spore evolution

Chapter 111 The Edge of the Oasis

Chapter 111 The Edge of the Oasis
After several days of use, Chen Tianhao's consciousness energy is not much left. I checked the stock of consciousness energy. If it is turned on all the time, it can only maintain a warning range of 500 meters for three hours. Can last a day or two.

The recovery of consciousness energy is more troublesome, it is different from ordinary energy.

Ordinary energy can also be recovered through energy blocks, and conscious energy can only be recovered automatically so far.

In fact, there is another way to recover, which is to return to the editing space, where the energy of consciousness can be restored.

It's just that the system is very cheating. If there is no change to the outside world, when he returns to the creature, his consciousness energy will still be kept at the moment when he enters the editing space. Only after a certain transformation will his consciousness energy be restored to the best state .

This allowed Chen Tianhao to prevent the use of repeated access to the editing space to achieve unlimited use of consciousness energy.

He needs to find a way to quickly recover the energy of consciousness in the outside world as soon as possible. This is not something that can be solved overnight.

This oasis is not particularly large, shortening the range of consciousness to 100 meters can allow his consciousness energy to be used for a longer period of time.

In the area 100 meters away from the edge of the oasis, Chen Tianhao didn't find anything special, but he didn't dare to act rashly. Who knows what terrible things exist in this oasis.

He didn't believe that a place where even desert worms dared not come was just a simple oasis.

Gathering the wingmen and the water storage beasts together, they had lingering fears after they escaped from death just now.

During the hurricane all the way just now, the meat and fur on the water storage beast had already fallen off.

It is impossible to eat meat properly. Fortunately, the water is stored in the water storage beasts, and the nine surviving water storage beasts can still provide some water.

Chen Tianhao also didn't expect that all the winged people could escape from the desert worm's jaws, and it was incredible that even the smallest winged man didn't fall behind.

Without meat, you can only drink some water to quench your thirst.

After a day of chasing, it was almost dusk at this time, and the sky would soon be dark.

By the time everyone has rested, it is estimated that the sky is completely dark.

Chen Tianhao didn't directly break into the oasis. Although he had the consciousness to alert the surroundings, but consciousness is not omnipotent after all. He has no attack power and can only be used as a warning.

On a pitch-black night, ghosts know that there is something special in the oasis, and the other wingmen are blind at night, so they might as well rest in this position for one night, and then enter the oasis during the day.

The current position Chen Tianhao is in is quite good. The desert worms will not come here. As for the creatures in the oasis, apart from the creatures that Chen Tianhao saw faintly flashing at the edge at the beginning, there are no creatures.

Logically speaking, when the desert worms were chasing them, there was quite a lot of movement, and there was no movement at all in the oasis.

Chen Tianhao looked at the young Yiren who followed him at the beginning, his chest went up and down, and he was taking a big mouthful of air. After drinking a few sips of water, his breathing became much smoother.

The oasis has been found. Although there is no meat, everyone should drink a few more sips of water, but the water retained by the nine water storage beasts is not much, so they can only drink a few more sips, and there is nothing more.

Chen Tianhao beckoned the Yi people to move closer to him. He was also parched now, and he didn't have much strength to shout, "Brothers, let's rest here for a night first, and then go inside tomorrow."

The Yi people don't understand why the leader doesn't let them enter the oasis. Their current head level is not particularly high. They have been used to obeying the leader's orders for a long time. A place to rest.

It got dark very quickly, and just now I could see the surroundings, but suddenly it was so dark that I couldn't see my fingers.

According to the previous rules, a group of people need to take turns to patrol at night.

Everyone was really tired today, and it was so dark here that there was no fire like before, so Chen Tianhao didn't let them patrol.

Chen Tianhao decided to be the night watchman for tonight. He spread the energy of consciousness around, and when it spread to 100 meters, it stopped spreading.

Chen Tianhao could see clearly the situation within 100 meters around, and he could sense any abnormal movement immediately.

After a while, the Yi people fell asleep quickly. It seems that today's high-intensity rush and escape took a lot of energy from them. Even the remaining water storage beasts lay on the ground and fell asleep. At the last moment of escape, he also tried his best.

The other water storage beasts also tried their best, but these few water storage beasts were lucky and survived.

In fact, Chen Tianhao is quite tired at the moment, his body is at the leader level, and his body at the leader level must be the strongest body in the entire team. He is a little bit better than the others now.

At first, Chen Tianhao paid attention to his surroundings. It should have just entered the night, and there was not much biological activity yet, so he didn't find anything unusual.

It is very exhausting to maintain a high level of concentration all the time, especially the unchanging situation around him makes his body, which is already sleepy, even more sleepy.

During the guard time, he was very lonely, and now there were no entertainment activities, so he was so bored that he played with sand.

When people concentrate on doing one thing, their attention will be particularly concentrated, but that thing is an unchanged thing, and it will become a hypnotic thing.

Chen Tianhao admires those snipers very much. They focus on one place for several hours or even a day or two. Regardless of the wind and sun, mosquito bites, they just hand over the bullets in their hands to the opponent the moment the target appears. .

He doesn't have the concentration of a sniper now, he hasn't noticed any special movement for a long time, his body can't bear it anymore, and he dozed off.

Although his body dozed off, his consciousness didn't seem to be withdrawn this time, and he was still on guard according to the 100 meters around him.

This kind of vigilance is different from the usual vigilance. He can observe the surrounding situation. His current situation is only equivalent to unconscious vigilance. When something extra appears within his vigilance range, he can sense it.

It's like some soldiers or people with special occupations still have a certain degree of vigilance to their surroundings when they sleep. As long as there is a little trouble, they will wake them up and be attacked by them.

Chen Tianhao is now like those soldiers, he has a certain degree of vigilance to his surroundings, and his ability is even stronger than those soldiers.

Those who can be alert to their surroundings will only be effective at extremely close range.

His current alert range has not been reduced because of his deep sleep, and still has a range of 100 meters.

If Chen Tianhao can master this ability, then the security ability of his race can be greatly improved.

Now he just entered this state unconsciously, and he doesn't even know what's going on.

(End of this chapter)

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