spore evolution

Chapter 112 The Lightning Beast

Chapter 112 The Lightning Beast

Silent night.

The moonlight shone on the desert, bringing a little vision to the nocturnal creatures of the desert.

Generally, creatures that move at night have special night vision capabilities, and the moonlight gives them the best vision.

Lightning Beast, a humanoid creature, is 3 meters tall, about the same height as the Winged Man, and has dark green scales all over his body, which makes it easy for him to hide in the woods.

Walking upright on two feet, his hands have two forms, one is five fingers similar to wingman, and there are sharp claws on the five fingers; the other is the front end of his hands is a [-] cm long bone evolved from bone. Knives and bone knives are very sharp and can easily cut prey. These two forms can be switched freely.

His head is elongated, with six eyes symmetrically distributed on both sides. The six eyes give him better vision and powerful night vision.

The Thunder Beast is the king of this oasis. It is good at assassination. It usually rests in the trees during the day and likes to act at night. It especially likes to stab other creatures when they are resting.

The creatures in this oasis are all living in the fear of the Thunder Beast. Who wants to have a murderous monster next to them when they are sleeping peacefully.

The creatures in the oasis couldn't stand the attack of the Thunder Beast at night, and began to flee the oasis one after another.

Just escaping from this oasis is not necessarily any better. There are desert worms on the edge of the oasis. Most of the creatures are eaten by desert worms before they escape far. Only some lucky creatures escaped from this oasis. An oasis, fled to other places, but there are dangers everywhere in this desert, leaving this oasis does not mean that it is safe.

It was found that all the creatures that left the oasis were swallowed by the giant desert worms, and the remaining creatures did not dare to leave the oasis.

Although there are lightning beasts in the oasis, compared to the lightning beasts, the desert worms that have grown to an unknown length are more terrifying.

Fortunately for the oasis creatures, there is only one Lightning Beast in this oasis. I don’t know when it started. The Lightning Beast will only attack other creatures when it has finished eating. It depends on which one Creatures were unlucky and he took a fancy to them.

This day, the Lightning Beast had run out of food again, and it was time for him to act at night, no matter how hungry he was, he would wait until the middle of the night to act.

There were fewer and fewer creatures in the oasis, so he had to count carefully.

It's not that he didn't think about leaving this ghostly place and looking for places with more food, but seeing the desert worms devouring creatures made him dispel this idea.

He has already controlled the creatures in the oasis, but no matter how he controls them, the number of creatures in the oasis is limited. Without the supplement of foreign creatures, sooner or later they will be eaten up, and he himself will starve to death.

After that, he would check the edge of the oasis every afternoon to see if there were any new creatures that would feast on him.

Fortunately, he occasionally encountered some creatures that had escaped the desert worm.

What Chen Tianhao saw at the edge of the oasis this afternoon was the Lightning Beast that came out to look out.

When Chen Tianhao fled to the edge of the oasis, the Thunder Beast was not far away, as long as Chen Tianhao increased the alert range a little, he could be found.

The Lightning Beast also did not expect that such a creature escaped the pursuit of the desert worm, which was different from the creatures it encountered before. It escaped from the mouth of the desert worm in a fair and honest manner.

Although there are many wingmen who escaped, the Thunder Beast is not so easy to give up. You can see that he dared to challenge the creatures in the entire oasis alone.

Although he didn't give up, he wasn't stupid either. After a long time of experience, he knew that when the moon was overhead, it was the most sleepy time for creatures, and it was also the time for him to act.

The Thunder Beast hid in the forest on the edge of the oasis, waiting for the time to come.

The moon is on the branch, the time has come.

The Lightning Beast moved its footsteps and approached the sleeping Yiren cautiously. His target this time was the Yiren on the periphery.

The distance between the two is constantly approaching.

200 m.

150 m.

100 m.

50 m.

The Lightning Beast is only 50 meters away from the outermost Winged Man, and it only takes a second or two to walk this distance at the fastest speed.

This distance is also the warning range for Chen Tianhao to sleep, as long as the Thunder Beast's movement is a little bigger, it can trigger Chen Tianhao's warning.

The Lightning Beast seemed very cautious. Although this distance was enough for him to cut off the opponent's head without hindrance, he didn't make a sound, but continued to pace slowly.

The Lightning Beast is very confident in its own strength. It's not that he's afraid of not being able to beat the opponent, what he's afraid of is waking up the opponent and making him escape early.

In the afternoon, when the Wing Man was evading the pursuit of the desert worm, he saw it all in his eyes. If the other party still broke out at such a speed, he would not be able to catch up.

He didn't want the duck with its beak to fly away like this. "Failure" or something was never in his consideration.

The Lightning Beast was only 20 meters away from the Winged Man on the edge, and this distance was already within Chen Tianhao's warning range. Chen Tianhao was sound asleep, without any movement.


The Thunder Beast's hands changed posture and turned into a bone knife. Under the moonlight, the sharp bone knife reflected a burst of sharp light.

The Lightning Beast no longer concealed its actions. At this distance, no matter how fast the other party reacted, it could not escape his bone knife. He raised the bone knife high and slashed at the sleeping wingman's neck.

The neck and heart are the Achilles' heels of most creatures. In the past, an unknown number of creatures died under his sharp bone knife.

When the Lightning Beast changed its posture, the sleeping Chen Tianhao was finally awakened, and immediately discovered the Lightning Beast attacking from the edge.

A long howl startled the sleeping people around.

At the same time as the roar, the whole figure has already rushed towards the Thunder Beast.

While swooping, he had subconsciously poured energy into his feet, and the Winged Man who was woken up next to him was in a daze, and saw a figure flashing past.

The Lightning Beast is fast, and Chen Tianhao is even faster.

Before the bone knife of Shanlei Beast fell, Chen Tianhao swooped and threw the Shanlei Beast to the ground, rolling into a ball.

The Winged Man, who was originally targeted by the Lightning Beast, was still in a state of bewilderment and did not understand what had happened.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he realized that Chen Tianhao was already fighting with a humanoid creature, so he hurried over to help.

The others were awakened by Chen Tianhao's long howling, and after being dazed, they also discovered the situation here and rushed over here quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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