spore evolution

Chapter 110 Desert Worms

Chapter 110 Desert Worms

The sand in the desert is constantly corroded by the corrosive liquid spit out by the desert worms, and the holes formed, before the sand falls, the desert worms have already pushed up.

The speed of the desert worm in the sand was no slower than that of the Wing Man, and even a little faster.

Only by pouring energy into both feet like Chen Tianhao can he barely exceed the speed of the desert worm.

The distance of 500 meters between the two sides is constantly shrinking.

The desert worms set their sights on the creatures that fell behind in the line - the water storage beasts.

The speed of the Wingmen is still good, but the moving speed of the Water Storage Beast is much slower, and the speed of the Water Storage Beast's full run is only three-quarters of the speed of the Wing Man, which is faster than the Wing Man filled with energy. It is impossible to compare.

The water storage beast is an important tool for the winged people to live in the desert. A winged man saw the water storage beast lagging behind and stopped, wanting to help the water storage beast on its way.

When Chen Tianhao discovered the desert worm, he consciously let himself run in the middle of the team, so that he could take care of the team and find out where the desert worm was attacking early.

"Damn, come back quickly."

Seeing the Winged Man stopped, he had to run back and call him back. At this time, the desert worm was only tens of meters away from the last water storage beast.

The distance of tens of meters passed by in the blink of an eye.

Before Yiren ran over, he had already felt a shock coming from the ground. The shock made him stagger and it was difficult to stand still.

At this moment, Chen Tianhao came to the side of the winged man, stretched out his hand to grab the winged man, and ran quickly.


The desert worm rushed out from under the sand, and the two water storage beasts that fell behind the team, together with the sand, fell into the mouth of the desert worm.

The force of the desert worm rushing out of the sand did not diminish. It kept rushing upwards for nearly 50 meters, and then fell down like a free fall. When it fell, it landed not far behind Chen Tianhao.

Yiren, who was held by Chen Tianhao, was so frightened that his face turned pale. The energy in his body seemed to be free of money, and he desperately transmitted it to his feet, and quickly escaped from this place.

He never thought that there was such a behemoth under the sand.

Chen Tianhao didn't look back, and the situation behind was as if he saw it with his own eyes.

He was also frightened. The two water storage beasts only had time to let out a scream before disappearing into the mouth of the desert worm.

The height of the desert worm's rise also frightened Chen Tianhao. He also thought about flying into the air to avoid the opponent's attack like he did with the desert scorpion before.

At a height of 50 meters, even if Chen Tianhao flies into the air, he can't escape the opponent's attack. Chen Tianhao can only fly up to a height of 40 meters now.

Now he can only hide in the oasis at the fastest speed, and the oasis is currently the only place where the desert worms can give up their pursuit.

He found that although the opponent could jump into the air, the opponent seemed unable to rotate freely in the air, and could only rely on free fall to fall.

This means that as long as you avoid his position in the desert, you can avoid the opponent's attack.

The attack of the desert worm caused Chen Tianhao to lose two water storage beasts, which didn't seem like many, but now the team is still nearly two kilometers away from the oasis.

The team of the water storage beasts has been disrupted. Two kilometers away is enough for the desert worms to attack several times. According to the current situation, the Wing Man may not have much trouble. By then, the water storage beasts may be completely wiped out.

The moment the desert worms attacked the water storage beast, a mechanical voice rang in Chen Tianhao's ear.

Hearing this voice, he didn't need to look to know that another side mission was triggered, but in the process of escaping, he still couldn't help but glanced at the mission bar with his eyes.

"Found a side mission: kill the desert worm."

"Task completion condition: kill 1 desert worm, the current completion status is 0/1."

"Mission rewards: 50 points, ultimate muscle, corrosive liquid (super), energy core (advanced)"

Chen Tianhao was also amazed by the luxurious rewards of this side mission. The 50 points were not in his eyes, but the last three rewards were extremely luxurious. Up to now, he has never seen any creature with super muscles.

Although the rewards are plentiful, and the number of kills seems simple, it is simply an impossible task.

Fifty Winged Men are not enough for the opponent's teeth. Even if Chen Tianhao now has [-] Winged Men, he dare not say that he can kill the desert worm.

Not to mention whether he can beat the other party, just one, the desert worm drilled into the ground, and he had no choice. You must know that when the desert worm was discovered, it was more than 500 meters underground.

At this distance, unless there are future generations of ground-penetrating missiles that may harm him, this is only possible.

The desert worm that landed on the ground came out from under the sand again and launched its second wave of attacks.

The first wave of desert worm attacks disrupted the formation of the water storage beasts. They were originally crowded together, but now they have dispersed.

In the second wave of attacks, the moment the desert worm jumped up, another water storage beast fell into his mouth.

The body of the desert worm jumped high, like a pile of pink meat, and there was a burst of liquid dripping from his body, which looked a little dazzling in the sun.A transparent liquid flowed from around the body, fell on the sand, and thick black smoke came out, corroding the sand.

The desert worm relies on its super corrosiveness to corrode the sand around its body, thus moving under the sand.


The body of the desert worm jumped high and hit the sand. Another water storage beast failed to dodge the attack.

Although he knew that he had no chance to complete this side mission, Chen Tianhao used the appraiser to watch the desert worm information.

The information about the desert worm appeared before Chen Tianhao's eyes.

"Name: Desert Worm."

"Level: Epic Monster."

"Health value: ??? (The authenticator level is too low to be identified, please upgrade the authenticator)."

"Energy value: ??? (The authenticator level is too low to identify, please upgrade the authenticator)."

"Attack power: ??? (The authenticator level is too low to identify, please upgrade the authenticator)."

"Movement speed: ??? (The authenticator level is too low to be identified, please upgrade the authenticator)."

"Introduction: ??? (The authenticator level is too low to authenticate, please upgrade the authenticator)."

"I'm going, this creature is still an epic monster?"

Chen Tianhao couldn't help cursing secretly.

"Brothers, work harder."

Chen Tianhao also worked hard.

After four waves of desert worm attacks, Chen Tianhao was less than 500 meters away from the oasis.

After four waves of attacks, only 10 water storage beasts remained.


Chen Tianhao gasped, he finally came to the edge of the oasis, he was the last one among the Wingmen to come to the edge, he always wanted to save the water storage beast, but he couldn't find a better way, he could only watch helplessly The cistern died in the mouth of the desert worm.

The other wingmen came to the edge of the oasis, and did not enter the oasis in a hurry, resting in place.

When Chen Tianhao reached the edge of the oasis, the desert worms launched his fifth wave of attack.

But this wave of attacks is a bit different. The previous four waves of attacks all jumped from the back of the team to the front, but this time they jumped from the front to the back.

In the fifth wave of attacks, there was still a water storage beast that failed to escape the engulfment of the desert worm. This was the last water storage beast left behind in the team. The other water storage beasts avoided the attack of the desert worm and quickly fled to Chen Tianhao .

The desert worms fell to the ground and burrowed into the sand again. Within the detection range of Chen Tianhao's consciousness, it was found that the desert worms had already burrowed deeper and left this place.


Although they escaped the attack of the desert worms this time, Chen Tianhao's team suffered heavy losses, only nine of the twenty water storage beasts remained.

Chen Tianhao's hope of leading this group of Winged Men to escape from the desert was much slimmer. He turned his attention to the oasis behind him. Perhaps this place that the desert worms could not reach could give him a pleasant surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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