chen Tianhao was thinking about something, and fell asleep in a daze.

At night, this area should be contracted by this group of desert wolves. After killing the group of desert wolves, except for a few injured Winged Men who were moaning, no other creatures came to attack.


The sun rose early, and after a while, the whole desert became steaming.

Chen Tianhao, who was still resting, was awakened by the heat, and quickly took off the animal skin on his body to release the heat from his body.

Wing people, deal with the dead desert wolf, replenish their food, and then peel off their fur, and put them on top of the water storage beast to expose to the sun.

The skins of more than 70 desert demon wolves were scattered on top of [-] water-storing beasts. The weight is not heavy. After the wolf skins are dried, they will be a good tool to keep warm at night. The Yi people are already familiar with this method up.

The water storage beast has become an important tool for the winged people in the desert. In addition to undertaking the task of storing water, it also undertakes the ability to transport. The winged people carry some food on their own, and put the excess food on the back of the water storage beast. superior.

In addition to providing food and warm fur for the desert demon wolves, Chen Tianhao also found energy blocks in their heads.

The energy block in the desert wolf's head is not big, the largest one is only a cube with a side length of five centimeters, and the smaller one is even smaller, with a total volume of only one cubic centimeter.

Chen Tianhao was so happy to find the energy block, this is the second way to recover energy quickly.

This energy block is not as big as the leader of the giant crocodile, but after feeling the energy in the energy block, it is no less than the energy block at that time.

Chen Tianhao vaguely remembered that the energy block taken out of the giant crocodile leader's head was milky white, while this energy block was slightly red, "It seems that this energy block is also graded, obviously the reddish energy block is more powerful than the milky white energy block." The block must be high-level, but the specific rules are not yet known, and it is likely to be similar to the level of meteorite fragments."

Collected the energy blocks in the head of the desert wolf, and distributed the energy blocks to the winged mages. Not only Chen Tianhao can use the energy blocks, but other winged mages can also use them. With these energy blocks, the winged mages have been added in disguise. The number of released electric balls.

Chen Tianhao took a look at the winged men who were injured yesterday, it was a pity that the two young winged men did not make it through, and died at some point in the evening.

Especially Yiren whose throat was scratched, blood flowed all over the ground, and the sand under his body was dyed dark red, probably suffered a lot last night.

The other wingmen who were not seriously injured, except that they didn't seem to be in good spirits, were not affected much.

Seeing the two dead Winged Men, Chen Tianhao also felt very uncomfortable. He had felt the feeling of death, but they were all instantly killed. Although it was terrifying, it was only an instant.

These two Winged Men are different. They must have suffered for a long time before they died in the middle of the night last night. The pain was so unbearable.

"Go back and ask brother Tianhua if there is any treatment." Feeling hopeless, he still wanted to consult.

I don't know what happened, maybe for the sake of peace of mind, or maybe for the dead Yiren to feel better, he dug two big pits on the spot with his hands, buried the dead two Yiren in the pits, and covered them with sand .

Seeing Chen Tianhao's actions, the other Yiren felt very strange. They didn't know why Chen Tianhao wanted to cover the dead Yiren with sand. The Yiren who died before were all abandoned by them in the wilderness at will.

The wing people have always had plenty of food, but they didn't treat the corpses of their own race as food.

After casually eating some food, the group started on the road again.

Dozens of Winged Men are driving twenty water storage beasts, and they are walking slowly in the boundless desert.

To Chen Tianhao's surprise, the three water storage beasts stabbed by the desert scorpion were all right after one night. At this time, it was impossible for him to tell which three water storage beasts had been stabbed. , the twenty water storage beasts are exactly the same.

The recovery ability of the water storage beast was beyond Chen Tianhao's expectation.

Looking at the water storage beast that has fully recovered, Chen Tianhao sometimes thinks: "If this is the age of science and technology, maybe through a series of means, we can discover the rapid recovery ability of the water storage beast, so that Yiren can also have the ability of rapid recovery." , so that many casualties may be reduced.”

The water storage beasts didn't know that Chen Tianhao secretly wanted to dismantle them, if he knew, he would have already run away.

(End of this chapter)

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