spore evolution

Chapter 106 Mirage

Chapter 106 Mirage

In the middle of the desert.

The violent sunlight seems to scorch the desert, and it can be seen that the air above the desert has been distorted.

A group of creatures are staying in the middle of the desert.

Chen Tianhao took a glass of water from Yi Ren, carefully touched the water in the wooden cup with his lips, moistened his chapped lips, and then slowly drank the water in the wooden cup.

The wooden cups were hollowed out by Chen Tianhao with wood. Now he has no tools, so he slowly ground them out with his bone spurs. A total of three wooden cups were made. The cups are small and can hold about 300ml of water.

It's not that he didn't want to make more, he just made it with bone spurs, he was too tired, and he made three wooden cups for drinking water, so it didn't feel like doing it anymore.

Chen Tianhao only drank a glass of water to moisten his throat, licked the moisture from his lips, and returned the cup to the Yiren next to him. The other Yiren still needed to drink from this cup.

Since Chen Tianhao made this cup, the winged people no longer directly catch the water under the mouth of the water storage beast, but drink it after catching it with a cup.

The birth of the cup was largely influenced by the fact that Chen Tianhao couldn't bear to directly catch the water from the water storage beast with his mouth, so he set it up.

Using a cup can also save the water of the water storage beast.

When not using a cup, no matter how careful you are, there will be some water loss. After using a wooden cup, as long as you are careful, the water loss will be much less.

The size of the twenty water storage beasts has become much smaller, which shows that there is not much water in the belly of the water storage beasts.

However, there was still an endless desert all around, so Chen Tianhao had to be more cautious about water.

Water is used for less than one penny, and the water storage beast itself still needs to consume water. If no water source is found, these winged people may have to explain it here.

A young winged man, about 1 meter tall, seems to have just been born. At this time, he just finished drinking a glass of water, and looked longingly at the winged man who was receiving the water.

It's just that after the winged man took a glass of water, he gave the glass to another winged man.

The Yiren obeyed Chen Tianhao's order, and each Yiren had a glass of water.

The young Yiren was very eager to drink water. The dry desert weather had already caused him a serious shortage of water. In his heart, he had never worried about water for a long time. He could drink as much as he wanted. Since he left his home, the water has become more and more Less and less, turned into the current glass of water.

"It's like drinking water. When will we be able to drink water as freely as before?" The young winged man licked his lips, "I should ask the leader, he must know."

The young Winged Man ran towards Chen Tianhao. During the running, because of his high speed, he even fell down. The young Winged Man stood up as if nothing had happened, and continued to run.

"Boss, boss, when will we be able to drink water freely?" the young winged man shouted loudly, but his dry throat made his voice very small.

Since the upgrade of the third-level brain, the communication of the winged people has changed from the previous brain wave communication to the vocal communication through the vibration of the throat.

I don’t know if it’s good or bad to change my throat to vibrate my vocal cords. It seems that the brain wave communication in the past was easier. As in the current situation, I can convey my own information without making a sound.

It's just that this method of transmission is not available to everyone, and the method of vibrating the throat is a method that everyone can use.

"Hey, don't be so loud, I can hear you, protect your throat."

Chen Tianhao pulled the young Yiren to his side.

The young Yiren sat next to Chen Tianhao and lowered his voice: "Boss, you haven't told me when I can drink water freely?"

"You said you can drink water freely. We will be able to drink water freely when we find the water source." Chen Tianhao lowered his head and replied.

The young Yiren tilted his head and looked at Chen Tianhao, "Then how can we find the water source?"

Hearing the young Winged Man's question, Chen Tianhao also thought about how to find water in the desert.


Where there is an oasis in the desert, there must be a source of water.

"Well, when you see the green plants, we can drink water freely." Chen Tianhao comforted.

"Green plants?" The young winged man circled around, as if trying to find green plants, so that he could drink water freely.

"Okay, don't look for it, we will find the water soon."

When Chen Tianhao saw the young Yiren's movements, he couldn't understand his thoughts.

"Leader, leader, look, there are green plants and water sources."

The young Winged Man pulled Chen Tianhao's clothes, pointed to the front and shouted, even forgetting that Chen Tianhao told him to keep his voice down just now.

Chen Tianhao looked in the direction of the young Winged Man, and in the sky in front of the desert, a large green plant appeared.

Most importantly, there, Chen Tianhao saw the long-awaited water source.

It was a lake, very clear lake water, and there were a lot of unknown creatures living by the lake.

There is a group of creatures that look more like sheep. At this time, a ferocious beast appeared in the lake. It was a tall and mighty creature that looked a bit like a tiger, but it was obviously many times bigger than a tiger. Looking far away, Chen Tianhao could feel the majestic momentum of the tiger, as if it wanted to eat it in one bite.

The ferocious tiger jumped on the sheep directly. One sheep couldn't dodge and fell under the tiger's mouth.

It's strange to say that after killing a sheep, the ferocious tiger didn't attack other creatures, and peacefully bit the prey it had just caught.

This lake is very big. Situations like this happen from time to time. I don’t know if it’s because those weak creatures got used to it, or there are other reasons. Then continue to drink water.

Seeing the scene in the distance, Chen Tianhao thought to himself: "This can't be a mirage, can it? It often happens in the desert."

Chen Tianhao desperately looked at the scene in front of him, trying to find some basis from it, but the scene ahead, everything seemed so real, there was an oasis not far in front of him.

When Chen Tianhao was observing whether this was Haishi Chenlou, the exclamation of the young Yiren had already aroused the resting Yiren.

After seeing the scenery in front of them, the Yi people also cheered. Even the Yi people who were holding a wooden cup to catch the water couldn't help but look back to see what caused everyone to exclaim.

If there is a water source, it means that you have found a place to live, and you no longer have to worry about when the water will run out and you will lose your life here.

Chen Tianhao suspected that he had encountered a mirage, but he saw that the listless Wingmen around him were now full of vitality, and he didn't tell them about it.

Even if it is said that this is a mirage, for the current Yi people, they don't even know what Haishi Chenlou is.

Besides, this scenery is just in the direction I am going, so going to that place will not waste my energy.

"Brothers, let's go."

Chen Tianhao beckoned the wingmen to go back on the road.

(End of this chapter)

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