spore evolution

Chapter 113 Subduing the Lightning Beast

Chapter 113 Subduing the Lightning Beast

Chen Tianhao threw the Lightning Beast to the ground, and the two sides rolled together.

Damn it, can you let me take a good rest, I haven't had a good rest since I came here.

Chen Tianhao was so angry that the desert demon wolf came to attack on the first night, and another guy came on the second night.

Although he had known for a long time that the night would not be too peaceful, but when the Lightning Beast came to attack Wingman, he threw the Lightning Beast to the ground.

The legs firmly pressed the hands of the Lightning Beast, preventing it from moving, and beat the Lightning Beast on the ground with both hands.

The Thunder Beast was in a daze at the moment. It took only a few seconds from when he changed his posture to attack the Winged Man, to when he was thrown to the ground by Chen Tianhao and was beaten so helplessly.

The Lightning Beast is too confident in its own strength, never expecting that Chen Tianhao's strength is far superior to him.

The main strength of the Lightning Beast comes from the sneak attack at night and his extremely sharp bone knife. When his sneak attack failed and the bone knife was clamped, he was not as good as an ordinary creature at this time.

"Woo, stop fighting, I admit defeat."

The Lightning Beast cried and shouted, but his face was swollen by Chen Tianhao's beating, and his speech sounded like a leak.

He saw the Wingmen surrounding him, and he was afraid that if he shouted slowly, he would be beaten to death.

Chen Tianhao, who was concentrating on the beating, didn't seem to hear the Thunder Beast's begging for mercy, so he slapped his hands unceremoniously.

Fortunately, Chen Tianhao slapped him, not his bone spurs, otherwise the Thunder Beast would have died by now.

Seeing that Chen Tianhao didn't stop, and the winged people around him were getting closer, the Thunder Beast begged for mercy again, this time not through a spiritual message of begging for mercy, "I was wrong, please forgive me, I wish to you."

"Do you want to subdue the Lightning Beast?"

The unique mechanical sound of the system rang in Chen Tianhao's ears.

Subdue the Lightning Beast?
He stopped and looked at the creature under him. At this time, the Thunder Beast had been beaten out of shape, and its entire face was much bigger than usual, and it could no longer see its original appearance.

Is this the Lightning Beast?

It seems that there was no such function before, is it an ally?It doesn't seem to be the case. Regardless of him, let's talk about it now.

Chen Tianhao chose to subdue the Thunder Beast, only to see a ball of light float out of the Beast's head and fly into his head.

Seeing this situation, he tried his best to get rid of the ball of light and enter his head, but no matter how he swayed left or right, he still couldn't avoid the ball of light.

When the ball of light entered his head, he finally knew what this subduing function was all about.

Conquering is not the same as alliance. Conquering is like taking in younger brothers. Moreover, this kind of conquest is 100% loyal and there is no betrayal.

As for the alliance, the relationship between the two is equal, not [-]% friendly, and sometimes allies can become enemies.

After understanding what was going on, Chen Tianhao quickly got up and let go of the Thunder Beast under him.

After Chen Tianhao accepted his surrender, with the help of the system, the Lightning Beast quickly recovered its body and reached its best condition. Chen Tianhao also received the same treatment, and now he is also back to his best condition.

Not only has his body reached its peak state, but even his unique consciousness energy has also reached its peak state.

This made him very pleasantly surprised. He never thought that subduing a little brother would have such benefits. His consciousness energy can be used sparingly, and it can be used for a long time.

The lightning beast that came to attack was dealt with, and he had recovered to his best condition at this moment, so he let the Wingmen who came around go back and continue to rest.

Chen Tianhao was sitting on the ground, and the Thunder Beast was sitting next to him pervertedly.

"Why are you the only one here to attack?"

Chen Tianhao asked, he always felt that the oasis was very dangerous, and he was always on guard at night, but he fell asleep at some point, and he was secretly lucky that only one Lightning Beast came over.

"Brother, I'm the only one in this place." Lightning Beast explained.

"Only you?"

Chen Tianhao looked at the oasis in front of him. Although it wasn't very big, it was still very small, with an area of ​​four to five square kilometers.

"Yes, since I was born, I'm the only one, and I haven't seen others of the same kind."

As soon as Chen Tianhao heard it, he knew that the Thunder Beast had misunderstood it. What he wanted to know was the situation of the entire oasis. "Then besides you, are there any other creatures in this oasis?"

"Yes, but the quantity is not much, and there will be no more to eat."

After some exchanges, Chen Tianhao finally understood the situation of this oasis.

There is a lake in the center of the oasis, which is the most important living place for all creatures in this oasis.

At the beginning, the creatures in this oasis survived relatively well. Occasional friction would not cause too many casualties. At that time, there were no desert worms around the oasis. Run around.

Since the desert worms slaughtered around the oasis and cut off the replenishment of creatures, the Thunder Beast killed many creatures in this oasis again, causing a large number of creatures to escape here again and be swallowed by the desert worms.

With one increase and one decrease, a large number of creatures continue to die and cannot be replenished. Now there are only a few herbivorous creatures left in this oasis.

This is still the Lightning Beast, so I didn't kill them on purpose, otherwise this oasis would have become a barren land long ago. In fact, it would not have become a barren land, and more likely it would have become a gathering place for desert plants.

As long as the surrounding desert worms don't leave, this place will become a place of death in the desert.

"Is there such a creature in here?" Chen Tianhao pointed to the water storage beast sleeping in the middle.

The Lightning Beast thought about it for a while, nodded and said, "Yes, among the remaining creatures, there are such creatures, but the number of such creatures is not much left, there are probably a dozen or so."

"That's great. There are about ten of them. It's not bad. Take me there when the sun rises."

A lot of water storage beasts were swallowed up by desert worms. Water storage beasts are the most important thing in this desert. The sudden loss of half of the staff made Chen Tianhao feel very sad.


Chatted again and learned more.

Chen Tianhao began to look at the system log, which was a habit of his.

Because during the battle, I often don’t have time to check and listen to the system’s reminders, so I usually check the system logs when I’m free.

Many times, system logs are boring information, but important information can often be viewed.

Sometimes an important piece of information can save a lot of things, and it can also help Chen Tianhao understand the operating mechanism of the system.

He had to learn to read the log. From the time travel to the present, the thing he heard the most about the system was, please explore by yourself.

The system will not tell you clearly what to do, only when you meet the conditions, a few messages will pop up.

(End of this chapter)

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