spore evolution

Chapter 115 Show

Chapter 115 Show
The oasis is very small, and the lake is a necessary condition for the survival of most creatures, so many creatures live by the lake.

In just a short while, led by the Lightning Beast, they arrived at the first lair to be dealt with.

This is a sand sheep, a vegetarian creature that mainly lives on aquatic plants by the lake, and occasionally eats leaves.

In this nest, there are a total of ten sand sheep, large and small.

Seeing the appearance of the Lightning Beast, the Sand Sheep, who was eating next to it, quickly escaped and returned to its lair.

At this time, the sand sheep was trembling, protecting the little sand sheep behind it. This is a sand sheep that was not born for a long time.

In fact, the back of the sand sheep is very empty. If the sand sheep want to escape, they can still escape, but the big sand sheep did not escape, but gathered in the nest to protect the small sand sheep.

The Lightning Beast asked Chen Tianhao, "Brother, leave this batch of sand sheep to me."

Chen Tianhao looked at the appearance of the sand sheep, and knew that these sand sheep would not escape, and he also wanted to see what the subdued younger brother was capable of, "Okay."

With Chen Tianhao's consent, the hands of the Thunder Beast began to twist. After a while of twisting, a pair of sharp bone knives appeared in the hands of the Thunder Beast. The shining blades showed that the blades were no worse than those made of metal.

Both hands turned into bone knives. This is the fighting state of the Thunder Beast. It usually has five ordinary fingers, and there is nothing special about it.

Chen Tianhao was very surprised that the hands of the Thunder Beast could change freely.

However, a lot of wonderful things have happened in this world, even magic skills such as electric ball and wind blade have appeared, and the things in this world cannot be judged by the things on the earth before.

Besides, the original world is not necessarily what Chen Tianhao saw, there are more unknown things behind the world.

After a long time of nurturing, he has adapted to most of the strange things, and he was only surprised by the transformation ability of the Lightning Beast.


Only a gust of wind was heard, and the Thunder Beast was blowing like a gust of wind, wielding a bone knife with both hands, and rushed towards the frightened sand sheep with lightning speed.

Chen Tianhao was also taken aback by the speed of the Lightning Beast, which could be compared to his limit speed. He always thought that the Lightning Beast's strength was not very good.

If the Lightning Beast had such a speed from the beginning last night, he would have no way to save the Winged Man who was attacked.

The Lightning Beast's speed was too fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already crossed a distance of more than ten meters and came to the side of the sand sheep, waving the bone knife quickly.

The speed of the bone knife was so fast that Chen Tianhao's eyes were blinded, and he didn't know how many times he swung it.

After a while, the Lightning Beast put away its knife and stood beside it.

Shayang's terrified eyes were still on his face, as if the bone knife of the Thunder Beast hadn't hurt him just now.


The head of the sand sheep standing in the front slowly slid down and fell to the ground. From the place where it was cut off, blood sprayed out a meter high.

Immediately afterwards, the sand sheep was like fragments falling apart.


The whole sand sheep was scattered on the ground, and the minced meat mixed with blood was scattered on the ground.

With this sound, like an order, the sand sheep behind them also scattered on the ground.

Chen Tianhao looked at the condition of the sand sheep in surprise. It's not that he has never seen minced meat, and he didn't know how much he smashed with the electric ball.

It's just the first time I've seen creatures use this kind of physical method to create this effect, and the effect is very shocking.

It's not that the bone knife of Shanlei Beast is stronger than his electric ball, but that it feels different.

Chen Tianhao's electric ball was like a cannonball, it had a great effect, but most of it had been blasted into pieces, so the visual effect was not that great.

The bone knife of Shanlei Beast is like a swordsman in ancient times. After a few cuts, it will be torn apart, bloody, and more visual.

The Thunder Beast withdrew its blood-stained bone knife, and changed back to its hands, both of which were covered with bright red blood.

Running to Chen Tianhao's side, he asked for credit, "Brother, are you satisfied?"

Chen Tianhao nodded, patted the Lightning Beast on the shoulder and said: "Not bad, very good." The topic changed, "It's just that you chopped it too much, those sheepskins are a good helper for keeping warm."

Shanlei Beast was very happy to hear Chen Tianhao's praise, but he finally showed that he is still a useful person.

Hearing this, he immediately panicked, although he didn't know what Chen Tianhao meant by keeping warm, but since he said something wrong, it must be wrong, so he quickly said: "Brother, give me one more chance, I will definitely do it better next time better."

"It's okay, these sand sheep are practical enough to deal with."

Chen Tianhao asked Yiren to find someone to deal with these sand sheep. The sand sheep had already been chopped into pieces by bone knives, which saved a lot of effort.

The Wingmen were already very adept at handling the food and quickly took over to tidy it up.

Now there are branches and lake water in this place, Chen Tianhao is very happy, he can finally have a good meal!
Eating those sun-dried pieces of meat along the way, the gluttons in my mouth were hung up.

Chen Tianhao looked at the sand sheep that was being processed, he might not be able to handle it for a while.

Pulling the younger brother who just received it, Flash Thunder Beast ran aside to make tools.

The sharp bone knife of the Lightning Beast made him feel that he could make some weapons for ordinary Winged Men in advance.

The few cups that Chen Tianhao worked so hard to make before were very popular with the people, but they were lost when he was running away.

Now it's finally hard to find a strong man, he's going to get all these done, if possible he's going to get more bottles and jars like this, the bone knife is much better than his bone spurs.

First of all, find some trees with a relatively large diameter. This is an oasis, not a virgin forest. Most of the trees are very small in diameter, only more than ten centimeters.

With this size, it is okay to make wooden cups. If you want to make other things, such as pots, it is temporarily hopeless.

It's not to say that the small size can't make a wooden basin, but now there is no wire to fix it.

Chen Tianhao searched around but couldn't find a tree with a larger diameter. Then he asked the native Lightning Beast, and the Lightning Beast brought him to the place where he lived.

The tree where the Lightning Beast's lair was located was the largest tree in this oasis, but its diameter did not exceed twenty centimeters.

Chen Tianhao could only give up looking for trees with larger diameters.

Back to the edge of the lake, the sand sheep had been cleaned up at this time, and a suitable branch had not been found for a while, and they were piled up on a newly tidied open space.

Although the diameter of the surrounding trees is not large, it is enough to make a barbecue fire, and the open space is already full of dead branches and leaves.

"Little brother, you cut down this tree." Chen Tianhao came to a straight tree next to him.

Most of the trees in the oasis grow straight, which is quite suitable for barbecue with sand lamb skewers.


The Lightning Beast responded, and then quickly changed his hands. In just a second or two, two sharp bone knives appeared on the top of his hands.

Seeing the transformation of the Lightning Beast, Chen Tianhao had to sigh, the wonder of this world, I didn't know if there were any similar creatures before, anyway, he had never seen it before, this time seeing it was a good experience.

(End of this chapter)

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