spore evolution

Chapter 108 Oasis

Chapter 108 Oasis
Since the mirage disappeared, now Chen Tianhao is half-dead and leading the team forward.

Another two hours have passed since it disappeared, and there is no sign of hope at all.

Now Chen Tianhao wished he could commit suicide and move to another place.

It's just that when he saw the young winged people beside him, and the determination to take these winged people out of the desert when he just started to accept the winged leader, he gave up suicide and chose to move on.

The dying young Yiren leaned on Chen Tianhao's body and had no strength to walk on his own, so he was dragged away by Chen Tianhao.

The young Winged Man suddenly became energetic. Standing on the sand, he pointed forward excitedly and said, "Look, boss, there are green plants in front of you again."

The young Yiren always remembered that Chen Tianhao said that as long as he found a green plant, he could drink water freely, so whenever he saw a green plant, he would happily tell Chen Tianhao.

It's just that since the mirage disappeared, the young Winged Man said from time to time that there were green plants in front of him, but when Chen Tianhao looked at the place he was pointing at, there was no so-called green plants at all.

It is estimated that after Chen Tianhao said it, the young Winged Man has been thinking about green plants, so he has been imagining green plants in front of him.

Chen Tianhao lowered his head and replied in a low voice: "Little guy, you are dizzy from the sun, where are the green plants?"

In the past, after being denied by Chen Tianhao, the young Yiren kept silent, lowered their heads and leaned against his body and continued on their way.

After the young winged man was denied this time, he didn't lie on his body again, but shouted loudly to Chen Tianhao: "Boss, look, there are really green plants." He said and pointed his fingers forward desperately.

The little guy couldn't help but follow the direction of the little guy's finger and look, it was still yellow as far as the eye could see, and there was no trace of green.

Chen Tianhao pretended to be angry and said: "It's not good for you to be like this, it's not okay to lie to people."

Chen Tianhao felt that his appearance was scary, so he changed into a smile that he thought was more friendly, so as not to scare the young Yiren, "Hey, let's go on, and I'll get you a glass of water later."

The young wingman was very happy when he heard that there was water to drink, but he still insisted on pointing to the front of the team, and said firmly: "Boss, there are really green plants in front, you can look at it again."

Chen Tianhao saw that the young Yiren had been sticking to his opinion, and looked in the direction of his finger again, but he still didn't see any green plants, not to mention green plants, not even a single green spot.

It's very strange, could it be that the young Winged Man was really dizzy again and had hallucinations?

Chen Tianhao didn't pay much attention to the young Yiren, and this wasn't the first time it happened.

He pulled the young winged man and continued to move forward slowly.

The team continued on for nearly five kilometers.

Chen Tianhao suddenly saw a touch of green in front of him, thinking that he was just like the young Yiren, he was too eager to see green and had hallucinations.

He rubbed his eyes with his hands, then opened his eyes wide again and looked at the front. The touch of green did not disappear, and it looked a little dazzling in the yellow sand all over the sky.

Really green, is it a mirage again?

Unlike a mirage, a mirage is presented in front of oneself, it looks very big, and everything can be seen clearly.

And the green I saw this time was just a little green that appeared on the horizon. If you don't pay attention, you can't see the existence of green. This is very likely to be a real oasis.

He suddenly thought, the green plants mentioned by the young winged man before, could it be that the young winged man had already seen the green in the sky at that time?

Immediately, he shook his head to himself. It was impossible. Yiren's limit vision was five kilometers, and the team had just advanced five kilometers. At that time, he could only see this position at most.

That touch of green seems to be very close, but in fact, this location is still unknown how far away from that touch of green, it is impossible to see clearly, it is probably still blurred.

"Brothers, there is a source of water ahead, everyone work harder." Chen Tianhao turned his head and shouted to the Yiren behind him.

"Water source?"

Hearing the word Shuiyuan, Yiren, who had been downcast and exhausted, suddenly regained his spirits.

"Where is the water source?"

The previous mirage gave them great hope, but before they reached their destination, they disappeared, walking half dead on the road.

"It's right in front." Chen Tianhao pointed at the green in front, and his voice involuntarily increased.


The Wing people were very suspicious. Some Wing people rushed to Chen Tianhao's side and looked in the direction of their fingers, "Where is the water source? I didn't even see it."

They thought that it was still the same as the mirage they saw before, that they could see a large lake, and the water sources in their impressions were all like this.

"Here, it's right there, see? There's a little green in the sky." Chen Tianhao pulled the Yiren next to him and got very close.

The Winged Man took a closer look and found the green that Chen Tianhao said, "I did see the green, it's just the leader, the water source you mentioned is not there?"

Chen Tianhao patted Yiren on the head, "Stupid, where there are green plants, there will be water sources."

Yiren touched the head being slapped, and said aggrievedly: "I don't know."

"Then you know now."


"Then let's hurry over there."

When the other wingmen heard that there was a source of water, they also accelerated their speed.

They don't know why the leader said that where there are green plants, there is water, but they know that there is nothing wrong with listening to the leader.

Chen Tianhao's team was constantly approaching that touch of green. Originally, it was just a little bit of green in the sky, but it was constantly enlarged in his eyes. After walking for a while.

He could already see that touch of green, which was indeed a green plant.

"Great, there is finally a source of water."

He finally confirmed that the front was really a green plant, an oasis growing in the middle of the desert.

This oasis doesn't look particularly big. From his current position, he can basically see both sides of the oasis.

He didn't see the lake directly like a mirage. He believed that there must be water in the oasis. He didn't know what type of plants these green plants were, but green plants couldn't grow without water.

Although the fact that the oasis exists has been clarified, Chen Tianhao did not relax his vigilance.

He kept checking the surrounding situation with his consciousness. He didn't give up the conscious search because he found the oasis. Instead, he accelerated the search of conscious energy because he was constantly approaching the oasis.

He felt that there was a weirdness around the oasis. Logically speaking, the oasis should be a paradise for life in the desert, but he found no other creatures around the oasis, as if this oasis was not a paradise for desert life, but desert life. hell.

(End of this chapter)

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