spore evolution

Chapter 114 Lake Water

Chapter 114 Lake Water
"Trigger the side mission: Kill the Lightning Beast."

"Task completion condition: kill 1 Lightning Beast, the current completion status is 0/1."

"Task reward: 100 points, bone knife, advanced vision (night vision)."

Chen Tianhao looked at the Thunder Beast beside him suspiciously. How could it be so valuable? One hundred thousand points, the same as the three-headed demon king he killed before.

The three-headed demon king gave him a feeling of oppression, but the guy around him didn't feel any oppression at all.

Would it be possible to complete this task by killing this guy now?

The Thunder Beast was horrified by Chen Tianhao's gaze, and said weakly: "Brother, don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

Chen Tianhao retracted his gaze and continued to check the system log.

"Cancel the side mission: Kill the Lightning Beast."

Oops, damn it, it’s a scam, you can still cancel the mission, but fortunately you didn’t kill the guy next to you, otherwise the gain outweighs the loss, and it’s easy to accept a younger brother.

"Trigger the side mission: subdue the Lightning Beast."

"Conditions for completing the task: subdue 1 Lightning Beast, and the current completion status is 1/1."

"Mission reward: 50 points, advanced vision (night vision)."

"The task is completed, and the points are 50 points. The total points are 000 points, and the advanced vision (night vision) exchange qualification is obtained."

Seeing this, Chen Tianhao is still very happy. The qualifications for advanced vision (night vision) exchange are quite large. Although [-] points are missing and there are bone knives, these two are not essential, and they are still easy to obtain. .

Now he not only completed a task, but also got a younger brother, although at present, this younger brother doesn't seem to be able to play much role.

"Congratulations on subduing the Lightning Beast, and you will immediately gain an ability from the Lightning Beast."

"Congratulations on getting advanced vision (night vision)."

"Congratulations on getting a personal achievement - Servant, earned points: 50 points, total points: 000 points."

Strange, why another advanced vision (night vision)?Isn't this a repeat?
The advanced field of vision (night vision) obtained by the first to complete the task must be eligible for redemption, there is no doubt about this.

Click on the second advanced vision (night vision): you can have night vision without evolution or exchange, and it is only valid for the main consciousness.

It turned out to be chicken ribs. Chen Tianhao himself possessed consciousness energy as vision ability, and this night vision ability didn't have much effect on him. It's not chicken ribs.

Better than nothing, he put a second advanced vision (night vision) on.

Chen Tianhao only felt a trance for a while, and then he found that the world in front of him had changed, his whole eyes turned into a black and white world, as if he was watching a black and white TV.

This night vision ability is not weak. With his original eagle eyes, he can see things within five kilometers around him. This is not something that can be replaced by consciousness energy.

The night passed quickly, Yiren slept peacefully, and no creatures came to disturb him.

The Lightning Beast was sitting next to Chen Tianhao. Other creatures saw it and had no time to hide. How could they come here to seek death.

Led by the Thunder Beast, Chen Tianhao and his party first came to the lake in the center of the oasis.

The lake is in the middle of the oasis, not very big, the diameter of the lake is about 500 meters, the lake is very clear and can be drunk directly.

There are many water storage beasts drinking water by the lake. These water storage beasts are local water storage beasts, not the water storage beasts brought by Chen Tianhao.

When the Water Storage Beast saw the Thunder Beast appearing by the lake, it jumped and fled the lake quickly.

"You boy, you can."

Chen Tianhao praised, it seems that he has no ability, but it makes the creatures here very afraid, it is not easy.

The Lightning Beast said happily: "Brother, I'll help you get those water storage beasts here later."

The Lightning Beast's strength doesn't look high, but judging by his movements and posture, it is stronger than the average Winged Man, probably because the level of its brain is not too low.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have begged for mercy immediately when he found out that he couldn't beat him. This was something Chen Tianhao had never encountered before.

"Let's drink enough, anyway, they can't escape here." Chen Tianhao waved his hands, turned to the Yiren behind him and said, "Brothers, you can drink as much water as you want. There is no meat, and the water pipe is full."

At the end of the speech, he added: "The center of the lake may be very deep, so it's better to be on the edge."

The Yi people behind couldn't bear it long ago, and they rushed to find a seat one by one, took up the lake water and drank it, some even lowered their heads, stretched into the lake water, and drank the lake water directly.

Chen Tianhao squatted down, took a sip of the lake water with his hands in his hands, the water had a refreshing feeling, piercing his heart, and praised, "It's delicious."

This lake water is like giving a piece of iced watermelon in the hot summer, bringing cool pleasure.

There is no food, and the lake water is the food, and everyone's stomach is rolling from drinking.

The water storage beast brought by Chen Tianhao has been domesticated by the Yiren for a long time, not afraid of the Thunder Beast, at this time it is also drinking the lake water with its head down, and occasionally turning its head to eat the aquatic plants by the lake, devouring the lake water together.

The water volume of the water storage beast is not comparable to that of the Winged Man. After drinking the lake water, the size of the water storage beast is growing at a speed visible to the naked eye. This is the unique ability of the water storage beast. Store water and release it when needed.

Therefore, the water storage beast is an indispensable creature in the desert, and it is a right-hand man in the desert travel.

Seeing that the water-storage beasts were still drinking water by the lake, and they couldn't finish it in a while, Chen Tianhao asked: "Little brother, besides the water-storage beasts, aren't there several kinds of creatures here? Let's go hunting, just drinking water is not enough. Can't fill my stomach."

Shanlei Beast pushed aside the water plants by the lake with one hand, and walked in another direction: "Come on, go this way, but brother, there are not many creatures left here now, and if we want to feed so many people, I'm afraid it will take a lot of food." Just kill them all."

Chen Tianhao replied while walking: "Then just kill it."

"It's just..." The Lightning Beast hesitated, unable to utter a complete sentence.

"Just what? Are there any more difficult creatures? Tell me, let me meet them." Chen Tianhao stopped, thinking that there were more difficult creatures in it, after all, the Lightning Beast was not very powerful in Chen Tianhao's eyes Sample.

The Lightning Beast quickly shook its head: "It's just killing them, how can we survive here?"

It's easy to eat a meal, but the difficult thing is how to develop in the long run, otherwise, the Thunder Beast will put the creatures in the oasis, and go to the edge of the oasis to find trouble with Chen Tianhao.

"Who said I would stay in this place all the time? We'll leave here once the place is sorted out, and go to find the big forest. There's not enough here for us to live."

"Great." The Thunder Beast jumped up happily when he heard that he was leaving here. If it wasn't for the desert worms outside, he would have left here long ago.

He believed that Chen Tianhao had a way to leave this place, he was the one who saw Chen Tianhao dodge the attack of desert worms with his own eyes, as long as he followed Chen Tianhao, he would definitely be able to leave this place.

Thinking of this, the Thunder Beast took Chen Tianhao to the lairs of other creatures living here, followed by five adult Winged Men who had drunk enough water from the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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