spore evolution

Chapter 107 disappeared

Chapter 107 disappeared

The beautiful scenery ahead, especially the clear water source, seems to be calling everyone to go to that lake.

The clear water of the lake reflects the white clouds in the sky.

The Yi people burst out with unprecedented energy, and drove the water storage beast forward quickly.

"I'm going, something's wrong." Chen Tianhao saw the sky reflected in the lake, and it didn't feel like the sky in the desert.

Looking up, the sky above the desert is cloudless and blue at this time, while the sky reflected by the lake in the scenery in front has a large white cloud floating on it.

When he saw the lake for the first time, he only paid attention to the surroundings of the lake and did not pay attention to the reflection of the lake. Now he can finally confirm that the scene in front of him is exactly a kind of optical refraction phenomenon that is difficult to see - a mirage.

Just now he was still thinking about how to avoid the beasts by the lake and obtain lake water.

But when he knew it was just a mirage, he couldn't help being disappointed, but he still had a chance in his heart about the lake ahead, hoping that the lake was really not far ahead.

Although the scenery in the mirage exists on this planet, it doesn't know how far it is from this place.

The probability of finding lake water in a mirage is not as high as finding an oasis in a desert.

If it wasn't for the lake water not being in the direction the team was heading, but in other directions, I don't know if Chen Tianhao would turn around and go in other directions.

If they were in other directions, they would probably turn around. Fortunately, the lake was in front of them.

Even if it's a mirage, it won't waste their time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, everyone was in high spirits and hurried forward with all their might.

Because he knows that this mirage will not exist forever. The time that the mirage exists may be long or short, and it may disappear after a while.

The Yi people buried their heads in their journey, and whenever they felt tired, they looked at the situation ahead. The clear lake in front of them seemed to be right in front of them, and they only needed to walk a certain distance to reach that place.

What Chen Tianhao was worried about, the mirage scene, did not disappear, which made him secretly wonder if he had misread it, this lake was really an oasis in the desert.

It's just that he repeatedly confirmed that the reflection in the lake was really not the scene in the sky, and as they continued to move forward, the mirage scene was getting weaker and weaker.

There is no timing thing yet, but according to Chen Tianhao's feeling, this mirage has lasted for nearly two hours. Except for a little blurring, nothing has changed much. The scene around the lake is still very clear. before his eyes.

After traveling for more than two hours, the exhausted bodies of the Yi people also became weak, and their forward speed dropped a lot.

"Boss, I'm so tired."

The young Winged Man who first discovered the mirage had been following Chen Tianhao all the time, gasping for breath, and found that the excitement of the lake in front had passed.

Chen Tianhao took the young winged man by the hand, lifted his feet from the sand with difficulty, and walked forward, "Hurry up, we will be there in a while."

Chen Tianhao and his party walked on the desert for another two hours. At this time, the sun had already risen overhead.

Every once in a while, the young winged man would take Chen Tianhao's right hand and ask how long it would take to get to that place.

But Chen Tianhao could only tell him that it would be there in a while, but Chen Tianhao knew that what he said was a lie.

The scenery in front of them didn't get bigger at all as they advanced, but because of their advancement, the scenery began to fade, and there was not much change in the first two hours.

In the next two hours, the speed at which the scenery faded continued to accelerate, and now only a lake could be vaguely seen in front of it.

In fact, other Yiren also noticed that the water in the lake was getting thinner and blurred, but they didn't know what it was.

Finally, after an hour passed, the scenery in front of Chen Tianhao had completely disappeared, and even the faintest shadow could not be seen.

After the mirage disappeared, what Chen Tianhao saw was still the same yellow color as before. The sky and the earth seemed to be connected together, and there was no strength at all.

The disappearance of the mirage surprised the Yi people, and the whole team was in a mess for an instant. Some people stopped and rubbed their eyes desperately, trying to find out where the lake water went, but after opening their eyes, they still didn't see the green thing in front of them. plant.

When one person stops, all of them stop.

Seeing that the team couldn't go anymore, and the group had been walking for nearly five hours, Chen Tianhao asked the team to stop and take a rest before starting on the road.

It's just that in this desert, Chen Tianhao didn't even find a single cactus, not even weeds, and there was no place to enjoy the shade, so he took a piece of animal skin and put it under his buttocks as a cushion.

After the young winged man found out that the lake was gone, he no longer had the strength to shout, but leaned weakly on Chen Tianhao's body.

Chen Tianhao put a piece of animal skin on his body, it can block the sun for a while, it is not very useful, but it is better than nothing.

The sunlight in the desert is very poisonous, and there is not a single white cloud in the sky, even if you want to cover it under the shadow of the white cloud.

The group of people just rested on the ground for a while, ate something casually, and then went on the road again.

Strange to say, Chen Tianhao didn't notice any other creatures around him all day today, let alone any other creatures attacking him, as if none of the creatures he met yesterday would come to this area.

Normally, even if there are no large numbers of creatures in the desert, some small creatures can still live in the desert.

However, during the rush, Chen Tianhao scanned the surroundings with his consciousness, and found no other creatures at all.

I don't know if it is this era, and there are no tiny creatures.

But it's not possible. If there were no small creatures, how did those desert scorpions and desert wolves survive in this desert? It seems that they have seen the existence of creatures before.

It's just that since when, Chen Tianhao's consciousness scan has not scanned the existence of other creatures, as if this area is a forbidden area for life.

At the beginning, Chen Tianhao was very happy that he didn't meet the desert scorpion. After killing a group of desert wolves, he now has enough food, mainly due to the lack of water.

After resting now, and carefully recalling today's situation, I realized that this area is a bit weird, and there is an unusual feeling everywhere.

Mirage?Biological restricted area?
What's so unusual about the desert here?

Chen Tianhao was overthinking for a while, since he found no living things, he has been walking for four or five hours.

If you want to change the route, it will be life-threatening. The water storage beast is not enough to use, and it may not be better to change the other direction.

He can only move on with the Wingmen.

(End of this chapter)

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